Pedo claims that the sexualization of children is MORAL

5  2019-03-03 by awakethefall94


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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Can we send them to China to be put in camps?

If weebs like Japan so much send tgem to 1930s Nanking

Or 1942 Poland. Girls und Panzers could be real for them.

I’d unironically support this. That or build Auschwitz 2.0 for anyone who believes shit like this.

At least they listed their subreddits so it’ll be easier to round them all up.

This is why I am very much against blackpilled normies, they are not our allies by any means but rather people who have the knowledge and awareness to exploit their genetic superiority to the fullest and make our very doom even more sure. I wish many incels would understand this instead of inviting them into forums and chats.

someone who plays a shooter doesn't necessarily get joy from murdering, but someone who whacks it to children definitely gets off to children.