When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.
Look the "lived experiences" thing has a grain of truth to it. The reports of minorities are uniquely valuable in their descriptions of the actual experience of said minority in society. In general when a woman says something about being a woman, I defer to her account and don't try to disagree because I'm probably going to come out looking stupid.
These people have taken that and run with it wildly, so that any member of any minority at any time is an unquestionable authority on all members of that minority and your literally racist if you question their story even a little bit. It's so retarded. And literally self-contradictory when two members of the same minority disagree with each others "lived experiences".
It's extremely arrogant of you to pretend like you know anything about why black people vote the way they do. The vote of ignorant rurals for batshit racists is supposed to be vaunted above all else and never subjected to an ounce of criticism, but for black people we can describe their decisions using minstrel shows basically apparently.
It's extremely arrogant of you to pretend like you know anything about why black people vote the way they do.
Not really, they're just really stupid, simple people, so it's easy to understand them. They want gibs and fried chicken, and the Democrats dole it out, while telling them its justified bcause their great great great grandparents didn't get paid for picking some cotton. Meanwhile the Republicans tell them to get an actual job. It's not rocket surgery.
#BernieSoBlack if you dont like Bernie that’s fine. What’s not fine is lying on his name. Throughout his life and political career he’s been pro rights for everyone. He was even pro homosexual rights before Democrats needed them for votes.
gotta love how the #BernieSoBlack is filled with people dragging sanders for being a civil rights activist & praising clinton, who participated in the creation of the 3 strikes law that contributed to mass incarceration.
this country is fucked.
this #BernieSoBlack bullshit has me realizing I need to connect w my fellow black bernie supporters and volunteer for his campaign. guys we are responsible for educating our people. nobody is gonna do it for us. #berniebrospowersactivate
The three top tweets in the link. This is totally nonexistent
Never, ever give an inch to idpol people, they don't see cooperation as any kind of mitigating factor. you are you skin color, sex and sexual orientation first and a free actor second.
when people questioned me about why I said bernie would get shitstomped in a general election, and were incredulous when i said a real republican opposition research team hadn't sunk their claws into him yet and that his current breadline shit, rape essays, and the like were just on the surface...
holy fuck ahahahaahahahahahaha "we shall overcome" 30 mayo vermonters, hahahahah i couldn't make this up if i tried holy fucking shit LOL
Kept seeing ADOS so i googled it. In their context it means, apparently, "American Descendants of Slavery" but more commonly stands for "Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule."
That overlap makes me question if the movement is actually a joke.
You could do the same for white people too? The vast majority of criminals in general are male. Why only break this out for black males to make it seem like its a magnified problem of black males specifically?
Also you could break it out so that it's only black male criminals, so it would be like 0.75% that do 50%. Wow. We are genuises. We really have accomplished something here. Black male criminals truly are a problematic part of society and should be put under scrutiny for their behavior.
The other 5.75% of black non-criminals, however, are responsible for 0% of all crime. So they're literally the most peaceful people out of all of people in society, and have no responsibility for anything.
That's the alt-shite being alarmists as usual, realistic estimations revolved around 15% last time I checked Burgerland demographics (that was years ago though).
The more important question is, do mayo women pretending to care about minorities on twitter realise they are going to be the fairest of game for all sides once SHTF?
You either have people who were so well off they can move their wealth away or people you can’t really claim benefitted from slavery through the generations enough since they’re just normal income earners regardless of how much they’re making.
So the only feasible way is to cut a check to any black person who can prove their anscestor was a slave which is taken from taxes. Which would be taxes taken from every other nonblack in the country.
It sounds like democrats went full retard here. Let’s see where they go with this.
It's easy. Introduce an additional income and property tax on Democrats and then use the raised money to pay blacks who can prove their ancestor was a slave. Everyone gets what they want.
None of the candidates are actually supporting reparations
They're all wishy washy neoliberals trying to be woke and in fact support some shitty tax credit or something which may at best go disproportionally towards poor minorities.
Soooo we really banging on a dude who participated in the civil rights movement for singing a civil rights protest song back in the 80s? Trump bout to get reelected behind this kinda fuckery aint he smh
Unfortunately yes. Being diverse means there's multitude of people vying for power at the expense of other people in the party. Republicans tend to have similar power struggle, but at the end of the day, they will stay in line.
