SRDines link to another r/relationships bait about a woman sperging out at dinner with her bf's coworkers. White knighting and yiking ensues.

99  2019-03-03 by want-dick-in-butt-xd


I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


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yet another low effort "drama" post with no drama

links to srd instead of finding real drama

Op has some real autism, nice title BTW

Hi voltar!

That was a fast sticky.

Nepotism by the corrupt mods dude

stay woke fam

Like she looks and sounds like AOC

I haven't payed close attention to AOC's way of speaking because I avoid looking at horse-like entities closely (it could trigger my excruciating childhood trauma caused by equines; don't ask), but from the little I've seen there's some resemblance in their intonations, yes.

Can the SRDines but unsticky this bad post first

- विश्वस्मादिन्द्र उत्तरः

Based poster

What does that Hindi text mean? Too lazy to translate it

It says "Indra is supreme over all" in Sanskrit

- विश्वस्मादिन्द्र उत्तरः

Y i k e s

Asoka weeps


I feel like you might have an opinion on Asoka.

what should she do? Enjoy drinks while those guys poison sn destory muh earth!

My favorite part is when they assisted Op with his lil girl problem

we have daughters we understand

Oil exect btfo dumb white girl. This is how most men treat women and for good reason. Praise bussy.

Wow there's a whole lot of projection and logical leaps here. Not sure where to start.

I guess I'll start with telling your partner to basically not speak unless spoken to is some condescending bullshit and shows OP only wants her as an accessory.

Yes, speaking out against oil execs because they are actively destroying our world for their own benefit was wrong because she said she wouldn't.

OP's fiance should GTFO of this toxic dipshit's idea of a relationship.

Also, with most good r/relationships posts, it's all made up

Reads like a parody post you see here sometimes

a lot of things to unpack there. YiKeS.

a lot of y’alls to unchief here


Two of them said they had daughters, so they know what it's like, and that I handled it well

Sardines trying really fucking hard to ignore that this comment means "young American mayo women tend to have really fucking loud opinions about shit they have no understanding of."

that's actually not what the comment means in the context of the fake story told by the OP

it was in reference to alcohol tolerance

Um, actually

I could honestly see my mom and her friends doing something like this. This story is entirely believable. It's still probably fake though.

I like how they are getting mad at OP for what the 2 boomer oil executives said. Multiple comments saying "I was on his side until it got to that part."

People are mad she’s getting compared to the oil executives daughter like she wasn’t acting like a child in the first place. This is double layer of autism.

Their daughters are probably close to her age which was their entire point.

Bringing a white millennial foid anywhere

I knew a communist once that married a why? Just why would you do something so retarded. It goes both ways, i expect the commie to be retarded but i was hopibg the banker was at least a little self aware. Anyway they got divorced after that communist wanted to love in the super shitty part of town because "praxis" or something and the banker wife wanted to raise her children somewhere not shit.

You need to up your story writing, since you don't seem to be able to keep the details straight in even three sentences.

Unironic yikes posting is the mating signal. It gets their dinner plate nips tingling

Two of them said they had daughters, so they know what it's like

This was the part where I disbelieved.

Probably time to end saying Yikes now

I had to basically force her out the door. I apologized and said that she was a massive lightweight and that those glasses of wine were probably getting to her, and ordered her an uber to go home. I apologized to them profusely afterwards, and thankfully things went well. Two of them said they had daughters, so they know what it's like, and that I handled it well.

What did they mean by this?

hahaha i think we all know what they mean

bitches publicly about oil and gas companies

takes Uber home to gas-heated house.


Op also said something about how his clients are ‘very traditional’ which feels like, ‘men who believe a woman’s duty is to be seen and not heard.’

this but unironically

I specifically told her to refrain from discussing any sort of controversial issues if not prompted first


telling your partner to basically not speak unless spoken to

SRDine interpretation

Every time i think SRDines can't be more retarded people like Goroman86 come along and prove me wrong.