A picture of the smallest child to be born and survive turns /r/pics into an anti-life vs anti-choice warzone: "In NY he's still eligible to be aborted"

94  2019-03-02 by WreckingYourHome


I hope that this is the end. r/Drama has a unique way of bringing out the worst in people. It really does, I think. The dynamic here is just so fucking toxic and it turns people into the worst possible people they can be.

Drama is an addiction. It should be classified as something more like heroine or meth than a game.

The legacy of Drama has been written large in blood, quite literally. Several Drama posters have committed mayocide, and this place enabled their downward spirals. u/DarqWolff's insanity was made far worse by this place. I've come to the conclusion that the internet, as a social platform, was a mistake.

It radicalizes people by isolating them with other people just like them and so they spiral into the worst versions of themselves. Drama made me a worse person, and it's made most of you worse people. It's been the breeding ground of pedophile groomers, alt-right killers, and suicidal narcissists. This place is a total fucking shithole and I spent three years of my life that I'll never get back immersed in it. It was a total waste and I'm going to regret this period of my life for the rest of my existence as will most of you.

Even the most moral people have been made worse for being here. I think that the fundamental issue with Drama is that due to the way reputations work, betrayal, secret cabals, two-faced bs, and bad faith negotiation isn't just prioritized, it's the only effective way to operate. Being a huge piece of shit to everybody around you and tearing them down like crabs in a bucket isn't just a viable strategy, it's actually the only viable strategy once Drama reached a certain size. It's all just a bunch of assholes circlejerking over how bad all the other assholes are, because it's impossible to do anything else short of outright genociding anybody who poses any sort of threat to Drama's security and dominance.


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Should listen to the joe Rogan experience with Alex jones, he'll fill you in on what's really going on

Evil fascists controlling the world and spreading evil

Denazification is coming you evil piece of shit


sorted by controversial for about a 50 more fight threads

My face when it's becoming Vogue to be pro-life again.

What’s making pro-life views come back into style. Seems like I see a lot of people being more openly pro-life these days.

People are getting sick of liberals because they're getting too insane so they choose a pet cause of theirs and try to 'take it back' to spite them.

I dunno.

Flip flopping on views to own a strawman

Is there anything more American?

love how one's views on murdering literal infants depends on whats cool with the kids

Exactly like he said, a strawman.

not cool with the kids

flip flopping

if you've always believed that abortion should be legal within 12 weeks of conception, you were a far left radical in 1960, a liberal in 1990, and a Nazi in 2019.

Logic and reason. Ben Shapiro style.

I am amazed that anyone from the new right / alt lit / internet right supports pro-life. Do you retards not realize abortion in America is one of the greatest eugenics programs ever made? Hitler only killed 8 million undesirables.

America has killed 40 million black babies. Based as fuck.

as a literal nazi i dont like killing people, sadly. lol straw man. unfortunately im kinda christian so rekt

What do you support instead?

Removing agency from women the moment he has injected his spermatazoa. Why give them choice when they are just tools to be used by men as his God(you gotta capitalize it or it loses power) decreed it in a book written back in the bronze age by people that thought fire was magical and spooky?

defending foids


if this is a seriouspost and not some sort of talmudic wizardlike satire, then fuck off. otherwise good job

I think the point of this sub is to post in a way that nobody is really sure which one it is..


peaceful genocide like what they're doing to the whites now

A strategy of peaceful domination only bears fruit with a position of clear strength. The numbers won't have it.

Because pro-choicers never get enough.

As soon as they get 12 weeks (the reasonable time frame in any civilized country), they immediately start demanding 24 weeks.

When they get 24 weeks, they start demanding 48 weeks ("a newborn baby is just a clump of cells").

When they get a new law that allows late term abortions in case of serious medical issues, they immediately demand late term abortions for frivolous issues like "emotional labor of being a mom".

In the 90s we believed them. We believed that their stated goals were their actual goals. In the 2010s we realized that they're just sociopaths.