There's no significant news that will affect Trump's presidential run, and even if it did, republicans probably won't bulge. He can basically do what he did in 2016 and win.
Besides, why are you even thinking dems will win 2020? In recent decades, incumbent presidents always win in 99% of the cases. Its not going to suddenly change now.
Continue being confident, you were confident you would win back in 2016 right and that got you the victory, just repeat that some behavior be totally confident of your victory, no one can beat you, we are the underdogs and you're the overdogs just like in 2016, and that will ensure victory.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-03-04
When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 YOUREABOT 2019-03-04
bernie aint no ways tired
1 xlhat 2019-03-04
Jill Stein is also featured.
1 HardIsLife 2019-03-04
Bernie’s got 99 problems but a bitch ain’t one
1 ImDumbLmao 2019-03-04
Idk if this is good or bad for Bernie but as usual Tariq has the hottest take:
1 Daghi 2019-03-04
They must all REALLY love daddy
1 RandolphCox 2019-03-04
tariq has never been proven wrong. i am saying that unironically
1 alot_the_murdered 2019-03-04
"All black people know each other" - Tariq
1 TehAlpacalypse 2019-03-04
he has to be trolling
1 artbaselinthebezel 2019-03-04
Jesus Christ.
Look the "lived experiences" thing has a grain of truth to it. The reports of minorities are uniquely valuable in their descriptions of the actual experience of said minority in society. In general when a woman says something about being a woman, I defer to her account and don't try to disagree because I'm probably going to come out looking stupid.
These people have taken that and run with it wildly, so that any member of any minority at any time is an unquestionable authority on all members of that minority and your literally racist if you question their story even a little bit. It's so retarded. And literally self-contradictory when two members of the same minority disagree with each others "lived experiences".
1 xthek 2019-03-04
are you the_marx
1 Wraith_GraveSpell 2019-03-04
Hol up, i thought Reverend Jesse Jackson is the emperor of black people
1 _YUROKON_ 2019-03-04
Dude literally marched in the Civil rights protest and then let BLM cuck him at his own rally but it's just never enough.
1 RandolphCox 2019-03-04
does not carry around hot sauce though...
1 TehAlpacalypse 2019-03-04
if you have texas pete in your handbag it's basically the n pass
1 Coonass_alt 2019-03-04
1 nmx179 2019-03-04
They're just mad he won't give them free money like the other democrats.
1 GARBAGE_MACHINE 2019-03-04
1 ParticularDrummer 2019-03-04
Trump will win yet again, lmao.
Imagine if the Democrats had to run against a competent Republican, a guy like Charlie Baker could probably win 70% of the popular vote.
1 artbaselinthebezel 2019-03-04
It's extremely arrogant of you to pretend like you know anything about why black people vote the way they do. The vote of ignorant rurals for batshit racists is supposed to be vaunted above all else and never subjected to an ounce of criticism, but for black people we can describe their decisions using minstrel shows basically apparently.
1 xthek 2019-03-04
Obviously people living in crime-ridden inner city neighborhoods are much better informed than people who live in, dare I say it, flyover country
1 nmx179 2019-03-04
Not really, they're just really stupid, simple people, so it's easy to understand them. They want gibs and fried chicken, and the Democrats dole it out, while telling them its justified bcause their great great great grandparents didn't get paid for picking some cotton. Meanwhile the Republicans tell them to get an actual job. It's not rocket surgery.
1 FusRoDawg 2019-03-04
I've heard that 🐢 man marched with mlk too.
1 Wraith_GraveSpell 2019-03-04
He only did that because he was trying to rise up. Jeb! was an old school gamer.
1 FusRoDawg 2019-03-04
🐢 is Mitch! Not Jeb!
1 KikiFlowers 2019-03-04
Even if he literally resurrected MLK and sucked him off on stage, it wouldn't be enough.
1 Osterion 2019-03-04
He's too Jewish for brown people to vote for him. It's funny to watch them twist and turn to invent other reasons.
1 uniqueguy263 2019-03-04
The three top tweets in the link. This is totally nonexistent
1 GARBAGE_MACHINE 2019-03-04
Check out the tweet The View made about this.
Replies are filled with gimme tweet.
