KiA pedophiles get BTFO by Valve when their favorite rape simulator gets removed from Steam.

123  2019-03-07 by Quietus42


The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


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Another day another blow to the first ammendment

“Fucking SJW’s, raping is a government-protected right!”

First they came for the pedophiles, and I didn't speak up, because I'm not a pedophile.

Then they came for the rapists, and I didn't speak up, because I'm not a rapist.

The end.

"And I paid my taxes with the knowledge it's being put to good use"

You might be dumb, but at least you're not a sex criminal.

First of all, Darqqwolf is a known genius who can disprove even the theories of Freud

I think a crack-addled child could disprove the theories of Freud

Freud was a crack addled child


I think you misspelled male feminist.

d e a d m e m e

this but unironically

I'm not a rapist


Soy Boy Beta Cuck SJW


Then they came for the rapists, and I didn't speak up, because I'm not a rapist.

With all the rapists gone, I was free to rape whoever I wanted, as the police never believed my victims, "we already came for the rapists, they're all gone" they replied.

Why would the cops come for themselves

I come for myself all the time.

I'm not a rapist


Soy Boy Beta Cuck SJW



An international tribunal has been gathered at Nuremburg to address the genocide of all g*mers by giving the perpetrators medals

this is gamer oppression

i have a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to rape simulators.

He's actually correct, I just checked the constitution website and it's in there.

He’s clearing being sarcastic

Oh wow are you sure

No slash S. Doesn’t check out.

Yes /s xd

Nothing gets by you.

Right next to the part about right to dank noscope montage videos and dabbing.

and calling people the n-word during heated gaming moments

Don’t you bring dabbing into this

At least keep dabbing sacred

did you see anything in there about furry loli porn? asking for a friend

If Rape in the media is so bad, why do women spend millions on Rape Romance Novels?

Just typing "rape romance novel" into Google and you'll get thousands of books, that people actually bought.

Protect Whamen

You don't get. It's allowed when it's from the perspective of the "victim".

So if KiA really wants a rape simulator, I would suggest that they program one where you can play a altar boy in a Catholic church or some kind of twig in a federal prison.

Let's see them get up in arms for a game about being forced to service a trans-queer-disabled-POC's feminine penis while getting bussyblasted by AOC with a strapon while daddy pees on it all from the rafters.

Imagine reeeing so hard about some rape vidya being banned 🤣🤣🤣

He's not reeeing tho? 🤔

Hes saying they're only defending this because its a foid getting raped. If it was a man, they wouldn't be getting this triggered.

he's not

But he is. Getting worked up over any vidya (rapey or not) getting banned makes you a retard. If anything, banning vidya should celebrated.

If anything, banning vidya should be celebrated.


Imagine being so tone deaf you think I'm not making fun of the FreeSpeechBrigade reeeing about their rape sim getting banned.

Holy shit you're right. I'm so sorry, daddy! 😭

Holy shit. That's hot af.

thx sweaty ❤️❤️ you can send ur neetbux 💵 to my patreon 💰 luv u babe ❤️

Kickstsrt that shit. Match me




tbf, i can get porn and erotica about a guy getting raped and tortured by a woman with no issue

but i don’t see any femoids lining up to buy forced-pegging simulators

There's a reason for Rule 34.

but i don’t see any femoids lining up to buy forced-pegging simulators

I've spent enough time on Tumblr to know there's a market for that.

If there’s a market, then where is it?

rapey pedo degeneracy cope 🤣

they don’t, they spend hundreds of thousands on those

movies about killing rapists are what make millions

Its over for rapecels.

Seriously tho when the hell did that sub become so...pathetic?

When they started to talk about video games.

It was pretty cool before that though.

When it was made

Some of them pick weird hills to die on and I can't figure out if it's because they're stupid or if they're just so gung ho that they don't recognize that there's a point at which you need to stop.

Wasn't there some other game that looked like crap and no one really give a fuck about (Yandere Simulator I guess?) that got booted off Steam ,but for those KIA tards it was literally the end of the world?

Probably, KiA fluctuates between legitimate criticisms of censorship and ethics and unhinged lunacy over dumb shit. I generally remember the censorship and ethics stuff but I can generally find no fucks to give about dumb shit like lolis or rape simulators.

Because after the heyday of GG blew over, the only people posting there and on any other sub dedicated to the shitstorm are either only visiting to shit on journos or retards already leaning to the pedo-left/right.

