TwoX reiterates that people of ALL genders are welcome (except men). Discussions are had. Over half of the comments are deleted in a spergy power struggle.

597  2019-03-05 by GonnaNutInYourButt


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. This Post -,,

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Why is there so much fucking infighting on the left?

Ideological purity.

Yeah the rightos allow people to disagree and still work together.

Lefties are on the Right Side of HistoryTM . Can't have dissent. Utopia first. Questions later.

Step 1: Insanity now

Step 2: ???

Step 3: Rubber room for all (Socialist paradise)

Step 2: ???

Blood shed.

Which is fine TBH, but lefties fuck up even that part. They boast that their ideology isn't that bad because all the deaths weren't intentional just accidental.

Can't respect such people.

Dude, women, lmao.

Dude, Communist women, lmao

Nonsense. They're fat, and communism provides no food.

the vocal transexual nerds sprinkled in really stir the pot nicely

vocal transexual nerds

Are there any other kind, particularly on Reddit?

How do I find this category on yp?

Find discord trannies and go to town brother

Not in this case apparently

Dude-women, lmao


this but unironically

Dude, women, lmao.

Well, in this particular case,

Dude, trannies, lmao.

Reddit is really infested. Day of the short dicklets when?

women male-bodied individuals


dude gussy lmao

Because its ideals are proudly based on denying reason in favor of feeling. Start thinking critically -> try to form a coherent worldview -> ask questions about fringe cases -> BAM you're in the KKK.

Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

If this is a challenge to find the most cringey pasta then allow me to beat you into submission with this...

I remember the first day I applied the therapeutic masturbation to my son. It felt completely natural as I already had a deep sense of intimacy with my son’s body through the process of massaging him, bathing him, changing his diapers and cleaning and touching his genitals and other private parts. The therapeutic masturbation was a natural extension of what I was already doing in taking care of my son’s body. I also remember how my son expressed a sense of relief, delight and happiness with a smile followed by laughter and other sounds of contentment when I applied the therapeutic masturbation. His body also succumb through orgasm to indicate his enjoyment of the masturbation. The reaction indicated a positive acceptance of the therapeutic masturbation by my son, both physically and emotionally. The therapeutic masturbation also led to a calmness in my son’s behaviour and he continues to show his contentment and happiness to all around him.

May God grant you forgiveness for this post, for I certainly cannot.

He tells me that if they keep it true vanilla (no sharding), then to let him know because he wants to play.

allahu akbar

uh......what was the source for this?

i blame mayod

You've got to be fucking kidding me

Note to self, update living will:

If disabled or otherwise permanently unable to perform masturbation on self, please do it for me from time to time.


Because its ideals are proudly based on denying reason in favor of feeling.

Every partisan hack believes their side has a lock on reason and that the other sides value feelings over logic and facts.

Yeah but it's finally true when I say it...

I wouldn't go that far. The right has continuously held the monopoly on believing whatever Fox News tells them and repeating onion articles as fact.

Yeah, literal grandparents. Younger Conservatives watch their favourite insulated YouTube personalities, like everyone else.


Imagine being this much of a retard lol

One thing that the cuckservatives have right is they understand that unity within an ideology is important. When Trump got the nomination, I'm sure a lot of tradcons hated him and would have preferred Cruz, but they still voted for him. They put the "greater good" of the party over their own individuality.

Leftists can't do this because their worldview is "I'M SPECIAL REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE."

Ask a critical question? FRIENDS OFF

Imagine being such a raging autist that you constantly destroy or cut off relationships due tk politics. Leftists are lonely people who in looking for "solidarity" only find a community of two-faced backstabbers

Cut off all ties to all family and friends because they aren't woke enough

Make politics the first and foremost aspect of every discussion and have it pervade every thought

Why is life so hard?

This needs to be a bot quote.

There's a question now in askrelationships about a woman whose husband disagrees on some of the finer points of feminism. She wants to now divorce him over it.

Women are a plague

That'll be the conservatives who shit on the grave of a man who couldn't walk upright due to being tortured by communists?

He sold out to communists and was a war monger.

That's a good example. I thought McCain was a legit war hero (he passed up the opportunity for early release in solidarity with his fellow POWs.) But I'll still get on board with Daddy for other reasons. Liberals have purity tests and principals. I'm too pragmatic to be held back by that sorta thing. We must secure the existence of our /r/drama and a future for dramanaut burgers.

Liberals don't have purity tests, socialist have purity tests, one of which is that you got to recognize that liberals aren't socialists.

The current batch of liberals running for president are already pushing for reparations in an attempt to out-woke socialist Bernie.

Drama is a daddy place tho, we make fun if his dementia just like we make fun of commies

Daddy's brains are mush but his policies are also mush.

