"I was complaining about how socialist men don’t date socialist women and it really bothers me," NYMag reports from Chapo heartland Brooklyn, NY

239  2019-03-04 by ImDumbLmao


Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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Some of the best parts:

In November, thanks in part to DSA-friendly candidates, the Democrats fully took control of the New York State Senate for the first time in a decade. “Who knows how many years out of the last 50 years have the Democrats had the majority?” she asked. A middle-aged guy in a green pullover held up three fingers in A-okay formation. He was correct, but she wasn’t pleased. “I see you’re trying to answer that question, but that is a white-supremacist hand signal.”

McElwee, a lapsed Evangelical Christian who used to intern at the libertarian Reason Foundation, has through sheer chutzpah transformed himself into one of the go-to voices of New York City socialism. (He tracks the performance of Abolish ICE tweets via Excel spreadsheet.) I saw him again at a happy hour a month later. “What’s your name again?” he asked me. “I always forget white guys’ names.” (McElwee is white.) I bought McElwee a vodka-and-soda — “I’m trying to lose weight. All the white supremacists are making fun of me” — and we chatted with a guy in wire-rimmed glasses and muttonchops who worked at Google and said he was at the Seattle WTO protests in 1999. The beauty of “Abolish ICE,” he told us, was its simplicity. “Build the wall,” “Lock her up”: They’re all perfect for shouting.

The guests of honor tonight are the creators of Red Yenta, a new DIY dating platform: Marissa Brostoff, 33, a grad student at CUNY, and Mindy Isser, 28, an organizer in Philly. “I was complaining about how socialist men don’t date socialist women and it really bothers me,” Isser says. Online, there wasn’t a good way to filter for someone’s politics. Sample bio: “Labor activist and aspiring historian/sci-fi writer looking for friends/open relationships. Tell me about your student debt and let’s cry together.”

McElwee couldn’t disagree more. “I don’t ascribe in any way to these ideas that identity politics is bad for us. I think I can take someone who is deeply concerned about patriarchy and I can make them understand how patriarchy intersects with capitalism much more than I can take someone who’s mad because GM took their job away and make them understand socialism,” he said. (DSA’s Cunningham, who is black, sees class versus race as a false choice. “Racism,” she says, “is a tool of capitalism” to divide workers.)

this is the worst bit

Surprisingly, the CTH podcast is way more bearable than the sub. How did the sub become so bad? Was it PK?

a few years ago the chapo sub was a fun place full of shitposting and lewdness, it garnered a good reputation and so there was a lot of immigration from places like /r/socialism where jokes are considered bourgeois. gradually the people who actually listened to the podcast and shared its views became a minority.

Unironically a good reason for immigration controls.

The problem is the internet is full of examples where fascism works yet very few examples where communism shit works. Open borders or giving everyone mod privs only results in destroying good subreddits. Even /r/Opieandanthony requires quite the immigration process to comment.

this happens with a lot of subs. /r/samharris is a good example as well. As soon as anything gets popular and is remotely leftist it gets barrages with entryists who then turn into a PC shithole

Over time, every left sub gets infested by the same retards who currently infest r/chapotraphouse. It's like how every social media site starts off all about free and open discussion and eventually starts banning you for telling people to learn to code.

The actual hosts of cth are the mirror image of those same lifestyle-socialist larpers, living in Brooklyn while grifting over a million a year from their neet fans.

Nah the hosts are much much better than the sub. Amber in particular seems to have a disdain for these dweebs. Plus she did this which is kind of funny https://i.redd.it/z3xol60tun801.jpg

Yeah lol that is funny. They seem to care less about idpol than your average socialist dweeb, but they're still raging trust fund tankies with incredibly retarded takes on just about anything.

They do have a lot of retarded takes no doubt. But they actually do a lot better takedowns of Democrats than conservatives typically do.

Yeah but that's retarded easy, like literally a retard can do that.

I think I've read several times that the hosts themselves don't think very highly of the sub lol.

a-a-actually chapo is good


Where did you get that screenshot?

