Terf brainlet Graham Linehan who was cautioned by the police laughs at Nazi Count Dankula forgetting that both Terfs and Nazis hang together

36  2019-03-04 by OutrageousForever


It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


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Graham Linehan is quick to forget that the Scottish manbaby was the only one defending him when he got the police hounding him for wrong think

People like Graham Linehan is why you should feel no sympathy as the UK plummets into the abyss

When the gulags open the Terfs go in them just as much as the Nazis do. Graham Linehan has a criminal record, he is an asocial.

Br*ticide when?

Linehan is a Hibernian.

British belongings will be burned as well

It always goes back to the Hibernian. Can they not defile any country they touch?

Q. Why is the grass in Ireland so green?

A. Because they're all over here walking on ours.

A mayo male TERF! Will he go to the gulags? Maybe he'll be sent to the concentration camp. Or perhaps to the loisence jail?

mayo male TERF!

That's 3 yikes from me

brainlet is abelist chapo faggot

/u/chunk_o has confessed to touching kids.

O god hahahaha this guy ^ is over 18 o fuk lmao.

Whatever pedo.

I can enjoy the music of Wagner, the writing of Lovecraft and the movies of David O. Russell knowing full well that their creators were flawed humans with attitudes and behaviours I disagree with.

I will continue to enjoy Father Ted knowing that one of it's writers is a bit of a cunt.

ever see that episode where he makes the nazi room