Based chapocel goes up against the other woketards over whether you should support Islam (ft. P_K getting triggered like a bitch)

144  2019-03-02 by want-dick-in-butt-xd


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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Arabic is a race now.


What does this mean?

that extemists on both sides think islam is a race

Ah, clever, ty literally is lol

you don’t even have to read between the lines on that one

til islam is a race

come on, surely you learned that awhile back, right?

islam isn’t a race, but “islam” is

PK got rustled alright.

Turns out that the prince can be rinsed.

Fucking race traitor شرموطة

Lol upvoted by the most pathetic white people ever who post 24/7 about how packed of sin and evil they are for liking ham and not being able to dance.

I am a white person and I don't want to be ripped apart by machete wielding third world savages

Fucking racist!


How progressive!

The fastest way to achieve all the alt-right’s goals except the deportation of non-mayos would be to allow unrestricted immigration from Muslim countries.

What goals does the alt right have besides that?

Strictly enforcing gender roles, suppressing homosexuality and transgender ideology, creating a welfare state, creating an authoritarian government (usually), creating a theocracy (usually)( and banning pornography.

implying that chapos aren't already in favor of an authoritarian government and exterminating the Jewz

I am a white person and I don't want to be ripped apart by machete wielding third world savages

Fucking racist!

this but very unironically

using sexist and racist insults to OWN the libs epic style

For those who don't know, شرموطة is a sexist term that means whore.

Nah, doubt he's ironic. Try and remember how politics are back home, and you'll realize he's likely 100% serious. Fucking tankies eh?


No not ironic unfortunately. Honestly shouldn’t have used it, was just in a mood. I stand by the rest.

"Anti-Islamic rhetoric is essentially anti-Arab"

Then is islamic rhetoric also essentialy anti-Arab? I'm an arab who's done nothing wrong, and Islam calls for my death. That's pretty anti-arab if you ask me.

No doubt the Arab world is fucked up and Islam enables reactionaries, but islamophobic rhetoric in the west is straight up orientalism. I don’t think there’s a distinction, as much as non-Muslim Arabs would like think there is.

A convoluted and non-committal way of saying "basically yes, but muslims also have it bad. REEEEEEE REACTIONARIES"

I really don't give a shit. It's the height of hypocrisy to believe in islam and complain about violent/xenophobic rhetoric from other parties. You (and anyone else who does so) are truly pitiable for your lack of self-awareness.

I’m areligious so criticizing islam doesn’t bother me on any kind of ideological level. But I know a lot of Muslims who are good people, and broad generalizations and islamophobia are bigotry plain and simple.

But I know a lot of Muslims who are good people

What do they think about your being an apostate?

They get awful stabby, and I doubt they were muslim to begin with if they're areligious and still have any sort of charitable view of islam.

They don’t give a shit. It’s almost as if Muslims are capable of having their own opinions like anyone else.

But those dirty capitalists and evangelicals need the wall!

Now post hog

It’s almost as if Muslims are capable of having their own opinions like anyone else.

Islam isn't capable of having opinons tho. It's pretty clear what to do to adulterers and apostates.

Lmao I know you don’t think all of Islam is the fucking Taliban. As I said salafists are pieces of shit, but outside of lunatic authoritarians nobody believes that shit.

Not when I'm criticizing openly held beliefs. If I was perhaps strawmanning/cherry picking fringe groups and presenting them as normal, you might have a point there.

What is the official policy of islam on the following:
1. The punishment for leaving islam
2. The distribution of inheritances based on gender
3. The number of witnesses of each gender you need to convict someone of a crime in sharia court
4. Polygamy
5. Marrying people of other religions
6. Coexisting as the dominant religion with religions other than Christianity and Judaism
7. Coexisting as the dominant religion in any case.
8. Gay rights

You don't have to look very hard to see why people (justifiably) criticize Islam, and are opposed to muslim immigration.

