In which /r/tulpas discuss sex with their tulpa

191  2019-03-04 by PC_Master_Baits


I'd lie if I said I wasn't attracted to Fiora, but she isn't vocal yet and I think clear consent is important.

Imagine being that beta

So beta that you're too shy to ask your imaginary friend to fuck

Tyler Durden didn't die for this

I wanna fuck that’s guys imagination for him

Does he have other imaginary guys who cuck him?

fake: imagination is imaginary

gay: you want to fuck that guy

Oh god, no, don't give them cuck fantasies on top of their mental illness.

You mean "imagine being that morally upstanding"

I'd rape his underage tulpa.

Would you call yourself an alpha then?

Only when I'm fucking my 'my little pony' tulpa.

Oh will you grow up? Put on your big boy pants for a civilised discussion? Nah don’t think so.

Putting on pants is offensive to Lunasparkle and we won't have that

Congratulations! I do not often downvote. You have earned mine.


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Td:lr Sam was female, i was male, and we had been having sex on and off. One night i wasnt in the mood, Sam sprayed me with a mystery liquid, and suddenly i wasnt in control of my inner self or my thoughts. It was a trip and ended with a headache and a bit of talk about trust and boundaries

Lol at this faggot being such a loser that even in his gay fanfiction fantasy he needs to excuse his awkward behavior by saying he was drugged.

That is a new beta low. Getting drugged and raped by your female imaginary friend.

The mystery liquid is probably his dog pissing on him after his step-dad beats him unconscious for being such a loser.

The mystery liquid is probably completely imaginary

I thought about making a JJBA "enemy stand" reference but I don't read or watch JJBA because it's basically RuPaul's Drag Race for weebs.

JJBA is pretty unique, I really doubt your comparison is valid. They have this cast of vibrant but under-developed characters who really make the main character, Jojuo or however you spell his name, stand out, but then they use the main character really sparingly, which makes him stand out far more. Usually, if one character is far and away more interesting and more watchable than other characters, storytellers will start leaning on that character more and more - see Martin Sheen as President on the West Wing for an example, it was originally planned to be a small part in a show focusing more on the office. But in JJBA this dynamic of the main character standing out strongly for just a moment or two in each episode is like, the whole point, the whole premise, it's what JJBA is, it's like a bad anime that knows how to be a good anime but only shows you glimpses of being a good anime in each episode while forcing you to remember the alternative so that you really appreciate those glimpses of good. And as bad of a concept as that explanation sounds like, JJBA is the one unimaginable possibility where it's executed well, which is why it's so famous and gets run on American TV. It's actually quite interesting and definitely worth glancing up at when Adult Swim puts it on.

it's like a bad anime that knows how to be a good anime but only shows you glimpses of being a good anime in each episode while forcing you to remember the alternative so that you really appreciate those glimpses of good

So it is just like every other shonen anime ever, only all the characters are hypermasculine David Bowies?

I don't know what a "shonen anime" is but I've never seen any other anime where they use the main characters sparingly and only put effort into them and still have it actually turn out watchable or compelling like JJBA

Dragon Ball Z

lol you actually think it has a similar effect in Dragon Ball Z? Maybe in the abridged, but barely. Don't get me wrong DBZ is fun to watch but your taste is fuckin terrible.

I told you I never watched or read JJBA.

Gotcha, I thought you had secretly at least caught an episode or two on night time TV or something.

I wouldn't recommend it enough to say you should seek it out to watch, but if it ever is on TV in the same room as you, give it some attention. I bet $5 the exact experience is that you will be unsure it's worth it the whole time until the end of the episode, and at the end of the episode, you will be like "damn that was actually pretty fuckin great, I might should catch the next one if it's convenient"

Yeah, my friend has been bugging me to read the manga since before they rebooted the anime. There's too much shit I plan to read but I never read manga anymore. I'm not even caught up on berserk.

I don't even know how to read. Solo is my favorite Star Wars movie

Why are you watching JoJo? There's no lolis for you to abuse.

Adult Swim puts it on and it's like the last thing on their schedule worth watching before they start shitting out Naruto and boring talking food.

Better question;why are you watching a children's tv network?

Because last time I lived in a motel room they still played Teen Titans in the same hour bloc as Teen Titans Go and even though that's ruined now, old habits die hard, and I don't know any other channels that can be trusted to usually play anything watchable at all.

shounen just means boy

shounen anime = anime targeted for young boys

You're sperging all over this post in defense of Tulpas, do you have one?

Look it up

I don't want to. Ill just assume its a yes.

You made the smart move, for once.

Imagine being so insecure that you can't heterosexually jack off to RPD without feeling gay. If you can't suck a dick to completion without feeling weird about it you're not ready for Jojo.

it's basically RuPaul's Drag Race for weebs.

On the contrary, you just created a stunning headmate made entirely from Unicorn Jizz.

With jumper cables no less

Getting raped by your imaginary friend this the funniest thing I've heard all month. God damn.

How do you let yourself get like this?

We need pinging

Make an account for your tulpa and ping them.

What the fuck's a tulpa?

People spend hours trying to picture an imaginary friend. Like what they look like in detail, for example if a person imagines a women (it doesn't have be a women, or even be human) they think about her eyes, her hair color, what she is like, for hours and hours, months after months. Eventually people that do this claim that they start seeing their creation, this creation they claim to see is a called a tulpa.

That sounds fucking retarded

not sounds retarded, it is retarded

Tupla's are great. Next time the mods ban you, just blame it on your Tupla taking over at the keyboard so it's completely not your fault.

That's not how it works

why I'm not surprised that it's YOU who's rushing to defend self-induced schizophrenia

Because you know who I am? How complicated is this question to you?

It's pretty easy, doesn't even requier an answer. Normal people call these questions rhetorical.