Except they were in attendance at all these parties. They're part of the racket.

A middle-aged guy in a green pullover held up three fingers in A-okay formation. He was correct, but she wasn’t pleased. “I see you’re trying to answer that question, but that is a white-supremacist hand signal.”

My god, they still believe this.

This are communists, you can’t find a larger group of troglodytes anywhere on earth. They are very slow.

they can't hurt you donny these men are nihilists

Say what you want about the tenants of national socialism dude, at least it's an ethos.

Wasnt that a 4chan joke to trick liberals into believing something innocent is actually a white supremacist symbol?


Just look at their politics - by definition these people are gullible. Don't be so shocked.

beauty of “Abolish ICE,” he told us, was its simplicity. “Build the wall,” “Lock her up”: They’re all perfect for shouting.


This guy HAS to be doing performance awry

i feel like these people would melt if i talked to them

a grad student at CUNY

smirking emoji

The bachelorette, Arielle Cohen — 30, former co-chair of the Pittsburgh chapter of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) — asks her suitors a question. “Now that Amazon has been banished from New York” — triumphant shouting here — “you’re the one who gets free rein to build something ungodly in Queens: What are you building?” Some answers ring out — guillotine, public housing —

Something tells me this writer wouldn't be openly celebrating other political groups comedically calling for people's executions.



Shoe horse?

Horseshoe, you dyslexic fuck

no u

So are politically motivated killings an appropriate topic of conversation on a first date or not?

Guillotine is love

Guillotine is life

Sounds like a line from ZARDOZ.

How else are we gonna cleanse the earth of Chapos and Daddy-lovers?

Wtf I love guillotines now


Hello Eija-Riitta Berliner-Mauer, stop cheating on the Berlin Wall you slut

If commies are going to guillotine college-educated whites, then they wont have anyone left to form a revolution.

I dunno. I think the tone of the piece is a lot more mocking than you're giving it credit for.

"While the racial breakdown was indeed a little awkward — Latina candidate onstage, white allies in the beer tent — it was nothing new for the nearly all-Caucasian DSA."

"(DSA can feel like a never-ending Brown University reunion.)"

"The more awkward aspect of her victory is that she had less success with poorer black and Hispanic voters. The gentrifiers, not the gentrified, carried her."

"McElwee, a lapsed Evangelical Christian who used to intern at the libertarian Reason Foundation, has through sheer chutzpah transformed himself into one of the go-to voices of New York City socialism. (He tracks the performance of Abolish ICE tweets via Excel spreadsheet.) I saw him again at a happy hour a month later. “What’s your name again?” he asked me. “I always forget white guys’ names.” (McElwee is white.)"

The author sees the irony in white graduate students claiming to be the downtrodden proletariat.

“It’s weird to me that DSA is a coalition of college-educated white people who, like, hate the idea that the Democratic Party should appeal to college-educated white people,”

These people suck

It's very ironic.

I'm a dirty commie and I can confirm from personal experience that the DSA does indeed suck. DSA socialists are the absolute worst stereotypes of smug affluent insufferable champagne socialists.

But my twitter rose

Imagine thinking this isn't a fundamental unshakable pillar of the whole ideology.

Meh I've met too many poor as shit Latin American socialists to believe that

Yeah except Che, Mao, and Castro were all rich and university-educated. And Lenin, Tolstoy and Kropotkin were literal nobility.

Uhh and?

Feel free to admit I'm right at any point.

Right about what? That there are rich socialists? Yeah no shit that was already established. I don't get why you think that means poor socialists don't exist

Or are you on some Leninist trip about the necessity of a professional revolutionary vanguard or some shit?

Closer, I guess. I'm saying that philosophical thinking must generally be pursued by people rich enough to afford a lifestyle that produces nothing of material value. So socialist theory must be produced by the rich. As for the revolutionary wetwork -- although there's no rule saying that the leaders must be rich and university educated (see: Stalin), that does tend to be the natural consequence of the above.

