Anti western cosplayers movement are now on @AWCMovement , follow for the latest news. Anti western cosplayers movement, where true Anime fans protect Anime

71  2019-03-02 by AsianGuy22


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Now on twitter, just a safe measure in case google plus completely gone.

The nyarmy begs to differ.

Dude you're barely Asian yourself. You just want to fuck children.

Lmao this dude’s nuts

Jesus Christ your still on this bullshit

I will always be on this crusade, this is for justice.

Justice for what exactly?

To fight westerners racism in any forms including in the form of Cosplay and to protect hundreds millions of Anime fans.

Anime isn't worth protecting and aren't Asians some of the most racist people on the planet?

There are hundreds millions fans of Anime so Anime is very worth protecting, no the real racist are westerners proven by hitler and trump are both westerners. We Asians have no such scumbags as our leaders.

Anime fans are subhuman and thus deserve to be gassed.

Also, The entirely of Imperialist Japan, China since they turned Communist, North Korea, Etc. Asians definetlt have some gay ass genocidal leaders.

China was racist way before turning Commie. They destroyed local cultures and immigrated their own people into lands they conquered which is the only reason such a large area with diverse geography could retain a single ethnic identity.

Basically what’s happening in Tibet, Xinjiang etc... today

Yeah, all of China except for a small part around one of the rivers in the north was like Tibet and Xinjiang at one point. Re-education camps and genocide are nothing new to them.

This gay comment chain ends here

There are hundreds of millions of pedophiles too. What's your point?

Def not a coincidence.

bet youre pretty bussyblasted i stole your sub sweaty.

sub to r/awcmovement for awesome western cosplay! UwU

I was just gonna ping you to tell you he was back, I am glad you took my suggestion and took over his sub.

thanks for thinking of me UwU

😘 of course sweaty

[laughs in imperial japanese]

Asians are super racist for the most part against each other. Turns out even they can’t stand dicklets.

Japan and China have had pissing contests since forever.

Which Japan won with the "Struggle Cuddle of Nanking" yeaaah boiiii 🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵

Until America boomed them lmao

Struggle cuddle and sexy times are amongst the worst Reddit phrases ever.

protect Anime fans

Never in a million years pedo boy

Typical jelly westerners who are mad because westerners are look too old so they can not enjoy Anime like us Asians did and can only accuse Anime as pedo stuff.

I don’t think anyone can enjoy Anime unless they’re a 25 year old Japanese virgin.

Or some guy from Thailand desperately LARPing as a Japanese.

all anime fans are trash. western, eastern, all of them.

You're forgetting Jap racism again chinese koreans and Jap half breeds. Truly a disgusting culture of hate.

I was the one who orchestrated the takeover of your subreddit, how does that make you feel, cute asian guy?

We don’t like pedos round these parts. Best be moving on with your loli bullshit.

That chink on the left has no fucking jaw! one swift uppercut and that Jackie Chan is Sum Ting Wong!.

Accept the reality that fat uggo white beasts still look more fuckable than the child like pedo demons you lust for.

White whores are way more expensive than Asian whores

The free market has spoken mayoids are more valuable

Pretty sure a large number of Asian sex workers in the US aren’t doin by choice and are victims of human trafficking while that number is less when it comes to native born white sex workers.

The way human trafficking is defined, it something comes to the US and participates in sex work they're trafficked regardless of coercion. It's hilarious reading about the bust in Florida, the cops monitored this brothel for months and made many porn videos of what they themselves days was trafficking. Then they go and arrest all these girls and put them in cage for their own good of course. Then they desperately try to pry out of them admissions of coercion so that they can make the news and get a huge pat on the back for the current sex trafficking moral panic that's going on. And they're all like 'Uhhhhh I worked there voluntarily' and they're all mad and dumbfounded that it doesn't fit their narrative.

And after that 99% of the liberal media is still reporting it as sex trafficking because it's the pc thing to do.

Please keep on eating up the lies the liberal media shoves down your throat though. Will enjoy reading your apology in a decade after the facts come out about this period of panic and suppression of sex workers.

They had to choose the worst example possible. Photoshop and more


Fighting western racism...

With bald faced, old fashioned, eastern racism.

Never forget just how xenophobic and downright vile Asians are towards others. Must I really write a list?

the person to the right is surely a man?

Pretty sure that's OP

i donnot watch anime because i have high t. but to my untrained eye anime characters are clearly white people NOT japs. they are very light skin and have big eyes. not even close to Japanese looking. thoughts?

They are basically what hitler calls honorary whites, while poles who have blue eyes and blond hair and speak weird german is not white. I dont know the consistency of nazism, no wonder hitler took to taking meth, just to save whats left of his sanity.

Easterners are the real racists

It's like you only have 3 pictures and keep posting it to drama to make your announcements. At least make a new fucking picture

You should have stuck with the barely literate character that you were playing a few months ago. It was a lot more believable back then.

Asian girl (over 17 and photoshopped to hell and back)


OP is why weebshit must be abolished.

honestly both women look terrifying, 3DPD

Both left and right "females" in this image give me nightmares

Please stop appropriating the English language, thanks.

Why did you disappear for so long

Because someone stole his old subreddit /r/awcmovement

this has been a thing for a super long time...

Why are people arguing with you when your obviously right?

What’s your take on Hapas?

DNA test or visual test?

Just want to know so I know what to think!


Ah welcome back. I see you are still preaching this weeb shit

That first photo is super photoshopped.