And some rhetorical questions are still just dumb

Heres a non-rhetorical question: what do you think the age of consent should be and why is it 10?

Because that just seems like the only right number to me, honestly, if you're going to have an age of consent. Anything higher and you will definitely have some fringe cases of people who are ready early that you're placing a huge life-changing restriction on for no reason, anything lower and those fringe cases stop mattering because the restriction on them stops being so hugely life-changing while at the same time they get so much more rare that I wouldn't even be sure any exist. I don't think there should be an age of consent though, so you're still kinda off saying I think it "should be" 10, just because that's the only number that makes sense for it to be doesn't mean I think it "should be" anything since it still doesn't make sense on principle anyway

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TFW /r/subredditdrama doesn't even remember darqwolfs origins. He was originally a lolcow over there, before /r/drama got anywhere near as amazing as it is today.

That version of /r/SubredditDrama moved here and got mixed up with 50,000 incels in the process

Oh I know that. It's just funny seeing SRD not even recognize him, when that was the first place I ever heard of him.

They know him, they just tend to not use names in titles I think.

The last thread of his that was posted over there was very directly implying it was him but still not naming him in the title.

Fuck you attracted the SRDines.

honestly the worst part of all of this

Why do you hate that sub?

They're too earnest and too mayo.

It's a bit like this sub if you suck all the fun out of it and pretend it's your civic duty to participate.

I feel personally attacked

So you're saying that it's more traumatizing for the 1% of 10 year olds "ready" to have sex to be prohibited from doing so, than it is to protect 10 year olds in general from rape?

No, I'm saying it's more traumatizing for whatever percentage of 10 year olds "ready" to have sex to be prohibited from doing so than not. You made up the rape thing yourself, we were talking about age of consent, which is actually a thing, not "age of rape being legal" or whatever you're trying to twist it into.

traumatized by not having sex

Imagine how traumatized the rest of the world will be if you ever do have sex.

I'm pretty sure there's actually a negative chance of that ever happening.

You're really arguing 10 years old, huh

It's the only age that makes sense for an age of consent, age of consent itself is still retarded

peak ancap retardation

age of consent itself is still retarded

I can’t wait for your thesis on why babies can consent

Well sure, the whole world is retarded. Definitely not you, right?

I have a strange feeling that, to this day, you dont find people that are willing to have sex with you and thats where your desire comes from

Please stop


It's over

No comrade Premier, it has only begun

> Hell_March.exe

You should be advocating for the age of consent being 100. That way you have an excuse when people ask why you still don’t know what boobs feel like.

Would you fuck a 10 year old that was ready?

I wouldn't want to, but I would have to, to spare her from the trauma of the alternative this society offers.

So you're saying that you want to fuck a 10 year old

He doesn’t want to, but he would have to, whatever that means

He's like Jesus, really if you think about it

No what he's saying is that if we abandon capitalism the commie libtards will force everyone to rape children under their enforced monogamy regime. In which case he'd mash dat pussy fam.😤😤😤


I really hope you're memeing. That's such a fucked up thing to say

We live in an era where a grown man can say he would mercy-fuck a 10-year-old out of moral obligation and you only "hope" they're memeing

Son, I'm going to tell you what everyone else is thinking but too awkward to say: you are dangerously disconnected from reality and probably losing your mind.


Please get some help before your life spirals further out of control.

We live in an era were a teenager-cum-manchild is reddit famous because he's spent like 7 years doubling down on his bad takes and now wants everyone to think he's just been trolling all along

Nigga all his shit was very obvious trolls. Did you all actually fall for it?

Did you forget to post as your alt or something?

Nigga what the FUCK?

Username checks out

This but ironically

Drink yourself

spare her

Would you be willing to spare black dudes name bubba from trauma as well?

Wtf? Please never share your mental images in this subreddit again.

...wait is that how you guys feel when I post about being attracted to teenagers? I am so fucking sorry. I repent. I repent

comment sponsored by McDonald's

Weird, I thought your comment was being sponsored by Subway.

It should be noted that I've upvoted every single person who's disagreed with me here, as far as I know.

That said.

In 7th grade, I took an SAT test without preparing for it at all, it was spur-of-the-moment, I knew about it about an hour ahead of time and didn't do any research or anything. I scored higher on it than the average person using it to apply for college in my area.

An IQ test has shown me to be in the 99.9th percentile for IQ. This is the highest result the test I was given reaches; anything further and they'd consider it to be within the margin of error for that test.

My mother's boyfriend of 8 years is an aerospace engineer who graduated Virginia Tech. At the age of 15, I understand physics better than him, and I owe very little of it to him, as he would rarely give me a decent explanation of anything, just tell me that my ideas were wrong and become aggravated with me for not quite understanding thermodynamics. He's not particularly successful as an engineer, but I've met lots of other engineers who aren't as good as me at physics, so I'm guessing that's not just a result of him being bad at it.

I'm also pretty good at engineering. I don't have a degree, and other than physics I don't have a better understanding of any aspect of engineering than any actual engineer, but I have lots of ingenuity for inventing new things. For example, I independently invented regenerative brakes before finding out what they were, and I was only seven or eight years old when I started inventing wireless electricity solutions (my first idea being to use a powerful infrared laser to transmit energy; admittedly not the best plan).

I have independently thought of basically every branch of philosophy I've come across. Every question of existentialism which I've seen discussed in SMBC or xkcd or Reddit or anywhere else, the thoughts haven't been new to me. Philosophy has pretty much gotten trivial for me; I've considered taking a philosophy course just to see how easy it is.

Psychology, I actually understand better than people with degrees. Unlike engineering, there's no aspect of psychology which I don't have a very good understanding of. I can debunk many of even Sigmund Freud's theories.

I'm a good enough writer that I'm writing a book and so far everybody who's read any of it has said it was really good and plausible to expect to have published. And that's not just, like, me and family members, that counts strangers on the Internet. I've heard zero negative appraisal of it so far; people have critiqued it, but not insulted it.