Yea, but at least we're funny about it.

You mean ol' Songbird McCain?

Dude was a RINO neo-con warmonger who sent thousands of American soldiers to similar or worse fates. Why is anybody right or left expected to not hate this guy?


neo-con warmonger

I'm 43 years old and that sounds like pretty much every Republican president in my lifetime.

Yep as my Trump voting friend said "Trump is fucking idiot and a racist. . .prove to me Hillary isn't!". I was unable to do so.

Imagine having standards and integrity actually being seen as a bad thing because it's not "unifying" people.

Also people need to stop conflating political parties with ideologies and especially conflating political parties with the "Left/Right" spectrum. It's silly.

Imagine having standards and integrity actually being seen as a bad thing because it's not "unifying" people.

Imagine feeling outraged and disgusted by the fact that you had to share a mass grave with a fellow leftist that disagreed with you on whether men were women because you couldn't work together but the fascists could.

"If every leftist doesn't shutup and fall in line it will lead to literal global genocide."

Where the hell did you get that from? On that note, who the hell should leftists even be falling in line with? Should the socialists fall in line with the neolibearls? Should all fall in line with the communists? Should they all just fall in line with whatever political leader has the most widespread appeal? The most power?

Also fascists do not work together. Literally every known fascist nation was ripe with in-fighting, assassinations, and lack of unity. The only thing that ever kept them in line were strong-men dictators.

Do you think you're in /r/politics or something faggot? Take your serious posting out of here, it's leaving a disgusting slimy residue on my /r/drama.

Did you just call me a faggot? Listen here you you mayonnaise eating snowback I'm a hot blooded heterosexual american male who LOVES vagina. I'll fuck your shit up in Apex Legends AND Minecraft PVP. Don't @ me you whore.

More daddy, my donger is on the rise. But less mention of gussy.

male who LOVES vagina

leave. now.

They put the "greater good" of the party over their own individuality.

Yeah sure buddy. You mean they realized that if they want to continue having a career in politics they have to at least to pretend to love sucking daddy Trump's cock. It is all about their own personal self interest and advancing their petty careers.

The real shame about 2020 is there won't be a republican primary again. Watching senile daddy absolutely steamroll all the evangelical darlings despite their years of pandering to fent-americans was the highlight of the last election

Hopefully there is a primary. I wanna see Weld destroy Daddy

There's plenty of infighting on the right too, make no mistake. Go on to /pol/ and post something in favour of neoconservatism or civic nationalism. Or how you think Ben Shapiro seems like a pretty cool guy, or post a picture of a black man wearing a MAGA hat and call him based. See how long it takes before you get called a cuck, a shill or a kike.

/pol/ voted Trump nonetheless. That's the difference.

Or how you think Ben Shapiro seems like a pretty cool guy

Wait! I can't keep up! It's like I've been asleep for the past two years!!

Lemme get this straight ... the alt-reich currently hates Ben Shapiro? I thought they had already granted him 'sonderkommando' status?

And now the leftist hate YA novelists, Bill Maher, Louis C.K., Aziz Ansari, and Stuart Smalley....?!

And the alt-reich/alt-center/alt-center-left also hates the FBI, John McCain, POW/MIAs, George W., and shaving razors!?!?!

What the heck...

The alt right doesn’t actually exist.

Cringe @ your view of what leftists think. #NeverTrump was successful though. He still lost the popular vote because the people didn’t/don’t want him too.

Imagine still being like "p-p-p-popular vote!" in current fucking year.

Sorry that you’re triggered the people don’t like trump lmao

I love how well you've insulated yourself from reality. "People think it's pathetic that I'm still playing the #notmypresident game, what a bunch of republicans haha, I'm still with her haha."

You have bad mental issues. Are you a tranny?

Also reality is that trump lost the popular vote and the people didnt like him. Also no one cares about Hillary anymore lmao

This level of cognitive dissonance is art.

Hillary lost 3 years ago. No one cares about her anymore. Trump is the president and the people don’t and didn’t prefer him.

Is it really that hard to understand?

Because leftism, for most, isn't about achieving any sort of real material objectives so much as it's a status based subculture where the chief goal is to demonstrate superior virtue over the less woke. These retards are always fighting because the true driving force of cultural leftism is a fight for social status in the in-group.

Damn right it is, btw, I am better than you.

Im the best centrist, not you.

Thanks Ted!

Social media and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

It's not too late to roll back access on an as needed basis, ie children, idiots, etc.

I'm unironically starting to see that it needs to be considered a privilege, like a driver's license, but with even more stringent requirements.

As per the leftist doctrine, that would be considered “(something)-ist” as it would drastically reduce the ability of depressed queer Ashkenazi PoC autists with anxiety to obtain an internet loicense™

And on the other side we have conservatives who are absolutely terrified of losing the white male dominated society they try and claim doesn't exist.

