The virgin Deadspin vs the chad Barstool Sports

58  2019-03-06 by ArlenBilldozer


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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Yawn, another brigade from Drama? They must be tired of disrespecting the trans community or creeping on underage children if they're willing to shit on a wholesome subreddit that actually does something to help others.


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deadspin is so goddamn insufferable and anti-fun.

All of their articles sound like they were written by an edgy, angsty teenage Tumblr user.

Especially Drew McGarry. I have no idea why people think he's funny.

He used to be fairly funny (see the old reviews of the Williams-Sonoma catalog or of taking the SAT as an adult), but it seems like Donald Trump broke him. Everything he's written in the last few years is just so much autistic screeching.

The worst part of it?

How much he goes around on a completely unneeded and unasked for apology tour decrying his own, much funnier, previous posts. It's like he's not content with being terrible now, but has to actively try to erase the memories people have of the days when he was actually good.

Before Trump, he would just roast teams and their fan bases, that was usually entertaining. Now that Trump happened that’s literally all he talks about. I don’t think he can even write an article without mentioning Orange Man.

He's run out of steam, 3-4 years ago he was really funny

before he cleaned up his act he was really funny. its like Bil Burr, he had to abandon all the stuff that made him funny once Trump ran for president

He, like the rest of Deadspin, used to actually be funny.

Then some of them left and got replaced by a more SJW crowd while some of them just got old enough to have kids and develop a stick up their asses.

It's like comparing all your old liberal college buddies who used to tell rape and dead baby jokes with those same people at 35 with kids who freak out if anyone says a swear.

splinternews, their political sister site, is the intellectual equivalent of putting the bones of chapobots into a blender and mainlining it.

great hate-read material tbh.

putting the blood vessels of chapobots into a blender and mainlining it.

You’d probably immediately have a heart attack from all the fat.

Deadspin is getting bullied by Barstool lol

they totally deserve it

barstool generally is dumb and lame, but PFT and big cat are cool, and barstool has its moments of legit could and funny content

deadspin is just, "we hate everything" but for sports. IDK how miserable you have to be to enjoy DS, their entire shtick is just pure angst and bitterness

Deadspin used to be great, especially in the beginning. After the Hulk Hogan thing, they decided that SJW would be the calling card and they started to go to shit. Even Drew started to get whiny and what made Deadspin and Kissing Suzy Kolber awesome got thrown out in the trash.

Barstool isnt magical, but they were able to capitalize on what was missing out there and their takedown of that interview that was done with Deadspin where the founder said (paraphrased) she wasnt really a gentrifier because she lived around Puerto Rican families was great.

I do not. What was the original tweet?

DS couldn't even handle Ted Cruz's Twitter bants without pitching spergout

it's chapo for sports, except even chapo the podcast doesn't try to hard to hate everything and be mopey all the time

r/nba is like that. It's legitimately one of the worst subs on this site and should be posted here more.

Guarantee you every poster on that sub sounds like they just inhaled a few helium balloons

The mods really have tried to push the various "social justice mishap" stories over thr past year. Hell, right now they have a top-rated post about a Milwaukee player who thinks "someone should do something" about the city's self-segregation issue.

It's so dumb too. Like what are you going to do? Force people to live near people they don't want to? The only solutions will take years to work, and these idiots don't have any patience, so nothing will get done.

Umm, didn't you read the article on the front page? He said, "someone has to do something" and he's famous!

/r/nba has become insufferable since people started sniffing their own farts over there. Awful sub

They are actually both shitty

Deadspin is a sports blog for people who hate sports

and America and common human decency, but mostly themselves

Barstool occasionally does something interesting, but Deadspin has always been complete trash

They're feuding because the deadspin EIC did a cringeworthy interview with the Washington Post where she said that even though she's a rich, fat, white woman living in Williamsburg Brooklyn, she's not racist because there are puerto ricans living near by.

Deadspin used to be incredibly fun. Are yall old enough to remember the AJ daulerio days. He was the EIC and an insane cokehead and just fucking rocked Here's when he took an intern to a strip club.

I’m old enough to remember Buzz Bissinger going apeshit at Will Leitch on Real Sports with a Gumble Brother.

Now get off my lawn

Yea DS broke the Manti Teo story. I remember it as a batshit crazy publication that occasionally had huge stories. I didn't realize it had fallen this far.

One butthurt article you know the rules

Imagine trying to put on an internet hardo act and then bitching about cyber bullying, virtue signalling, and that damn dirty drumpf

Also, writing like this while accusing someone of being a poster lmfao

"Trump ruined everything. Barstool ruined everything"

actual quote from the EIC of Deadspin. imagine living with thy at amount of COPE

Another line that is almost beyond parody came from writer Laura Wagner: “Deadspin caters to the smartest people. It’s the people with the best sense of humor, giving you the smartest takes.”

This is even better.

Oh fuck, right. I remember reading that. Almost fell over laughing.

Man i remember when "why your team sucks" was funny as hell and not just "your team is racist, your fans are racist, orange man bad".

Now they are reduced to this.

I hate Boston, but I love the Patriots. Drew's bashing of the fans is lifefuel. And who can forget Tommy From Quiznee.


Didn't they record the audio of a rape and later upload it to their site once and when asked to remove it by the girl and their family they told them tough shit?

No they posted the whole video which was also sent to Barstool and they refused to post it because Dave isn’t a shitty person who is actually trying to hurt people.

Barstool is fucking terrible

This was a great post

Can you link the articles that upset you so much you like this dumpster trash?


Lmao says the guy so invested in these shitty websites that anyone who doesn’t like the article is a barstool shill.

so invested

one comment

pick one you fucking mongoloid

lol how are you gonna miss the point to badly? Wanna try to work it out yourself or do you need a hand?

Keep going

You called someone a barstool shill for calling a deadspin article shit lol. That’s what I’m making fun of you for.

keep going

You rolled over too fast =[

Keep going

At least, as boring and weak as it is, realize you looked autistic and disengaged. It’s a start. Good luck!

Keep going


Keep going


Keep going

I almost stopped when you didn’t downvote me but you’re back at it so I know you’re still asshurt =]

Keep going

Last word

Keep going

Last word

keep going

No my last word

Keep going


Keep going


I use to really enjoy Deadspin, but now they are basically the guy with a 600’000 dollar education who unironically lectures people making 36’000 a year about how disgusting and subhuman they are.

I thought Barstool Sports was like Worldstar for white people.

How is it possible to read a blog post and literally feel the estrogen oozing off it? Drew is short for like Andrewia or something, right?

It’s not stealing; they are making a copy and the original still exists in full. Plus people wouldn’t have watched it anyway.

Deadspin is written by autistic virgins, Barstool by douchebags who weren't cool enough in college to join a frat and Bleacher Report by retards in suits. It's like a pick your own adventure book with the now mainstream sports editorial sites.

Is that headwear standard uniform for Butler these days?