r/movies massively COPES that their new capeshit movie is boring and shitty. People who don't like it are called triggered, bots, and incels.

377  2019-03-08 by NapoleonBonerpart5


They also used to his twitter account to shill his movie lol.

The Mouse owns his spirit now

that unironically kinda pissed me off. Like holy fuck is there just zero shame here? Who am I kidding, it's disney, of course they don't give a fuck.

There's been a lot of stop in utter disgust moments in the last couple years and this was one of them. Not even a fan, but to drag this guy through all this at the end of his life and then use his twitter post-death for shilling is one of the most sickeningly shameful things I've ever seen be treated so run of the mill.

i also thought that was pretty goddamn terrible.

surprised no one is freaking out about it

Patrice O'Neals ex-girlfriend uses his twitter account to shill for her shit.

He's been dead for 6 years.

They could have him do some PR weekend at bernies style

Capeshit cringe is redundant




I think someone was cutting onions during the Stan Lee tribute!

damn wordfilter

People with PCOS who are too fat to defend themselves or run away are fun to abuse. I like to take a spoon, heat it up until it's glowing hot, then place it on the skin while they're asleep. The reaction when they wake up after the 25th time of being burned by a redhot piece of metal is amazing. You can literally piecemeal their mental stability down to complete insanity, then leave them in their own homes helpless and alone. :DDDDDDDDDD


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Wtf snappy

Do people actually clap in Burgerstab during movies? Where Mike, Jay, and Rich right?

Also, sui-fuel for DC-cels. They really need the Shill power. Maybe Shazam will do well 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

People who clap during movies deserve to be fed to sharks. I dont care how anti-death penalty you are. Those people are irredeemable garbage whose continued existence is an affront to god, man, and our social fabric. This is the only correct take.

People who clap for Jeb! are guaranteed a place in heaven.

Baste and guacpilled

Okay Mr. No Fun Allowed

he's right you know 👴🏿☝🏿

Rarely, but yes, it does happen sometimes. We are American’s after all. If I didn’t have the right to clap at the movies, then why would I even tip the usher?

If you clap does the shooter ignore you? 😂😂😂

That only happens every couple weeks just like school shootings. It’s very uncommon.

I clap ironically 😎


If everybody in a theater is clapping ironically because they think everybody else is doing it ironically, is it actually ironic?

i would if I left my house

I’ve only seen it during capeshit movies for the most part, because of the type of people who see them. Normal people don’t clap during movies.

Burgers clap when a fucking plane lands.

They also tip the pilot too 😂😂😂

The only thing I tip is my fedora.

Especially when it lands on the side of a skyscraper..


I clap when it lands in ur mums pussy fgt

I thought that was a Russian thing, I've flown hundreds of times and never experienced that in Burgerland.

I've seen it happen when the flight is a little bumpy, fucking soccer moms start clapping when the wheels touchdown and start exclaiming in relief. It's embarrassing.

Happens occasionally when there’s a crosswind and the vacation flyers think the pilot saved them from certain death.

I thought that was a Russian thing

Russian thing would be invite the pilot afterwards and drink all night with him.

I showed this comment to my dad and he literally didn’t know what a single word in this comment means lmao


When my father dragged me out to see The Force Awakens, the whole theater unironically cheered and clapped when Rey started beating Kylo in their lightsaber duel. (I felt compelled to boo in response.)

How old are you? Why does a dad drag his kid (or wife's son, not judging) to a space-shit movie(

How old are you?

At the time, I was 22.

Why does a dad drag his kid (or wife's son, not judging) to a space-shit movie?

Probably and unironically, because we're black and he wanted to give more money to Disney for making a big movie with a black main character. (He also refuses to admit that After Earth, to which he also dragged me, is an atrocious movie.)

Did he take you to Black Panther?

I was no longer living with him when Black Panther came out.


Good god After Earth sucked. I should have asked for a refund after that garbage. I’m sorry for your loss

Does he also drag you to Madea movies? Praise der lort!

Your dad is probably way more fun to hang out with that you are

For AmericanSniper they handed out small flags that you could wave around while you cheered "Hoo-rah" everytime something cool happened.

You're joking right?

Maybe Shazam will do well 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

I am unironically hopeful for that movie.

Honestly, it looks like a good time. I'm exposing myself as a capeshit-cel, but if it has the same vibes as the John's stuff, it might be very enjoyable.

I'm also hoping it does better than wonder woman so I can see r/movies cope

Do people actually clap in Burgerstan during movies?

i've seen this twice, maybe three times in my entire life. very rare

I actually want to see Shazam. It looks like they understand that capeshit is retarded nonsense for children and just had fun with it.