Both sides are retarded in their own ways, as is why the #Mayocide must go through.

Here take an upvote

You’re thinking of neonazis and White supremacists. Democrats except for moderate democrats will not compromise, conservatives are normal

Democrats except for moderate democrats will not compromise, conservatives are normal

Bullshit, they compromised when making Obamacare and Republicans wouldn't budge. Conservatives were the ones who shut down the government multiple times when they couldn't get their way.

Daddy wouldn’t like what you’re saying right now.

Imagine just being wrong. Republicans had 1 shutdown for 16 days under Obama. Democrats have had 2 shutdowns under Trump including the longest ever. Even worse is that Republicans shut down the government over a massively expensive issue with huge implications for the whole of American society forever while the Democrats shut down the government because they wouldn't give Trump a measly $6B for a project that would make a tangible difference in another problem.

Democrats have had 2 shutdowns under Trump including the longest ever.

Trump literally took credit for the longest shutdown. It was because he couldn't get funding for his wall. Democrats submitted multiple bills to end the shutdown that Mcconell refused to even bring to a vote.

Congress shuts down the government. I don't give a shit what retarded spin Trump tried to put on it. Everything you're saying applies equally to the Republicans shutting down the government under Obama except, again, the stakes were far greater. It also applies equally to the Democrats: "I'll prevent you from governing the country because I don't want you to enforce existing immigration laws." Calling the Republicans obstructionist for shutting down the government over a massive issue while claiming the Democrats are not for a greater level of obstruction over a minor expenditure is pure retardation.

Everything you're saying applies equally to the Republicans shutting down the government under Obama

Who started the shut down because they wouldn’t get what they wanted, Republicans in both cases. Did Obama ever threaten a shutdown or own it?

. It also applies equally to the Democrats: "I'll prevent you from governing the country because I don't want you to enforce existing immigration laws."

Allocating 6 billion for a wall is not “enforcing existing immigration laws” it’s a huge new construction project. The Dems gave more funding for immigration enforcement outside of a wall.

Calling the Republicans obstructionist for shutting down the government over a massive issue while claiming the Democrats are not for a greater level of obstruction over a minor expenditure is pure retardation.

Shutting down the government to get your way is obstructionist. They didn’t have the votes to remove Obamacare, they knew Obama wouldn’t get rid of it, so they tried to play hardball and use the shutdown to get their way. Same with the wall.

Like I said though Trump took credit for the shutdown. You can call it “retarded spin” but that was Trump’s own words it was an idea floated by the GOP not the Dems. It’s 100% their shutdown. And again the Dems sent bills to the Senate to end the shutdown and Mitch refused to let most of them in the Senate for a vote.

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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using i.e. when you mean e.g.

fucking mongoloid

lol the GOP couldn't even get the hillbilly retards of the teaparty on board for anything but the tax cut, wasting their control of both chambers of congress while they had a sitting president.

Normal conservatives are only a small portion of the right in this present moment. Most normal conservatives have been kicked out or have to pretend they're farther right in order to fit in.

Aren’t they several degrees removed by this point?

The Goldwater Republicans were the last sane ones.

Throughout all of human history, having advantages (even unfair ones) helped you survive, prosper and reproduce. Only in the past 40 years have mayos gotten so dumb, fat and rich that cunning tricksters have managed to convince them to voluntarily surrender their advantages (privilege) out of a sense of guilt.

If you're a mayo and you don't deprive your kid of important vitamins & nutrients and have him bussed to the shittiest inner city school in your area then you're giving him an unfair advantage only allowed to you because of your white privilege.

This but unironically

That's ironic right


No such thing in the current year.

Mayos are the only race who view Harrison Bergeron as a guidebook.

(((cunning tricksters)))

But what about the conservatives?

Forget about the gelgameks.

By conservatives you mean alt right? They're mostly concerned with showing how redpilled they are by moaning about Jewish Hollywood directors casting black actors.

and actresses

And on the other side we have conservatives who are absolutely terrified of losing the white male dominated society they try and claim doesn’t exist.

We aren’t going to lose our competence, our industry, or our political power. Speaking as a conservative, the left infuriate me, but they don’t frighten me.

Demographics is political power in a democratic society, you boomer-tier retard.

money is political power, you naive nitwit

So you gonna pay all the immigrants to vote red?

Don’t need to. legal immigrants are the only ones allowed to vote, and there’s a sizable chunk that hold traditional/ conservative values. More to the point, the SC is already fairly stacked for the foreseeable future, and there’s enough corporate interest in politics and PACS (thx Citizen U!) to ensure that only sane democrats actually have a meaningful chance to push actual policy that will survive more than a decade.

