Massive commie spergout over at historymemes. Apparently Gulags werent all that bad.

140  2019-03-03 by Armagerdton


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Lol what's with communists always brigading shit like this?

Ain't no one going to look at reddit vote numbers and be like "wow... was Hitler worse then Stalin? Reddit thinks so. I guess communism isnt so bad! After all, Goku_Marxism says that the black book was a lie and that in communism smash brothers would be free for all Nintendo switch players!!"

No no, you don't understand, it's not my job to *inform* or *convince* the fascist chuds, I just need to le updoot my comrades defending communism and those chuds will see the light

- विश्वस्मादिन्द्र उत्तरः

Commies brigade all the time because they're never punished for it.

Also they have nothing better to do anyway, so.

Why are fascists so desperate to prove that Stalin was worse than Hitler?

lmao gay

They're both retarded but mao is the most retarded, thus communism was literally the greatest evil ever

Communism is literally the greatest evil ever.

No that’s capitalism

Because they know admins won't do shit about it

I actually was alive during the Cold War and I have no idea what this fucking "black book of communism" is that I keep hearing the chapos sperg about. Apparently they imagine there was some document that we were forced to read and it brainwashed us and convinced us to think the Soviet Union was bad?

wow... was Hitler worse then Stalin? Reddit thinks so. I guess communism isnt so bad!

You joke but that's exactly how it happens

Capeshitters circlejerking over Thanos

Unoriginal retards posting about Based Temujin

Commies defending gulags and calling the meme altright

Capeshitters circlejerking about Thanos

What is it with redditors always looking into complex shit in the lens of Capeshit, Star wars and Harry Potter?

Read/watch/play another book/film/game

Childhood is a state of mind

DAE hate high school English class ! Who needs all that Literature shit ? Keep it real with Sci First and Capeshit.

Do most "Redditors" give a shit about Harry Potter? I always thought that was more of a Twitter thing.

Unoriginal retards throwing shade at Based Temujin

Everyone knows the real OG was Tamerlane

He's proof that you can overcome a physical disability and go on to commit mass murder.

He's an inspiration to all dramanauts. Inshallah.

Joseph Goebbels was a manlet with a clubfoot. Don't let your dreams be dreams.

That who mentioned Pol Pot was interesting though. I knew that Cambodia went through some shit during the Khyber rouge but those numbers are just insane.

I am 12 and what is this

Even the most committed tankies typically do not claim Pol Pot. Because he was ultimately a nationalist and racist, not a communist.

lmao gay

Pol Pot was a Cambodian revolutionary and politician who served as the general secretary of the Communist Party of Kampuchea from 1963 to 1981. Ideologically a Marxist–Leninist

Reading is hard

Tankies pawn him off on the US because we supplied weapons to stop Vietnam from invading.

Why do they forget the homeboy malaria?

The currently accepted holocaust casualties are 19 million I do believe btw.

remember the 6 gorillion

This isn't your home, CAnimal

In what wold did the holocaust kill 19 million?

That's not why he called you a CAnimal. You wrote something along the lines of "Muh six gorrillion" before cheekily editing it to make it seem less CAnimal-esque.

the leftoids double it every time and the rightoids halve it, so balance is preserved

real number is like 5 million I thought.

6 million or so is only for Jews, but they weren't the only ones killed, just the largest group


Pretty sure the real number is 12 mil, 6 mil of which were joos.

I was told eleven million.

Same thing happens with Mao and Stalin

What's Mao's current total, a couple billion or so?

Stalin already has offed about half of USSR population, by this point.

Jesus christ those ChaPosters were killing off my brain cells

Sure the holodomor was bad but have you ever heard of the dust bowl!?

When Bobby Boucher showed up at half time and the Mud Dogs won?

based and coonass-pilled

the Holodomor? You mean the holohoax?

Checkmate, Nazis

"The Holodomor never happened and the kulaks deserved it!"

They really are just the commie version of holocaust deniers.

They literally use the exact same arguments. "Wow there's a disparity in death estimates. This means that none of them ever happened. Also they totally deserved it anyway. But it didn't happen." Unironically horseshoe confirmed.

the killings never happened, but I wish they did

Yeah well one was a fucking famine and the other was a systemic organized mass murder. But we have to pretend like any famine that happens in a Communist nation is 100% caused by the government and their 100% responsible for every single death. But famines in capitalist colonies are just unavoidable tragedies, what are we to do.

educate yourself on Trofim Lysenko and get back to me on how his attempts to apply communist ideology onto agriculture totally weren't responsible for creating that famine.

lmao gay

The holodomor was a famine that occurred while the USSR was still exporting food.

It specifically targeted particular demographics to the benefit of people in the cities. But sure, it was all just totally out of their hands.

Somehow mass starvation didn't occur outside of Communist countries in peacetime in the 20th century. It's kinda funny how countries as diverse as the Ukraine, Kazakhstan, China, and Ethiopia suffered from famines and the government just let massive numbers of people die. Kinda makes u...

The Holodomor never happened

Because the whole "Stalin just decided to holodomor ukrainians because they were so freedom loving" is a bullshit.

the kulaks deserved it!