Every Marvel and Disney movie I have seen opening day and they always clap like this. Sometimes it doesn't bother me, specifically with TFA. I know it isn't the best, but growing up on Star Wars I could feel what a lot of the people cheering felt. The movie was kind of edited to do that the way the reveal everything.

Shot of the Falcon, Han and Chewie, R2, Leia. Everything is presented like a wrestling show.

Yeah well, the experts said it was good. Who cares what the people it was made for think?

Ah yes, capeshit has finally reached peak kino 👏

what does kino even mean

Movie. It's just not English. Probably French. Everything snobby is French.

A 65 isn't "good"

I’m nice try. The media told me it was so yeah, try again sweaty.

it's pretty good for metacritic. rotten tomatoes often skews really hard one way or the other because it's the average of a 2 point scale (the "fresh" or "rotten" dichotomy) whereas metacritic is on a 100 point scale. that's why a 6/10 movie on rotten tomatoes will get ~80%, because that's the percentage of critics that don't necessarily think it's rotten

6/10 is pretty meh tho and quite poor compared to some of the other capeshit.

RT has a average rating as well btw.

Most critic ratings are pure bullshit, I always skip those and jump directly to the audience scores. I would've missed some pretty good films, such as the Walter Mitty one, had I listened to the critics.

However, thanks to over hyping, it's the opposite with TV shows, specially the Netflix stuff.

audience scores are shit too though, half the time the majority of the scores are 0-2 and 9-10. Most people who just think something they view is okay aren't going to leave a review.

Still more trustworthy than the critics, unless it's a very shitty movie you can bet they'll be sucking each other off in the reviews.

Yeah probably, I just feel like people review bomb shit too much to really trust user reviews on some things, especially ones that don't even make you prove you've seen it or own whatever it is.

I'm not sure what's more pathetic, Claiming conspiracies because your capeshit movie did poorly, or a bunch of people wasting their time to badly rate a capeshit movie. Lose lose for both sides.

Critters is unironically an awesome movie.


I wasn't allowed to watch it as kid since it was a movie made by devil worshipers. And by the time I was old enough to watch the movies I want, it was too trashy.

This is pretty close to peak boomer

The best thing is that the same account then gave several capeshit movies 8/10 or 9/10 ratings.

>42 year old


Boomer is just a mindset

Someone who payed to see a Hollywood shit movie and spends hours writing serious reviews and attacking and arguing with people to defend the filthy Hollywood industry.


Someone who didn't even see the movie, spent a minute dropping a low score on it, then ignoring or trolling the retards who are seriously angry that someone didn't like their superhero media entertainment.

There's no conspiracy Most of the bad user reviews are quite clear about giving it a 0 and not watching it.

I mean, it make like 40 mil on a single night. It didn't do poorly.

Critic reviews are mostly worthless anyway, especially those that come out pre-release. Reviewers want to keep that sweet pre-release moolah rolling, so why would they bite shit on the hand that feeds them?

That was the most surprising thing about its release so far. I genuinely thought it would sit at 100% for a few days out of fear of the Mouse, and have the manufactured controversy when some minor critic points out the emperor has no clothes and it's just an ok movie.

Haha made you look.

Thats gonna happen with any popular movie, trolls gon troll

let's introduce socially progressive elements into this traditionally toxic, male dominated community

why are there so many "trolls" telling us our ideology isn't welcome?

Gee, whodve thought it would turn out this way

They targeted mayos, mayos!

its popular therefore its good


I bet that one critic who gave a negative review is going to end up dead with marvel figures stuffed up his ass.

Suicide by two toys to the rectum, always tragic 😔

I mean, sorting by controversial gives you a bunch of innocuous positive comments. There's clearly some brigading at hand, or at least massive saltiness.

It's definitely the latter. Hasn't been this much nerd salt since the ghostbusters 😋

No, pretty sure it is troll/brigade in this particular case. The movie is average at best, but it's not 2/10 bad.

You know what, you're probably right. That being said, having a big budget superhero film tank in reviews brings catharsis regardless of context

This movie gave me the best theater experience I have ever had. I had no one to go with, so ended up going alone. Made a friend before the movie, and after the movie made another friend with the guy sitting next to me talking about easter eggs. The crowd erupted into a huge cheer before and after the movie. Loved seeing it with everyone I did last night <3

Beep boop I am a real person with real feelings.

The crowd erupted into a huge cheer before and after the movie.

"And everybody clapped."

Burgers unironically clap at movies though. I watched one of the Transformers when I was in GA in business trip and every time someone from the army appeared some people would be like "ooof hell yeah!!!!"

It was weird.