I don't know if that will suffice as evidence that I'm intelligent. I'm done with it, though, because I'd rather defend my maturity, since it's what you've spent the most time attacking. The following are some examples of my morals and ethical code.

I believe firmly that everybody deserves a future. If we were to capture Hitler at the end of WWII, I would be against executing him. In fact, if we had any way of rehabilitating him and knowing that he wasn't just faking it, I'd even support the concept of letting him go free. This is essentially because I think that whoever you are in the present is a separate entity from who you were in the past and who you are in the future, and while your present self should take responsibility for your past self's actions, it shouldn't be punished for them simply for the sake of punishment, especially if the present self regrets the actions of the past self and feels genuine guilt about them.

I don't believe in judgement of people based on their personal choices as long as those personal choices aren't harming others. I don't have any issue with any type of sexuality whatsoever (short of physically acting out necrophilia, pedophilia, or other acts which have a harmful affect on others - but I don't care what a person's fantasies consist of, as long as they recognize the difference between reality and fiction and can separate them). I don't have any issue with anybody over what type of music they listen to, or clothes they wear, etc. I know that's not really an impressive moral, but it's unfortunately rare; a great many people, especially those my age, are judgmental about these things.

I love everyone, even people I hate. I wish my worst enemies good fortune and happiness. Rick Perry is a vile, piece of shit human being, deserving of zero respect, but I wish for him to change for the better and live the best life possible. I wish this for everyone.

I'm pretty much a pacifist. I've taken a broken nose without fighting back or seeking retribution, because the guy stopped punching after that. The only time I'll fight back is if 1) the person attacking me shows no signs of stopping and 2) if I don't attack, I'll come out worse than the other person will if I do. In other words, if fighting someone is going to end up being more harmful to them than just letting them go will be to me, I don't fight back. I've therefore never had a reason to fight back against anyone in anything serious, because my ability to take pain has so far made it so that I'm never in a situation where I'll be worse off after a fight. If I'm not going to get any hospitalizing injuries, I really don't care.

The only exception is if someone is going after my life. Even then, I'll do the minimum amount of harm to them that I possibly can in protecting myself. If someone points a gun at me and I can get out of it without harming them, I'd prefer to do that over killing them.

I consider myself a feminist. I don't believe in enforced or uniform gender roles; they may happen naturally, but they should never be coerced into happening unnaturally. As in, the societal pressure for gender roles should really go, even if it'll turn out that the majority of relationships continue operating the same way of their own accord. I treat women with the same outlook I treat men, and never participate in the old Reddit "women are crazy" circlejerk, because there are multiple women out there and each have different personalities just like there are multiple men out there and each with different personalities. I don't think you do much of anything except scare off the awesome women out there by going on and on about the ones who aren't awesome.

That doesn't mean I look for places to victimize women, I just don't believe it's fair to make generalizations such as the one about women acting like everything's OK when it's really not (and that's a particularly harsh example, because all humans do that).

I'm kind of tired of citing these examples and I'm guessing you're getting tired of reading them, if you've even made it this far. In closing, the people who know me in real life all respect me, as do a great many people in the Reddit brony community, where I spend most of my time and where I'm pretty known for being helpful around the community. A lot of people in my segment of the community are depressed or going through hard times, and I spend a lot of time giving advice and support to people there. Yesterday someone quoted a case of me doing this in a post asking everyone what their favorite motivational/inspirational quote was, and that comment was second to the top, so I guess other people agreed (though, granted, it was a pretty low-traffic post, only about a dozen competing comments).

And, uh, I'm a pretty good moderator.

All that, and I think your behavior in this thread was totally assholish. So what do you think, now that you at least slightly know me?

Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

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All that for 3 upvotes

Its a copy pasta, actually from darq, I think he just copied text so it doesnt show as quoted

Fucking ancap shill scum REEEEEEE.

comment sponsored by Leninade

I love you DarqWolff.

God bless this conscientous pedophile ;_;7


Honest question, is your family aware of your ideas?

Honest answer, idk

Have you told them?

They know.

I'm sure his family didn't want to have him but they had to.

Yes FBI this comment right here.

So how many 10 year olds ready for sex do you know?

None but that's probably because I don't know any 10 year olds

It's a small percentage of all 10 year olds that just happen to be all the ones near him.

Underrated comment, this. Well fucking done.

Are you familiar with Romeo and Juliette clauses that protect minors and near 18ers from consent laws, retard?

Yeah, why do you end that question with "retard" when you're the one retarded enough that you thought I might not know? There are plenty of situations those exception clauses don't cover and I'm not even sure if they ever go all the way to exempting 10 year olds ever at all, let alone in all states.

Because you are retarded either way. Kids can expiriment with each other, they don't need you to diddle them.

I don't think there should be an age of consent though

yup thats gonna be a big YIKES from me.

Is the FBI still checking on you from time to time?

shut the fuck upppp

How are you still a free citizen?

Look what you've done you disgusting filth. Now even the SRDines are deriving gratification from your degeneracy.

This is how your brain works when you’re one of the world’s smartest civilians.

Were do you go to pick up chicks? The local sandbox?

Just because I remember being 10 and didn't change my mind about age of consent being retarded since I was 10 doesn't mean I'm still attracted to 10 year olds, it just means I'm not retarded

How many 10 year olds have you hit on?

No. You’re definitely retarded.

post hog chud



Glad to know mods are a bunch of kid fuckers.

You didn't already know /u/darqwolff is a kiddy-fiddler? Pay attention, jeez.

I would hate to be you.

Oh you are a gamer? Didnt know

Police yes this man here

Wow you're a freak

Kill yourself.

Pedocels OUT

You’re a stain on humanity

I've found it's not wise to reply or even read any of this pathetic excuse of a human beings comments.