Had kulaks been dealt with during that clown Nicolas II time, bolsheviks would've never taken grasp in imperial Russia. But once again, they, in their delusion, decided that they can dictate their bullshit as they want to a literal fucking force with an army behind it

Sure mass-starvation is bad but 1 in 8 Americans are "Food insecure" which is actually worse

How many obese people live in food deserts?

fact: Stalin and police dogs are the two biggest triggers for reddit communists and therefore juicy drama

Fact: Karl Marx abused more women than the average police officer

wtf i love marx now

Oh man police dog threads are always such a shitshow. I don't know where these people come from whenever someone posts one in an animal sub, they just crawl out of the woodwork to REEEEEEE about militarization and the drug war when everyone else just wants to look at the cute dog.


lmao gay

64% of research is bullshit

Thats my favorite lincoln quote!

Nice american anti Stalin and Mao propaganda there bud.

imagine being this woke and not seeing the blatant anti-Cain propaganda in that post smh

Well commies are retarded

Fucking Abel apologists. Why didn’t he just share some of his blessings?

What if I told you that the point of this meme wasn't to make a joke about The Bible but to spread bad numbers on purpose?

You would be right. Classic fash tactic to try and make Hitler seem not so bad in comparison to try and rehabilitate him and what he stood for.

Obviously saying Hitler while killing tens of millions killed a few million less than Stalin and Mao would absolutely rehabilitate him. The few extra million is what makes or breaks people's opinion of him.

Unironically the only people that could make Hitler look good are chapos.

They even locked the thread for brigading.

Click on the guy who made the last post and of course it's filled with Chapo and Communism posts.

His point that the Nazis intentionally killed people while Communists mostly accidentally did so makes Communism look so much worse. You had one of the most powerful leaders ever trying to commit a mass genocide and Communism fucking accidentally killed more people. That's probably a good sign that your ideology is a total failure.

These guys are making me like Hitler more and more.

As if you needed a reason before.

Ain't that right, brother?


Now Hitler, HE was a man's dictator.

man's dictator.

Fuckin' LOL. Franco was a man's dictator.

Cucked the whole of Europe by playing them all. Kept Spain away from the Reds and restored the monarchy. That's a man !

Yeah, but the monarchy cucked Spain after his death.

Can't have strong monarchs these days. As far as monarchies go, they're OK.

your ideology is a total failure.


and western media claims "neo-nazis" are a rising threat. You don't even have to go to some seedy underbelly to uncover rabid communists. They openly use mainstream social media sites and declare their ideologies and motivations publicly on federally funded school campuses -- often waving the red flag openly.

what a bunch of shit. Talk about a fifth column.

To be frank these retards are absolutely harmless. Most liberals do not even know they exist because they're mostly a bunch of sad sacks.

Neo-nazis aren't a rising threat, they are the government.

lmoag gay

"fascism" is just the lie that Germans are people; I don't think we've ever made that mistake

"Germans aren't white" t. Benjamin Franklin

Thanos: 50% of the population

I hate this fucking website

Um excuse me sweaty capeshit defines me and if you don't understand that you're too ignorant to see how it's important to the zeitgeist 😤😤😤

Don't sort by r/new, literally most of the comments are "lol thanos hey everyone what about THANOS i'm so original, le reddit thanos pickle rick"

I'm a flaming fucking marvelfag and even I hate the god damn thanos memes.

Like shut the fuck up holy shit.

Thanos was better when all he wanted to do was fuck death

This, but unironically

Thanos meme is the biggest cancer and was never funny. It's literally normie tier meme at this point. "Hurdur, DAE Thanos?"

Thanos revied Malthusian thought and I hate it

Thanos revived Malthusian thought

WTF ? I love Thanos now !

Dude you can't just call someone a CTH user or whatever every time they say something true that you don't like.

Lol these spergs have no self awareness considering they tag people who visit wrongthink subs

Where's the /s smartass?

It's over for can't understand sarcasm-cels

There aren't any. This meme is literally trying to make Hitler look good.

Gulags were more humane than American prisons, especially their torture center in Guantanamo.

lnmgo gy

I appreciate your dedication, but if you keep reading his posts, youre going to get cancer.

I didn't even "read" them so much as recognize the content to be left wing drivel. Naturally, I had to respond with unintelligible gibberish of the same kind.

Damn you're literally sperging out 10 times a day and all over this thread. Keep the drama alive you glorious little freak.

imagine thinking breaking rocks with a hammer all day in sub zero temperatures while starving is better than living in a building where you can get a free education by actual professors in the air conditioned library.

My great uncle went to the gulags for becoming a taxi driver without gov. permission. Fucking commies!


Hitler killed 60 million people.

By the time that thread will be archived Hitler might have killed all the people on earth.

Who are you talking to?

Did you not read the various numbers of people killed by Hitler, quoted by the people there: 20 million, 30 million, 60 million, etc.

Churchill himself killed 56 million so Hitler is just playing catch up.

One forgets Churchill was a great advocate of using poison gas on Iraqis.

I should cry myself to sleep for serious talk.

using poison gas on Iraqis.

Nope. That was TEAR GAS. Lachrymatory gas. Read the whole memo.

edgy teenagers fantasize about murder

this is okay according to u/Spez and his crack team of admins

stalin's and mao's numbers were made up but hitler's weren't, in fact hitler definitely killed at least 100x more jews than any scholarly sources says!

;) ;) ;)