Jesus christ. I can remember people clapping at the end of Lord of the Ring Return of the King in the UK but that was a sarcastic clap because the film finally fucking ended. Everybody kept standing up thinking it was ending then there was another fade into a new scene and the crowd groaned.

but that was a sarcastic clap because the film finally fucking ended.

That's what you think.

Classic British "I'm just bring ironic" schtick.

Merely pretending to be murican

The multiple endings weren't even the top reason to clap when the film finally fucking ended.

Clap when the rohirrim show up at Minas tirith

Clap when the Rohirrim show up at Minas Tirith

Still not as spine-tingling as Tolkien's prose description of that great moment, and spoiled a few minutes later when Jackson is all "right, now let's have these horses charging at these giant fucking mumakil and let's have those elephants fucking flinging the wimpy little horses left, right and centre with those chains on their tusks" and then it gets into something like the snow-speeders versus AT-ATs from The Empire Strikes Back before the Army of the Dead turn up and start buggering the elephants to death.

Jfc you’re gonna get us both banned

Sorry. lol bussy amirite?

Seen it at one of the Harry Potter movies. Entire theatre. One of the worst combined acts of humanity i have ever seen.

Same, I was so rustled that I yelled out "they can't hear you!" and everyone looked at me like the antisocial spaz that I am.

There was genuine clapping for RotK here in my state but clapping isn't that common but then again I only go to see action, sci-fi, etc in the theater.

That's why anyone cultured goes to places like the Alamo Drafthouse where those idiots get kicked out.

I don't even go to the movies anymore, rather not deal with idiots. I sincerely like my home theater set up better than going to the movies anyways.

Fair, but to me nothing beats a giant screen in a treated room. The one time recently that I went to a "normal" theater I wanted to go on a rampage. Alamo is great because there's no white trash screaming at her boyfriend that she can't sit next to him, no lady so stupid that she has to exclaim every point of the plot to nobody, and no grandparents taking their 5 and 9 year old grandsons to see R rated movies.

Why dont you just move out of bumfuck egypt

My girlfriend picked the theatre. That was the last time she did that.


In this thread alone:

I have girlfriend

I am cultured

I am definitely not poor

I am not like those other Amerifats


Poorfag Cope

only the cultured elite can afford to go to Basic Theater Chain Which Also Serves Bud Lite


Man, you really got triggered by the word "cultured."

bitch you know you’re fat

t. hungry skelly

and he admits it

I finally went to a film(Dark Knight Rises) after many years of not, and then certain people yelled at the screen the entire time like they were trying to live up to a bad stereotype and laughed and hooted at the kid singing the national anthem.

Was first time in years, explained this to a friend and how this ruined the experience, who then expressed disappointment in me for becoming racist(before it was as cool as it is now).

Five years later, tried once more, same thing. Haven't been back. Fuck movies and fuck all a'y'all.

The fact that you went to see capeshit in the theater tells me everything I need to know about you.

You know, a half-smart person would have heard that anecdote and interpreted it as 'this may be the only person in the world who has never seen a Marvel movie in theaters ever.'

Which is almost definitely at least one fewer than you have, since you have an opinion on them.

You hadn't grown pubes yet and "capeshit" hadn't entered into the vernacular. Get some culture and experience and perspective. Let me guess, you think the word 'transgender' has been around forever too? Poor baby.

Thank you for this fine specimen of C O P E, comic book fan number one. You may now go back to jerking off to Mary Jane.

...I do like comic books.

What does that have to do with anything? We were talking about movies, specifically a movie that was pretending to be an adaptation of A Tale of Two Cities.

Nolan is kino, you uncultured swine.

eww. get the fuck out boomer

Naw I was here first.

Did you just unironically call yourself cultured?

I'll let you figure out if I was actually calling myself cultured or saying it tongue-in-cheek.

I bet you give best blowjobs

Can confirm. Op swallows the load

those idiots

yep. its David Duke's favorite movie chain for kicking out those undesirables

I’ll have the chocoVodka malt, the wild western wings, and the bucket o’ nachos. Also the girls sitting two rows behind me keep whispering and laughing can you tell them to stop please.

The Alamo drafhouse is literally for giant man baby retards.

Maybe you want to sit next to Billy Jim changing his kid's diaper while it screams and cries while Monica two rows down is texting on her iPhone at full brightness, but I'll take a hard pass on that.

How do you live in both absolute hickville and close to an Alamo drafthouse?


Hit up a regal or an AMC.

The Texas hogs still show up at the draft house only drunker and they are gnawing at chicken wings during the movie.

But why? There are other states you know, almost all of them better

chocoVodka malt, the wild western wings, and the bucket o’ nachos

what now? that sounds fucking delicious. This is your idea of pretentious I guess? Fuck it, I would eat that in a heartbeat

This is your idea of pretentious I guess?

