Holy fuck this pibble just got fucking burgerclapped because the owner of the pitbull fan facebook group left their goddamn gates open.

8  2019-03-04 by UsedTree


This, but unironically.


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I feel like snappy’s been on point more than usual lately

I hope y'all didnr expect autistic screencaps of all the comments because it's literally just people saying their dogs wouldn't hurt a fly with pictures of them sometimes with infants.

Are pitbulls just a way for mayos to alleviate white guilt without having to talk to black people because it's real creepy.

Honestly at this point I think more white trash owns pibbles, plus rescue dogs, than black people. The problem is that pibbles (and a few other breeds) should either be used as guard dogs and shit like that, or be owned by good owners who can deal with aggressive breeds.

Instead they're either owned by people who want big scary looking dogs, or the irl equivalent of counter jerkers who think pibbles are the goodest boyos who are just the victim of stereotypes and have no idea how to deal with a aggressive breed. All of those outcomes, especially people who don't know what they're doing with rescue dogs who often were used for dog fighting or shit like that and really need expert training, lead to what keeps happening.

The problem is they aren’t really good guard dogs. They are so fucked with their responses, they could actually be super friendly to the burglar/rapist/assailant and then freak and maul your relative when they scream.

They're a aggressive protective breed. If trained properly (and no having a dog you don't do shit with but leave lose in your fenced in yard is not a guard dog) they fit the bill just fine. Again the thing is retards who don't know what they're doing with big dangerous dogs. If some retard fucks with a chihuaha you get a yappy little shit who can barenly break skin. Same fuck ups with a pit bull (or German Shepard Rottweiler Doberman American Akita or any other big breed) and you get a goodest boy who eats granny's face.

Starts talking about chihuahuas.

Oh. I see. Carry on.

uh no I'm shitting on the but muh pibbles argument that those little fucking rats are responsible for the most dog bites you mongloid. A small aggressive dog when owned by a retard doesn't do shit, a large aggressive dog when owned by a retard kills toddlers and boomers. If you can't see the difference you'd make a great pibble owner.

Mongoloid? Excuse me?

Reported for racism and maybe ableism. Expect an aznidentity brigade.

If pibbles eat boomers I don’t think I want one. I’m kind of on the cusp (gen X are boomers too).

Maybe this hit in the head will remove all the bad behavior

We really owe the police everything, here. Pibble lobotomies for all, including the owners (though I doubt they've got much left to take).

Thankfully there were no toddlers or elderly for the pibble to maul

Pitbull, pitbull owners and pedos are on the same level

Even the third world country I live in has banned pibbles, get your shit together.

There should be a unit of the police force or army that just goes around killing pibbbles