Twox makes a post that "Everyone is welcome". Almost every single comment is censored

238  2019-03-08 by joeflux

Even positive comments like "The best subreddit <3" are removed "for safety".


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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mentally ill """""""""""""""""""""""""""women""""""""""""""""""""""""""" are retarded


You’re welcome to be censored.

Seriously though, what do mods even accomplish by removing comments. Do they think we don’t know how to view removed comments or something?

The vast majority of people are quite content to stick their head in the sand. Just because it's possible to see delete comments, certainly doesn't mean that people go looking for things that are going to bother them and make them cry.

The majority of redditards have no idea how to do that or other basic functions like block ads.

There's a reason the last few years the reddit administration has pretty much made this shithole a safe space for tumblinas and other woke imbeciles, despite the appearances these retards are docile and are excellent ad targets because they're easily manipulated.

Implying these waman have any idea how to view them .

this but unironically

People can’t reply to them

It's phedre, she's fucking retarded.

Huh. I must be amazing if I can remove comments on a sub I don’t mod.

And this is rich coming from the guy who set r/wow private because he was butt hurt at not being able to log into the game.


I love this comment, said in support of the censorship, without a hint of self awareness:

Agreed. I never understood the intolerance people have against others. Dont people realize how ungodly boring the world be if we all did the same things, believed the same things, looked the same?

Be yourselves!

Oh, that sweet 21th century "Individualism".


Ahh, the twenty-firth century.

I'm such a retard. English is not my first language but I should have overlooked this error.

Overlooked does not mean what you think it means.

The Unabomber may have been a sperg and a proto-incel, but he may have been right about one thing: oversocialization.

  1. Oversocialization can lead to low self-esteem, a sense of powerlessness, defeatism, guilt, etc. One of the most important means by which our society socializes children is by making them feel ashamed of behavior or speech that is contrary to society’s expectations. If this is overdone, or if a particular child is especially susceptible to such feelings, he ends by feeling ashamed of HIMSELF. Moreover the thought and the behavior of the oversocialized person are more restricted by society’s expectations than are those of the lightly socialized person. The majority of people engage in a significant amount of naughty behavior. They lie, they commit petty thefts, they break traffic laws, they goof off at work, they hate someone, they say spiteful things or they use some underhanded trick to get ahead of the other guy. The oversocialized person cannot do these things, or if he does do them he generates in himself a sense of shame and self-hatred. The oversocialized person cannot even experience, without guilt, thoughts or feelings that are contrary to the accepted morality; he cannot think “unclean” thoughts. And socialization is not just a matter of morality; we are socialized to conform to many norms of behavior that do not fall under the heading of morality. Thus the oversocialized person is kept on a psychological leash and spends his life running on rails that society has laid down for him. In many oversocialized people this results in a sense of constraint and powerlessness that can be a severe hardship. We suggest that oversocialization is among the more serious cruelties that human beings inflict on one another.

Here is an illustration of the way in which the oversocialized leftist shows his real attachment to the conventional attitudes of our society while pretending to be in rebellion against it. Many leftists push for affirmative action, for moving black people into high-prestige jobs, for improved education in black schools and more money for such schools; the way of life of the black “underclass” they regard as a social disgrace. They want to integrate the black man into the system, make him a business executive, a lawyer, a scientist just like upper-middle-class white people. The leftists will reply that the last thing they want is to make the black man into a copy of the white man; instead, they want to preserve African American culture. But in what does this preservation of African American culture consist? It can hardly consist in anything more than eating black-style food, listening to black-style music, wearing black-style clothing and going to a black- style church or mosque. In other words, it can express itself only in superficial matters. In all ESSENTIAL respects most leftists of the oversocialized type want to make the black man conform to white, middle-class ideals. They want to make him study technical subjects, become an executive or a scientist, spend his life climbing the status ladder to prove that black people are as good as white. They want to make black fathers “responsible,” they want black gangs to become nonviolent, etc.

If only you could put that energy into your relationships

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Based and signed, sealed, and deliver-pilled

No one's obligated to provide a platform for hateful speech.

Noted powermod, incel, and discord tranny phedre, failing to explain why reddit continues to provide a platform for her hatred of basic hygiene

Everytime i "learn" phdre is a chick I'm suprised

She's a tomboy at best

Based and snappypilled

Phedre? Trans? Uh...

That’s a new one. People usually assume I’m a gay man.

I lost count of how many people I have told that you are a chick.

