Milo "father O'Sullivan taught me to suck cock" Yiannopoulos no longer allowed to go down (under).

119  2019-03-06 by Wraith_GraveSpell


That entire subreddit is a cesspool. It's like a sewer that empties directly into a stagnant pond.


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A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


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Who would have thought that advocating for pedophilia would totally tank your career?

He should have converted to Islam first.


or identified as a woman

Literally censorship smh

This whole scandal is pretty bizarre to me because he was talking about himself being pedo'd on. Gay Conservative Ken Doll was the victim in his story, even if he didn't come at it with the attitude of a victim. It's weird that people got so furious, George Takai said the same shit but worse because in Takai's stories he was the one perving.

Kind of feels like he's being punished for pissing people off, and the bluechecks are using his own sexual assault as their weapon of choice.

Exactly. If someone like Dan Savage said the same exact thing there would have been zero consequences. They were just looking for any excuse to ban Milo and, unfortunately for him, no one wants to defend an annoying faggot.

Just watching the the actual conversation that Milo Snuffulupogis got in shit for, it really just seems like it wasn't a huge deal and his explanation - "I use dark humour to deal with the fact that grown men sexually assaulted me"

The problem is that once you recognise he is notoriously unreliable you've no reason to believe him when he decribes it as a coping mechanism. I wouldn't be surprised if he had never been sexually abused, that he was just making a dumb joke about Catholic priests raping boys that he never expected his hosts to pick the ball up and run with. And when they did, he interjected the opinion that people under the legal age of consent can nonetheless be capable of consenting, which incidentally is how the law in the UK interprets consent, but something which was none of the people who had been protecting him from the consequences of pissing off absolutely everyone, were willing to defend him over.

> The problem is that once you recognise he is notoriously unreliable you've no reason to believe him when he decribes it as a coping mechanism


What a vaginal sentence

The problem is that once you recognise he is notoriously unreliable you've no reason to believe him when he decribes it as a coping mechanism.

Well sure but still - his story that he got in shit for in the first place was about he himself being pedo'd. His response to negative controversy that arose is kind of irrelevant. He didn't get shit on for being a pedo, he got shit on for being okay with his own experiences of being molested.

Not quite. He went beyond just saying he was okay with his experience, and actually said that this sort of inter-generational experience between an adult and a β€˜mature minor’ or whatever, was permissible, which is creepier, and all his enemies needed to destroy him.

Gays and their handlers get really upset when the tradition is exposed to normies.

I think the more controversial thing was when he said something along the lines of "Being sexually assaulted by a pedophile made me grow". Even then, I do remember that seeing the thing in context made it far less shocking, though probably still pretty stupid to say on a "Will people think I'm a retard" level.

Should have waited about 10 years for when is considered normal

More like Milo Byeannopoulos😑

More like Bylo.... Nah you had it first.

Byelo Byeannopolous :)

β˜‘οΈ Faggot

β˜‘οΈ Limey

β˜‘οΈ Pedo

β˜‘οΈ Bankrupt

β˜‘οΈ Thrown out of college

β˜‘οΈ Daddycel

β˜‘οΈ Banned from Australia

Sad! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


u sure bout that lol


Imagine white knighting a social reject.


imagine beimg mad at milo

imagine being a cuck

imagine using meme arrows in reddit

imagine spelling wrong

imagine not using the capital M in Milo

imagine imagining

imagine spellchecking

imagine thinking you can only quote on the 4chins

imagine being an autust

imagine dragons

5 vs 4 imagines. Sorry, fam, but you lost.

2 fpr 1

Sorry we mean ephebeheebejeebophile

child rape is how fags reproduce, after all

The big gay is actually a virus that gets spread memetically from one pedo to another. Embracing gayness is embracing the destruction of society and the extinction of the human race.

Oh so that's why Japanese people wear those masks. Based and (sadly not) gaypilled.

hes not (and theres a big difference medically between them, in that respect theyrw totally unrelated; ie. hebephillia if it gets a classification at all is oyrely society based).

he literally just cracked a joke about it on a podcast.

thats it.

The above poster is also a pedophile

The above poster is a gerontophile.

This but unironically


Saying it was just a joke is a terrible excuse when there's still the same intention behind it. He thinks that it's acceptable for the gay community to practice pederasty. To him it's a part of developing maturity as a gay person. But to the rest of us its grooming, plain and simple. And he's downplaying the impact these pedo rings have in the catholic church. Basically a much more flamboyant version of stockholm syndrome.

Well no, not really.

didnt rly, he makes tons of offensive joles

hes none of those he just made an edgy pedo joke and people only cared because hes milo

Found the libertarian.


i dont even like milo but he didnt endorse pedophilia he was raped as a child i believe

he just made a shitty joke for attention and it backfired

Imagine being too D A N G E R O U S for the prison colony lmao

Wtf? I'll have you know that only 96% of Australians are defended from convicts, and only 78% of Australians have more than one DUI charge.