Lol you actually think you just made a great point

Well, I consider myself BTFO now. Feeling pretty embarrassed I ever disagreed with you tbqh.

you are bringing up prs dumber than the hoover fpundation mostly lol

Any revolutionary is going to be like that. George Washington, Robespierre, Napoleon. It's not the lower class that leads the revolt.

It's not necessary, but it is highly likely. Even the German peasants had Florian Geyer and Muntzer.

Sure, and I've met the Queen.

I'm an amerifat whose never been out of the country therefore no one has ever visited Chile

You post gay ass shit about videogames, bud. I don't think you're meeting chilean bean farmers (or whatever the fuck they do down there).

hail pinochet

You post gay ass shit about videogames, bud.

Wait wut. I post about a lot of gay ass shit on here but I don't really talk about vidya

You talked to people who spoke English in an area where you didn't get stabbed

They we're rich.

imagine thinking it is


the working class is inherently queer tho

I dunno, I once knew this Hemp Party bloke who didn't even smoke bongs. Insufferable.

These LARPers would get stabbed with a glass bottle and rolled for their wallets by the actual poor.

These LARPers would get stabbed with a glass bottle and rolled for their wallets by the actual poor.

These LARPers would get stabbed with a glass bottle and rolled for their wallets by the actual poor.

rofl that last quote

McElwee is white

This, nobody with a Scottish name is white.

Micks are Irish, Macks are Scottish


claiming to 'BE'?

they dont claim that

They certainly don't claim to be privileged white middle-class assholes LARPing as socialists, though.

ypu sure

/r/killthosewhodisagree/ is full of Chapo-like people calling the sub alt-right for posting people on the left calling for people's death so you are absolutly right.

"We banned Amazon! What do we want instead?!"

"Project housing!"

They are literally living memes lmao


If I know anything about the the history of the guillotine, I know that the ones who built it in the first place usually are the second ones to go through it

You don't know anything about the history of the guillotine.

The bachelorette, Arielle Cohen — 30


Really activates the yarmulke warmer.




History doesn't repeat, it (((echoes)))

guillotines are a normie ass meme dude lol

Tl;dr: socialists are still losers.

Hammer and Sickle tits will definitely not tell all your friends you raped her 17 years from now when you have a wife and kids and have snapped out of your retard politics phase.

I hope when Iran chimps out, Brooklyn is hit first.

Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but what are your thoughts on the redistribution of wealth from the bourgeoisie to the proletariat for the greater good of society?

If an ESL learner was reading this and trying to figure out the meaning of “socialist” by trying to figure out what the people in the picture all have in comment they would probably conclude that it means “goes down with one punch”

And enjoy the smell of their own farts

most of the so-called Communists I met were middle-class people playing a game of dreams. I remember a woman in easy circumstances saying to another even more affluent: ‘After the revolution even we will have more, won’t we, dear?’ Then there was another lover of proletarians who used to raise hell with Sunday picknickers on her property. I guess the trouble was that we didn’t have any self-admitted proletarians. Everyone was a temporarily embarrassed millionaire. Maybe the Communists so closely questioned by the investigation committees were a danger to America, but the ones I knew—at least they claimed to be Communists—couldn’t have disrupted a Sunday-school picnic. Besides they always were too busy fighting among themselves.”

John Steinbeck

you think it bothers NYC socialists that NYC's modern successes are completely owed to the business friendly atmosphere and being one of the centers of the global financial services industry?

or are they just too stupid to realize what gives NYC its influence?

are they just too stupid to realize what gives NYC its influence?

Yes, yes they are.

You think they even know enough about modern NYC history? The leftist most mayor was so shit he almost caused race riots because he sided with blacks who wanted to genocide jews. Because of him NYC got 20 years of Republican leadership pretty much dragging NYC into becoming a civilized place where trust fund babies like /u/n_mullen can live without fear

the place where I live without fear is in your mind, and your ass

You'd fear his ass a lot more if you'd seen his test results.

See: blocking Amazon's new HQ2 on the premise that 3 billion in tax deductions out of 27 billion in future (now, non-existant) tax revenues would be "stolen" by the company, as well as conflating office work at a fucking HQ with minimum wage warehouse work, and then trumpeting this as a "victory" for the city.

