Antifa discusses the use of barbed wire baseball bats on high schoolers

102  2019-03-05 by ardasyenden


it gets even better when you go the original post lmao

Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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Ye, then you read the thread and see that the barbed wire baseball bat was obviously a joke and most of us are pushing for re-education and non-expulsion.

This is your brain when devoid of melanin.

What is wrong with mayos?

Their parents don’t beat them

How much time do you have?

yes, all of it is exactly that.

They all should be kicked out for trusting a mayo with a pic like that.

The screenshot existing just shows even more that you should never trust white people, especially Americans.

I mean if you're dumb enough to post a pic of you hailing hitler over a swastika you should have your life ruined for being that dumb

It's hard to say because they're drunk kids and I feel it's a good chance they don't really believe in fascism, they just want attention.

"I was only pretending to be retarded!" just means they deserve it more.

Maybe they have some illness where they suddenly start reciting Mein Kampf, drawing swastikas and saluting when they're drunk

Yeah it's called Edgelorditis, most sufficiently privileged American youth have it, regardless of color or creed.

TBH all high schoolers deserve a barbed wire baseball bat upside their heads.


Re-education and punishment I think

I love the smell of gulags in the morning.

Ministry of Truth when?

also what’s with the trigger warning? doesn’t it make us sound a bit weak? we’re not weak are we??

Almost had a glimpse of self awareness there.

Where's the baseball bat shit. Mostly people talking about educating them and making them watch shit. Boring


So much unironic use of "re-education".



no mercy for those who relish in the deaths of millions.

Says the commie lul

Tfw you hate people who killed like 11 million people, but the people you worshipped probably killed over 50 million in the span of like two decades.

Expert move by the white girl turning into the flash

The lack of self-awarness in that subreddit is so thick you can almost feel it. They are just incapable of looking in the mirror.

Lol imagine getting mad at a bunch of drunk teenagers who are getting more social interaction in a night then you get in a decade.

Communism is a perfect system. It is the people who are imperfect that ruin it.

Therefore if all communists die, perfect communism will be achieved.

Also, these are not kids, they're high school students. They know what the Holocaust is, they know what Nazism stands for, they do not deserve any leniency on this.

Also, these are not kids, they're high school students.

👮‍♂️👮‍♀️🕵️‍♂️ - sir we would like to ask you a few questions, can we come inside

Of this gets TWD cancelled I'm all for it

Damn, prison's gonna be a bitch for these Sanders-panders

Sometimes you have to load people on to trains and ship them to concentration camps to show them how you should never act like Nazis.

Funny thing is this is really just edgy teenager shit.

Guaranteed 2-3 of the kids in attendance were Jewish.