Boots riley mocks video of people eating garbage in venezuela and denies regime paramilitary crimes through twitter, this causes outrage in venezuelan users that start flooding his twitter and he answers to this by spamming retweets from random chavistas and lefties prasing him to hide his tweets.

137  2019-03-02 by ABOI987789


womp womp


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How can someone make it to hollywood and call people eating garbage "cia actors"?

Firstly there's the fact that the US spent decades raping Latin America with the help of the CIA. And then if there was any doubt about what was going on here, they put a man convicted of a crime related to war crimes in Latin America on behalf of the USG in charge of Venezuela policy. Tankies are obviously all delusional retarded faggots, and the Venezuelans are starving, but this is like a repeat serial child molester offering to go help in the search for a child lost in the woods, promising this time it'll be different while you can see he has a massive erection in his pants.

They should let England take it over. Now there is a country that knows from experience how to brutally slaughter and crush insurrections.

What was 9 farmers got killed in the Mau Mau rebellion and they wiped out like a hundred thousand locals in response...

that's hot

This is why mayos shouldn't worry so much about becoming minorities. They can always fall back on their legendary kill ratio to level the playing field.

It's USA, not UNICEF. Imagine thinking a country should go around doing good deeds instead of looking out for its own interests. Next thing you know, you're a blue check on Twitter

I never said any of that. Strawman harder faggot.

Pinochet was actually a good thing.


Who's there?

Howard Zinn

Howard Zinn who?

Howard Zinn the bathroom and he won't come out!

The only thing that Pinochet did that was good, was actually nationalizing back some of the crucial industries before free markettards ruined them as well.

Imagine thinking a country should go around doing good deeds instead of looking out for its own interests.

Imagine, a country sticking out to themselves and minding their own business instead of fucking shit up literally for the rest of the world and then pointing fingers like a complete stuck up faggots.

country sticking out to themselves

This isn't a sentence in America

Opinion discarded.

fucking shit up literally for the rest of the world


Just think, if it wasn't for Germany, then Europe would still control the world by itself.

The real conspiracy here is downvoting the lolcows.

downvoting lolcows.

This is Q-tier logic.

Just because it happened before doesn’t mean it’s happening now, but never try to separate a mayo from talking down to actual Venezuelans.

I didn't say it was happening though.

Don't believe imperialist propaganda comrade!!! It's really not as bad in Venezuela. Here watch this documentary funded by Venezuelan government made by a Russian funded 9/11 truther to see what it's all about 😎

It's amazing how quickly these anarchopunks become statists when it's not a western government involved. This is the tweet about the venezuelans eating trash, he then started blocking everyone who criticized him. Dude's sick smh.

Socialism will work next time we try it no worry

I believe in u commie mommy

She might be pregnant. You heard it here first maybe baby commie mommy

next time we try it

I don't understand. Everyone knows that True Socialism Has Never Been TriedTM .

I think you just turned me pro-choice.

It's just part of the "Not Real" TM family.

Other popular brands besides Not Real Socialsm are Not Real Islam and Not Real Free Market.

America will make sure that's not true in any case. They'll attack you just or they did Venezula.


It’s Boots Riley trying to be a modern day Bootsy Collins

I think people in the west are so bored that they have to vicariously pretend that they're involved in some kind of struggle that matters. I have no idea who the fuck this checkmark is, but he feels pretty bold commenting on a situation that won't affect him in the slightest no matter how fucked up it gets.

The people in venezuela are abstract to him, that they might be suffering is irrelevant, he's got a political platform to defend!

The people in venezuela are abstract to him,

Implying that conservacucks and pro-caps give shit about them.

Implying that conservacucks and pro-caps give shit about them.

Ditch Maduro or lose everything, Trump tells Venezuelan army

Because, like, "not caring". Or something.

Look, Donald Trump has the personality of an adderall addicted 5th grader, but he's still more correct on this issue than the horde of woketards that populate Plebbit and Twatter.

If you want to illustrate how Trump got elected, look at the comments on his tweets and realize that those people are actual human beings with voting rights.

Because, like, "not caring".

Because, like, not sucking USA's dick.

Dude, I'm literally from the country where randroids and USA advisors did shock therapy, achieved THE SAME result as Venezuela, if not worse, and then fucking claimed that people dying or scraping the garbage for food is a good thing because society will be more mobile and those cunts were not suitable for free market anyway. That's the whole fucking reason Putin is in power for the 19 years.