Hahaha, no dude it's manchild food. It's the flame shirt of foods. It's what a 14 year old boy would come up with if you told them they could eat anything.

Oh my god go back to HN you nerds

I cant imagine a dumber topic to talk about than movie theaters food and talking policies

Go to Alamo Drafthouse to avoid children and textcels

Nice seats, cool atmosphere

Movie halfway through, usher walks by you 14 times

Usher turns his little light on all 14 times to take orders from other people, all of whom are audible

Usher comes back 14 times to bring people's food, 14 people audibly say "thanks"

Enjoy the quiet™ experience and hope to come back to strobe lights and fatties saying "cheeseburger, extra cheese" for 90 minutes next week

You're not wrong if you go during mealtimes. At least there's no screaming children.

The cheap theater that's 5 minutes from my place costs 3 bucks and if you go to any showing on Tue/Wed/Thur past 7pm, half the time you're the only one there. Just don't fucking go on Tuesdays during the day because they literally bus old people in for the 1 dollar ticket special and it's wall to wall retard boomers who watch Eastwood flicks or laugh for 120 minutes straight when Iron Man is flying around making jokes and farting into his Iron suit.

Burgers unironically clap at movies though.

L M A O. Burgercel absolute state.

I clap whenever a plane lands, when a movie ends, and when I enjoyed a good steak or burger.

I clap after take-off


Reasonable tbh, most accidents occur at take off

Please rope self

Only if someone claps when I succeed.

Which part of Georgia were you in? There are a few military bases there and there could have been an abnormally high number of army in the showing.

Eh, can't really remember, we were staying in buckhead and decided to drive north one saturday. Eventually got to a mall with a movie theater.

America doesn’t have one homogenous culture. You were in Georgia. African Ameriburgers have a cultural obligation to be loud during movies.

I think that's in every state.

I went to see Beowulf in theaters and everyone booed at the end. I had never been so proud to be an american.

I had that experience at the first Transformers movies too - I was like wtf? Its a movie, shut the fuck up!

It seems to happen during opening weekends, so I don't go to those anymore.

The only time I’ve watched a movie where the audience clapped was at the end of the (forgive me) Harry Potter: Deathly Hollows part. The red headed mom called Bellatrix Lestrange a bitch and then turned her to dust with her wand.

Imagine unironically having emotions

Burgers unironically clap at movies though

Mayocide when?

I watched one of the Transformers when I was in GA in a business trip and every time someone from the army showed up on screen people in the crowd would go "ooff, hell yeah!"

Mayocide now!

Mayocide won't fix the clapping problem, half the time in my theater the person being extremely Burger in their cinema appreciation is quite high on the melanin index.

Burgercide now!

It's the only solution. Perhaps the final one.

Burgers unironically clap at movies though.

i've lived in the United States my entire life and have seen hundreds of movies, and I think I've seen this... twice

I'll go ahead and date myself. The only time I remember people clapping during a movie was during Rocky 4. I was fairly young, but I remember the audience going nuts when Rocky knocked down Drago.

People in GA clap for every movie regardless. Never see a film opening weekend in GA if you want to avoid clapping.

God I hate clappers in theaters. I'd pay a premium to watch a movie with a small group of people that agreed to be loud unless it was an exceptionally good scene, or hilariously bad.

I have literally never heard anyone seriously clap at a movie.

this is why we need the mayocide

Lmao north korea won

Ft Benning, GA represent

And then Stan Lee's ghost made an appearance and threw golden shekels all over us. Disney magic at it again!

I'm definitely going to re-watch this with my girlfriends son tomorrow

that crowd’s name? elvis einstein

~~he~~ she was wicked cahpe

then stan Lee appeared and gave him a crisp 100% dollar bill

I actually believe this.Went to watch Infibity Wars in a packed theatre and every character entrance led to so my h clapping.

Anyone who claps in a theater truly deserves to die in agony.

I saw the movie and that happened in my theater.

They had a Stan Lee memorial at the beginning, the crowd cheered.

They had direct confirmation that the main character will appear in the infinity war movie. People cheered.

I mean they actually did clap at least before the movie, happened at my showing, was because the intro was a Stan Lee tribute and he was like Marvel's grandpappy.

Its Better than Cats!

These fake reviews are so easy to spot. I saw them on other sites too and on /r/marvelstudios

Why would anyone erupt into a huge cheer before a movie?

They’re that excited

Uh huh

Didn't see Force Awakens opening weekend I assume?

A new starwars movie after a decade of waiting isn't the same as capeshit #30 in the last 5 years

Infinity War and Endgame are literally like 10 years in the making. I'd say its just as big a deal. Nobody was doing this for Antman. Its the big movies with big moments and build up.