I don’t disagree with any of those points. I think the Muslim world is largely backward for many reasons, partly because of but not limited to religion. I don’t think arguments from the right are good faith arguments, though. It’s a leap to go from criticizing Islam on ideological grounds to keeping out refugees. The large majority of Muslims, especially those willing to immigrate to this country don’t follow any of those beliefs. Most don’t even know what they are. They fast and pray five times a day and that’s the extent of it. Salafists are pieces of shit, but they’re the only ones who follow Islam as you envision it.

Wtf I agree with you now

Honestly shouldn’t have used it

Too late, I've already tagged you as "Mr. Sharmuta" in RES.


I can change it to "Comrade Sharmuta" if you wish.

its ok to be yourself around us, just let out your urges to behead whores 😋

Were you having a heated gamer moment?

كمان معليش سؤال شو المانع انو واحد عربي ينتقد اﻷسلام؟

I think that would be fair to say

You should join r drama btw

Lol y’all troll pretty well, and I’m happy to come here and take my downvotes from time to time.

1st rule is to never say "y*'ll" here again.

what if i’m actually from the south

yallposting is one of the few cardinal sins you can commit here. say 10 hail marys and something mean to masterlawlz and go in peace my child

طول عمرك خرا وبتبوس طياز البيض

ههههه شو جابك لهون يا حلو ❤️❤️ و لسا بتتذكرني كمان؟

الشخصيات الزبالة ما بتنتسى 😘 دايما بمرق بحارات البيض بس ما بحب اقعد معهم.

I hope you get sentenced to whipping by an islamic court.

Totally random my dude

I legitimately hate you.

At least with the worst of the uneducated dumbfuck whose ideal way of life is in a 7th century shithole, you can excuse them because of their isolation and lack of education.

You at least have an iota of culpability, but still chose to excuse barbarism

lol who gave Cleetus internet access? 😂

Internet in Turkey is transmitted through goats.

Once a day, a goat comes to my little village and delivers the daily TCP packets.

I guess the goat hasn't brought the packets with the news that your country has been chasing that 7th century shithole ideal for about 15 to 20 years now 🤷‍♂️🤣

Holy shit, how did I not notice?

Maybe I should be against that and even get pissed off about retards claiming anti-islam people are race traitors.


Try not to be too hard on your tard handler today, ok buddy.

yes daddy

If you are bad today, I won't spank you again.


😘 luv u sweaty


Oh I know this word

Still a colonizer tho

How bout I colonize your butthole? 😜💕😘🍆💦‼

What? One shithole not enough for ya?

Never enough 😍

Thanks. What's your opinion on bussy?

1) World Currency of the future

2) ...

1)Bussy has feelings. Bussy master race actually

2)Anime is the best way to spread the love for bussy

Love for bussy is innate. The only thing you should worry about spreading is your butcheeks.

instal the other alphabet nerd

Yeah that wasn’t a good look, but check the title of this post. I really don’t understand this sub’s position on language policing, or its politics in general.

The thing is we don't pretend to be the absolute moral authorities and we don't take leddit super seriously like chapo does. They're usually extremely critical of sexism and racism, but in this case they're supporting it, which is hypocrisy.

I really don’t understand this sub

good, now you're getting it

شرموطة is a sexist term that means whore.

lmao this is what my friend's grandmother calls her whenever she gets a new tattoo or hangs out with guys😂😆😭🤣

Invite your friends grandma to r/drama

this place would probably be too "gay" for her unfortunately

Didn't know Islam is a race

it basically is

Daily reminder that the majority of the world's Muslims are gooks and pajeets.

Fucking race traitor شرموطة

🐎🔁👞 confirmed

I think deep down the far lefts love afair with Islam is in part to them thinking if they can get muslims on their side they actually have people willing to fight for their cause and not also throw trannies off roofs.

Plus if you needed define chapocels broadly they are basically mostly third world maoists when they really get mad. They wanna sick the third world on the first world and build a socialist utopia after.

