More Nazi pug guy.

8  2019-03-04 by Standard12


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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Can you explain why teaching a dog to respond to a command of "gas the jews" should make him exempt from laws against spreading nazi propaganda?

Does this guy think if we let the nazis get away with this then they'll start training dogs to fight the race war and there won't be anything anyone can do to stop them?

Is anyone more cucked than the Brit.

All Brits should be imprisoned, moreso than they are currently

Literally insane.

Leftism is one giant retarded game of telephone. They do and say only what they're told to by their peers.

People would probably be more supportive if they said they arrested him for bad joke

Can you explain where the joke is in repeating "gas the Jews"?

This guy keeps repeating this same line no matter how many people explain it to him.

some of the most myopic faggotry ever tbh

they support it because theyre too dumb to ever imagine it being used on them, even though they have laws against sectarian language and buying teaspoons

just crumble entirely already UK