It's the same exact thing with gun control. Just nobody believes them anymore. Nobody believes they "just" want this, that, or the other thing. We all know that they are a game of slowly cutting up the pie to their ultimate goal. The gig is up, and we're all in on the lie now. I like to think it's part of why politics is so polarized at the moment; we can't even pretend to be about moderate, reasonable change. It's all or nothing.

It's actually pretty hilarious seeing the blatant contradiction between being anti-choice on abortion yet not wanting to restrict guns to literally save thousands of lives a year that die from accidents/shootings. Throw in a little bit of right wing states executing children and the mentally retarded and their widespread support of such policy and you got yourself a nice hypocrisy pie.

There's no contradiction involved. You're against murder either way.

You're not against murder if you support the death penalty, that's not rehabilitation, it's retribution, no different than Iran or Saudi Arabia cutting off someone's hand for stealing or publicly whipping people for disobedience, no different than the "stand your ground" jackass in Florida who recently shot another man over a parking spot.

If you vote Republican you support murder, plain and simple.

The death penalty is not murder per se. Words have definitions, we have words for justified and unjustified killing of humans. Are you literally 12. Being pedantically retarded isn't "deep".

no different than Iran or Saudi Arabia cutting off someone's hand for stealing or publicly whipping people for disobedience

Nothing wrong with that.

the "stand your ground" jackass in Florida who recently shot another man over a parking spot.

Fucking based.

In 2013, there were [...] 33,636 deaths due to "injury by firearms".

These deaths included 21,175 suicides,

Those don't count. People should be allowed to kill themselves.

11,208 homicides,[8] 505 deaths due to accidental or negligent discharge of a firearm, and 281 deaths due to firearms use with "undetermined intent

So the legality of guns "causes" ~12000 deaths (that aren't suicides).

For comparison:

In 2015, 638,169 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC.

How much violence can guns prevent? That's hard to estimate.

According to the NCVS, looking at the total number of self-protective behaviors undertaken by victims of both attempted and completed violent crime for the threeyear period 2013 through 2015, in only 1.1 percent of these instances had the intended victim in resistance to a criminal “threatened or attacked with a firearm.” As detailed in the chart on the next page, for the three-year period 2013 through 2015, the NCVS estimates that there were 16,492,600 victims of attempted or completed violent crime.

During this same three-year period, only 175,700 of the self-protective behaviors involved a firearm. Of this number, it is not known what type of firearm was used or whether it was fired or not. The number may also include off-duty law enforcement officers who use their firearms in self-defense.

you idiot. suicide needs to be punishable by death.

between being anti-choice on abortion yet not wanting to restrict guns to literally save thousands of lives a year that die from accidents/shootings.

What? I'm pro-choice, but there is literally no contradiction between wanting to ban a specific act that ends a life but not wanting to ruin hundreds of millions of people's lives or start a shooting war (as threatened by Democratic representatives) over inanimate pieces of metal.

Throw in a little bit of right wing states executing children and the mentally retarded and their widespread support of such policy and you got yourself a nice hypocrisy pie.

See any black helicopters lately?

Ruin hundreds of millions of people's lives? There aren't even 100 million gun owners in the US.

And that makes guns sound so safe, they should throw them to kids during parades! But those dastardly politicians want to impose safety standards around a dangerous machine, like seriously what other dangerous machine do we even regulate and require licenses to use?

ITT: Hub owners don't have families.

safety standards

If it was really about keeping people safe then the liberals wouldn't support importing millions upon millions of people from crimininally-inclined populations per year and then filling their heads with toxic ideas about hating America and blaming us for their "racist oppression", which is obviously going to lead to violence.

ITT: Gun owners don't have families.

safety standards

If it was really about keeping people safe then the liberals wouldn't support importing millions upon millions of people from crimininally-inclined populations per year and then filling their heads with toxic ideas about hating America and blaming us for their "racist oppression", which is obviously going to lead to violence.

If it was really about keeping people safe, then the liberals wouldn't actively threaten genocide and a civil war in pursuit of their agenda.