You're overthinking it a bit imo. Sure, those considerations might factor in the thinking of people who engage into ideological shenanigans, but my impression is that the average woketard feels inclined to defend Islam simply because Muslims have turned into the contemporary rightoids' new preferred scapegoat (and rightoids incite anti-Muslim propaganda because it's the populist thing to do right now - since proles in Europe and the Anglosphere already hate immigrants because of "dey took our jerbs!", and most immigrants in those places are at least nominally Muslim). So they view them as targets of the far right (a correct observation) and therefore natural allies (completely retarded conclusion).

Yeah, its just enemy of my enemy kind of thing.

At the end of the day, Islam is badly in need of a reformation

if they can get muslims on their side they actually have people willing to fight for their cause and not also throw trannies off roofs.

i mean, sorta

muslims are already defacto “on their side” since they’ve become a scapegoat

and they tend not to throw people off rooftops when they come to the real world

also, i think you’re thinking of gay people. sometimes sunnis throw trannies, but shi’a mandate their existence

So he's a race traitor? Huh. I thought advocating for your own races interests was evil. I wonder why they're ok with every race doing that, except for white people. 🤔

top notch Facebook comment by someone named Kurt, that has several eagles on their Facebook profile

Didn't realize LSCels still browsed this sub.

Oh yeah still

You can add a "\" (only one) before a formatting symbol to cancel formatting

You are not advocating in my interest fuck off

yea “race traitor” is way more of a far-right thing

the left is supposed to call that “internalized”

hm so for you, islam is inherent to being arab? hot take there.

This is getting downvoted LMAO.

because it’s not a fucking hot take?

Christians, the druze(however it's spelled) and a bunch of other smaller beliefs all have existed in the middle East for thousands of years before Islam existed lol. Are christians who were there 1800 years ago not Arab when Islam has existed for only 1300 years????????

no one said Arabs are literally incapable of not being muslim

just that when people complain about muslims, they’re thinking of arabs

Anti-Islamic rhetoric is essentially anti-Arab

This is essentially the same principle as criticizing Israel is anti semitic.

no it’s the opposite of that

the equivalent to the Israel thing would be “criticizing Saudi Arabia is anti-Arab” or “criticizing Iran is Islamophobic”

the jewish equivalent to what they said would technically be “Anti-Judaic rhetoric is essentially antisemitic”

There is a difference since israel is the only jewish majority nation while arabs (mostly muslims) basically populate that whole part of the world, not just saudi arabia. Plus they usually focus on the israeli people specifically, not the government.

fine, then it’d be “criticizing the nations of the Arabian Peninsula is anti-Arab” or “criticizing MENA is Islamophobic”

Anti-Judaic rhetoric is essentially antisemitic

It's not tho, not any more than hating Christianity is anti-white.

what does Christianity have to do with white people?

Is hating Christianity racist against all of those?

How would that work? It’s not linked to any of em in particular.

I guess in North Korea, anti-Christian sentiment would be racist against Hangooks. It’s gotta be racist somewhere else, just not here.

Also, you can hate Islam, but if you express that hate with useless generalizations then it’s probably fucking racist.

Leftists and their weird alignment with Islam is a bizarre combination

Chapo with their white savior syndrome again

I can't describe the amount of disgust I feel with retarded fucks.

Fucking lazy ass, NEET mayos, whose first insult is bootlicker, licking the shoes of head choppers and childfuckers.

They are the ones who deserve to get burned in a building by these fucks, get whipped by these fucks, get blown up by these fucks or forget the violence, have their basic freedoms restricted by these fucks.

On the one hand literally everything you said is correct, but on the other hand you're a fucking sperg lmao 🤣😂😆😭

We all have stuff we get emotional at.

True. Seriousposting is a disease that lives within us all. It is in learning to fight it that we overcome our NEETness.

They're honorary POC and will be spared on the mayocide

There's a way out for you mayo dramanauts. Pledge to Allah and join in for the mayocide.