I highly recommend everyone read the NYC Budget Director's letter regardingthis, it is fucking hilarious and he pulls no punches.

It's glorious! A total BFO.

They un-ironically think it’s the vibes, the art, and the cultural Diversity.

NYC is an overrated shithole, unless you're rich.

You honestly don't have to be "rich" to enjoy NYC. Just need a good salary. You'll be living nice with 120k/year for example. And for NYC, that's not that difficult if you are educated.

if you're educated

You mean if I am a liberal jew

it’s not that bad here even you filthy goyim make good money.

You mean if I am a liberal socialist jew

you don't need to be rich you just need to make a lot of money

Making a lot of money is not the same as "rich" you sperg.

it literally is

Imagine being this dense

Making a lot of money means absolute shite in somewhere like NY compared to even an hour outside it

yeah that's why you need to be rich to live there mr imagination

120k still has you commuting a long distance into town and living in a shoebox.

That’s true of every large city though

Eh, you'd be doing nice past West 120th or so, not even in Harlem. Maybe a 40m subway ride if you work midtown / downtown but that's it.

Or you can live in Chicago like a king and walk to work while living in a nice area.

Isn't Chicago just as expensive though?

Not even close, like a third the rent with a shorter commute.

nice, yeah chicago is really nice too.

Not even close. Housing costs in downtown Chicago are about half what they are in NY.

You can find ~800 sq ft 1 BR apts in the Loop for $1700/mo. For the same around New York you have to live really far away like in Newark or New Brunswick.

Chicago is relatively cheap but that shit still blows my mind. I pay 500 bucks a month to live in a 1500 sq foot house within walking distance of downtown and three professional sports stadiums. Still make 90k too. Definitely a cost to live in one of the largest cities.

Why would anyone want to live in the loop though? Chicago is a city of neighborhoods.

No one wants to live in the Loop, but I didn't know a more apt way to draw a comparison between Chicago and New York than between their two downtowns.

Frankly, I don't know NY enough to say what the equivalent of Lincoln Park would be, for instance.

There's nothing quite equivalent, I guess either the upper east and west sides. Or maybe Brooklyn Heights.

not true at all on either count.

shoebox maybe if you are unlucky but then who cares when you have a social life 7 days a week which is kind of the point of living in nyc in the first place for most people with a pulse.

You're right, but you're still saying this on reddit, where half the posters are college age or younger and 120k is unfathomable to them.

You don't need to have a good salary. If you are creative, attractive and social you could be a bartender and have the time of your life. In NYC you want financial capital or social capital. Having a job with a good salary just means you will be "too tired" or "need to get up early" all the time which means you miss out on all the rarest and most fun reindeer games... m-f 9-5 is basically the worst option no matter how much you make.

Only a handful of cities have massive job opportunities and they tend to be the cities this sub hates.

They ironically only choose to live there, because they honestly believe if they live in proximity then it makes them a higher class of people than the rest of the country. It makes them better than the flyover country they used to live at, where their families still reside.

Urbanites like this are fucking maggots.


That is mainly an anglo thought process too. In Francophone and Latin American countries there is a huge hatred for these sort of faggots that live in the largest city in their countries. Mexico has even had an extremely popular saying about killing off everyone in Mexico city for almost a century.

I've never heard an actual French person say something nice about Paris, same with Germans and Berlin.

paris at least has history and architecture, outside the holocaust memorial, berlin is ugly as fuck and has no redeeming qualities.