Genocide is the only answer

Funny joke, but there's representatives in Congress who actually say that. It lends credence to the whole gun nut conspiracy of "Maybe you have an ulterior motive here".

No ones said that unless you twist their meaning beyond recognition. Go away gun nut.

Do you know who Joseph Biggs is? The backstory here is that the guy who Rel. Slalwell "jokingly" threatened to murder with nukes is a conservative community organizer whose rallies have repeatedly been crashed by violent communist agitators, with the help of local authorities even. What part of actively committing terrorist attacks against your political opponents makes you look "anti gun violence" exactly?

Nobody actually says that, your brain is filled with propaganda and you're too ignorant to tell what is true and what was put there by Roger Ailes, that is all.

If Eric Swalwell was paid off by Roger Ailes, ok. You have no evidence that the right-wing grifters forced him to post that.

What did he post? You claim "representatives in Congress" are "actively threatening genocide", but all I can find from Swalwell is him mentioning via Twitter that the government has nukes, nowhere does he claim the government should use nukes against anyone, but simply pointing out the blatant disparity in weapons technology between the US Government and American citizens that regularly threaten civil war if "the government takes my guns".

You're gonna have to do WAY better than that, if that is your threshold I can give you Republicans calling for "genocide" thousands of times on social media.

You know the best part of this whole exchange? Eric Swalwell's Tweet about the government having nukes was literally in response to a tweet by a right winger brainwashed by Fox News stating they would go to war against the US if the government comes for any of their guns, so yeah, in a weird way Eric's Tweet was literally prompted by the right wing propaganda I mentioned.

What did he post? You claim "representatives in Congress" are "actively threatening genocide", but all I can find from Swalwell is him mentioning via Twitter that the government has nukes, nowhere does he claim the government should use nukes against anyone

How could his comment be intepreted in any other way than "I support gun control, and I don't care how many Republican voters I have to kill to enforce it"? Part of the backstory here is that Joey Biggs is a right-wing community organizer for , . Can you understand why someone who's already been the victim of active persecutions by a state-backed communist terrorist organization might feel like he someday might have to use guns to defend himself from the government? Roger Ailes didn't tell me that.

Is it reasonable for me to be offended that the leaders of the Democratic Party are racists who accuse me & my entirely family of being Nazis, due to the skin color we were born with, at the same time that people in their own party call for genocide against Americans?


Go ahead, explain to me how you rationally defend Obama's statement as well as Swalwell's. Let's also agree that supporting a terrorist organization that does this and this to innocent people isn't consistent behavior with someone who wants to "reduce the levels of gun violence in society because muh school shootings muthafugga".

You're gonna have to do WAY better than that, if that is your threshold I can give you Republicans calling for "genocide" thousands of times on social media.

No, you literally can't. Elected members of Congress? Go ahead and try it.

You know the best part of this whole exchange? Eric Swalwell's Tweet about the government having nukes was literally in response to a tweet by a right winger brainwashed by Fox News stating they would go to war against the US if the government comes for any of their guns, so yeah, in a weird way Eric's Tweet was literally prompted by the right wing propaganda I mentioned.

"Your Honor, the Jews forced me to kill 6 million of them in gas chambers! They were threatening to overthrow my reich! Nein nein nein!"

If it was really about keeping people safe then the liberals wouldn't support importing millions upon millions of people from crimininally-inclined populations per year and then filling their heads with toxic ideas about hating America and blaming us for their "racist oppression", which is obviously going to lead to violence.

This is a straw man, and not even a good one, multiple studies show that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit less crime than citizens, which means if liberals really cared about keeping people safe they would support unlimited immigration, you know, the straw man you created.

All that shit about "hating America" is just more right wing propaganda nonsense, nobody "hates America" because they're liberal, but many hate some actions undertaken by America, such as killing hundreds of thousands of civilians in an illegal war started based upon lies by a Republican President right around 2003, you might recall that one..

No liberal has ever threatened "genocide" that is your broken brain falling for again, more right wing propaganda. Liten, others can't help it if you're stupid, it just doesn't work that way, only YOU can fix that.