1 aqouta 2019-03-04
Never, ever give an inch to idpol people, they don't see cooperation as any kind of mitigating factor. you are you skin color, sex and sexual orientation first and a free actor second.
1 Coonass_alt 2019-03-04
when people questioned me about why I said bernie would get shitstomped in a general election, and were incredulous when i said a real republican opposition research team hadn't sunk their claws into him yet and that his current breadline shit, rape essays, and the like were just on the surface...
holy fuck ahahahaahahahahahaha "we shall overcome" 30 mayo vermonters, hahahahah i couldn't make this up if i tried holy fucking shit LOL
1 Prysorra2 2019-03-04
Looks like we somehow found someone better for dramacoin that Trump himself.
1 artbaselinthebezel 2019-03-04
Trump has a few scandals of his own
1 haulingtaters 2019-03-04
Kept seeing ADOS so i googled it. In their context it means, apparently, "American Descendants of Slavery" but more commonly stands for "Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule."
That overlap makes me question if the movement is actually a joke.
1 hornygarfield 2019-03-04
1 NapoleonBonerpart5 2019-03-04
That woman is annoying as fuck. Jesus Christ. She is not funny at all but thinks she is killing it.
1 LSDawson 2019-03-04
so do these people just want to lose the election or what?
1 cheers_grills 2019-03-04
They wouldn't be victims if they won.
1 EWDnutz 2019-03-04
Truer words haven't been spoken.
1 artbaselinthebezel 2019-03-04
Trump supporters are eternal victims, we can never compete with you and your endless resent
1 cheers_grills 2019-03-04
dude victims lmao
1 TehAlpacalypse 2019-03-04
we are still a year away from a primary, we can go farther
1 Cat_Waffles 2019-03-04
do black people realize they are only 13% of the population?
1 geeses 2019-03-04
I've heard they're 50%, but maybe that was something else.
1 Cat_Waffles 2019-03-04
13 do 50
1 AggravatingInside 2019-03-04
daily reminder its only Black males so its more like 6.5% do 50%
1 cheers_grills 2019-03-04
Or 3.75 do 25%
1 artbaselinthebezel 2019-03-04
You could do the same for white people too? The vast majority of criminals in general are male. Why only break this out for black males to make it seem like its a magnified problem of black males specifically?
Also you could break it out so that it's only black male criminals, so it would be like 0.75% that do 50%. Wow. We are genuises. We really have accomplished something here. Black male criminals truly are a problematic part of society and should be put under scrutiny for their behavior.
The other 5.75% of black non-criminals, however, are responsible for 0% of all crime. So they're literally the most peaceful people out of all of people in society, and have no responsibility for anything.
1 LobotomyKid 2019-03-04
That's the alt-shite being alarmists as usual, realistic estimations revolved around 15% last time I checked Burgerland demographics (that was years ago though).
The more important question is, do mayo women pretending to care about minorities on twitter realise they are going to be the fairest of game for all sides once SHTF?
1 Lava_Cake 2019-03-04
i thought it was 3/5ths
1 ElonMuskarr 2019-03-04
They're 50% of the population but do 13% of all crime
1 artbaselinthebezel 2019-03-04
Non-criminal black people are responsible for 0% of all crime
Funny but true
1 Crumps_brother 2019-03-04
If you go by decibel level, they're at least 50%
1 chunk_o 2019-03-04
1350 o7
1 noxpallida 2019-03-04
1 BumwineBaudelaire 2019-03-04
and falling
1 Milestailsprowe 2019-03-04
Whats the issue here? He recorded a album of Folk songs in the 80s.
1 LobotomyKid 2019-03-04
It's post factum-problematic because leftoids collectively decided they hate him two weeks ago.
1 BeiberFan123 2019-03-04
Are they retarded? How would this even work?
You either have people who were so well off they can move their wealth away or people you can’t really claim benefitted from slavery through the generations enough since they’re just normal income earners regardless of how much they’re making.
So the only feasible way is to cut a check to any black person who can prove their anscestor was a slave which is taken from taxes. Which would be taxes taken from every other nonblack in the country.
It sounds like democrats went full retard here. Let’s see where they go with this.