Oh, Berlin. What is Berlin? Berlin, as a city, brings nothing but shame to Germany on the international stage. When comparing Berlin with other European capitals such as London, Paris, Madrid and Amsterdam, any decent human’s face must blush in humiliation. Even small countries like Austria, Belgium or Switzerland have Vienna, Brussels and Zurich: presentable cities, complete with high standards of living. Germany gets punished with Berlin, capital of losers. In all the republic, Berlin is home to the largest number of arseholes by far. Deutsche Bahn, Bundestag, Air Berlin and Axel Springer are but a few examples of all the incompetent scum being kept here. Glorious times have long since passed, the city is face down in the dirt. Berliners are lazy sods to their very core. Traits that would, in any civilised culture, pass for nothing but laziness, rudeness, incompetence, dissocial personality disorder or idiocy, are taken by the Berliner and declared a way of life. That is why the Berliner harbours intense feelings of hatred for anyone who’s better than him in any way. Especially the all-around superior Southern Germany are a thorn in his side. He envies their success, and Munich makes the top on his list of hatred. That city is – and has! – everything that Berlin wants to be and have. Berliners take no interest in the fact that it is Munich that finances their dissolute lifestyle, in fact, they secretly believe that they have earned it. So instead of freeing themselves from their envious and resentful lethargy, instead of rolling up their sleeves and improve their city, they revel in their antisocial freeloading and praise their so-called global city. Culturally, Berliners are set up rather weakly, great works lie far back in history. Moreover, mispronouncing “g” as “j” is considered a great cultural feat. Advanced students have mastered ending each and every sentence with a “wa?”. The city’s culinary performance is second-rate. Here, a sausage made from glued-together, meaty odds and ends adorned with ketchup and curry powder is sold as a culinary masterpiece. Hardly any reasonable person would consider a bratwurst with ketchup a recipe, let alone the holy grail of culinary arts. Yet, in their magnanimity, the rest of the republic lets the Berliner keep his delusion, not wanting to amplify his inferiority complex. Economically, Berlin is an utter disaster, even the late GDR stood on more solid ground. The local economy is based around alternative blogs, something-something-media and, if universities are to be believed, gender studies. Disregarding his own bankruptcy, the Berliner treats himself to prestigious projects like the city palace and the airport – which, considering its inoperative nature, is likely an art installation. Moreover, the city houses all popular parties’ headquarters, who refrain from using “traitors” in their official names (Probably for marketing reasons). For the longest time, this “town’s” “mayor”, the jolly Wowibear, butchered anything he found left in a presentable state. Long story short: Berlin is Germany’s tiled coffee table. It is to Germany what Greece is to the European Union, and if it had open sewerage, it would be Germanys Romania. Berlin is a blemish, the abscess on the arse of the nation. Berlin is the uninvited party guest, who didn’t even bring any booze and wouldn’t even understand he’s not welcome if he had is teeth beaten out and got thrown down the stairs. Berlin is the Detroit of Germany and should be sold to Poland for 200 Złoty.

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

can you sauce this pasta pls

Old Krautchan, maybe even older? Pre-2011.

“Flyover country” is a slur for people who don’t pay $2,000 a month for a studio apartment in a crime-ridden shithole.

It's actually the shit over country as pilots wait until they get over the red states to dump their frozen boeing bombs

Unironically, people who actively brag about living in a city are the worst.

I live in the same place as 10 million other people, I'm a somebody!

Doesn't help that in my experience they tend to be miserable.

There are New Yorkers and people who live in New York. New Yorkers are the people who were born and raised in and around the city. Many are born in Queens, some are from Long Island, some live in North Jersey. Some are commuters from Bergen County whose parents moved out of Manhattan to get to a better school, or maybe they were the first generation, raised by Haitian immigrants in Queens. Some are Orthodox Jews living their lives on the same street in Brooklyn as their parents, going to synagogue and harassing women on public busses. Others are blacks from the Bronx who go to a shitty public school where lunch is served at 10:30 AM.

People who live in New York live in the city and have absolutely no roots there. They live in the hip parts of Brooklyn, while bragging about how diverse their area is. You don't see them moving into the apartment building my grandma lives in, where the last few old Jewish ladies are being overtaken by the expanding Chinatown. You don't see these people bitching about train delays at 6:30 in the morning while trying to get into the city from their shitty house in Long Island. You don't see them flipping people off at the entrance to the Lincoln tunnel. Because real New Yorkers fucking hate the city, it's just that they hate everyone else even more.