Stop doing that...

You should transition

Could it be the giant purple glittery letters spelling "BUCCI" nest to your name?

Nah, gay men can banter.

mememod (female)

I wish people would assume that >!can't say that on reddit!< because of >!nope!<

Yeah phedre may be "fourth best Drama XX grill," but she's still a grill.

gussy is still disgusting 🤢


Imagine caring enough to correct the record on phedre's gender of choice.

Everyone is welcome except women who don't want the shit beaten out of them by an estrogen-poisoned man in a dress, lulz

Kristallnacht der Untoten, Night of Roided Trannies is coming my brothers.

With our prayers, and our blood-leavened maza balls, we shall form a testosterone-golem to protect us from those natural born women and their chromosomal gatekeeping.

Woo can't wait!

Implying their weak estrogen riddled wrists can supply enough force to break glass

That 2nd comment is a good point. The defacto sub for womanhood and women's issue is called TwoXChromosomes, despite the fact that ideologically they would consider such a belief unabated transphobia and would ban you. I'm reporting that sub to the admins.

You could successfully report it to the admins for massive censorship I bet

Where the fuck do you think you are? Admins don't give a shit about removing comments.

Bruh SWERFS lmao

Aren't those little blue people who live in mushrooms?

That’s the muppet babies

Refugees please. You are welcome at



The largest women focused and centred sub on Reddit.

Do they have automoderator set up to censor r/gendercritical?

Refugees please. You are welcome at



lol, they're exactly the same ban-happy, "we accept anyone!! (as long as they 100% agree with us on every issue, never, ever say the no-no-words in any context at all, and constantly prostrate themself if they happen to be born in the wrong demographic)" retardation- just with a slightly different kind of troon-centric autism.

At least they're very clear that they hate men. 2x is like "come on in well ban you later"

"Come on in, just put on lipstick and a dress, and try not to rape too much"

Trans women rape and extremely low rates because they're afraid of getting raped

serious posting in /r/drama

Forgive me daddy for i have seriousposted

smh can't believe you edited

Yeah I much prefer the open disdain that terfs have for me, than the lies 2x does.

I much prefer they fight each other while men laugh on sidelines.


I'll give GC that. They're nuts, but at least they're consistent.

And they consistently don't have nuts unlike the mods of twox

Yeah and their "slightly different kind of autism" is in favour of the reason most of the 'refugees' are protesting there. No contradiction here.

No not really. Just because you think trans women shouldn't compete with women doesnt make you a terf.

It's the logical end point of thinking transwomen shouldn't compete in sports (if you're already the feminist part anyway).

If they shouldn't compete in sports, why not? They're as female as any ciswoman, after all. Why are women's sports for ciswomen only?

I'd explain but im too smart for you. Move along.

ok loser, another debate won

I know. Why would you point that out?

Its best not to waste your time if they cant see why a super beefed up male now woman shouldn't be competing against children i mean other woman

if you can't see the point I was making then you're dumb

They're as female as any ciswoman, after all.

Fucking lol. No they are not. Don't play dumb.

If they shouldn't compete in sports, why not?

18 years doping with natural testosterone and having the build and bone structure of a man , not that of a woman would be a great reason. Never mind that trans women thrash any biological women in any sport.

Fucking lol. No they are not. Don't play dumb.

Yeah I agree lol. I'm making the point that if you think these confused men shouldn't compete with women, then you're effectively on the side of the TERFs.

Well I guess I can't read then.

no worries, someone else made the same mistake so I probably didn't make it clear enough

I am a woman...and that sub sucks. I am banned..probably because I am an asshole with little to no filter. ( I am an old and dont give a shit)lol

( I am an old and dont give a shit)lol


Boomerposting at its finest

Time to ride Carousel!



We love everyone here ❤️

Show us your best boomer humour

Fuck yeah I love older women.

Pls be my gf

That's ridiculous. It's impossible to have a real discussion without censorship.

Just imagine trying to seriously consider issues while some people are lobbing crazy conspiracy theories and others are screaming abuse.

Real discussion requires boundaries.


Just imagine trying to seriously consider issues while some people are lobbing crazy conspiracy theories and others are screaming abuse.

I just imagined it. It sounds... pretty easy, honestly?

even here on the most retarded of all subs, people love seriously considering issues so much we have to bully them to prevent it. and still the sub is 60% seriousposting.

You should seriously consider bussy lmao

Real discussion requires boundaries

Socrates, Aristotle, pyro, Benjamin franklin, Nd the crew have all just died again

I posted this shit like two days ago.



We "censor" for safety.

LUL, safety from what? mean comments on the internet?

Imagine being that self righteous about being an unpaid website janitor.


"Ignorance is strength"

Beat me to it.

lol i'm literally banned from there for posting in an unrelated sub they don't like.

I got that too months ago. They unbanned me when I PM'd the mods and I haven't been re-banned so I guess they aren't breaking sitewide rules by doing it automatically anymore.

We "censor" for safety. A sexist opinion is still an opinion. A homophobic opinion is still an opinion. Just because a TERF has a shitty opinion doesn't mean that we're inclined to give it a platform

A mod unironically said they remoce opinions forvsafety reasons

Sticks and stones sweaty, sticks and stines

He sits there with that fucking grin of his and he still can't believe how easy it is was to bait her.

180 out of 224 comments removed :)

it's for safety ok

Are the mods of twox actually all men?

I think they've kicked out all of the XX mods now.

Maybe the incels have infiltrated and the sub is very close to a turning point...

On international women's day of all times! When will a mod of /r/twoxchromosomes give their slot to a woman?

Yes, it's the funniest fucking thing ever. The irony is beyond comprehension.

Transphobia is amazing. Like racism, if racism was when a black person put on whiteface and then accused the white people looking uncomfortable of being racist to them. And then demanded to compete against the white people in a who can go longest without getting sunburnt competition

The first part I don't give a damn about. If a black man wants to whiteface or someone with a penis wants to wear a skirt, I really couldn't give a crap. Live and let live, I say. We all have our idiosyncrasies.

I'm far more offended by people trying to force group think, banning or attacking those who disagree etc, than I am by a woman wishing she had a dick.

It's still absolutley disgusting for a grown man to chop his dick off and roleplay as a "woman"

Jeez, and how on earth does that hurt you? Is there absolutely nothing at all that you do that wouldn't disgust someone else?

How about just letting people do whatever the fuck they want if they aren't hurting other people?

waaah the children

What on earth is that even supposed to mean?

wah garfield .png

love YOKO

Are you on drugs right now?


Why not?

im coming for that numba one spot!

Crushing women's skulls in tranny vs. woman boxing matches is literally hurting women.

Beating women in every other sport except some gymnastics events is metaphorically hurting women by shattering their self esteem.

Crushing women's skulls in tranny vs. woman boxing matches is literally hurting women.

Great, then be against that.

Don't conflate that with what people do to their body etc.

Except for the faggots who calim to be female then beat the shit out of actual women in martail arts.

You're conflating two things again though. You should be against the second part of that.

I agree, I really don't care about people's ways of living if it's personal and doesn't hurt anyone, but the way the rights of a very small number are being bumped up the top, to consider the rights of a trans serial rapist over the multiple women in the jail they think the trans woman should be allowed live with - is fucking insane and wrong. Makes me so mad I wish I had 18 years of testosterone fueled growth in my body so I could intimidate people who disagree with me

Just start taking testosterone lol

Sure, I agree.

I remember and feel nostalgic for a time when "freeze peach" was still considered a progressive issue and censorship was mostly associated with conservative soccer moms and religious busybodies. It's not that conservatives have become better (The_Donald censors anything that isn't unambiguously "orange man good"), it's that progressives have become worse.

Or maybe I am just being a huge Boomer.

I lol'd at the number of

[censored within 1 second]

imagine the mods furiously mashing the F5 key, refreshing the thread over and over again so they can delete all the meanie comments as fast as they can

After a certain point, they just set Automod to remove all comments automatically.

Then selectively approve the ones they like.

Let’s be honest, the only way we’ll regularly watch female sports is if trans competed.

I root for kickboxing.

Implying anyone watches male tennis and ice skating.

And when everyone is welcome... No one will be!

we censor for safety

Isnt this a hitler or stalin quote?

Sub full of "women" and they don't get along, very surprising.

Or, follow along here, my point gets quite complicated so let me know if I'm going too quickly:


The name of the sub is just a clever rhetorical device.

People who post like this should be banned.

This is what oppressive womxn-splaining looks like.

They did the same thing in r/thehandmaidstale after calling me a bunch of racist stuff for saying America wasn’t a literal concentration camp, they had a thread about how they were the best safe space on reddit.

I was autobanned on twox for wrongthink.

They all need to stay safe tbqh

Finally. Some good fucking food.