Elderly Trump critics are hanging on for dear life only to see the drama from the Mueller Report

128  2019-03-06 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


That's your contribution to an intelligent discussion? A vague, unspecified criticism, accompanied by an implicitly self-aggrandizing bit of arrogant dismissiveness?


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If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. /r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


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this reminds me of that 100 year old lady who was excited to see the first female president and she died like 2 months after the election

lol get fucked old lady this Trump Train has no brakes

based and magapilled


Why don’t you just die already old man

Trump is dramapilled. STFU

Where can I get magapills? I've only been able to get magasuppositories so far.

Unironically good post

the only thing I can think of is one of those shitty 4chan wojack pictures, this one with Trump dabbing while sucking that dying old woman into his ass

i havent seen the trump version of that, ive only seen the playstation/nintendo version of that one. wojaks suck tho

I mean I just made it up in my head, the picture I described doesn't actually exist...I don't think. be the change you want to see in the world, I guess

wojack is great

I can’t believe this fag doesn’t like wojack, I’m mad

Omg such a normie am i right fellow memers? 😎

There's that video of the dying vet praising Trump and Mattis with his last words and crying thankful they were gonna save the country

I always like to jack off to it, hope he suffered as he died

Fucking epic comrade! XD


08? Did I miss the other four?

Who is/was the most effeminate US president?

prolly carter or obama, maybe truman, a good argument could be made for trump because he's occasionally passive aggressive and thin-skinned.


Trump is in constant "I wanna speak to your manager" mode

a good argument could be made for trump because he's occasionally passive aggressive and thin-skinned.

Those are female characteristics in your eyes?

your post history is gonna get a yikes from me dawg, and never a real response.

When you can't defend yourself, deflect!


Daddy's twitter reads like that of a teenage girl's, so probably him.

Michelle Obama is def more macho than her husband

James Buchanan, Andrew Jackson made fun of him and called him Aunt Fancy and the guy who he (((lived with))) Aunt Nancy. Buchanan was probably gay

Fuck I hate trump a lot but damn do I want to see him get off solely because of how much buttmad will be generated

I'm pretty sure like 75% of his support is due to the joy of watching people reee @ him

I can’t wait for people to literally shit themselves in seething rage, I think this happens no matter the outcome.

The problem with making Trumpers seethe is that it's too clean. They're retarded and everybody's happy to acknowledge it. Everyone is pointing and laughing in a united front. It's one-dimensional.

When anti-Trumpers get btfo, it becomes pandemonium. Most normal people are at least casually against Trump, so there's a whole spectrum of people getting mad. DDF gloats hard and they can't be shut down as easily, moderates trying to be reasonable get shat on by their own side, blue checks on Twitter compete to perform the wokest meltdown.

Best case scenario is Trump gets impeached and Pence wins in 2020.

this, but unironically

Pence by himself is nothing though.

  • Daddy getting fucked and chucked by the United State House of Representatives led by Nancy Pelosi causes maximum rightoid seething. Youtube searches for "deep state" video essays explode.

  • Pence assumes power and is more effective at uniting the Republican Congress behind him without having a new controversy each week. Maximum leftoid seething when everyone finds out Pence is actually capable of doing the things they spent years blaming Trump for.

  • Pence wins reelection because ofc he does.

  • Pence nationalizes Twatter. Only gives out blue checkmarks to 66 accounts. Those accounts? The 66 canonized books of the Holy Bible. And they tweet a single inspirational Bible verse every day.

ok this timeline actually sounds amazing

  • Pence nationalizes Twatter. Only gives out blue checkmarks to 66 accounts. Those accounts? The 66 canonized books of the Holy Bible. And they tweet a single inspirational Bible verse every day.

I'd consider voting for him on this platform alone tbh.

You forgot:

  • Pence gets reelected twice

666 accounts


He thinks that the world will and should end during his lifetime, and that he will be rewarded with eternity in paradise after everyone is killed. His presidency should be eventful.

Best case scenario is Trump gets impeached, pardons himself and carries on.

Clinton runs as a Republican in the primaries, gets pneumonia, falls in a coma, beats Trump, versus Sanders for the second time but the Democrats forget to file forms to get him on the ballot and Jill Stein wins as a write in candidate.

Except when anti drumpfers get mad they dont do crazy shit just have some protests etc, DDF has all the real nuts like the Q guy who attempted to bloackade a dam demanding the real report Q mentioned and basically all the armed crazy groups are DDF, if he got arrested guarantee at least 3 would attempt to "rise up"

Imagine its 2009 and someone tells you in a decade there will be an armed insurrection because of Donald fucking Trump.

If you tell me a mayo rebellion gets taken out when they accidentally nuke themselves in 2030 i would probably believe you.

Watching the ATF and FBI cuck and chuck the mayo uprising if Trump gets impeached will be hilarious

Implying the ATF can shoot anyone but women an dogs.