Considering that many of them come from upper middle to upper class families and had grad school paid for by daddy, I’d say it doesn’t.

They're too stupid to realize NYC is a shithole because their leftwing politicians overregulate their economy which kills the supply of things like housing while decreasing investment, so no. They probably don't understand anything about what makes the city keep chugging.

are they just too stupid to realize _______

You can end that sentence just about any way you like and the answer will always be "yes."

They're right next to Wall Street shouldn't these "socialists" turn to dust or something?

You can feel the desperation and delusion through the screen. The NPC meme is real lol

Quite literally.

Chapo devoted its set to helping the crowd debunk anti-socialism talking points. “This is the main one that anyone on television is going to be asked,” said Menaker. “ ‘How’s it going to get paid for?’ We’ve already seen Alexandria get asked over and over. It’s important to come up with a smart response. The smart response is: ‘All the numbers are correct. All this is true about the deficit. But, fuck the deficit because it’s not real and it doesn’t matter.’ ” The audience whooped.

Teaching people canned lines to use in a discussion 🤖 🤖 🤖.

fuck the deficit because it’s not real and it doesn’t matter

this is true tho

To be honest, I know jack shit about macroeconomics, but I remember events like the https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_government-debt_crisis

lol yeah america is exactly like greece in terms of geopolitical power and influence. it's their own fault for getting involved in a wealth extraction scheme like the eu tbh

You still have to pay interest on your debt Einstein. That shit is taken from money that could go towards government services. And fuck taking account of what could possibly happen in the future in terms of geopolitics. Might as well get a second mortgage now that you got a raise at work. Now way that could backfire down the road.

lol "the national deficit is just like household debt" you really weren't kidding about knowing nothing macroeconomics, even im not this clueless

That's a different person you're replying to.

I mostly just defer to authority based on reputation on matters like these.

And I'm not sure I would trust a chapocel's take over literally everyone else. Especially after hearing commie mommy talk about tax breaks during the Amazon NYC fiasco.

I am not saying they are the same. I love how all you guys use the exact same talking points and act so smug about it though. The point is that you assuming that American bonds will forever be able to offer almost no interest. When the day comes that they aren't seen as absolutely safe than they will have to offer interest and then it will be a shitshow. You also can only do so much QE before inflation becomes a real problem.

I love how all you guys use the exact same talking points and act so smug about it

easy to be smug when youre right

t. Mugabe's finance minister

This isn’t true tho. Excessive government deficits cause two main problems. First, they crowd out private sector investment because there is a limited pool of funds available for borrowing. If government takes all the money, who is going to give you a mortgage? Second, printing money to pay your own debts is highly inflationary in growths phases.

Even Paul Krugman knows this.

yeah Magic Money Theory is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of tbh. And that goes without saying that the rug could slip out from under you for one reason or another.

Sample bio: “Labor activist and aspiring historian/sci-fi writer looking for friends/open relationships. Tell me about your student debt and let’s cry together.”

jesus christ no wonder no one wants to date her

Giving off a definite stinky vag vibe

Thank you for putting that into proper words, I've never been able to quite name that vibe but stinky vag is spot on

I’m older now and married, but I had a good run in my twenties and dated quite a few women.

After a while you notice a correlation between certain “personality quirks” and stank puss. I got pretty good at correctly predicting the Parmesan cheese explosion.

Ugh way to ruin a good cheese.

Tuna fish has been the running meme for decades, but reality is a lot cheesier.

ngl, I've always wanted to get nasty with one of these commie-thot types

Be prepared for the inviting aroma of warm vegemite to fill the room as soon as the thong comes off.

retain a good lawyer beforehand.

That article is just like the socialistas they’re writing about, faggy and long winded

All they cry about all day are their stupid fucking student loans. Wahh, I spent money on something I couldn't afford and now I'm complaining about it. God damn.

33 year old graduate student complains that she's in debt after three decades of non-stop schooling and no job

Katie Halper tells me she’s a fourth-generation socialist from the Upper West Side

LMMMAAAAOOOOOOO please fucking tell she is at least aware of the paradox of her very existence.

