You're all FAKE AUTISM

1  2019-03-02 by FairTour

There is absolutely no way anyone here actually has autism. Like real autism is Elon Musk levels of insecurity. And unless you are freaking out with every downvote toward your account and dumbass quip to your post, then you ain't doing it right.

It wasn't until yesterday that I realized I have autism. And for better or for worse, autism is necessary to succeed at the highest levels, or wind up homeless. There is no inbetween with autists.

Watch Mark Zuckerberg. Now don't tell me that dude isn't a legit autist who got swept up with the tech revolution and that has validated his autistic tendences. Elon Musk. What kind of billionaire businessman manipulates his company's stock price just because he is upset about those shorting his stock. Like c'mon dude, if you're gonna manipulate the stock ya gotta make out like a bandit at least. Jeff Bezos. Insecurity complex, now made megalomaniac, autistic Napoleon over here thought the non autists wouldn't figure out HQ2 was a bait and switch for city information and steamrolling any potential opposition.

Normal people don't make good leaders. The world is run by autists with lots of money from sane people backing them because autists sound like visionairies, when in reality they may be or they may be totally deluded and disconnected from reality.


actually, I'm better than Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos combined

whatever sort of COPE this is, you need pump the brakes