/r/me_irl goes full ACAB

68  2019-03-05 by ImDumbLmao


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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I wish someone would domestically abuse Chapotards and people who post in me_irl

All Chapos are bullied

Not bullied enough

Is r/me_irl one of those subs that started out fun and jokey and turned into a politicized hellscape?

It lasted for maybe a month before being overrun by /r/politics, LSC, and Reddit communists.

It was literally started by an SRSer lol

I remember visiting the subreddit a couple times when it first started and it seemed alright.

I always confuse me_irl and meirl.

meirl is the superior one that isn't run by insane people

Discord trannies. The vast majority of online problems can be traced back to them in some way.

A little too much 4chan has poisoned your mind, I see.

Don't worry. In a few years, a new boogeyman will rent out that spot where discord trannies are leasing.

The Discord Tranny is immunized against all dangers: one may call it a paedophile, rapist, degenerate, SRDine, it all runs off it like water off a raincoat. But call it a Discord Tranny and you will be astonished at how it recoils, how injured it is, how it suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

No, I have never seen anything like that on me irl. Only one post got brigaded by chapotrannies. Stop freaking out ppl.

It's been bad for a while. The one without the underscore used to be pretty good but I haven't been there in a while.

it was funnier when it was an ironic suicide sub

It's extremely tumblry, so yes.

reddit moderators find a way to out fag themselves each and every day

40% is a fun number, does anyone else know other fun numbers?

Despite being less than 13% of the population...

50% of all crimes


Someone beat you to it. Downvoted because it's totally different.

Accepted, mayocide me now.


I learned it from r/CA

ACTUALLY, blacks are only inferior because evil white people forced them into neighborhoods with lead paint.

I admit it, I don't understand today's antiracialism.

We didn’t mass produce precincts with lead paint

COPE. Imagine believing black crime rates are from lead paint

self reported numbers of 500 cops in a single state


nationwide FBI study of all crime

"Wow ok yikes oof lets unpack this. This is hardly valid."

literally homophobosemitic

Yikes let's unpack this unfermented toxic masculinity of yours if you really think the fbi isn't controlled by white supremacists trying to undermine the black agenda smh

40% of the trannies commenting will off themselves.

Now that is just facts.

Now, don’t get my hopes up for no reason

off themselves or attempt to?

tranny suicide rate is why i get up in the morning🤠

I am all for socializing our economy and widening the welfare system to support those in need, but I don't get how people think that we will just take care of people's base needs and crime will go away, and that we won't need people to take care of these things.

Mayos are primarily responsible for mass shootings in the United States, and we all know due to their privilege power points that they literally can't be poor.

That's how they can afford fully semi-automatic rifles & all those bullets to spray into their classmates.

I am all for socializing our economy

How's high school going?

It gets better, trust me. You will get out soon and then you can start doing adult stuff.

Imagine trying to be condescending while saying this unironically

I am all for socializing our economy

Under socialism, mom and dad will HAVE to give you more allowance and a later bed time. This is why we fight

Imagine being a /r/drama regular and acting like you don't deserve to be talked down to.


Are you an over-compensating Generation Z'er or late millenial? Most millenials closer to Generation X typically aren't such faggots.

Imagine being a me_irl regular and thinking you can talk down to anyone lmao. On top of being a commie. Confirmed child

Look here you fucking spaghetti squash, I am not proud to admit it but I have been on /r/drama longer than your current and previous alt-accounts combined. I will not be talked down to by a Trailer Park Boy loving newfag.


I think it's more pathetic that an "adult" is a commie me_irl poster. Actually it's a lot worse lmfao

You can take comfort in the fact that I'm a socialized society even low-skilled, double digit IQs like yourself will be provided for.

It's a proven fact that only losers want socialism, which makes sense because me_irl is made for losers.

If only the suicide memes we're more serious than ironic

you're not very good at this.

No u, actually

Neither, hes a boomer, u need 2 type bigger font

I'm gonna boom all over your face tbh

Yes please daddy

You are too brainwashed by capitalism to understand that crime only exists because of economic necessity, and once everyone is cared for and given proper education, crimes will be a thing of the past.

People only rape, murder their kids and go on killing sprees that end in suicide because of economic necessity. You should know this. Be better.

blue man bad

if he was green he would die

The absolute most coddled, privileged, internet tough-guy nerds in the world think they'd be better off in a world without cops. As if Demetrius wouldn't shoot them in the gut just to hear them scream while they stole their tendies if there were no cops to save them or uphold the thin veil of civility we enjoy in the west.

They also hate guns so who the fuck is supposed to carry and maintain their revolution? Who is going to bring the rich people out of their mansions?

A PEOPLE'S force which enforces laws with the PEOPLE'S stick.

Reminder they literally had to lock a thread on CTH proposing they arm themselves for the revolution because it was compelling too many people to want to kill themselves if they got their hands on a gun.


So lets say we actually did Abolish the Police, what exactly is to be done about crime?

abolish laws. then no crime can exist.

This but unironically

If it helps you understand it better, Marx wrote that you must have weapons in your home and ready to use them at all times. And attempts to seize them should be met with armed resistance.

Love how chapsticks are pretending how people are converting to their ideology when in reality they just moved their echo chamber over there.

They flood ither subs, upvote their own memes then circlejerk about how "woke" the sub is becoming

This is why we need strong border control.

Watching neoliberal fight them off was awesome.

No one likes cops. It's the most radically centrist opinion.

There is no lower form of life than an internet anarchist

Lol the balls to pin this

How sad is it that someone believes stickying a post on reddit qualifies as "balls"

Mods, sticky this comment

Our mods don't have the balls to sticky it.

They should mod me. I have sticky balls.

Internet janitors rise up!

You must be absolutely terrified of how far the revolution has come.


Y’all clearly don’t know how to behave

Wasn’t this statistic proven to be false and the study done had the same amount of credence as that one anti-vax study?

Someone else on this sub pointed out that the same study that produced the 40% number also showed that white male cops were less likely to be domearic abusers than women or minority cops.

I hope one day to meet this individual, so that I can bask in his radiant sex appeal.

Yeah but anti-vax studies support Their Team™️ and are therefore wrong, while the domestic abuse studies support Our Team™️, so obviously they are flawless, objective facts.

Pinned right below the post forbidding edgy memes


All catgirls are beautiful though.

That's just a fact.

They pretend like their ideology is spreading across reddit like some light shining on the darkness, but it's actually the same 25 retards from LSC who brigade different subreddits and act like they don't know eachother.

Cause if there one thing I trust it’s reddits ability to read studies and surveys.

Daily reminder that the same study which found 40% of cops beat their partners also found that female and non-white cops were more likely to beat their partner than white and male ones

unfunny bullshit and me_irl







what a surprise

Reminder that 40% study reported it was all black/hispanic women who were doing the abusing on the force and white men had the lowest incidences.

Watch their heads spin as you point it out.

That post really brought out the commies. Holy shit they are proud of their autism.

13% of cops commit 50% of domestic crimes

and without pinging this is all you can do:
