Nancy Pelosi is a white supremacist

250  2019-03-07 by CommonWrongdoer


that twitter profile

>lover of hardshell tacos


Boy that escalated quickly.

To be fair I see a lot of mayos put iceberg lettuce in tacos and that definitely should be abolished.

apparently paper towels are more nutritious.

I put my dick in ur taco

Haha nice

Lettuce in burritos should be banned

smh everyone knows them kale flakes are way more nutritious


come fight me

Tacos are the capeshit of food.

Worst take I've ever seen on this sub including the nazis

Thank you.

Hardshell tacos arent real tacos

Next you'll tell me the choco-taco isnt a traditional Mexican dessert.


My hero 😍

fuck hard shell tacos unless they’re Dorito flavored mmm

A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


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That's something, coming from a fascist, take a look -

mother, daughter, sister, wife, lover of hardshell tacos, intersectional feminist. she/her/hers #blacklivesmatter #AbolishICE

It's okay to be wife

🥛 You oughta know sweaty.

And I'm here, to remind you


eww gussy

hardshell tacos are fascist?

They project strength and are the strongmeat unlike soft shell tacos.

Thus they are fascists you crypto Nazi and I’ll sock you in your goddamn face, and you’ll stay plastered.

but monarchists project strength too

She's a republican. Everyone knows, the 13 colonies were led by fascists getting all uppity.

And monarchists don't. They project the monarch's strength. Not their own.

Monarchs are monarchists, though

I guess but that's not what one thinks when one talks about monarchists.

Monarchism is the height of cuckoldry.

not if you’re the monarch

They're definitely imperialist appropriation of Mexican culture. Pretty problematic, tbqhfam

Anyone who puts pronouns on their bio needs to be deported somewhere

They DO need some cultural enrichment.

I would 100% back this movement.

Nancy Pelosi is a white feminist. White feminists are white supremacists.

The left eating their own is the best thing to happen since the election. It unironically makes me cream in my jeans every time I see shit like this.

It unironically makes me cream in my jeans every time.

😅 And here I thought, it was only I.

If you aren't in the same retardation wavelength as the Dems, you're basically the worst person ever

The left are NPCs for saying same things

The left also eats their own for saying different things

But when they say different things, the response is always the same thing. NPCeption

NPCs calling everything a white supremacist is nothing new.

Seriouspost. Eww.

These statements contradict

you got some low ass standards, dog

Me too thanks.

It unironically makes me cream in my jeans every time I see shit like this.

Nancy Pelosi getting eaten out by angry woman is a popular search term

Nobody tell him...

There's a shred of truth to this though, there was a thread on menslib where they were discussing why a staggering majority of the menslib users are white. Mainstream liberal feminism has always been for white women.

Or maybe because non-white people have better things to do than sit on the internet all day whining about how their life is so shit while they do nothing but sit on the internet all day and whine instead of being productive?

Because modern feminism is about there not being enough female billionaires.

This Rao bitch has been pretty crazy for awhile

It’s gonna be even better once actually agent provocateurs get involved. They’ll eat themselves with no help.

Imagine not think San Fran nan is white supremacist

Where's the lie??? 🤔🧐





🤯 wtf 🤯

This but unironically



Q predicted this

I’m going to block anyone who says anything positive about anyone. Everyone is 6 degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon. His last name is bacon. Bacon increases cholesterol and causes blockages which kill people. Everyone is basically a murderer.

Done and done

Is this even real

not really no

First they came for some dude who didn't vote for Hillary, I said nothing.

Then they came for the smirking student, I said nothing.

Now they came for me so now, I will pullout ...

*** shuffles the cards

... woman's card!

if you pullout without consent, that's rape

See, what people don't get is that you can be a white feminist without being a "white feminist". Anyone who is confused about this is probably a white feminist!

for fuck’s sake, people, you’re supposed to strategically capitalize words when you’re combining them into stupidly easy-to-misunderstand jargon

mayos arent allowed to be feminists sweaty

White women are demons we know this

This is the same (Indian-American) woman who blamed white supremacy and colonialism for the India-Pakistan tensions recently in the news and earned the following response from another Indian-American:



Glad to see she hasn't changed.



Not with that attitude it’s not

The burden is real.

The British are to be blamed for this

this but uni

Beware the eternal Anglo. The perfidiousness of Albion knows no bounds.

conquers your shithole “country”

Whoops did I do that hehe

You mean Sliding Albion. Those people are bad news.

the thing is during partition we purposely fucked the region up to try and ensure our continued socioeconomic dominance in the area, it'd worked so well with the Sykes-Picot split we thought we'd try it with the division of Palestine, in India and pretty much anywhere else we could - it became a mainstay of western diplomacy modelled of course on the very fucked up situation Britain itself had fractured itself into... The officially independent military wing of our empire utilised it in Vietnam, Korea, and of course itself several times over - but all of these areas became so fucked up they're now unmanageable and all the random acts of blowback are making western hegemony untenable, and while Britain has been trying so desperately to keep all those plates spinning neatly we've shit ourselves and got brexit smeared all over us, our population is half stupid and gullible but even the best experts can't really determine which half - but that doesn't matter because the history of this century is going to be written in Chinese and almost most of it will be redacted anyway.

muslims exist

Indians start mass murdering them

Yes, this is the work of the devious Anglo

i mean

yeah, partially lol

I'm so tired of this self loathing, using someone's flaws against them doesn't absolve them of having those flaws. They're backwards religious extremists happy to slaughter each other, we just let it happen.

well, let it happen and encouraged it lol

i mean they’d still be killing each other anyway. but in a different part of the subcontinent and with slightly less state backing

lol true


now THIS is epic



You know you've made it when someone makes a little pet account to follow you around.