Yeah except it gets boring.

lol ok

When's the last time you felt any sort of risk in a marvel movie? All the action feels dull because you know pretty much everyone is going to turn out ok. Sure maybe endgame will result in deaths but up until now it's all meaningless which makes future movies seem worse.

A ton of people died in Infinity War. Some pretty brutally. Did we know they were gonna come back? Sure. But did you really think Darth Vader won in the end and Han was gonna stay encased in carbonite? No. Does it make the movies bad? Also no. Holding Marvel movies to some incredibly high standard is ridiculous. Reading comics is the same. You know Batman isn't going to die, and if he does they'll just start a new comic in another universe.

I enjoy Marvel movies because they're fun to watch, not because I want some greatest movie of all time.

Fun to watch doesn't really apply when it's predictable.

It's different when you are watching a movie that might have one sequel, but when we are talking another pirates/ marvel/star wars movie I just can't get into it, the action gets dull.

And I'm a sucker for fluff movies, I loved ready player one which you could argue is equally bland. For some reason the sequels just kill it for me at some point.

I love how they are talking around the movie. That description tells me nothing about the content of the film.

Easter eggs are the worst fucking thing about these goddamn movies

“Easter eggs” now mean any reference or association that isn’t slowly and repeatedly explained in expository dialogue.

Pretty epic stuff for people that have to move their lips when they read, I guess.

As long as they're subtle and don't distract from the actual movie they're fine, but too often they do. It was like blatantly showing Blockbuster and Radioshack front and center vs the movies for rent on the shelves that weren't interacted with.

Made a friend before the movie, and after the movie made another friend with the guy sitting next to me

Those friends? Somehow, both Albert Einstein.

Where's James Holmes when you need him.

I had no one to go with, so ended up going alone.


Why the fuck would anyone PAY ACTUAL MONEY to spend 2 hours locked in a room with sweaty nerds who can't even shut the fuck during the movie? "BUT MUH MOVIE GOING EXPERIENCES!" You can probably slip into a special ed class for free to get the same experience.

stop fucking clapping at movies... The people who made the movie cant hear you.

Is it that common? I remember people clapping at Return of the King but can't remember a time after. More common to me when I go are zoomers and millennials on their phone or tablet during the whole thing or a certain demographic talking/yelling at the screen.

I've seen it alot .

Maybe it's just because I go see action, sci-fi, etc. and avoid the dramas. The movies I watch in a theater usually have bright colors and explosions.

Honestly I don't think its super out of the ordinary. My showing of Infinity War was like a pro wrestling show with people cheering a ton. It was the only movie I think I could put up with it for.

Why doesn't he just show off his switch and introduce us to his wife's boyfriend and her son? Jesus Christ I can't believe anyone could write anything that pathetic and not feel the urge to off themselves

Yeah I totally believe this sperg, it’s not like there’s a few videos of the post credit scenes that the audience is heard grumbling at, or completely ignoring.


petition started by Ewe Gussy

How are these people not bored/sick of Marvel and general capeshit by now. We've had a decade of this garbage, please just move on.

The same reason why some grown men are into a show made for little girls: stunted growth. Anything more adult than even DBZ gives them the pricklie ricklies.

Did someone say "pickle Rick"!? Tbf you have to have a very high iq to appreciate movies like this...

Real maturity is liking whatever you want and not giving a fuck if anyone cares.

Watching shit for children doesn't make you immature, being immature makes you watch shit for children.


Real maturity is liking whatever you want and not giving a fuck if anyone cares.

So convicted pedophiles are more mature than those who refuse to rape?

I realize this is 5 months old but this is the funniest fucking thing anyone has ever said.

Sincerely, thank you.

No, that's just being unjustly secure in your dogshit prepubescent media tastes

Real men do whatever the fuck they want, only insecure people care about what others do.

have you ever taken a selfie with your mouth wide open?

I don't really recall, maybe ?

I think I might have met you. Do u have a beard and glasses?

Nope, I look like more like Picard.

Real men do whatever the fuck they want, only insecure people care about what others do.

So school shooters are real men?

Wow how deep! You totally boomed me man!

You said it, not me

Only when they shoot themselves

depends on their score

That's what losers who do stupid shit say.

Sure buddy.

I don't mind people going to capeshit movies it's just how they praise them. None of these movies are any good, they are fun movies to watch with your kids or if your greasy beard needs some air. The only good comic book thing uve seen on screen is Daredevil. These people aren't bored or sick of these movies because "normies" want to see them. I wouldn't mind capeshit movies if they were actually good. Lmfao shit is stale.

Kill all normies

The Dark Knight was actually a good movie, but yeah, lots of them feel pretty much the same.