I’m good, b.

You should look up demographic voting habits. Might be educational glimpse into what happens when the country becomes minority-majority. But keep boomer posting :]

Guess we’ll see, huh?

We've already seen mah boomer. The border of Texmex votes blue, and california is a supermajority Democrat state when it was handily Republican just a few decades ago. I live there, theyre in no rush to vote for these values you think they hold.

Why do Reddit tards like “boomer” so much? I’m gen x, first of all, you supreme tit, and secondly, as a conservative, I’m not “far right”.

I’m just actively trying to avoid the faggotry of a #woke twitter future. So are most people.

Oh no, not downvotes! Please, reconsider!

Kill you're self you retarded mayo

Why the fuck do mayos oppress they're self all the time? Is it a fetish?

It's odd how the most open, tolerant and accepting cultures on the earth are dominated by white men, yet somehow they are all evil racists and those responsible for this tolerant utopia must be destroyed.

If we went by world population whites would be a minority in the conservative demographic. Most are within the Middle East and East Asian continent, with an almost as high ratio present in the South East Asian territories.

All the first world countries that aren't America are classed as progressive, with even their conservative elements being less extreme.

Oh yeah and there is no gender oppression in any first world country, because women have equal pay, [effective] employment incentives, and the suffering of men doesn't matter. It's a perfect system, too bad people read about it in academic papers by people who never took statistics but try site stats in their papers anyway.

I'll take "I get all my knowledge on leftism from 'SJW owned' compilations" for 200.

u want the one for 200 or 800 food vouchers?

I get my knowledge from participating in leftist space for years and realizing that the average leftist is just a middle class retard LARPing as a revolutionary, who adopts particular socialist tendencies based purely in aesthetics and cultural cache. None of these retards actually read books or do actual labor organizing.

Rightoid political analysis is so fucking retarded lol.

Tay has voted Republican in all elections except the last one


Last counts most, she's been blacked and leftoidized, get over it lmao


Ill take marxist critical theory for 100 food vouchers Alex

This is why I am a non-denominational political woke person

Guys....Guys.....HEY GUYS.....Wanna know the best part?? If they keep on fighting then all theyre gonna do is fragment and form a bunch of retarded little circles instead of one big retarded hive mind and they wont be as strong.

Lol for posting a comment on this subreddit I have been banned from r/fuckthealtright. Insanity. Completely says everything you need to know about the "tolerant left".

lol, people actually believe this

Because there are a lot of losers who have nothing better to do but undermine there own causes in a desperate attempt to garner any form of power over others. You know. They are not left or right. Just power hungry. They chose Left becauze it is just real easy to infiltrate. They are more willing to listen to bullshit nobody cares about.

Its also reasonable to assume that some are controlled opposition who's goal is to drive wedges in these movements so they don't actually unify to get anything done. Its been documented that the FBI and CIA did all that stuff in the 1960s-70s and there is no reason to think that they and various local police forces have stopped infiltrating and disrupting these groups. Occupy Wallstreet likely got into the internal disagreements over how to organize when all these 'woke' types showed up, some of which may well have been infiltrators trying to undermine them from the inside.


They'd rather be the captain of a sinking ship than a mere crewman aboard a ship that makes it safely to port.

That's a great way of phrasing it.

Because there is always someone more woke than you.

They're all competing for the spotlight, the most deranged and toxic ones win and get patreon money, or reddit power or whatever.

That's how things worked since idpol switched from special interest organizations to a free for all of twitter checkmarks, the worst people rose to the top and everything got fucked.

People on the right are only interested in drinking budweiser and molesting their nephews and owning libs on the internet. No room for infighting.

That and fentanyl

There has always been the most bitter struggles on the left. Something about being sincerely dogmatic in their belief systems and lack of willingness to be pragmatic or compromise.

There's infighting in any large group.

to counteract the inbreeding of the other side

Because it’s mostly white women, and if its one thing white women are good at is catfighting all the time. Femininity so fragile.

Because intersectionality is a stupid concept. If you are part of a more "privileged" group than another group (ie, if you're a woman but you're also straight and white), whatever struggles you face are inconsequential compared to the struggles of, say, a black lesbian.

But to be honest, I see more vitriol aimed at women from third wave feminists than I do from most straight white men. Especially if the women are a) attractive and b) white.

Its literal Slave Morality for the mindless herd.

Master morality is a "yea-saying" attitude where "good" and "bad" are equivalent to "noble" and "despicable" respectively. The master creates value.

Slave morality is a "nay-saying" attitude or herd morality which holds to the standard of that which is useful or beneficial to the weak or powerless.  The virtues are sympathy, kindness, and humility.  Strong and independent individuals are evil.

