r/funny goes spastic over a comic for normal people

112  2019-03-04 by ardasyenden


Congratulations! I do not often downvote. You have earned mine.


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I liked the pol version better, it had a Black (White) guy claiming he was white.

you should post it to r/politicalhumor then

Argentinia is not white


It was an Argentinian


Every time god damn it

The only funny version

The only good version of this comic.

You can't please anyone, anywhere on reddit. I have been called a marxist, which I am not, a nazi, which I am not, and most recently someone called me an "enlightened centrist," which I'm not. But I think it's funny, how the left and the right are looking down on people who dont want to take sides. These brainlets are so high on their own farts that when reality is broken down into a simple, easy to understand comic strip, a tism storm begins and people begin taking sides and screeching.

That said, the artist should be stoned for putting the political spectrum on the wrong sides, and that's really the only take away that matters here.

and most recently someone called me an "enlightened centrist," which I'm not




I took care of it 😎👉

Thank you for keeping my safe space safe from FUCKING TERRORISTS

A true centrist would ban half of a user

someone called me an "enlightened centrist," which I'm not.


Spot the logical fallacies. Go!

or just shut the fuck up and enjoy a goofy comic, not everything needs to be analyzed god damn

well if someone’s making fun of something connected to you in any way, of course you have to analyze it to own le rethuglicans

this obviously wasn't made to be a goofy comic. it was made by a rightist to poorly equivocate those pesky SJWs to literal Nazis.

"Leftoid mad at an internet comic because it does not adhere to xir worldview. More news at 11"

most people rejected his message. they hated the_marx because he told them the truth.

Quoting the bible is a hate crime and it makes you a right wing nazi.

I almost downvoted you, but then I checked the username.

Can you sign my $25.00 Chev Guevara I bought at target please?

No because I don't support the appropriation of socialist imagery by capitalists ... I do have a Che Guevera shirt, but it's not made by some capitalist totalitarian corporation. Cuba is the world's most successful socialist nation—in many respects being better to live in than the United States itself—and deserves respect.

Poor che he could have been the og rocketman with his buddy but the russians were a bunch of pussies over it

Yikes. Let's Unpack this, ok?

Oh hush you ad hominem straw man, Poe’s law ain’t got nothing on so much this.

This ain’t it chief

Sometimes it seems like more than half the stuff I see on reddit is people bitching about who other people date

I hope an alien civilization discovers funny and decides to nukkake us all.

I'm glad to know I'm banned from there.

Make fun of righties:


The righties' cope gets downvoted. Go to cringeanarchy or KIA or /pol/ if you want to see 24x7 S E E T H I N G

Or we could just watch you cry like a bitch over a fucking comic.

Y futbol man no stand up 😡😡😡😡

y u no in labor camp 😡😡😡😡

KIA isn't near the level of CA. CA is a fucking disaster right now and it's fucking hilarious.

I went there the other day for the first time in months and it was basically full on 1488 6 gorillion oy vey shut it down

It’s so fucking bad I miss that shit so much when it was, in better than it is now I haven’t been on there in months because of how shit it is.

There's r/cringetopia now if you miss old school CA

I know about that one but tbh the admin for that was a dick to one of the mods of the ca discord and I still use that sub but it’s like. Yikes.

That is a few too many layers of Internet for me lol.

I just look at subs that present content I like

"muh old CA"

It's lost its humorous tone, but don't play dumb as if it wasn't specifically started by a /pol/ user to be a /pol/ colony.

it wasnt rly tho was it?

I guess MDE really never will die 🤔

kia /pol/

sure dawg

you know this literally one of the og like 2015-era kia memes, right?

Stop gaslighting me!

Laffin at all the leftists in the comments going full COPE and insisting no leftist ever says any of the stuff on their side of the comic. Lurk on /r/drama for a week and you'll see all of those boxes get ticked.

Not even. Leftists unironically think "hiring the best person for the job" is fascistic oppression.

They argue as much in the comments. Lol

Also, some very 90s colorblind institutionalized racism in the middle column.


Because hiring the best people for the job, the ones who worked for it, is racist.

so is that like your revenge for what the libs did to politicalhumor? They spam it with unfunny agenda shit they pretend to find funny because they agree with it so you do the same to r funny?

Why is reddit so full of unfunny losers unable to take criticism?

I don’t know, but I one day hope to make a social platform that has the exact opposite type of community

Yea, yea, where is the fourth panel, hm?

Why are moderates the biggest trigger in the world for Reddit