The Upper West Side is considered to be among New York City's wealthiest neighborhoods.

Champagne Socialism.

Her podcast logo is literally a hammer and sickle with the hammer replaced with a champagne glass.

I can't be retarded if I'm self aware

Her mom was a socialist , her chud dad was an investment banker who paid for her college

I want a communist revolution just so I can watch these people get chained to a truck and dragged by Comrade Cletus and Commisar Tyrone, and have their nice apartment redistributed to a family of Mexican day laborers.

it’s the Friday after Valentine’s Day.The radical publishing house Verso Books is throwing its annual Red Party, an anti-romance-themed banger. Like a lot of the best lefty parties, it takes place in Verso’s book-lined Jay Street loft, ten stories above cobblestoned Dumbo. The view of the East River is splendid, the DJ is good, and the beers cost three bucks. The roster tonight is heavy on extremely online political-media types. The podcaster and performer Katie Halper tells me she’s a fourth-generation socialist from the Upper West Side who used to attend a summer camp once affiliated with a communist organization called the International Workers Order. The hosts of the leftist podcast Chapo Trap House are not here, but Eli Valley, the gonzo artist who illustrated their book, is, as is Dave Klion, a ubiquitous Twitter pundit recently seen feuding with CNN’s Jake Tapper. Nearby, Sarah Leonard, who, at 30, is a veteran of the lefty-journalism orbit, tells me she’s launching a Marxist-feminist glossy called Lux, named for Rosa Luxemburg

I literally lack the creativity to come up with satire that is more petite bourgeois than this. This is literally a stereotype born into life.

It's like something from a Tom Wolfe book.

Petit-bourgeoisie, almost by definition, contribute something to society. They're the working bourgeoisie, the landed farmers and small-business owners. For obvious reasons, the petit-bourgeoisie are incredibly resistant to Marxism, as they stand to lose the most, and understand what they're losing. That's why the Soviet Union targeted the kulaks. These champagne socialists are as far from petit-bourgeoisie as you can get.

It's over for politicels.


Still, among New York’s creative underclass — cash poor but culturally potent

can we delegalise white people

Pins and posters are available for purchase, she says, and donations are of course welcome. “That’s how we became capitalists,” she jokes. “And that’s what you call irony. Or dialectics.”

It's difficult for me to even Express how much is disdain these people. Empty vessels that value the aesthetic of intellectuals but are working with all the critical thought of a toaster.

It's the complete lack of awareness and inability to tolerate anything outside of their bubble for fear of exposing how flimsy and hypocritical their stated ideologies are that gets me.

It's just like their "jokes" are at the level of 5he pixels movies, literally just "hur, everyone here ready at least 1 page of the spark notes on hegel/Marx and knows the word dialectic right?" It hardly even makes sense in context, it's just a big word and they genuinely think they're clever for using it.

What even is dialectics? Isn’t it like...Thing, Antithesis of thing, resultant synthesis, or something?

If so that’s awesome, because that is literal “le both sides” but with a ton of spergy neologisms.

In very basic terms it's the mechanism hegel detailed on how our understanding of 'true' concepts evolves. Take thing you're doing, find where is is inherently at odds with the 'truth' take its opposite and synthesize them together into the new truth. Multiple that by a million weird things about the world spirit and the thing of itself and you have the dialectic.

Hm, seems pretty shite.

Thing of itself

🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮 I got halfway through Heidegger and that phrase still triggers the fuck out of me.

The Big Bang Theory, but for leftist poli-sci instead of hard sciences.

At least they arent fighting over who is best christian whilst trying to fuck the pastor anymore.

They should just own it like Freddy Engels did.

[socialism] Stripped of its Soviet context...


Gulags and class based genocide?

Look at these people and tell me that gulags and class-based genocide are wrong.

They all think they will be the "owners of production" but they will all be the first against the wall

That's actually the strongest argument in favor of communism.

