Just snuck into Captain Marvel

7  2019-03-08 by DarqWolff

Pretty good capeshit, my new fave MCU movie because of the sexiness


wh*te foids



She's way hotter than her black friend, race isn't everything kiddo

Isn’t she kind of old for you?

He's talking about the little girl, they show her in the trailer.

If I was 11 I'd feel the same way, age has nothing to do with it she just hot af

Your fat ass isn't sneaking anywhere

my new fave MCU movie because of the sexiness

Which Captain Marvel /u/DarqWolff actually went to see

Sometimes you're pretty funny, other times you just creepily posted an actual photo of an actual human child and made a sexual joke about her that wasn't even slightly called for in context.

I'm just wondering if that was what you were sneaking around to see. And with your history, I wouldn't be surprised

Hey did you end up buying some weekly KO calls? Got fucked if you did, eh?

The ones I went long on I did get fucked, the ones I sold as soon as they turned a profit were fine obviously. People who think you automatically lose money if you buy an option that expires OTM either haven't ever traded options or have a real mental handicap.

How much did ya lose on your long KO weekly call ?

$2 if I can sell at minimum prices by the end of today, $4 otherwise iirc

You think there's a demand for OTM KO calls that expire in 30 min? I like your optimism, my dude.

I think sometimes rich people buy my losing penny calls at the last minute just for the entertainment because it makes them laugh when they see a sell order for one singular little dollar in options trading especially when it's for a retarded option like a random number KO call or an absurd VZ put

Ah ok. Let me know if Daddy Warbucks or Broken Trading Bot 2.9 saves the day.

I've been laughing for like 140 seconds straight at the mental image of someone right after market close alt tabbing to a bot they left running in the background and just being like "wow this thing is fucking broken it spent the last hour buying schizophrenic penny calls" while I'm over here like "nice, my earning of this dollar by my keen judgment proves an efficient market yet again"

You should read Flash Boys, you might enjoy it.