If you want me to believe some american's crocodile tears about poverty, human rights or similar shit, you are choosing the wrong person.

That's the whole fucking reason Putin is in power for the 19 years.

I thought it was because Yeltsin was a world-class alcoholic.

implying that


Conservachads absolutely do care. For one they're a largely christian people, for two, how can they buy American products if they are dead?

Excuse me buddy, but reducing the living standards of people in Central and South America is one of my only ideological commitments.

That's pretty accurate, the people I know with really wild fun lives usually dont know a single damn thing about politics or talk about them much besides repeating what they heard someone else say

Daily reminder that Maduro is a close friend of Erdogan and fervently complimented the man on multiple occassions, yet chapotards like to act like he is a leftist anti-imperialist in any capacity

Damn woke artist are really quick to turn on the poor. Real man of the people that one.

How come refugees never flee to socialism?

Some Koreans living in Japan actually fled to North Korea in the 1950s after being told it was a paradise. Got treated like shit obviously, read a book by one of them who came over as a child with his family and defected as an adult, it was fucked up

Imagine betting your life on something and having it be North Korea

Especially when you just spend the last half century raping and killing people in North Korea.

The guy's dad was Korean but the Japanese government forced him to come to Kapan during World War 2. The Japanese government then sponsored the resettlement program to send them to North Korea so they could be more homogeneous or something. Fucked up shit

Wow I can’t imagine fucking up so bad. All 200 countries in the world and you choose the absolute worst one.

Actually after the war North Korea had better economic conditions than south korea. They recovered quickly with high growth rates due to some help from China and the Soviet Union. This really lasted until the 60's.

North Korea had better economic conditions than South Korea, but those conditions were still terrible, both were undeveloped until like 1970 or so. Read A River In Darkness on Kindle Unlimited, that book was fucked up

is that not what's happening in europe the past 5 years or so?

lmao you think europe is socialist

Just because mixed economies are more socialist than burgerland doesnmt mean they’re socialist

Germany maybe, though

Germany: the land of modern socialism 🤔🤔🤔

Just to counter a bit here, there was pretty high immigration from Colombia to Venezuela a few years ago, when the economic situation was reversed. Also apart from the rhetoric Venezuela is less 'socialist' than most Western European countries, i.e. their version of socialism was mostly trying to create a crude EU style where state.

Absolute tosser.

He raises a good point though. Would you rather live in Oakland or literally anywhere in Venezuela?

people eating garbage

Have the people that unironically horrified about that, left their fucking neighborhood for once and saw a fucking hobo?

Boots is from the Bay Area. I’m sure he’s seen hobos eating garbage.

I've got a package of Lifesavers gummies right now. Name one way eating that is materially different than rummaging through the trash for an apple core.

This is perfect

Literally who?

I like how he blocks anyone who is critical of him like that Danna girl who replied to his tweets about the garbage eating with actual statistics and experiences from Venezuelans lmfao. They really do love the poor

Actually, I hate maduro apologists with a passion, but I also thought something was weird about the unfinished food being in the trash in the first place and the whole video in general, the first time I saw it. It might have been staged to illustrate a real situation though, because venezuelans are starving. Or it might be real and simply look weird (to me).

A lot of restaurants in Venezuela have had to throw out a lot of good produce/meat on the street since they’ve gone “technically” bad but are still edible.

Really, only the poorest of the poor of Venezuelans have to resort to eating garbage since they can’t afford to make arepas(literally the only food that’s readily available and it’s not even nutritious).

One of Maduro’s main government officials went on a Venezuelan news network and they asked him about seeing all of these citizens eating garbage and his amazing galaxy brained solution was to simply “get rid of the restaurants”. Even though him and other Maduro cronies get 5 star meals every night lmfao

One of Maduro’s main government officials went on a Venezuelan news network and they asked him about seeing all of these citizens eating garbage and his amazing galaxy brained solution was to simply “get rid of the restaurants”.

Woah. That's depressing. That's what dictators do, they surround themselves with galaxy brain bootlickers who can't do shit. This mentality settles in and it takes lots of time or effort for it to disappear.

Thanks for posting this man boots Riley has so many red pills about the 'crisis' in Venezula.