Yo unironically have you ever considered suicide?

Definitely dissociative identity disorder not schizophrenia

Gonna cry? Gonna piss your pants maybe? Maybe shit and cum?

Are you denying my lived experience?

Ehhh. Not for people this out of touch with reality.


is pinging banned?

Holy fuck it is!

Who needs pinging when you can message the mods and get an essay from drama's resident financial guru/loli enthusiast

I don't want to read an essay about pedophillia

It has Lamborghini's!

Based and schizophrenicpilled.

I'd lie if I said I wasn't attracted to Fiora, but she isn't vocal yet and I think clear consent is important.

Imaginary women humiliate their creators in their own heads.

When kids don't stop believing in their imaginary friend

That would be my take

Except now they're past puberty so thoughts go toward fucking it now

Let me tell you how this is just like some book series in the young adult section

Worse than that, they literally force this shit upon themselves, they literally look up guides and shit to give them a mental illness.

Society has come so far you people will now admit the guides and shit actually work to create a persistent hallucination but you'll still just call it "mental illness" smh




Thanks for backing me up, Zoz

how underage is your imaginary gf?

I created my tulpa in 2012 but she's always looked a year older than I am because I based her body on the hottest girl I ever knew who's a year older than me.

How do you fuck something without a corporeal form? Do you just stuff a fleshlight between two pillows and go to town?

If you want

So what other options are there? Like lie on your back and think yourself to nutting?

Yeah some people train themselves to hallucinate the physical sensations along with the visuals, that seems kinda like escapism to me but go for it if you want

of course you're the kind of retard who would believe in this

You're right, hallucination is a myth. I've been so blind.

i'm not going to argue with you about this hilariously insane shit

so i'm just going to call you a retard again and keep laughing

I'm guessing you just don't believe it's possible to train your brain to hallucinate on purpose without psychoactives?

i'm not going to argue with you

dear god, you're so stupid you can't even read

no wonder you believe in imaginary friends as an adult

So I'm guessing you just don't believe it's possible to train your brain to hallucinate on purpose without psychoactives

are you still talking?

you're such a little attention whore

My last comment was copied and pasted, you then typed something fresh in response to it when you're "not going to argue." I definitely need your attention so badly

lulz u typed words and didn't copy-paste


imagine being a pedophile who believes in imaginary friends and still thinking you have the high ground rofl

imagine needing attention from someone who you think is a pedophile

literally "no u" x2

you poor, dumb motherfucker, ilu bb

no u

unironic "not an argument" comment

rofl you're such a trip, say more autism-fueled things please

Darq, were you raped as a kid?

Is that why you still cling on to your childhood fantasies and attractions?

Imagine being a straight up pedo and thinking you/your words have any value at all

Jacking off. Duh

because I based her body on the hottest girl I ever knew who's a year older than me

How did I know this before you said it

I don't know, that's pretty impressive

Of course someone with an IQ of zero believes this shit

A persistant hallucination is mental illness buddy, even if the fact that they managed to do this to themselves is pretty fun.

Except "mental illness" actually has a definition and you're just some retard who doesn't know that definition and wants to pretend your made-up understanding of it is more valid than my actual knowledge of the actual one.

You people do this all the fucking time. And you'll usually refuse to look up the actual definitions of things when I point it out, and you'll just pretend not to understand words in the definition itself if the definition itself would otherwise not let you pretend not to understand the word it's of anymore.

Except "mental illness" actually has a definition

And a persistant hallucination fit that definition.

Not the academic definition or even the dictionary definition, just your made-up definition that you're trying to pretend the academic definition and dictionary definition are both invalid in comparison to because you're such an arrogant little bitch.

It fit both tho.

You're too lazy to consider reality, you're too lazy to care that you're just making shit up, and you're too lazy to notice that you constantly damage yourself by trying to reconcile a pretend reality with the existence of your sensory system and the world around you. You're exacerbating your own mental illness and right now, while you do that, you're simultaneously trying to project mental illness on others. You are fucking up your entire life by being like this. You will die alone with no possessions great enough to comfort you and leave no legacy behind because your brain will not work for your entire life because you're so absolutely trash at operating a brain, unless at some point the pain gets too severe for you to ignore and you break down and make a serious promise to yourself that you'll put serious effort into getting your shit together.

That's not a definition, buddy.


: any of a broad range of medical conditions (such as major depression, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, or panic disorder) that are marked primarily by sufficient disorganization of personality, mind, or emotions to impair normal psychological functioning and cause marked distress or disability and that are typically associated with a disruption in normal thinking, feeling, mood, behavior, interpersonal interactions, or daily functioning


A mental disorder, also called a mental illness or psychiatric disorder, is a behavioral or mental pattern that causes significant distress or impairment of personal functioning.


Mental illness is when someone does something unusual because they like something I don't or understand something I can't

: any of a broad range of medical conditions (such as major depression, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, or panic disorder) that are marked primarily by sufficient disorganization of personality, mind, or emotions to impair normal psychological functioning and cause marked distress or disability and that are typically associated with a disruption in normal thinking, feeling, mood, behavior, interpersonal interactions, or daily functioning

Having a permanent hallucination is a significant disorganisation of the mind impairing normal psychological functionning, lmao.

A mental disorder, also called a mental illness or psychiatric disorder, is a behavioral or mental pattern that causes significant distress or impairment of personal functioning.

Having a permanent hallucination is a mental that cause significant impairment of personnal functionning lmao.

Having a permanent hallucination is a significant disorganisation of the mind impairing normal psychological functionning, lmao.

Which of those words are you pretending not to know the meaning of now, so that you can continue pretending not to know the meaning of "mental illness?"

