Former incel gets cucked

37  2019-03-06 by CommonWrongdoer


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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I'm telling you guys, foids are the prime evil of this earth.


on a true story

i don't understand this guy's incel history or the Oregon school shooting reference

4chan got the media to report him as the Oregon shooter for the memes.

He got (in)famous on 4chan’s /r9k/ board a few years back on rate threads iirc

Watch this video, it's part of incel lore:

He went to my friend's house once lol. Then eggy fucked my friend's girlfriend. Eggy was Chad for a good like 8 months, touring North America and fucking r9k girls.

Gross, the guy is hideous af

So is the character of all but a handful of foids, my friend.

based as fuck

He's basically famous for being really fucking ugly.

Foidicide when?

and i will tell you why

ok im ready

in this never before seen tweet thread


This would make even non-robot a robot. Poor eggy

Also, wasn't he dating a tranny? Or is my /r9k/lore rusty?

I think he was just friends with a tranny. Didn't actually date as far as I know.

The only time its ok to spend money on gussy is when she‘s a prostitute.

Dead hopeless eyes are making me hard.

And people laugh at waifufags lmao. At least those nerds don't end up in crippling debt.

I legitimately feel sorry for Eggman. Especially after the state he was in after he made that just fuck my shit up video.