We're a country on the grooooooow!

wh*te Australians should be driven into the sea by the abbos

Fast forward 10 years and all of the abbos are demanding immigration to this new sea colony after destroying Australia.

You know, as a Burgerlander I've always wondered why the Aussies hate their natives so much. Like our natives routinely fucked with us, burning towns, massacring armies, scalping random mayos who wandered into their territory. Your guyses natives just kinda sat around flinging shit at each other while the mayostralians colonized shit.

And yet, all the Australians I've met go on and on about how insufferable the aboriginals are. It's crazy! Even the liberal aussies are like "Yeah nah the abbos are annoying and they don't do shit lol." So like, what is the actual beef that you guys have with them? Im unironically curious.

I'm a Burger myself so I can't really say. The reason we don't really care about our natives is because we killed most of them and send the rest to remote reservations. In Australia they actually have to deal with theirs. From what I understand, They provide absolutely nothing except buffoonery, petty crime, and a drain on public funding.

I hear that the aboriginals actually banned people fron visiting Ayers Rock because they claim it's some kind of "sacred holy site" or whatever.

Our natives do that too. It's impossible to build an oil pipeline, new highway, railroad, etc. without a 100 different tribes claiming you're building it on some sacred burial site.

You can climb it but the local indigenous people prefer if you don't.

Nah, they ask people not to climb it, which they're also considering banning.

They're not so retarded to ban the only source of income for like the whole region.

Well that's good. Probably stops a few dumb tourists from falling and cracking their heads open.

Do they not like people taking pictures of it? I remember reading somewhere that they aren't allowed to look at it.

Yup, people fall off quite often I think lol.

I think you might be mixing up with taking pictures of Aboriginal people. I think some don't like their image taken, and it is forbidden to name or show images of the deceased, to the point our media organisations don't name dead Aboriginal people unless permitted by the family.

Ohhhhh thats probably it. Maybe I was getting it confused with some of the things our natives do here in the states. I remember reading about how there was a kerfuffle at the Pueblo sky city because some stupid tourist was taking pictures where he wasn't supposed to and the tour guide literally smashed his camera right in front of him lol.

I mean, we killed most of the Native Americans. It would be like the Patriots being annoyed by the Browns or something.

Yeah you only met bogans then. The government was literally kidnapping aboriginal children so they could be raised in white families until the 70's. The whole thing is a really sad situation.

It is sad they stopped in the 70s, agreed

Yeah, seriously. That sounds like winning the abbo lottery.

There was fighting with the Abos during the early colonisation, but they had no quite small tribes and practically no technology that they were BTFO by farmers and drunks to the shittiest desert areas of the country.

Similar to reservations, now that they've been pushed to empty shitholes with no economic activity, they turn to alcohol, touching kids and beating the shit out of each other.

Its quite sad now as these communities are really fucked with some of the worst life expectancies in the world, but the left's solution is to give them money whilst the right is called racist if they take concrete steps to fix the issues. It's gonna take decades but as per usual, our politicians are fuckwit Muppets.

Australia had the power to block someone from entering the country if there was a risk that person would "incite discord in the Australian community or in a segment of that community".

so in other words they’ll bar anyone they want from entering on practically any pretext

Australia remains the most embarrassing colony

Honestly, Milo should have been banned a long time ago from every country. He fucking sucks so much. Send him to the moon.

This is the least embarrassing thing Australia has done. Any country with Milo in it should be blushing.

Australia remains the most embarrassing colony

Maybe the Australian government knows that their Catholic priests can resist some used UK bussy.

Tbh they're just protecting Milo from more priest molestation

"incite discord in the Australian community or in a segment of that community".

A segment of that community? So like if I got invited to Perth to talk about how awful weebs are, the Australian Foundation for Weeaboo Weirdos could petition the government to get me bounced at the border?


Only for protected classes of God's chosen innocent peoples, such as satanic sodomites, semites, the world's most peaceful islamic peoples and other various savages.

Hey, I used to be in a tech metal band called Other Various Savages. Is that you, Tim? You still owe me 20 bucks for those bass strings.

Its my FREEZE PEACH to go to any country and spout faggy shut.

Stop infringing on much rights!

lol if your country is so pozzed it sees a threat in Milo β€œDangerous Faggot” Yiannopolous


Literally where?

Poztralia apparently

stfu whiny gayboy

Fuck, if this is what you think threatened is, /r/drama must be the most threatened place on the internet.

lol no, /r/drama would welcome Milo with open arms not ban him like a bunch of Pozzies

Thankfully we don't run our country like a shitposting forum, unlike Burgerstan for some reason.

Pretty sure basically any Country can do that. Due process doesn't apply to non citizens.

Damnit ya got me

He didn't fuck off to nowhere after the election? How is his name still floating around?

but please critics who believe he is anti-Semitic.

This is talking about a biracial racemixing gay jew btw

George Soros helped the nazis though

He was onto something.

I always disliked this guy, but I admire how he can make a country so butthurt that they ban him from entry because he hurt their feelings.

And nothing of value was lost.