I see two possibilities. Either you are simply pretending not to know what the word "functioning" means, or you are doing the old translabel switcheroo on "permanent," where you use a term to figuratively describe something (calling the hallucinations "permanent" because they tend to be kept permanently), and then once you have figuratively applied that label, you've now gained the ability to pretend you're making sense while you say some retarded insane shit that uses the label literally (like the hallucinations are actually permanent, which would make them uncontrollable). This allows you to make your own bullshit fly over your own head, so that you can give yourself suspension of disbelief while you pretend you're not retarded.

It's like if you were talking about whether bikes count as aircraft, and someone was like "well an aircraft is something that can fly," so you're like "well I was absolutely FLYING down the road on my bike the other day, so it's an aircraft." Imagine making that argument completely seriously, not ironically, not as a little joke, not like "haha I knew what you meant," but actually being so fucking dumb you can use a figure of speech to immerse yourself in a falsehood by slapping figurative labels on things and immediately making yourself forget doing that. You don't have to imagine.

Unless it was the "functioning" one, which is a lot simpler of a trick, you just straight-up pretend not to know what a word means and replace it with your own made-up meaning, which you've already shown inclination to do by doing it with "mental illness." (Interesting how now you're pretending you were going by the actual definition of "mental illness" even though you didn't actually know it, and using more pretending-not-to-know-words to try to sell your retarded lie)

So here are the dictionary definitions of "functioning"

: professional or official position

You should know this isn't the definition they meant the word with in the definition of "mental illness," but just in case you're that retarded, having a tulpa (or any other willful hallucination) can't impact your professional or official position. If it could, it would probably be by other people's reactions to it, which are too subjective to count, and also not a factor here since you don't have to tell other people to begin with.

: the action for which a person or thing is specially fitted or used or for which a thing exists

Having a tulpa (or any other willful hallucination) also can't impact this except by other people's highly subjective reactions which still aren't a factor since you still don't have to tell people. However you define this one, the purpose for which a person exists - I'd say reproduction, it's the scientific answer - it can't be something so fragile that having a hallucination damages it.

: any of a group of related actions contributing to a larger action especially

: the normal and specific contribution of a bodily part to the economy of a living organism

Having a tulpa (or any other willful hallucination) won't stop literally any function at all of your brain, and has been found to probably improve certain functions, particularly the ones the area of your brain a tulpa runs on is responsible for, like empathizing with and predicting other people.

: an official or formal ceremony or social gathering

Can't really -ing this one so this can't be it, which sucks for you since this is the first thing on the list that a tulpa (or any other willful hallucination) can actually have any impact on at all, but it's still a stretch to say something only one person can see would count as a "disruption" to any formal ceremony or social gathering.

a : a mathematical correspondence that assigns exactly one element of one set to each element of the same or another set

b : a variable (such as a quality, trait, or measurement) that depends on and varies with another

Can't really -ing these ones so they can't be it either and I can't imagine how you'd argue a tulpa (or any other willful hallucination) impacts them either.

: characteristic behavior of a chemical compound due to a particular reactive unit

The only chemical compounds involved here are in your brain and we've already gone over that.

: a computer subroutine

The human brain is the computer here so still already gone over it.

There is no actual definition of "functioning" by which your argument would make sense like it does with your imaginary definitions of things.

Or were both my guesses wrong, and you used one of the other words? If so, I'm excited to learn your method, and smash it to pieces.

I know you are retarded, but do you even understand what a "normal psychological functionning" is ?

Yes, I can understand each of those three words and also fully understand what they mean together in a clinical context. You are the one who can't answer that question with "yes" in either of those ways (or, therefore, any way at all).

Like, do you actually believe having a permanent hallucination to be normal psychological functionning ?

No, and I'm also not the one dumb enough to call the hallucination "permanent" and then pretend it's "actually" permanent immediately afterward because I can't remember why I called it that in the first place two seconds ago (which I wouldn't to begin with because I don't oversimplify)

Buddy, do you know what having a tulpa means, lmao ?

Yes, you are, again, the one that doesn't. Why are you doing this to yourself?

A tulpa is a mental companion created by focused thought and recurrent interaction, similar to an imaginary friend. However, unlike them, tulpas possess their own will, thoughts and emotions, allowing them to act independently.

Okay, which part of this sound non permanent to you ?

So it was the translabel switcheroo the whole time? Let me repeat my deconstruction and roast of that, then.

you are doing the old translabel switcheroo on "permanent," where you use a term to figuratively describe something (calling the hallucinations "permanent" because they tend to be kept permanently), and then once you have figuratively applied that label, you've now gained the ability to pretend you're making sense while you say some retarded insane shit that uses the label literally (like the hallucinations are actually permanent, which would make them uncontrollable). This allows you to make your own bullshit fly over your own head, so that you can give yourself suspension of disbelief while you pretend you're not retarded.

It's like if you were talking about whether bikes count as aircraft, and someone was like "well an aircraft is something that can fly," so you're like "well I was absolutely FLYING down the road on my bike the other day, so it's an aircraft." Imagine making that argument completely seriously, not ironically, not as a little joke, not like "haha I knew what you meant," but actually being so fucking dumb you can use a figure of speech to immerse yourself in a falsehood by slapping figurative labels on things and immediately making yourself forget doing that. You don't have to imagine.

Onto answering you.

A tulpa is a mental companion created by focused thought and recurrent interaction, similar to an imaginary friend. However, unlike them, tulpas possess their own will, thoughts and emotions, allowing them to act independently.

Okay, which part of this sound non permanent to you ?

The whole thing, because I'm aware of the fact that it's not permanent. Why would a description of a non-permanent thing I have a lot of experience with and have done a lot of research on have any part that doesn't "sound non permanent to" me?

