/r/CasualChildAbuse has been quarantined.

101  2019-03-08 by Snowayne2


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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r/Childfree on suicide watch


I thought this sub will be "look at my lambo, I could not have it if I had kids" , "traveling around the world, I couldnt if ..." and similar

but instead - its personal rants and people bitching about how friends, family, neighboursm etc told them that they should have kids and should marry.

Yeah it's really the worst. There's a lot of valid reasons to not have kids but like most subreddits that could be okay with quality discussion in theory, they are usually filled with miserable people that whine and circlejerk all day.

Expectation: "look at my lambo, I could not have it if I had kids" , "traveling around the world, I couldnt if ..." and similar

Reality: "look at how I can be a miserable sad sack even without kids"

Expectation: Dilberg posting

Reality: Mr. Crocker posting

Just wait til you see dogfree.

It's full of women who are too afraid to be in the same auditorium as a dog.

Kind of the direction any negatively-focused subreddit goes. It just becomes a karma contest where the most negative post wins until only the extremes are able to reach the front page.

Another example, /r/raisedbynarcissists where people dont seem to understand the difference between narcissists and straight up psychopaths.

its a big yikes

Tbh outrage factories like that one should be quarantined/banned. Online witch hunts are absolute cancer. Report it to law enforcement and let the goddamn professionals deal with it.

yes, because the professionals always do everything properly. Quite so good sir.

Holding a lynch mob to own the police


Imagine unironically believing Internet lynch mobs do a better job at upholding justice than actual due process upheld by professionals.

/s neither do

\>Cops arrive to the scene

\>Shoot the family dog

\>Shoots the kid and leaves him crippled

\>CPS gets there

\>"Sorry kid, but there are no signs of abuse. It's completely normal for kids to have a thousand bruises and no fingerprints from getting their hands burned on the stove. Btw sorry for shooting you but the cop feared for his life, byeee"

Alternative option: post to twitter about it and gib karma on reddit.

Be complete hero for doing this

This but unironically

>Shoot the family dog

Why would they call the ATF

\>Cops arrive to the scene

\>Shoot the family dog

\>Shoots the kid and leaves him crippled

\>CPS gets there

\>"Sorry kid, but there are no signs of abuse. It's completely normal for kids to have a thousand bruises and no fingerprints from getting their hands burned on the stove. Btw sorry for shooting you but the cop feared for his life, byeee"

Retarded reasoning like this is how Drama will end up quarantined.

You're saying this as if it'd be a bad thing.

Might reduce the amount of /r/allRefugees? Thats probably the only positive thing I can think of.

I'm guessing you never went to the sub? It's hard to have a "witch Hunt" when the mods delete absolutely anything with any identifying information, including anonymous usernames.

Also, it's not an "outrage factory" or they would still be running and posting in quarantine. Their whole goal was awareness so people would know to call the police if they see it (bc not everyone recognizes certain types of abuse).

But good job on making an outrage comment on subs you don't like, specifically a sub outraged by...child abuse. How terrible of them.

Haha you got outraged

“Maybe if nobody knows about it, it doesn’t exist” - reddit admins on the subject of child abuse

barely any of the posts actually have children in them, and like 75% of them are fake or reposted anti-vaxx/essential oils shit. This seems way overzealous

- every reddit admin and moderator on practically every subject imaginable.*

Hmm, followed a link to one of the removed posts and it's kinda ruined my day a bit.


Damn that's awful. I thought the sub was for "casual" child abuse, not beating up an infant.

I try not to be alarmist, but that video isn't something anyone needs to see. Just the look of dumb confusion on the first kid's face after the first slap to be followed by that.

I'm pretty desensitised to everything but violence against kids fucks me up.

Wow, that's really fucked up. Wtf is "casual" about that?

i think the point is that it's not, but the patents treat it as so?

Yeah that seems to be the definition of casual they're using.

Slapping the shit out of them continuously, then dropping the infants onto a tile floor over and over until they bleed, then choking them out after are a bit much though. I guess the casual part is being used ironically? Most subs like /r/mildyinteresting or /r/casualIAMA or whatever have the content you'd expect with that title. I was picturing something like parents taking away the kid's toys while they were playing with them or using a spray bottle on them for no reason then laughing at them while they cry, not full on felony battery.

People don't think twice about it. They just do it.


A lot of people eventually can't resist the urge to silence the damn thing anymore. They just lose it and here we are one dead baby.

It's quite sad honestly.

Yeah this honestly made me feel like shit. Most stuff doesn't phase me on the internet anymore but damn dude this is heartbreaking.

Lol pussy just make more kids, theyre free

Depends on the type and race of the household.

Black, Hispanic , Redneck, Indian and some Asian households? Expecting the kid to a get a left hook. It's wrong but meh, that's how we were raised.


Oh I'm well aware of Asian household discipline. Growing up I had a lot of second gen Chinese friends who would get whipped by extension cords and locked in a room for not practicing piano. I've lost contact with almost all of them but I've kept up with a couple over the years. From hearsay and seeing some articles/social media online a bunch of them turned out really depressed and socially stunted or turned to Jesus extreme, while some turned out fine and one guy even went on to be a professional pianist. To this day I don't know why piano was such a big thing in the Chinese community I grew up around but man I didn't realize the level of abuse that went on until I was an adult.

This video is something else entirely though. It's a fucking infant getting the shit beaten out of it for no reason. They were just sitting there at the start minding their own business. I don't even think they can walk properly so what could they have possibly done wrong?

Oh fuck you. This isn't normal anywhere. It's two infants being completely brutalised.

Fucking hell why did I watch that?

thats such a great subreddit name. its like its supposed to be the more chill version of r/childabuse. like their version of r/Leftistwithoutedge

like you want to talk about beating kids, but without the extremists

Quarantining subs is so pathetic.

To be honest that sub was fucking filthy anyways. Bunch of kids reeeing about how them being disciplined is bad.

What exactly is chapotraphouse? I've been to the sub and I didn't understand the context for most of the post.

It's a sub for a political podcast. It's...rather extremist and unhinged, similar to /r/CringeAnarchy but left-wing instead.

Physical assault isn't "discipline."