I still enjoy watching them occasionally because they're entertaining enough but I don't understand all the praise.


The only good comic book thing uve seen on screen is Daredevil.

A man of taste I see. I personally prefer the elektra sequel.


There is nothing wrong with liking dumb action movies.

There is something wrong with thinking that dumb action movies are somehow meaningful.

the dark night trilogy was good and logan was ok.

the rest are pure shit

there is only one movie left. I have been watching this stuff since ironman 1 and I only need to ever watch 1 more movie. I have enjoyed the evolving story, but some of the movies I could live with out

you're an idiot if you really think they're only gonna make one more movie

I don't care if they do or don't. I am not invested in the new generation and will stop at the end of this arc. I don't give any shits a bout a teenage spider.

Come on now, he's an idiot for "needing" to see any of this shit.

Even in comics they just made new universes up when they ran out of ideas, there are like 100 fucking earths or something on those lel


Yep, they won't stop with those. Not hard to make'em too, just put in a mediocre storyline and pump it with a billion special effects and overhype it to oblivion, boom, done.

I do find it hilarious that DC in particular seems to have to do a multiverse event every 5 years or so now to get out of the corner they've written themselves into and reset the continuity.

DC has a universe where a blond-haired, blue-eyed Kal-El crashlands in the Sudetenland in 1938 and becomes a Nazi. Anything is possible.

To what? Seriously, anything mar with a decent budget is all just capeshit these days.

but now we have chink capeshit

go watch Alita for the future of film

I really don't know. People fucking go to movies or video game presentations and they cheer the whole time like a bunch of fucking children.

So maybe I'm just the one that's a miserable crazy person.

I mean, really, Brie Larson doesn't even look heroic too. I can't picture her as a superhero, looks too weak, unlike Scarlett Johansson. She looks like a random 30 year old cosplaying as a hero.

unlike Scarjo

Yes I too though her "I was working out but really haven't had time for the gym in a few months" look was very heroic

I'll be honest, I enjoy some of the capeshit movies. They're generally well-made and sometimes can be at least above average intelligence. Not high art by any fucking means, but somewhat smart. Plus it is cool having a set of movies most everyone is familiar with as a common culture.

That said, if you actually take them seriously to the point you have genuine emotional investment into them outside of the fact that they're movies about people in spandex than yeah, you're kind of a faggot.

I mean, it's not special, but it is entertaining.

Defending terrible capeshit (redundant, I know) to own the conservatives. It is truly over for Blumpf. 😎

Please clap

What's fun is she's clearly going to be the new face of marvel.

We're just beginning boys.

Theyve been pushing her fucking hard in the comics, and now it starts in the movies

This drama has just begun

LMAO Rr. I Can't Say Penguins has been in 2 movies and a stinger, clearly the future of capeshit

Isn't Josh the villain?

He's also Cable.

I don't think any of those Fox super hero movies are getting sequels anyways once Disney's done digesting the studio.

I know I'm not tired of Mary Sue's at all. I think we need lots more of them in all of our movies. It makes for a very compelling story.

1 more movie. 1 more movie and everything that comes after can be ignored.

They've been trying to push her in comics for over a decade. Only moviegoers are stupid enough to pretend to like her.

I think a lot of people saw the last few MCU movies out of commitment.

“Well I already saw the first ones, so let me just watch these last couple to see how it ends.”

The first MCU movie that comes out after Endgame is probably going to start trending performance down for the MCU. People are burnt out. I don’t know how many people are ready to get invested in another one of these sagas.

The social justice push is just accelerating the turning tide. The SJWs as always smell an opportunity to take something popular that was created by somebody else and use it as a skinsuit.

Oh no the libs are ruining my babyshit.Oh no, what a tragedy.

Captain Marvel is having fanatic interference run for it on the social angle. It is what it is.

We can shit on the Marvel movies all we want, but from a business perspective it’s been the most impressively run movie franchise in history. It did that by playing safe when it comes to political and social hot takes.

Meanwhile, the most politically overt Marvel mocieales 1.3 billion bucks which I assume is the opposite of and business.

These movies will make money no matter what as long there's enough shiny cg thrown at the screen. Even garbage like Suicide Squad made 900mil.

They'll eventually slow down but that's cause people won't feel as hyped to watch them anymore.

What's the idea canon-wise after whole infinity war anyways, are they following comics?


I'm not quite sure it's burn out.

Infinity War and Ragnarok were both really well received and IMO both actually good movies. I think they've just been getting lazy and putting out a bunch of trash that get carried by the fact that they're MCU.