It sounds semi-permanent since people tend to keep it and it can be hard to get rid of, but luckily it's also not the hallucination we were just discussing. The hallucination is the projection of their form, what you just copied and pasted isn't a description of that, it's a description of the tulpa itself. I'm not sure if you were trying to change the subject because you know you're wrong or if you're just so retarded you don't know the difference, but either way, pretty amazingly fucking dumb. The hallucination aspect isn't even semi-permanent like the thing you just copied and pasted a description of is.

The whole thing, because I'm aware of the fact that it's not permanent.

So it's permanent so long you have that mental sickness ?(aka a tulpa)

So it's permanent so long you have that mental sickness ?(aka a tulpa)

Would you translate this sentence to English for me? I have a lot of patience for the language barrier but this one looks too difficult for me to even bother trying to translate.

So having a tulpa is permanent so long you are afflicated by that mental illness, right ?

Not even asking to make fun of you, is English not your first language?

It's not even my second one, lmao. But I am gonna simplify as you seems to be even more limited than I tought.

Having tulpa = mental illness.

So long you have a tulpa, you are mentally sick.

So it's permanent under the condition of you not being cured of having a tulpa.

You are extremely retarded and need to get more fluent at a language before you try to use it, and it sounds like you're from a country of retards where they don't even have the scientific method and just define mental illness as anything strange.

That's not a disapproval of my thesis, shitlord.

If you have difficulty to understand this you might not be well spoken in your own language. A high IQ individual would be able to anticipate what might be asked and conclude from the context of what was talked about before what the question is.

How could you not have understood that he meant that they are permanent for the duration of the mental illness?




How could you not have understood that I was just making him say it again more clearly so everyone could hear the retarded question "so it's permanent temporarily right?"

> How could you not have understood that I was just making him say it again more clearly so everyone could hear the retarded question "so it's permanent temporarily right?"


That's like, your thing buddy.


As fas as I understood his argument, he wanted to distinguish between the illness as a cause - which could, as an example, last from the 1 January 2018 to the 1 January 2019 - and the hallucinations as a symptom - which, being permanent, would be persistent from 1. January 2018 throughout to the 1 January 2019, OR - being non- or semi-permanent - would only intermittendly pop up in that time-frame.


I find it interesting that you didn't understand him. I'm not even talking about the merits of the argument itself, but you seem to not have gotten it to begin with, which would arguing against it a futile enterprise. That's were the confusion between the two of you comes. You not understanding him.

As fas as I understood his argument, he wanted to distinguish between the illness as a cause - which could, as an example, last from the 1 January 2018 to the 1 January 2019 - and the hallucinations as a symptom - which, being permanent, would be persistent from 1. January 2018 throughout to the 1 January 2019, OR - being non- or semi-permanent - would only intermittendly pop up in that time-frame.

Something that's "permanent" until you decide to get rid of it obviously wouldn't be permanent in the way that makes it a mental illness, so what this doesn't change is that his argument was fucking retarded. "It's a mental illness because you have it for as long as you have it" is the least compelling thing I can imagine any of you retards trying to call an "argument."

I find it interesting that you didn't understand him.

I find it interesting that you're too retarded to understand how retarded he is but still think you could understand something I don't.

Something that's "permanent" until you decide to get rid of it obviously wouldn't be permanent in the way that makes it a mental illness, so what this doesn't change is that his argument was fucking retarded.

That would be your counter if you had understood him from the beginning. Which you did not.

I'm not arguing his position, I was merely explaining to you what he tried to argue since you did not understand it, and seemingly, still have not.

I find it interesting that you're too retarded to understand how retarded he is but still think you could understand something I don't.

How good is your understand of european civil law systems? I think mine might be slightly better than yours. Anyhow, it takes some basic understanding to understand somebody else, and the mere fact that you, the genius, did not understand him, is telling.

Well, I sort of see their point. It's like an all natural way to leave reality behind without drugs or wires into your brain or whatever.

To try to give yourself a belief that you currently know is completely false, is a very messed up course of action if you ask me. But it's a question of values. If you think that you'll be happier that way, and that your future happiness matters more than your future beliefs corresponding to reality, then it's not insane. In much the same way it's not insane to kill yourself if you think life is not worth living.

But today's doctors are OK with asserting that life is worth living and people who think it's not are delusional. Maybe they should be OK with asserting that reality matters too.

Tl/dr maybe you're not crazy, tulpa people, but if it's at all possible to be crazy, you are it.

I means, the ability to willingly create a permanent hallucination is really fucking cool. But it's still fucking crazy.

When your imaginary friend becomes your imaginary friend with benefits

Hello, this is the OP of the post being discussed here. I implore you to do some research on plurality. You’ll learn that tulpas, alters, headmates or whatever the plural communities call them are more than imaginary. They are all real people with different personalities and sometimes physical attributes. These are very real mental conditions that can sometimes be extremely problematic (therefore categorised as a mental illness). But sometimes (like in the case of tulpas), they are constructive. There’s a lot of stigma surrounding these things, especially with all the judgement on the internet, but I hope that at least some people who reads this will get off this drama subreddit and learn about it for themselves.

Every day I learn about new mentally ill groups, neat


best subreddit

Thank you for that laugh 😂

LOL wow OP this is pure gold. How did you even find this?

Clearly by regularly browsing /r/Tulpas until something dramapostable came up

Just for the drama, OP definitely doesn't have tulpas

Except for Tyrone

I usually don't comment her because, I mean..look at you guys...but this fucking tulpas subreddit is the most ridiculous fucking think in the world...

Mental Companion lol

I'll admit that sounds way more badass.

No, those are the ones that that tell you to kill people and abuse animals

Well, you might be interested in this thing I wrote, she was my girlfriend in 11th grade when I was going trough my worst hearth break and we never did anything without consent,... I learned what a tulpa is yesterday

Good old hearth breaks!

Oh, so that's what the person I see out of the corner of my eye is!

Isn't that just DPD?

No, how tf would it be?