Yandere Simulator is free and on github so I dunno about that.

you're probably thinking of House Party.

Well, KIA became a perfect recruiting ground for the the alt right believers. That is obvious. But because, that sub is a literally in the epicenter of culture war bullshit, they basically are regularly doing the "fucking myself to own the libs😎" shtick.

Full of pedo rapists lol(i)

a community for 4 years

4 years ago


Is the game moddable? Can we mod it to rape anyoy, not just the dime store femoid models it comes with?

who you tryna rape

a model of himself

chubby manlets are a type

Can you rape yourself if you're willing???

Are you really ever willing though?

No, it's merely a means to an end

Presumably it's a virtual copy of him/herself that portrayed as unwilling.

Powermods obviously

every game is moddable if you try hard enough

People should really stop giving these shit games attention

It's good for dramacoin, no? Gaymers S E E T H I N G over culture war bullshit is hilarious

I'm not gonna lie ed its good for dramacoin but these lukewarm takes on this is just hatred all over again

Glad to see you've changed your mind on gaymers seething.

I remember getting snoozeposted by you for posting gaymer drama. 😢

Why would anyone think Valve would want to be associated with this?



Yeah, about that.

it's a pretty amazing hill to die on that's for sure

This is a fucking atrocity. What is it going to take for gamers to finally rise up?

Hydraulic chair lifts

Shit, thats good. I wish this type of response catches on.


top kek

I'm inconsalably angry that you have more upvotes than me

What is it going to take for gamers to finally rise up?

Three things cause a gamer to rise up out of his chair:

a. running out of mountain dew
b. filling the last piss jug
c. the modem needing to be power cycled

Rape Day

white male children were a mistake

Jesus christ, you people are stupid. The game was clearly a blatant troll game.

KiA pedo rapists




they were merely pretending to be retarded

KIAfag on damage control


and i take it the response to it being banned is just troll concern?

Silly Gator 🤣

it's hard to even drama post about KIA because they're so retarded. it's like being an incel but being an incel about literally everything.

Isn’t this a rerun?

It's hard to tell with how often kiddyfuckers in action is reeeeeeeeing about the latest ban on their degeneracy.

First they came for people who were fucking kids, and I did not speak out—because I was not a libertarian.

Then they came for the loli sims, and I did not speak out— because I was not a gamer.

Then they came for the rape sims, and I did not speak out—because I was not a male feminist.

Then they never came for me—and I lived happily ever after in a world with a little less degenerate shit.

You cant live happily until they get rid of violence in games. Otherwise it's just more degeneracy

soyboy detected

wow, KiA’s actually pretty split on this one. i guess they’re not as cozy with rape when it’s non-statutory

and right in the title

Nah that's just Chapo and TopMinds/someothersubs brigade, at the very least the most upvoted posts there are.

I checked, top two comments by best are both gaymers.

Third is topmind, tho'.

I swear, defending pedophiles is what is going to ruin the internet. Instead of fighting websites banning people for no reason, the free speech brigade is mad that they cant have rape simulators on steam.
If Kiatards got rid of their pedos, people would actually take them seriously.

no they wouldn't

All this for a shitty low effort game made to troll.

Why are they complaining when there are literal Japanese porn games on steam??? (Needless to say, they contain rape as they are Japanese)

Can’t they buy the game on another website?

Why do they even care, they can get this anywhere else, if they wanted to

i honestly don't know why rape is considered worse than violence and mass murder.

It's fairly easy to justify the use of violence, but it's practically impossible to justify rape.

this is your brain on liberalism ^

nah i think that just speaks to how fucked modern society is.

rise up

only so much we can do without Admin help

Like they're going to give a fuck about "muh brigades" to KiA

Imagine picking this hill to die on.

I'd have to imagine being a rapist so no thanks.

It's a weird form of libertarianism that defends the right of any and all 'speech' but denies the right of a store to choose what they stock.

Imaging being mad because Valve removed a shitty 3d visual novel game from their store.

Why dont we use this tactic? Just make up something lets say about hmmm what game do they like? Last of us 2 yea lets go with that and just start screaming it promotes child soldiers since ellie is a kid and she murders ppl like shes in the military or that she isnt trans and therefore isnt progressive enough. Am i being to evil or not evil enough.....

It's a game explicitly about raping people. You don't need to do any weird mental gymnastics, its literally in the title "rape day".

Holy shit they really are pedos