"Skinsuit" thats gold and thats exactly what SJW writters do. Feminists cant make up anything thats good and original so they take and shit on something that was actually good (made by the patriarchy)

>types "SJW" unironically

gotta go

Tfw no ms marvel or spiderwoman

Even on /r/movies the vast majority of comments are finding quite a lot of faults with the film. Looks like one of the worst entries in the franchise so far. This is down to the good editors and staff all being busy with endgame and basically the B squad working on this. There's technical faults galore (overly dark, dodgy cgi), retcon issues, disappointing reaction to how Fury loses his eye, pushing the "90's thing" too far and so on...

It'll make a good profit but it's not going to live up to expectations and the merchandising revenue will be poor. Overall it's sort of okay for an origin story but they'll need to do a lot of pick up work if they want the franchise to remain strong after the current Avengers are done. Also the manufactured controversy to drive sales that's so bloody ham fisted and obvious can't be played more than a few times. So they don't have long to improve the quality of the movies.

I’m pretty sure Disney don’t really have to do much since there have been rumors floating around in recent weeks that if Captain Marvel isn’t well received by audiences that she’s just going to have a much more diminished role in the MCU.

But honestly idek why Disney made a movie for this character in the first place. Captain Marvel had to be rebooted more than a dozen times because comic readers didn’t connect with the character lol

But honestly idek why Disney made a movie for this character in the first place. Captain Marvel had to be rebooted more than a dozen times because comic readers didn’t connect with the character lol

They desperately need their superman, that's pretty much it.

I think they also looked at what happened with Black Panther and mistakenly thought they could shit out any old movie as long as they wrapped it up in DiversityTM marketing.

They desperately need their superman

It's dumb as fuck because Superman films have notoriously bombed because people don't give a shit about Mr. Invincible's major struggle, they want to see a good guy go toe to toe with a bad guy in a fight they barely win.

Capeshit is legit one of the easiest things to write and yet they're fucking it up by bringing in a literal C-tier hero that's more powerful than Spider-Man.

They bomb with adults but kids love them. Superman is "you can't make me go to bed" incarnate. Feige's not exactly been subtle about his willingness to have a mediocre box office if he can get young girls everywhere to beg their parents for Captain Marvel merchandise.

Of course, it'll fail for the same reason all these attempts to get girls interested in capeshit fails: little girls generally don't find the empowerment fantasies of superheroes engaging.

I don’t know why Marvel wants the female demographic so bad.

Lots of women only watch these movies to hang out with their boyfriend/husband and the ones that are already into capeshit were going to see these movies anyway. They’re poisoning the well for stupid reasons, dude.

It's 50% of the population and they're operating on the mistaken assumption that enough tweaking and bending of the capeshit formula can make it appealing to women without alienating the original fanbase.

This is a pattern that has happened in numerous hobbies now for the past 10 years as woke types keep infiltrating said hobbies and I'm honestly surprised someone like Kevin Feige is falling for it now when he has tons of evidence it's a bad strategy. You'd think the guy who architected the only successful cinematic universe would be smarter than this.

Fortunately once Endgame is out I'm tapping out of capeshit entirely and will only pay attention for dramatic purposes.

I’m pretty sure this isn’t really Kevin Feige’s sole decision and more like Disney nudging him to get more women so that they can sell more tickets but this is the same Disney that ruined Star Wars’ brand recognition/value so we shouldn’t be surprised.

I’m gonna go see Endcape and maybe far from home but I’m sure as shit gonna skip we wuz kangz 2 lol

Women make like 75% of discretionary purchases.

This too, it's less about getting little girls interested and more making sure Mommy dearest wants her daughters to see this.

I saw this with Wonder Woman. Lots of dis-engaged or bored little girls in the seats with mothers shushing them and trying to get them to pay attention.

It's true, and unironically anime seems to do it better. Tension and release plot where there are several buildups to several increasingly serious fights scattered with small amounts of backstory and base exposition to move the story along leading to a final buildup possible love interest or loss of someone close then boom final fight to a possible brief closing scene hinting a possible new enemy. These things write themselves...

They can't possibly diminish her role with only.a month left before Endcape

There’s a lot of buzz going around that Disney filmed two takes of Endgame with one being prominent with Captain Marvel and one without lmao


She kills thanos with her smelly toes

But honestly idek why Disney made a movie for this character in the first place

They've made so much money from the MCU that they it's close to a no-risk investment. Best case scenario they have another mega hit they can milk in future Avengers films. Worst case scenario the movie doesn't live up to expectation, but because capeshit has such a huge following it'll still return on investment.

This movie was just a test of the water to see if a new character could make them even more cash. The diversity stuff just is just easy marketing.

I'm torn, bc most of the uproar before the movie was released was from incels, but it sounds like the movie is genuinely crap.