The history of morals is the conflict of these two moral outlooks.  The higher type creates his own values out of strength; the meek and powerless begin with resentment.  Coexistence is impossible because the herd seeks to impose its values universally.


Because they have to prove how left wing they are.

The right would be infighting too but they're too doped on fentanyl

Because the left thinks that it's a zero-sum game. You can either accept everything or you are a Nazi.

This is the wussy western version of ideological purges.

It's almost like you can't distill all political views into either "Left" or "Right" and people disagree and agree on different policies!

its almost like posters OUT!

Cause they don't all agree on the simple fact that trannies > muslims > gays > women > whites

That’s what happens when you teach people to be offended by their own shadow.

Because right-wingers are united in their admiration of past values and economic systems.

The left-wing has nothing to unite it except "our current world is not good enough."

The right is the party of traditionalists, and the left is the party of literally everyone else. There's not a lot of nuance to "the government shouldn't change except to shrink," but the party of incremental progress is going to have some infighting and what that progress should actually be.

god, sooner or later youll get real life womens clubs that are all just trans people

and that's a good thing, because trans women are better than women. trans women are also just women, so women are better than women when you think about it.

we should all be forced to transition at birth. That would definetely clear up all these ideological problems and inconsistencies

This but unironically

No. Only boys should be forced to transition to girls. Babies born girls are perfect, beautiful flowers.

We really should take the forced sterilizationtrans pill. Violent criminal? That's a transing. Incel? That's a transing.

post on r/drama? transing, but twice

I have come full circle.

This but iranically

Degenerates will always be degenerates, regardless of whether or not you cut their dick off.

Women aren't even better at being women than men

"Everyone pays attention to me on Twitter and Reddit but not in real life because they're biggots."

I feel like this is one area where the guys should try to step back, at least a little bit. Remain silent more often...

Issues like this are very tricky. We can't necessarily tell males to keep quiet while girls speak, it goes against everything this sub and the playdates stand for. We welcome everyone.

I agree though, most of the people that show up are guys. But we also get tons of girls! Depends on what we play!

I hear you and would never mandate anyone be silent. But guys, especially on subreddits like this, should hopefully (I hope at least) recognize that their voice gets heard a LOT more in society than other voices.

One of the best ways to say, "I'm a supportive guy" is by not saying so repeatedly, but by actually letting other people talk.

Why can't they just fucking say "Hey, I just disagree with what you said". What is with this passive aggressive moralizing.

Yeh, it's called Awesome Games Done Quick.

Thanks for reminding me about Cosmo lol

Men are the only people welcome there now.

Oh how the turns have tabled

Wait you mean to tell me there are lgbq's out there that don't support mental illness 🤭

Fucking TERF

Tumblr do your thing!

There are but you’re not allowed to see

All that needed to be said on this subject was already said in 1979...

Something I've noticed is that rabid trans activists (not the quiet trans people just living their daily lives) are extremely hostile, angry and violent - much like this comment. Lots of rape and death threats.

Which is ironic, because they don't realise that issuing rape and death threats is an extremely male thing to do. Women really don't do that sort of thing. If you want to be a woman, tone down the rape and death threats is one of the more preliminary steps you could perform

the deleted comments are wild in context

A lot trans people are clinical narcissist.

C o m o r b i d i t y

mentally ill people are mentally ill

Who’d have thunk it

> thinking women don't threaten to kill people

Just GC things

They don't, they usually just like about other people threatening to do so.

Mod this woman asap

I love that there’s groups out there so dedicated to hating men, unless you say you’re not a man

Oh no there are also TERFs. Rad fems so man hating they still hate trans-women because they once we're a man. It's batshit crazy, but crazy in respectable manner. I respect their adherence to absolute hatred, it's refreshing to see people being open and honest. Even though their a bunch of sandy cunt bull dykes.

Hi, Zombies_hate_ninjas!

I hope you have a wonderful day!


Thanks you godless automation.

I gotta respect their ability to stick to man hating though even though they’re some of the craziest motherfuckers I’ve ever seen

Not just that, they also hate trans-men because they're gender traitors who gave up on the fight and joined the other side. I have to admire their consistency.

Haha oh shit I forgot about that. God being a terf must be exhausting, so many people to hate so little time.

What does terf stand for I've seen it like 100 times in this thread

Trans exclusionary radical feminist

I remember when we just called bigots Bigots.

Thanks Yoshi

It's not bigotry to hate biological males.