Didn't the ATF fuck up the Branch Davidians?

They burned them to death though.

You're getting dangerously close to serious posting. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

it was serious posting about quality of comparative dramas

He posts about trump constantly, just let him tire himself out

I agree. Anti-trumpers have been the reasonable ones here. No screaming, shouting, assaults, or shooting congressmen. Just rational discussion on why the nazi and his supporters are bringing genocide and must be exterminated.

DDF regularly talks about white genocide far more than dems. If you are gonna COPE be accurate at least.

Drama is trump country.

I suppose fent and drama can go hand in hand

B*rnie gave me pstd

Dude if pro trumpers get pissy they start blowing things up and shooting people, Imagine like 100 ineffectual idiot MAGAbombers. That's a world where Trump goes down, and that's the world I want to live in

There will be so many more shootings.

People already shit themselves in a rage. Most of these major protests have some people who poop on signs of the President, the flag, etc.

Him getting off scott-free will literally kill the people in the article. Is this peak politics?

But they’ve already got the Reaper knocking on their door, they’re going to die regardless of how this all turns out.

If Trump is implicated in collusion and impeached (not necessarily removed) just THINK of the surge in dramacoin when t_d starts posting about how the coup is finally happening and it’s time to take up arms! But then they don’t actually do anything!

Imagine if Trump gets removed and Pence establishes a theocracy.


Republic of Gilead soon?

Lemme get me some fat booty handmaiden 😍😍😍

Read books that aren't tv shows

Wow, that actually annoyed me, nice job

Tarnsmen of Gor then?

Based. Pizzashill for Director of Thot Patrol.

Reminder that we're all gonna die regardless of how this turns out. But enjoy the show!

Same. I want to see politics and worldnews meltdown slightly more than Trump be held accountable

why u haet daddy? daddi luv u

True, but can you imagine how freaked out the DDF will get if he gets jail time. That's some spicy drama right there.

No one's going to be happy. I guarantee you there's at least gonna be one last big fish. Juicier than Roger Stone finally getting it.

Fuck I hate trump a lot but damn do I want to see him get off solely because of how much buttmad will be generated

I had the same feeling about the election, now I'm careful what i wish for.

How has Donald Trump affected average NEETs life in any meaningful way?

The real redpill is supporting Trump so the system will burn.

There are others :D

Nah it's supporting Rand Paul before he takes a 4 year long holiday during his presidency to prove that the government is bad.

This but unironically.

Fuck, didn't imagine that could be the real headline.

Yeah this seems a bit much, even for NPR.

Walter Tendler recounted, "and then he just sits up in bed halfway and looks at me and he goes, 'S***, I'm not going to see the Mueller report, am I?' And that was really the last coherent thing that he said."

This is unironically hilarious. People love quoting Che's and Oscar Wilde's alleged last words, but this old fuck managed to perfectly capture the dramatard psyche. All the poor old bastard wanted was a climax and some lols.

Guy should’ve been sitting back and reflecting on the memories he made with loved ones or the accomplishments he was able to achieve , but instead he spent it mad about king drumpf 😂🤣



Maybe it's not rational, but in my mind's eye when I'm thinking of how badly I want to purge the Boomer generation and take all their ill-gotten assets to fund sustainable food and energy industries for a better tomorrow, I always picture them as fat old right wing Boomers with suspenders and professionally painted American flag decals on their trucks.

Is it possible that the people in this article are even more pathetic and deserving of the Endless Void than that?

These are the parents of boomers. Boomers are the narcissists who earned all the things their parents worked hard for without any self-reflection that it was unearned.

Wow, no wonder the Boomers turned out to be so retarded. Look who they had raising them.

cry more fag

Hey if you don't hate old people, you have a problem

i love my grannies

cringe and soypilled

Shut up loser

I hate myself already, and I'm not even old yet!

Your dream will never be reality.

Don't let your dreams be memes, my friend.

But the boomers are better than you, which is why you can't do that. The only thing you can blame them for is raising weak children, but it's not like millenials are better in that regard.

which is why you can't do that

I'm preparing. I have tins of canned peaches, combat fatigues and a significant amount of stored ammo.


The source is a tweet. Can't verify if he really said that without asking him (lol), having a video, or having a bunch of honest witnesses.

There's a good chance someone is taking advantage of the event to boost their following

Finally, an excuse to post this.

Old boomer fucks who have destroyed their own country bitterly wish for a coup on the sitting president and the country to descend into chaos, their final wish -- to completely destroy every last thing before the last dying breath.

Fucking old, stupid, globohomo worshiping queers. Worst generation all human history.

what a stupid fucking article


oh no people with misplaced priorities are going to fucking die before mueller comes out with his shit.hurry up!


Retirement home activities are getting way better than bingo.