[discussion] 52 year old Trump supporting foid tries to green card marry a black African man, things don't end well.

15  2019-03-03 by IDFSHILL


Have you posted bussy yet?


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I'm looking to discuss this video with people. Who was in the wrong here? The black african man for cheating on her, or the boomer foid for taking back the MAGA hat she gifted him?

Oh I know all about 90 day fiancé. It’s full of femoids and old ass bastards trying to date people way out of their league from foreign countries, and then act totallyshocked.jpeg when they get their green card and fucking leave. It’s a great show.

typical r/twoxchromosomes poster

Holy shit, that ethnic is actually gonna capture an obese foid and make her hot.

I wonder what these people are thinking when they go on these shows. Everyone should know that the cameras are not going to be around unless there is a chance of major drama. If your shit is together, reality TV wants nothing to do with you.

Who was in the wrong here?

Everyone involved in the creation and filming of this show.

Video unavailable This video contains content from Discovery International, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.

Who was in the wrong here?

Whoever posted this retarded bullshit nobody cares about.

B - L - A - C - K - E - D

African man 👨

Y - A - M - M - E - D