Rape yourself

Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminazi

I love that there’s groups out there so dedicated to hating men, unless you say you’re not a man

What an interesting coincidence

Christ, the one that was saying she was fearful of all men as we're rapey, hormone fuelled, sex maniacs was insane. She was arguing with a nudist and said the only reason she hasn't been raped or assaulted yet, was because she was with others who would prevent it, basically saying women are weak, unable to defend themselves and need the protection of men, to protect themselves from men, but yet all men are rapey, hormone fueled sex maniacs. The mental gymnastics of this lunacy is at Olympic standards of nonsense.

The thing is, when you come across a rapey, hormone fuelled sex maniac, it's a man. Have an area where no dicks are allowed, no woman is going to get gang raped to death. It's hard to get around that.

Ah right you're a troll hunting for incels.

I see my reputation has preceded me. 😤

I'm agreeing with you that the way they are talking about it is nonsensical. I just think that here is a real issue that people should talk about without getting wound up.

I'm agreeing with you the way they are talking about it is dumb. I just think there is a sliver of reality to their wanting to have some spaces that aren't an 'everyone but cis men' free for all.

Ah right you're a troll hunting for incels.

Yeah, sometimes I overreact to threads with a lot of circle jerking about foids. But I guess everyone needs a place to let their hair down and say whatever the fuck they want, which is why I like /r/drama in the first place. So, I'll let them be.

i don't like anything you say on this sub but i'm glad you're here because i wish more people subscribed to that philosophy

i don't like anything you say on this sub


but i'm glad you're here


Your reputation doesn't precede you, your comment history follows you though, except for the one you just deleted that I had just finished bloody replying to, but this one is a better one.

Definitely agree with the women only spaces, the festival in Sweden would've been beautiful to get off the ground. My problem was with her main argument and the hypocritical reasoning of men are bad unless I'm using them but as soon as I'm done they're evil, the meat of her argument was that trans women, as they were once men, are still hormone fueled rapey bastards and therefore present the same inherent threat as all men and therefore should be excluded from women only spaces.

The only area that there is a real debate for seperation is sports, on the one hand you have Mack Beggs, a ftm wrestler that was being forced to compete in the girls league and was wiping the floor, Beggs wanted to change to the boys league as he knew it was unfair to compete in the girls and as far I know was nearly unbeaten. Again he wanted to switch leagues but was denied.

On the other hand, you Hannah Mouncey, a mtf Australian hand ball player that stands at 6'2" and 220lbs and played professionally in the mens league before her transition, she qualified for the 2018 team and although meets the requirements of the 12 months of hormone therapy, still has a clear physical advantage.

So what is to be done in these situations do we make trans only leagues, or let them compete as is and run the risk as some say that natural born women will be pushed out of the sporting scene.

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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Your reputation doesn't precede you, your comment history follows you though, except for the one you just deleted that I had just finished bloody replying to, but this one is a better one.

I hate it when that happens.

My problem was with her main argument and the hypocritical reasoning of men are bad unless I'm using them but as soon as I'm done they're evil

Yeah, that is the way they came across.

the meat of her argument was that trans women, as they were once men, are still hormone fueled rapey bastards and therefore present the same inherent threat as all men and therefore should be excluded from women only spaces.

I don't agree with this way of framing the issue at all. It's right to call someone out on this. I don't think it even correctly identifies any potential problems.

The sports stuff is a mess right now. You point out the trans man having to compete against females. It's going to be hard to make rules fair to everyone while at the same time showing discernment and recognizing differences.

But, thanks for taking the time to reply to me.

No worries, it was a pleasure.

Absolutely discustin

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🚷 Y'all cant behave : Final form 🚷

Fuck I was gonna post this, humanity still proves its superiority towards the machine

The Mayos are falling apart at the seams. Brothers, when will we drama-cels rise up? If not now, when?

Dramanauts do not rise up to fight, but instead slink out of the rubble of civilization like cockroaches in the aftermath of nuclear annihilation.

Lmao imagine not wanting literal penises around you as you unsheath your gussy in female changing rooms being used as a sign of you being a bigot.

Not only around you but in you. See: The cotton ceiling

Honestly thought that was a strawman, not something people actually believed

Were not saying you have to sleep with transwomen, we just think you need to examine why you won’t. Transwomen are women. All I’m saying is that I am attracted to the person and not their genitals. If you are then you are a genital fetishist. Transwomen are women. A lot of cis women are attracted to the feminine penis, as you can see by reading lesbian forum in which we have banned all the women who have stated that they don’t” transwomen are women.

Rapes are done by men and transwomen are women so they don't rape people.

Great logic, I'd give it a drama award if I had one.

I don't think there will ever be a consensus on how to differentiate between male and female

What the actual fuck?

sex is a social construct

Sex don't real

do blowjobs count as sex, tho?

Blow job's are a social construct, especially when the penis is feminine.

define "is"

They’re claiming to be female now because they are women and therefore their bodies are feminine by nature. It’s not circular reasoning or anything like that.

