I'm a fiscal communist and a social fascist. In my Utopia, if you don't die from starvation you'll definitely die at the hands of the state due to your lifestyle or opinion.
Wow it's weird how people with good political opinions are always physically attractive, and the people with wrong political opinions are ugly. Maybe political philosophy is secretly easy?
Except every successful left-wing authoritarian state has ended up nationalistic and hierarchical, and every right-wing authoritarian country has ended up fucking up as many family units as it saved and redistributed wealth.
you just dont understand "socialism in one country," comrade. also id argue china did a pretty decent job of fucking up the nuclear family with its one child policy
I like how the lefty author trying to make the left look sane and reasonable still couldn't resist drawing an upside down american flag with black stripes on our supposedly rational heroine.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-03-05
This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 keeeeshawn 2019-03-05
stfu teabag
1 recriminology 2019-03-05
1 BriefSquirt 2019-03-05
australia and new zealand exist, americunt
1 keeeeshawn 2019-03-05
lol no they don’t
1 BriefSquirt 2019-03-05
actual mongoloid geographical knowledge
1 Van-Diemen 2019-03-05
1 ShakraDevendra 2019-03-05
1 Van-Diemen 2019-03-05
1 ShakraDevendra 2019-03-05
Lmao: https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/axu48v/drama_retards_dont_understand_basic_geography/
1 BriefSquirt 2019-03-05
cope harder americel
1 Mistr_MADness 2019-03-05
So no, there's a 50% chance New Zealand doesn't exist
1 BriefSquirt 2019-03-05
cope harder americunt
1 SgtViktorReznov 2019-03-05
Wait if New Zealand ia a myth then where did they film Lord of the Rings??
1 ParticularDrummer 2019-03-05
1 cheers_grills 2019-03-05
1 EarnestNoMeta 2019-03-05
1 BriefSquirt 2019-03-05
but they technically do
1 throwawayanerican 2019-03-05
Chaptraps and DDF wont like this one
1 wildtangent2 2019-03-05
1 throwawayanerican 2019-03-05
Daddy Defence Force
1 wildtangent2 2019-03-05
Good name. Likely pisses everyone off.
1 scott_hunts 2019-03-05
Imagine not being far right
1 Nebor 2019-03-05
I'm a fiscal communist and a social fascist. In my Utopia, if you don't die from starvation you'll definitely die at the hands of the state due to your lifestyle or opinion.
1 Zero5urvivers 2019-03-05
Based and Nazbol-pilled
1 transgirltradwife 2019-03-05
1 Mnomeri 2019-03-05
1 Sky-Daddy 2019-03-05
1 MPHJ-7 2019-03-05
1 Mistr_MADness 2019-03-05
1 -Steve_French- 2019-03-05
Le 56% master race
1 watermark08 2019-03-05
Imagine actually saying this sentence unironically
1 chunk_o 2019-03-05
1 AlecOzzyHillPitas 2019-03-05
The only thing more retarded than ancoms are ethononationalists.
The internet has literally broken your brain, please log off.
1 Mistr_MADness 2019-03-05
Implying you can't be both at the same time
1 AlecOzzyHillPitas 2019-03-05
Nazbol gang?
1 Mistr_MADness 2019-03-05
nazbol gang
1 SJCards 2019-03-05
Strasserites assemble!
1 GandalftheChromatic 2019-03-05
Imagine being a partisan fuck
1 scott_hunts 2019-03-05
It’s fuckin awesome my dude
1 chunk_o 2019-03-05
gas yourself
1 seenten 2019-03-05
A CAnimal who can't go a minute without posturing; color me absolutely shocked
1 -6x- 2019-03-05
For me, it's Pinochet, the best far-right dictator ever.
1 Mistr_MADness 2019-03-05
Free helicopter sightseeing tours when?
1 ksatriamelayu 2019-03-05
Helicopter rides are cheaper to society than forgiving school loans tbf
1 Imperial_Account 2019-03-05
Imagine unironically believing in the free market like some sort of liberal.