Nah it's like giving yourself DID but stable

Pretty good post with more info on it

This link is the kind of well-compiled informative academically-presented thing I would write if I weren't busy pointing out how retarded everyone is

I know, a have a tupper, i was just joking. Don't seriouspost on drama

you have a tulpa? Is it your anima/animus? I kind of want to resurrect Freud and have him research on this shit

Ani what? Nah m8, it's just like an imaginary friend but autonomous, like another person inside your head but without the ability to control stuff. It's basically a guest user but in your brain


Bah, but losing control of your body to your autonomousal actions is the best part of my day. If any tulpa can hijack my body when I'm busy thinking up the next fanfic of Nanking fuck that lmao


imagine being pathetic enough to need permission from your imaginary friends just so you can jack off to the thought of fucking them

imagine being pathetic enough that you only care about the feelings of others when you're required to and you think others are pathetic for having the integrity to just care inherently

Imagine having a literal Neckbeard

Imagine having an imaginary neckbeard.

I don't have a tulpa

Conceive. Believe. Achieve. And you two can have your own Tulpa.

Hold on, do you actually believe in this tulpa bullshit?

OK, I get that hallucinating is a thing, but being able to do it on purpose without drugs sounds like bullshit.

OK, I get that the world surprises me constantly because I'm the kind of retard who thinks shit like "you can't hallucinate on purpose without drugs" and assumes the random shit I think must be true without actually looking it up, but I'm still not going to consider that maybe there are actually well-established processes for training your brain to hallucinate.

OK, I get that brain scans show unique brain activity for tulpa that people don't get if they don't have a tulpa or if they don't engage with their tulpa during the scans, but I don't know anything about brain scans so I'm just going to pretend these patterns are normal and not that unique or indicative of anything the people dedicated to studying it say they seem indicative of.

And I get that I don't always know what my dream characters are going to do, and I've heard writers talk about characters taking on a mind of their own and stories taking their own direction when the motives and only realistically possible actions of those characters become clear, and I get that the conscious mind is just one thing the brain does and that there is also a lot of processing power being used completely unconsciously, and I've seen how some of the unconscious processing constantly shows itself to include almost cognitive levels of mental function, and I know it can kinda involve feelings, but I've never really noticed how if you empathize with a dream character you can actually feel another part of you having the feelings you're empathizing with instead of the feeling just being the conscious part of you empathizing with them like with other real-world people, and it's too scary for me to start wondering now if the parts of my brain that aren't me could actually be cognitive or feel emotions.

What I don't get is, how can you believe this shit? How dare you have the balls to think more than me? Please excuse me while I laugh at you nervously.

Do you ask for consent from your underaged tulpas?

For what?

For dicking

Why would I ask for consent for something I'm not doing anyway?

It’s OK to talk about this. The FBI can’t lock you up for molesting imaginary children.

I talk about shit they can lock me up for, what's your logic?

Your tulpa probably hates you too.

How can you be so retarded? Honest question, what's your background, what the fuck makes someone as dumb as you?

What's your background? What about the formation of you is different from the formation of the average person? I want to know how you ended up this way

t. /u/DarqWolff to /u/DarqWolff [2019]


Reminds me of when SRDines were saying you should get your friends' permission before you jack off to them.

Man this is the first time i've ever heard of Tulpa's. What exactly is it meant to be? Actual adults with imaginary friends??

Yes. It's all just a bunch of mentally ill adults.

Jesus. I just read the side bar.

What is a tulpa?

A tulpa is a mental companion created by focused thought and recurrent interaction, similar to an imaginary friend. However, unlike them, tulpas possess their own will, thoughts and emotions, allowing them to act independently.

So is this like schizophrenia/multiple personality disorder/dissociative identity disorder?

Not at all! Schizophrenia and DID (formerly called MPD, and still called MPD in some areas outside the US) are disorders characterized by clinically significant distress, dysfunction, or danger. Schizophrenia is a breakdown in perception of physical reality and consistency that has strong genetic influences, and does not always involve hearing voices. DID is a dissociative disorder caused by significant childhood trauma.

Neither disorder is "self-inflicted", and we recognize them as very different experiences from tulpa creation. The experience of having tulpas is much more accurately likened to the experiences of fiction writers whose characters come alive and begin talking to them; in fact, a great number of tulpa creators have formed tulpas that way!

That is a lot of coping.

No, the "coping" is idiots like you wanting to feel smart so you pretend you know psychology better than cutting-edge research hobbyists and as well as actual professionals.

Oh sweaty....

Well to be honest that wasn't actually me that had said that. It as my unicorn called Bob. Him and I have been going through a rough patch ever since I caught him with a My Little Pony and now he has been telling me to write comments which I don't actually agree with. Please forgive me.

So does MPD stand for My Pittle Dony?

Basically you just take the part of your brain that does stuff like empathize with others and predict other peoples' behaviors, tell it it has free will and you want to converse with it, then let it learn how to present you with a persistent hallucination of a separate personality it's processing so that you have a supercompatible really close friend with you all the time for the rest of your life.

dat url \

dat title "awkward oh god gif"

dat 2010 aesthetic, thank you for bringing me back

Hey man you really should speak to your Tulpa to relax a little. Maybe treat it to a nice imaginary dinner to help chill you out a little. I like to give my Tulpa rainbow drops in unicorn tears.

Oh boy, that sure sounds like a safe practice with no foreseeable chances of blowing up on your face. You go, girl!

It's actually pretty safe, it just attracts people with mental illness and then confirmation bias makes it look dangerous to people who just see a lot of tulpamancers having the associated mental illness. What you don't understand is that for those people, it's usually beneficial/therapeutic, and for mentally healthier people, it's often a mild superpower in terms of both the brain-exercise-based cognitive improvements and just the having a second mind in your head with you itself.