I wish my lady brain would let me do cool things like drive and vote and own property. If only I was blessed with a man brain and I could do math and stuff :(

I just baked a cake, and that was probably the most validating thing I've done

Imagine the shrieks and wailings his ancestors are having in the spirit realm.


Why what?


I propose we do it based off hair length because girls usually have longer hair.

TIL I'm a girl

Pretty on the inside tho


What length?

I propose we do it based on fertility. So prepubescent, post-menopausal, and otherwise infertile XX-people are considered men. It makes a lot of sense if you think about it.

I propose we do it based on penis length.

Imagine being this delusional in 2019

Imagine not being delusional in 2019.

In a sub that defines women by their chromosomes in its title

We were beaten by the best, boy.

All /r/drama users wish they could be as cool as twoX mods.

I can't think of anything funnier than a sub called two X chromosomes being taken over by men who call themselves women, and then banning all the actual women. And those women 100%, unironically deserve it.

How is that strange? Chromosomes are a social construct (duh), so as soon as a man starts to identify as a woman, his Chromosomes change to become DOUBLE EXES. It's pretty cool. My Women's Studies professor told me this.

I mean, yeah, they're going to get what they get. We should place money on how soon twoX will have trans QT selfie threads on the front page.

My problem though is when people say shit like the girls running track deserve shit like this, when none of them have been within a mile of twox. Not saying you do that, it's just what I see.

inb4 all the banned twox gussies become TERFs

Lel twoxtra never fails to amaze me with their stupidity

This honestly made me laugh, koodos

I mean where they'd want to be: 'where all the girls are.'

Trans women are women

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Fuckin' owned by Tay bussy.



lmao what the fuck

Nice feet

Oh yes!

The fact that someone took the time to make this, for any reason is just plain sad.

Come on now, internet autism is a good thing.

Wtf I love Tay now

shut up terf


How many downvotes do you get on average when you sticky a comment like this?

Not much nowadays, its at 9 upvotes right now.

memes always end up winning in the end


Ironic upvotes are never in short supply around here.

tHiS wHoLe SuB iS iRoNiC

/r/drama, known trans-friendly community 🤗🤗🤗

One day!

Are you a trans


r/egg_irl . They are your people

I always wonder how such a community can exist if half of them suicide? Are they replaced by alts to cope or something?

The older generation picks off itself while the youth slowly replace them, until they age and the cycle repeats itself.

is it really? Trannies say transition is the cure. Death is the only cure for that degeneracy.

47% yeah, but according to them it's because of the bullying and not because of the massive amounts of other mental illness trannydom is comorbid with.

do you have a link?

transitioning does not benefit their mental health in any way shape or form... why can’t we just look at statistics and see this is a terrible way of trying to help someone. The only reason we do now, is because theirs not any better way. So might as well chop ur arm off for the lols.

The best women!

Based and redpilled

What does this mean for bussy? :|

Absolutely based and redpilled


Any man is allowed to be a trans woman

Actually there are actual women and cis gendered women.

There are cis and trans women

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No, there are actual women and cis women. Some actual woman on Twitter said this woke statement.

Oh I see, ye I agree with that

women are gay and being transgender makes them double gay.

Bombay duck is duck.

Wrong. Trans women are men.

Quick, gunna rub some shoe polish on my face so I can be black.

Suck 👏 that 👏 dick 👏 bigot


Women are trans women, bussy isn't gay and all vsginas are masculine

How are trannies so good at taking over subreddits?

None of them have jobs. They have plenty of time to be reddit janitors.

Being a janitor implies you clean up shit, not create it.

Why not both?


NEETs with nothing better to do than take their hrt and cry on social media.

Are the majority of NEETS trannies? If so then is Anime what’s really causing all of this?

Unironically yes. Check out /r/transitiongoals for proof.

If they don’t want to be cute anime girls, then hey want to be video game characters

Anime, Videogames, Prozac, and Autism. The Four Horsemen of the Trannypocalypse.

Thank god the problem is self-solving.

Mayocide right now for fuck’s sake

God this thread is rife with material for the bots

Someone posted a fucking Pokemon...

Parasites are good at what they do.

Trannies are the Jews of the female gender.

-often look like women at first glance but something kinda off about them


-massive ingroup preference. Constantly demanding inclusion and preferential treatment

-higher rates of mental illness

-disproportionate power for their size (on Reddit)

-hide behind criticism by claiming critics are bigots

We should give them a plot of land in the middle East and call it Hisrael.

often look like women at first glance

Wrong. Everything else is accurate though.

The next oppressed class to fight for rights are pedophiles. Wait till your not woke enough if you don't let your kid go to sunday school run by larry the pedo.