1 thirteendozen 2019-03-05
Sucks that your children are going to be Muslim
1 ksatriamelayu 2019-03-05
And? Being a Far-Right Muslim is literally the best political position
1 thirteendozen 2019-03-05
It makes the mayos mad. The mayo far-righties have no right pride, only white pride
1 SgtViktorReznov 2019-03-05
1 chunk_o 2019-03-05
how far 🤔
1 UmmahSultan 2019-03-05
Wow it's weird how people with good political opinions are always physically attractive, and the people with wrong political opinions are ugly. Maybe political philosophy is secretly easy?
1 ConfusionConcussion 2019-03-05
Its their personality, they just need to shower more.
1 aalamb 2019-03-05
To be fair, this is actually true of most political extremists from both the left and the right.
1 CruisinChetSteele 2019-03-05
This kills the braincels automod
1 thebuscompany 2019-03-05
it’s true tho
1 BriefSquirt 2019-03-05
1 scott_hunts 2019-03-05
Fuck yeah
1 CanadianAsshole1 2019-03-05
politicscels and chapocels BTFO
1 Mistr_MADness 2019-03-05
Well if you're ugly you'll get angsty and start blaming the world for all your problems. No surprise there.
1 alexmikli 2019-03-05
That's why everyone is ugly in the comic obviously
1 TrolleyDilemma 2019-03-05
I disagree with ugly people out if habit
1 chunk_o 2019-03-05
me too.
1 Van-Diemen 2019-03-05
And shot people.
1 UmamiTofu 2019-03-05
I stared at this for 10 minutes before I figured it out. Too fucking meta.
1 keeeeshawn 2019-03-05
1 Van-Diemen 2019-03-05
Le flair checks out ecks dee
1 ElonMuskarr 2019-03-05
This is some 4-D centrist shit, gj OP.
1 MrGoodieMob 2019-03-05
Lol a white guy drew that comic on the left.
1 4Pb27o8OsBMYDJ59 2019-03-05
did a black woman draw the one on the right?
1 MrGoodieMob 2019-03-05
1 TheLordHighExecu 2019-03-05
If it's from /pol/, a decent chance
1 Lukthar123 2019-03-05
True Diversity
1 Jack071 2019-03-05
Wow its like all your info on socioeconomical systems comes from twitter so pls be a sweetie and go read a book
1 le_epic_xd 2019-03-05
Opinion man (not me) = bad, ugly retard >:(((
Opinion man (me)= cool, big dick nice :))))))
1 YoungMoneyGetMoney 2019-03-05
Radcens on top as usual
1 westofthetracks 2019-03-05
the strawman in the one on the right is correct, i dont get it
1 MalcolmFFucker 2019-03-05
Except every successful left-wing authoritarian state has ended up nationalistic and hierarchical, and every right-wing authoritarian country has ended up fucking up as many family units as it saved and redistributed wealth.
1 westofthetracks 2019-03-05
you just dont understand "socialism in one country," comrade. also id argue china did a pretty decent job of fucking up the nuclear family with its one child policy
1 Shitposting_Skeleton 2019-03-05
...China literally never had the same concept of "nuclear family" as the west.
1 westofthetracks 2019-03-05
thus why they were so good at it. all that's missing is worldwide implementation
1 DayyyTripper 2019-03-05
Communist China is just a series of lessons in unintended consequences.
1 elwombat 2019-03-05
Lefty meme has less words than Das Kapital.
1 Burnnoticelover 2019-03-05
1 westofthetracks 2019-03-05
it's one panel from a (((webcomic))) with at least four iirc, so
1 mcslibbin 2019-03-05
1 elwombat 2019-03-05
1 Desperate_Swimmer 2019-03-05
horseshoe has never been about what they say but what they do
1 Chukril 2019-03-05
Moreso the type of retards fringe groups attract.
1 leva549 2019-03-05
Wingoids can't meme.
1 Wraith_GraveSpell 2019-03-05
We need to go deeper
1 captainpriapism 2019-03-05
i always enjoy leftist arguments against centrism
its always like "im against genocide how is that bad?!?!?!?!?"
1 freet0 2019-03-05
I like how the lefty author trying to make the left look sane and reasonable still couldn't resist drawing an upside down american flag with black stripes on our supposedly rational heroine.
1 Mrtheliger 2019-03-05
What did the stealth burger mean by this
1 YungLarva 2019-03-05
hell hath no furry like what an extremist feels for a centrist.