You specifically mention foreseeable chances of it blowing up in your face. What you don't understand is these outcomes you're picturing are indeed very, very foreseeable, like literally everyone who gets into this topic can imagine, but not very realistic, since it turns out the human brain can just do lots of shit and activating a rarely-used set of processes doesn't actually break anything or else we would not be the adaptable creatures we are or even have survived trying to become the species we are today.

Man, I fell asleep after like five words of that flood of a serious post.

I take it you are not a man of science

I couldn't read past "it just attracts people with mental illness" cuz I was laughing too hard


Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha You niggas really be wizards?????? Ahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Well some mayos are Grand Wizards, but that's a different thing.

interesting psychological construct in which you essentially partition off part of your self-identity and treat it like another person. useful learning exercise.

for some reason online communities related to it seem to be overrun by virgins who want an imaginary friend to fuck.


Bunch of mentally Ill people affirming and validating the delusions of other mentally ill people

Burn it all down, we couldnt be trusted with the internet

Yeah is this just like a bunch of enablers? I'm assuming most of them aren't in character, like they genuinely mean what they say.

If you don't fuck your tupper what the fuck are you even doing?


Ever try talking to a girl?

Tulpas make people trans

No, there are just lots of trans people in the tulpa community. Like MLP attracts gay people but watching MLP doesn't make you gay


Imagine being cucked by your imaginary friend

No, don't. If you imagine it, that means it actually happens.


Never have I seen an online cluster of such genuine mental illness.

Welcome to /r/Drama

Hello, this is the OP of the post being discussed here. I implore you to do some research on plurality. You’ll learn that tulpas, alters, headmates or whatever the plural communities call them are more than imaginary. They are all real people with different personalities and sometimes physical attributes. These are very real mental conditions that can sometimes be extremely problematic (therefore categorised as a mental illness). But sometimes (like in the case of tulpas), they are constructive. There’s a lot of stigma surrounding these things, especially with all the judgement on the internet, but I hope that at least some people who reads this will get off this drama subreddit and learn about it for themselves.

Tulpas are not real people. They physically do not exist. There just a manifestation that you created in your mind that you now think is real because you’re a schizo. I’d sooner believe a 10 year old autistic boy’s sonic OC is real than I would believe in a grown ass adult’s imaginary friend

Tulpas are not real people. They physically do not exist. There just a manifestation that you created in your mind that you now think is real because you’re a schizo.

Are you so woke and informed you're saying the mind is entirely separate from the brain and neuroscience is just completely wrong as a field, or so sleepy and uninformed you've never heard of neuroscience and you have no understanding at all of the idea that the human mind is how we experience neural pathways that actually physically exist in our heads, or some other retarded third option like a translabel switcheroo from the "physically" to the "real" in this passage?

  1. Why is your tulpa a child
  2. why do you sexually abuse your tulpa
  1. See question 2
  2. See question 1

the mind is entirely separate from the brain

What if I said “mind” because in this situation it’s interchangeable for “brain” and I’m not a neuroscientist so I don’t have a reason to be pedantic about it?🤔🤔🤔

All I said was that tulpas are mental illness. No need to sperg out chief.

What if I said “mind” because in this situation it’s interchangeable for “brain” and I’m not a neuroscientist so I don’t have a reason to be pedantic about it?🤔🤔🤔

Then you're fucking retarded because you just said in this situation "mind" is interchangeable with "brain" when this is one of the least interchangeable situations the two words can be in.

Not really, you’re the only person who has had any problem with it, you’re also the only retard on this subreddit who believes in tulpas so I’m guessing that’s why you’re making such a fussy wussy

And nipbros wonder why their ladies won't fuck them.

user reports:

1: Shitty SRD/Circlebroke title

Not wrong but I kind of enjoyed the nostalgia of it.

It's a valid report, ngl.

Are you OK? You've commented 41 times on this post so far.

I used to be one of the world's foremost experts and researchers on the topic of tulpa and I'm a mod of /r/Drama do you really think 41 seems high?

I'm not going to stop you. At this rate I should be able to post one of your threads for 50-60 karma.

I'm curious, does your tulpa have the face of a girl that rejected you in high school?

Holy fuck, so predictable

No she has a face I've never seen on a real life person, that would be weird

because I based her body on the hottest girl I ever knew who's a year older than me

you said she's based on the hottest girl you've ever seen tho?

I thought your a furry from your name, seems I'm mistaken. Or is she an anthro?

Story time.

I used to talk to this British dude I met on Steam (team fortress I think, this was years ago) and one day he told me he about his tulpa. He described it as some anthro bird furry and told me about a few times where he imagined it raping him. He said its name was "birdy" and went into pretty vivid detail about the rape sessions.

Not long after that he came out as a tranny. Not sure what he's like now, I unfriended him one day after I decided I didnt want to deal with the insanity anymore.

This is why we need Sharia

Muhammad is a tulpa

New politicoreligious movement?

tips fedora

If it is the only way to get rid of it I am willing to declare jihad.

What the fuck is a tulpa

or better question:


for science

Tulpahood, aka Advanced Otherkin Second Addition, is a gateway drug to sovereign citizenship and must be stopped

I love how the mods are the lolcows here

Mods are ALWAYS lolcows.

asking consent before fucking your self-induced schizoid hallucinations

fucking hilarious. it would be like if somebody asked their dick if they could masturbate.

So unmedicated schizophrenia

9th degree grand wizard tulpamancer here, ama 😎

why did you sticky your comment? your comment isn't special and no one cares about it, dumbass

i cast a level 99 pox upon u and ur future tulpas

don't do it hes not worth it man

stickying your comment because you know how unfunny it is



Wtf is a tulpa

Are tulpas an incel coping mechanism?

no it's volcel af

oh hell yes. the fucking tulpa is community is by far the most bizarre internet community. period. No one else matches the level of delusion.