A misanthropic suicidal bipolar-pugilist Male TERF has vaginal sex with a Transman(FtM) and wonders is he gay

30  2019-03-03 by MoreProfessor3


I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


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GC, the gift that keeps on giving, never change GC!

I'm an addict and I have a lot mental problems

Am I gay though ?

I think you've got bigger problems than that, mate.

We gotta get back to putting penises in vaginas in the missionary position. We have lost our privileges for anything else.

So he had sex with a tomboy and now he thinks hes gay?

But, like, really manly tomboy

Nevermind, misread

Trussy is gay

I don't know what any of this mean. Is this two dudes, two chicks or something else.

It's a guy and a girl, this is common for college age people now, it's literally just a girl with short hair.

Some of those prove my point tbh, also he says in the thread she looks like a kiddo.


7 is a maybe, but that's it.

so all those others, if you met em in the street, you'd gender them female? You would honestly look at their muscles and shoulders and hear their deep voices, and call them 'she' because you pegged them as women?

No, they look like men so I would gender them men the same way I do to other women with extremely unfortunate appearances.

Wait, you mean only 7 was girly looking?

Yeah. Like the TIF OP is messing with identifies as a "transboy" and is all androgynous and hot. The ones that actually look like men are gross and it's hard to fantasize about convincing them to detransition when they're that far gone.



Oh, a critter. Yeah, nah this conversation is over. Trans men are men, independent of your need 'reclaim' them.


> fantasize about convincing them to detransition



They'll never be real men and they all secretly want a guy to tell them that while destroying them sexually.

I dated one for a few years, your bullshit isn't going to fool me

Dude fucked like an animal

It was probably an actual guy. I have no confidence in your delusional pornsick TRA-indoctrinated mind's ability to distinguish.

It was probably an actual guy.


Then explain the detachable dick, will you? Swwetheart, you're reaching so hard you're gonna strain something. Sit down, have some tea or and relax, you'll feel better :)

Sweaty, you need therapy. You can't just become a woman because you are a failure as a man. That's not how reality works.

Good thing I never 'became' a woman, since the claim is that by a set of certain biological metrics, I always was one. Those metrics include my chromosomes, unlike most trans people, so think of some other factor to mindlessly criticize in your reply, okay?

so think of some other factor to mindlessly criticize in your reply, okay?

You are making serious posts in r/drama

I'm making comments, not posts. Wowzers, get with it.


And I expected the criticism to hinge on trans bigotry, but anyhow

I'm making comments, not posts.

I hate reddit so I don't care.

And I expected the criticism to hinge on trans bigotry

Traps are gay.

> I hate reddit so I don't care.


Have you considered leaving at the speed of dark?


> Traps are gay.


Oof, owie u got me

That has to make mtf's so goddamned salty.

What, how easily ftms transition?

That and how they can 100% pass with just hormones and exercise.

Lol yea fuck em for that. Lucky bastard men :/


No amount of hormones is gonna get this gravelly voice sounding femme... They just pop a T and growl out some bass notes holy shit

she calls herself a boy and she does sort of look like a young teenage male and I do feel kinda like a pedophile when I'm perpetrating her


If you have sex with a woman, you're probably a gay pedophile.

vaginal sex with a Transman(FtM)

How is that even possible ? What does this mean ?

wonders is he gay


MtF are basically just men with long hair

FtM are basically just men with no dick and no balls

fucking either is 100% gay