It's "woke black man blue checkmarks" vs "woke" black man checkmarks vs "anti-mayocide sistas and the racist honkeys who date them" on this episode of Twitter!

18  2019-03-06 by ArlenBilldozer


There is absolutely nowhere on Reddit (except maybe The Great Awakening) where stupider, sadder, scareder, or crazier comments consistently get upboats and support than this place you linked. You might think, Hey look! A place where women aren't all sucking tranny peen! Weird! But then you find out that they are scared of tranny peen, and believe that in a couple years, women who don't assimilate and get a peen themselves will be locked up in suspended cages, let down from their gibbets only to be repeatedly viciously raped and denied STEM jobs.

That place is like /r/drama if everyone here felt scared for their lives, and could only find possibly recourse in demanding mayocide and bussy. Swap our memes for 'white-female ethnosexstate now' and 'kill all men before they kill all women' and you have a pretty fair idea of their topics.

And that's where it gets interesting: they're unironically probussycide, unironically antifemayocide. Truly, /r/drama has its antithesis.

And believe me: it is dangerous.


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I’m withholding just until Tariq “let’s get those reparations” Nasheed speaks on this matter.

Someone in this sub said he's the black Alex Jones. 💯

I mean he pretty much is. He’s always going on about how other blacks are trying to keep reparations from him. Also how the “black-brown” alliance is fake and Hispanics hate blacks (this is true tho).

I mean, who doesn't hate black people in burgerland?

that was me. i came up with taht

Well done friend 👍

follow my reddit profile


His Easter avatar looks like an Easter island head 🗿