All that shit about "hating America" is just more right wing propaganda nonsense, nobody "hates America" because they're liberal, but many hate some actions undertaken by America, such as killing hundreds of thousands of civilians in an illegal war started based upon lies by a Republican President right around 2003, you might recall that one..

In case you didn't notice, a lot of people on the right agree with that too, which is why we voted for Donald Trump and not Jeb Bush. Try not to paint with a broad brush please. Heck my cousin even died in fucking Afghanistan. Which side is it that overwhelmingly supports the neocon plot to remove him from office based on a made-up worldwide Russian conspiracy theory?

You've literally never allowed any restriction so why the fuck are you claiming to have changed

You'd rather a million children be killed by mentality I'll write supremacists than allow background checks

You are the enemies of human civilization, just pure evil

Gun control is only popular with white soccer moms i.e. the people least likely in the world to have their families endangered by gun violence

I'm pro write supremacy.

When they get 24 weeks, they start demanding 36 weeks. (and maybe in 2030 they'll be demanding post-birth abortion, due to "traumatic" motherhood is, and they'll be telling us that babies "are just a clump of cells").

Sounds a bit of the stretch, but knowing how at risk /r/drama users would be I understand the fear.

It's always been 24 weeks since roe v wade idiot

I said civilized country!

What’s making pro-life views come back into style.

Fuck if I know but it's far more fun to be a pro-lifer than a pro-choicer. "You're literally a murdering psychopath" gets people riled up more than "you hate womens choice"

Yeah, I was never all that pro-life but the insanity of the pro-choice has made me more pro-life. Like there celebration of abortion as the greatest thing ever.

You are a fascist who likes controlling people, that's why you support female enslavement

You are a male feminist. Nothing more needs to be said.

Sorry you prefer of shit but women are people not host bodies

You are an evil psychopath with no moral compass

women are people not host bodies

Porque no los dos

I mean I'm gay so I guess I'm used to being called evil with no morality.

Why are you gay

You ever suck a dick? Do it and you'll know. The absolute power that comes with a mans balls im your mouth is unprecedented.

You are gay

I can tell you're incredibly intelligent, and will accomplish a lot in life with this level of inference.

That's only because liberals are too used to misogyny being the trump card in an argument. "You support welfare babies and poverty" is a much stronger argument.

It's not, these are garbage people that grouped up in one thread

tbh I think it's mostly a combination of both recent pro-choice legislation overreaching, and social media switching the dominant pro-choice argument people are presented from carefully worded statements on the societal benefits of its availability (combined with a larger emphasis on contraception access/sex education), to woke harridans screeching "shout your abortion" kinda shit and dumb celebrities admitting they wished they had an abortion to be a better feminist.

What are you talking about the march for life has been super popular for years. It's always been in vogue to be on either side of the issue since it's not like many people switch their views on it. The country has been fairly evenly split on abortion for decades, this is nothing new.

Except the media will never sponsor a pro-life march.

That March gets plenty of media coverage. Although it being a yearly event naturally leads to less coverage over time since it isn't new and exciting. But I remember seeing news reports of the march the past few years since Pence and Trump have spoken at them.

Covington kid was from this year's march iirc

before pro life ppl were not cool besides blowing up abortion clinics. now they are blowing up libtards arguments n getting very cool

Duuuurrrrrr conserve is teh noo punk

We kewl right?

i know you are saying that sarcastically but it is true. conservatives are the cool ones now. why do you think so many zoomers wear maga hats?

It’s about time someone stopped those libtards from getting kids hooked on abortions.

Based baby butchers. Blast that bastard back to Beelzebub.

Real radical centrism is changing the law every few years so you can dog pile on both sides frustration.

based alliteration goblin

Moloch is the one with the baby sacrifices

If all babies were aborted we wouldn't have to look at that creature

What a freak twist no one saw coming.

clump of cells tho

We keep em cuhmfable.

I've said it before life isnt sacred it's just a really long joke.

I love it when a 100% factual statement is enough to trigger libtards. Pass the popcorn!