1 sendmethrow 2019-03-04
It's easy. Introduce an additional income and property tax on Democrats and then use the raised money to pay blacks who can prove their ancestor was a slave. Everyone gets what they want.
1 aj_thenoob 2019-03-04
Largest waste of money ever. Not even regarding the payout, determining who is eligible would be a headache.
1 KingWayneX 2019-03-04
It wont matter if the people funding it are the ones in favor of it.
1 BeiberFan123 2019-03-04
Also what about length of enslavement?
You got people who escaped and headed north and people who were slaves their whole life. 🧐
1 KingWayneX 2019-03-04
I think bezos, buffet, slim, soros, gates should shell most of it out.
1 artbaselinthebezel 2019-03-04
None of the candidates are actually supporting reparations
They're all wishy washy neoliberals trying to be woke and in fact support some shitty tax credit or something which may at best go disproportionally towards poor minorities.
1 FEARtheTWITCH 2019-03-04
Soooo we really banging on a dude who participated in the civil rights movement for singing a civil rights protest song back in the 80s? Trump bout to get reelected behind this kinda fuckery aint he smh
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2019-03-04
Ya'll can't behave.
1 TehAlpacalypse 2019-03-04
1 Wraith_GraveSpell 2019-03-04
Oy vey nigga
1 tritter211 2019-03-04
Unfortunately yes. Being diverse means there's multitude of people vying for power at the expense of other people in the party. Republicans tend to have similar power struggle, but at the end of the day, they will stay in line.
There's no significant news that will affect Trump's presidential run, and even if it did, republicans probably won't bulge. He can basically do what he did in 2016 and win.
Besides, why are you even thinking dems will win 2020? In recent decades, incumbent presidents always win in 99% of the cases. Its not going to suddenly change now.
1 KingWayneX 2019-03-04
Tell me more
1 automatic_cluck 2019-03-04
1 Wraith_GraveSpell 2019-03-04
notices subpoena
Whats this?
1 automatic_cluck 2019-03-04
1 xthek 2019-03-04
reasons to vote democrat :3c
1 heavenlytoaster 2019-03-04
As soon as I heard "whitelash" on CNN I knew trump would win again 4 years later.
1 Coonass_alt 2019-03-04
yeah that van jones bit unironically pissed me off
1 artbaselinthebezel 2019-03-04
What a huge surprised that the inbred Louisianian is pissed off by da black man.
Literally a black person could say anything and it would piss you off so they might as well poke your racist ass in the eye a bit anyway.
1 Coonass_alt 2019-03-04
ok i first i thought you were a genuine mouthbreathing redditor but now its obvious you are just a low effort troll.
1 AgreeableFruit 2019-03-04
Is he wrong tho?
1 Coonass_alt 2019-03-04
yes? being pissed off by van jones election night rant isnt being pissed off by literally anything a black person could say.
"What a huge surprised that the inbred Louisianian is pissed off by da black man."
is the lowest form of idpol deflection and is barely worth acknowledging.
1 AgreeableFruit 2019-03-04
Why are you serious posting on my subreddit? 😾👎🤦🏾♂️
1 AgreeableFruit 2019-03-04
You wouldn’t have downvoted me if I had used a white emoji racist
1 artbaselinthebezel 2019-03-04
Continue being confident, you were confident you would win back in 2016 right and that got you the victory, just repeat that some behavior be totally confident of your victory, no one can beat you, we are the underdogs and you're the overdogs just like in 2016, and that will ensure victory.
1 zero237 2019-03-04
1 hery41 2019-03-04
> election circus barely started and the left is already fracturing and spreading out votes
Feels good not to live in the us. How do you even stommach this shitshow every two years?
1 KingWayneX 2019-03-04
It has been nonstop since about 2006.
1 Sky-Daddy 2019-03-04
1 Homer00025 2019-03-04
Oh are they attacking Bernie for being a cryptofacist enough already?
Woke Twitter must have run out of YA author's whose life they can destroy, I guess.
1 munstersthompson 2019-03-04
don’t miss tomorrow’s episode of blue-checks when the gang decides simply mentioning israel is now anti-semetic.
1 Stacyscrazy21 2019-03-04
1 Mamalgam 2019-03-04
Bourgeois pieces of shit stoking a culture war, literally a cancer to democracy. Cancel cancel culture, thanks