ED == S E E T H I N G

Always lmao



absolutely seething

I like the idea of this, cuz the guy does misfire alot, but the Twitter account in this post is enough to turn most white people into fascists.

Only thing to make me knee jerk faster than her twitter account is the reparations nonsense 😰

Gin me dats

shits fired!

Shit fire, Rand.

this but unironically

butthurt detected

I always felt /u/The_Reason_Trump_Won needed his own Alec Baldwin.


Petty party in-fighting and going after your own side first before you touch the conservatives.

One of the better uses of this novelty acct in a minute.

Fake-ass 4chan Twitter posts helped Trump win?

Yeah, sounds about right

white feminists don't care about anyone besides themselves and have been actively harmful to the progressive movement

Yo that's what I've been saying! 😮🙃

Stop👏🏾 appropriating👏🏾 Cannibal👏🏾 culture!👏🏾

This is why I am against lab grown meat.

The term is more diluted than Bruce Jenner’s semen.

If all apples are pears

And all pears are oranges

This apple is an orange.

I mean sure, but isn't this the exact same thing they say about conservatives and republicans? One represents all? KKK liking trump automatically means the opposite is true (Trump and ergo all Rs and conservartards support the KKK) etc, etc?

who’s “they”?

Woke twitter, /r/politics, etc.

/r/politics likes Nancy Pelosi though. atm they’re pretty much just mainstream Dems, who no longer resent Pelosi now that she’s back in charge

and woke twitter is fractured af, i don’t see a single person agreeing with this lady

Right now I'm more interested in your username tbqh fam.

grunge is a funny word

Any not so popular bands you recommend?

flock of seagulls

Most of these won't be pure grunge but you'll live with it (also I'm not sure what exactly "not so popular" means)




Love Battery

Skin Yard

Squirrel Bait

Dinosaur Jr

Rollins Band



Lesser known, not nirvana or stone temple pilots or the usual stuff.

Thanks I’ll check those out!

not in that genre, nah. but i got a collection of deep cuts from other genres

This is unironically good shit. post more.

I can't think of anything more rude to mainstream Democrats than likening them to the deranged autists who post to /r/politics.

Internet lefties believe in intersectionality so if you're problematic in one area you're #canceled yass kween slay

I fucking love when foids start fighting each other. Beautiful

...I mean...girrrlll...

Nancy is a white woman who traffics in racial undertones from time to time because she is possibly still learning how to navigate her own rhetoric in racial undertones.

But white supremacist?? Nah.

Is this what you've learned from Black women?

Huuuuurrrr duuurrrrr my pp hard unnnnnngh cummm

based and redpilled

well, she is, but not for those reasons

...Huh. Ha. Ha ha. Ha ha ha ha hah hah hah lolololololololol 😂🤣😂🤣😂

Ma'am this is a Wendy's.

Never gets old

Dude what?

Denver, CO

Bitch you live in the whitest city in the country. I'm sure the four black families that live there are happy about your blacklivesmatter hashtag. Peak foid nonsense.

I can see why she's so angry

Feminist infighting is good for society and good for dramacoin 👌

If I’ve already declared allegiance to David Duke, does that then mean that now I have to declare allegiance to Nancy Pelosi as well? Because if it’s all the same I’d really rather not

I love it when they do this

She's right about white feminists

White supremacistsare white.

White feminists are white.

Nancy Pelosi is a white feminist.

∴ Nancy Pelosi is a white supremacist.

Transitive properties, how do they work!?

I hope this starts trending...please let this sort of rhetoric fuck them from the inside. It would be so funny.

Literally everything this girl said is correct.

based radcen radfem

why is she calling her a "white feminist"


did she say something which betrayed her position?

At this point, I really feel like the Murican left cant get their shit together and stop imploding in time for the 2020 elections.

I think it’s accurate that many white women benefit off of and can be complicit in white patriarchy, but calling us white feminists white supremacists and neonazi lovers is gross and false and a bad look for feminism.

Can't even make it through one measly sentence without dogwhistling the troops for backup. Gross literally makes no sense there. People might have more respect for them if they could stand on their own morals and values and convictions without needing backup 24/7.


does she get double gassed? cancel out? find out next time in November 2020!

Pelosci/Duke 2020!

And if you idolize Nancy Pelosi, you may as well declare allegiance to David Duke.

David Duke just came out in support for Omar! I’m dying! The fucking irony of these people. Lol!

Good night to everyone except narcissistic fragile white men whose combovers are unable to hide their racism and sexism.


saira is a mother, daughter, sister, wife of intersectional hardshell tacos... #AbolishRefrigerators

This chick has got to be a Russian bot. It’s the perfect hate bait.