Clean-shaven guy on the middle left, blonde in the bottom row, and the dude with the up-close headshot. Those are literally the only attractive people in the entire collage.

How about that Tommy Wiseau looking mfer in the bottom left corner?


These are just our generation’s coked out knock off version of hippies


almost makes one wish for a socialist revolution so we can hang these yuppie retards shortly afterwards

"What do you mean writing for the Huffington Post doesn't make me part of the Working Class?"

It makes them part of the unemployed class.


The hosts of the leftist podcast Chapo Trap House are not here, but Eli Valley, the gonzo artist who illustrated their book, is [...]

clearly never never read HST, hunter would spit on these skinny commie faggots.


The bachelorette, Arielle Cohen — 30, former co-chair of the Pittsburgh chapter of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) — asks her suitors a question. “Now that Amazon has been banished from New York” — triumphant shouting here — “you’re the one who gets free rein to build something ungodly in Queens: What are you building?” Some answers ring out — guillotine, public housing — but the invocation of Amazon is all it takes to get the party going.

really captures the mood of college-aged commies, anyone want to bet all of these people think they deserve public housing?

also lol not pictured: actual working class people.

There is a difference between seeing capitalism as an insatiable monster that needs to be controlled and being an annoying fucking trust fund yuppie that lives in Brooklyn and mocks the working class while complaining about what colour or sex Superman is in the latest movie on twitter. HST would absolutely hate these idiots even if he agreed with them on an ideological level. Besides, HST was a social libertarian above everything else.

HST would absolutely hate these idiots

oh for sure. not for being "skinny commie faggots" tho, thats pure "based gonzo daddy must've been redpilled just like me!" projection

“It’s weird to me that DSA is a coalition of college-educated white people who, like, hate the idea that the Democratic Party should appeal to college-educated white people,”

👏It’s 👏because👏Youre👏All👏Spineless👏Pussies

Brooklyn born & raised... its not native NY'ers who are your "socialists" or your "whatever". Only in places like the Village, bars in Greenpoint, Williamsburg, the city, you are just as likely to be called a Jew in NY,or a black bastard, then a fascist or a whatever. This is a small segment of the population, and Id honestly rather have a place like Detroit, or the entire state of Connecticut, eat a nuke up the ass, then Brooklyn, Fuck you reddit, bunch fucking pussy faggots.


Hi, 666turbograzer!

I thought I would stop by and wish you a wonderful and prosperous year! Have a good one!


nuke brooklyn

I'd honestly would like to know the endgame of all this. Do they think it's just going to be free middle-class housing and orgies in the streets? Video games and Gigabit internet for all?

Literally yes. They talk about shit like how great Pokemon games would be under Socialism.

It's almost like socialists find other socialists insufferable

"Now that Amazon has been banished from New York” — triumphant shouting here — “you’re the one who gets free rein to build something ungodly in Queens: What are you building?” Some answers ring out — guillotine, public housing — but the invocation of Amazon is all it takes to get the party going.

Celebrate destruction of economy, celebrate bloating of the state, then turn around and yell at anyone who dares to say that socialism wants an outrageously bloated central authoritarian government

Holy fuck so many words to say nothing

Lolis are for headpats and feed them healthy food, not for lewd.


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These same big names of the DSA are the very first ones who accuse others of wrongdoing for the slightest bit of disagreement. Because in leftist circles, social capital is gained from callouts and trying to outwoke people. Men don't want to ask out women who accuse others of harassment for so much as breathing the wrong way at them (not that creepy male DSA members don't exist, we are talking about male feminists after all). Male leftists know it's far safer to ask out normies. The wokescolds do far more harm to leftism than any alt-righter has.

This is why dirtbag leftist (by that I mean actual dirtbag left, not r/CTH) places are genuinely the best political position. They're right about not cucking yourself to porky, without all the handwringing and pretentiousness about the problematicness of others, as if callouts is an end goal in of itself.

If you go out to factory floors or farm fields, the last thing you would see is people who get upset at the word "females".

looks at the main photo

We used to sink barges with people like them back in the 20-ies.