It's already begun. Salon ran an article a couple of years ago interviewing a paedophile and basically trying to humanise him.

Before long, nonceophobia will be a regularly featured word in the socjus vernacular.

They're currently purging the white male gays for not being oppressed enough. Sort of like how the guy who invented the french revolution was marched to the guillotine. Can't get in the way of "progress"

How do people take Salon seriously?

Nah i think it will be sexbots.

I unironically think the next forefront is going to be about children's independence. It'll start because of trans kids who aren't allowed to transition.

"It'll start"

Maaan, you haven't been paying attention. There is already a child drag queen.

Uhhhh well actually sweaty children dancing for the sexual pleasure of adults is liberating and beautiful.

And that's why I told you so you could google it!

If a majority of reported rapists of women are male, does that make all men rapists?

You just want to reinforce your own phobia of men and trans people.

The TERFs have got this chick so rattled she started white-knighting for men.

is this the next step in our master plan?

So TwoX is silencing women who speak out against sexual harassment?

I want some mods to tell me how I feel about this.

Chromsomes are not even that detrimental, they will correspond with the person's genitals only 99% of the time. Checkmate transphobes.

Let me sum up that comment section.

Trans women are women, deal with it


Literally anything else

Post Deleted


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Its extra hilarious because the reddit mods would literally be refreshing the thread every minute just to delete comments. How fucking autistic do you need to be for something like that?

I just realized that my cousin in middle school who's great at sports and maybe could get a scholarship by the time she's 18, is going to be FUCKED because all the women's teams and scholarships will be taken over by 6 foot sudanese kids with waves and literally no effort to appear feminine at all



Oh you're that kind of retard

I don't think there will ever be a consensus on how to differentiate between male and female

Yea god if only there was some way to tell

We can do it with cable connectors but not with humans

Polarity is a spectrum, not just negative and positive, you fucking bigot

There is. If they like Yorkie bars, they're male. If they don't, they're female.

Do you mean alcohol-serving establishments in York? Or off-brand Cadbury bars with a weird slogan?

if they have a lot of soft individual hairs-female

if they have a sculpted hard plastic hairdo-male

Also if the genital area looks basically the same without genitals-female

Implying dicklets are now women?

If there was, and there was a theoretical subreddit for women, I think we might even put a reference to this objective method of telling men and women apart in the name of the subreddit.

should be renamed to OneExtraChromosomes.

Of course there is no absolute distinction; there are exceptions to almost every rule. But my impression is that 90-something percent of athletes born with XY chromosomes have more testosterone then 90-something percent of athletes born with XX chromosomes - that is, some people in the bottom 10% of XY have more than some people in the top 10% of XX. If that is true, then even though an absolute distinction by sex doesn't exist, a functionally binary distinction exists.

Oof. Deleted.

Apparently biology is an opinion.

In a sub about chromosomes.

Oh my fuck.

It's all starting to fall apart

Gonna go get myself banned. Brb

16 minutes since using forbidden language and still not banned. I'm disappointed.

Women aren't afraid of being looked at, they are afraid of being raped, and 99.98% of those who rape women are men.

Women aren't afraid of lesbians because women aren't raped by lesbians. I've been assaulted and threatened by hundreds of men in my life. Never by any women.

Ah, the usual rape apology for women raping women.

Almost as if most of the world isn't gay 😮

Honestly why are white people so retarded now? Like they are mad that they're privileged like what kind of nonsensical dumbass thinks like that.

Wait im confused... it says women are calling all men rapists, but OP.commented on women vs women rape apologies? And white people? How does this all tie together im lost here

You see the comment above me shows the normal mayo cuck (not you) saying that "women don't rape women as much as men" which if you're not a classic cuck mayo would know how retarded that sounds. I said mayos are retarded and posted a common dumb mayo opinion.

Ok im a cuck mayo. Glad i finally found my gender identity thank the lord jesus

What sort of life do you have to be living that allows you to be assaulted and threatened by hundreds of men.

Idk maybe she lives in Sierra Leone?

This is what happens when you have rigid purity tests for everyone. Lol.

It's crazy that they delete polite "I'm a woman and I think males have different battles than females" but leave "Terfs are shit people, you're a terf."

It's not crazy at all, the mods there are all trannies trying to push an agenda that they are "real women".

It's totally a logical behavior, but only when you consider their warped world view.

> Nice

tfw no terf mummy gf


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those removed comments

someone cant handle the TERF bants lol

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trans women

Trans people are allowed to openly participate in the Olympics since 2004 - Show me how they've dominated since then.

East German Swim Team

user reports: 1: thread full of anti-bussy seriousposting mdefugees
1: I need chemo asap after reading this thread

Noted, and agreed.

Literally who?