Even incels are better that capeshit.


incels are worse to deal with directly but capeshit is worse for society

There's no way that incels are worse than blue checkmarks.

I've thought from the beginning that its probably just the standard Marvel shit with "culture war" significance.

But honestly, looking at this thread, it might even be worse. Its not the negative comments that give it away, its the faint praise. There are so many autists in that thread who are obviously capeshitters saying, "well, it was decent". I think that's the biggest tell.

It’s the omissions that give it away. How many people are praising specific moments or acting?

Usually when people buzz about a movie they are quick to tell you about their favorite scene. I haven’t seen any of the online, and in the media they all just talk about the opening five minutes with any specifics.

Yeah on one hand it's funny seeing incels cry about standard Marvel shit with a woman in it but lmao, even normal people that give a mediocre to negative review are getting called incels or personally attacked. It's bizzare. I'm convinced a lot of the people giving unabashed praise are just being contrarian to prove how woke they are.

At least Incels can't reproduce, unlike these capeshit movies which can't be avoided and spawn garbage cinema at an alarming rate.

At this point, we need to at least consider the possibility that film studios pay troll farms to raise this sort of uproar to mobilize the SJW crowd.

the sjew croud seems way more difficult to mobilize than DDF/gamergators amirite

Fuck no, she shouldn't even be in the movie. This was supposed to be the swan song for the last decade.

I honesty hope thanos rams his giant purple dick down her throat.

Someone's got a fantasy lined up for this weekend.

If you can dream it, thirsty SFM animators have already made it

The modern Michelangelos.

It'll be on Rule 34 by EOD.

One way you can know if a movie is shit, but has a "correct" moral agenda is that the reviews will focus on small things instead of how good the movie is. They will say stuff like "The cat was super cool." or "The Stan Lee tribute was great." So, saying a small positive thing, but not really saying if the movie is great or crap. I see this very regularly and it feels like people just saw scenes in the movie or are just finding an element or a scene to say something positive about.

At this point,critics are straining to say new things about these movies since they are all so similar.

45 minutes of exposition followed by 45 minutes of punching.

What about exposition while punching.

Last Jedi had the same exact type of reviews.

That's kind of how normal people respond to movies, if you think an average dude has the time to type up a thesis about a coloring book movie you have a hilarious perception of time management and social interaction in general

Yeah, it's probably true. But the first thing I see people say is stuff like: I liked it, I hated it. They do want to judge the movie too in real life.

This movie is getting REVIEW BOMBED

Shut the fuck up with your criticisms, did you see Coulson? Oh you forgot he exists.. well he does, and his presence makes this movie so fucking good omg

It was a great marvel movie. Probably in my top 8.

Imagine thinking that EIGHT of these basic-white-girl snarkathons are great.


When there are so many of these movies that being the 8th best one is actually an accomplishment.

It’s not in my top 20, but it’s definitely in my top 50.

Bugmen... Bugmen everywhere

Soy Incels love capeshit

No surprise here,r/movies is one of the many subs that has been compromised a long time ago.

It was very clear that someone on the mod team was on the shill payola when they buried every positive DC related (even if it was capeshit) thread in favor of other capeshit from Marvel.

Yeah, (((they))) now control the capeshits!

Imagine even knowing the difference between dc and marvel

One has the literal who who smelly feet and the other has the Amazonian gf

They're not wrong tho, that thread was brigaded hard.

All the negative comments are upvoted, all the positive comments are downvoted.

Plus the influx of the "Go see Alita!" crap the aut right was starting

Shut up, fag.

Make me

All the negative comments are upvoted, all the positive comments are downvoted.

So how is this any different from the brigades where all negative comments are removed and plain shill comments are gilded and upvoted?


/r/movies has the equivalent of a mega thread for /r/finefoods when McDonalds releases the mcrib for the 809th time and people dislike it

Honestly though if you aren't brave enough the handle the McRib you're just a trash person

I loved this movie so much. I giggled so many times - slow 90s technology, young Fury and Coulson, everything Goose, etc. Brie Larson had me feeling EMPOWERED. She is such a badass and I will see anything she is in forever.


Imagine feeling empowered from watching a shitty superhero movie.

LOL 90's tech is slow. Am I right guys?


In general isn’t that what liking any capeshit is about?

I mean, is that worse than feeling empowered by being an edgy turd on the internet?

TIL that making fun of superhero movies is being edgy on the internet.

Yes, at least the edgy turd did something to feel empowered by.

Yeah, napoleonboner doesn’t need a marvel movie deal to be a hero.

I already am a hero.

>imagine enjoying media


such a difficult concept for the internet right

Oh the amount of ads for the Airforce beforehand that set up the military as the most woman friendly organization ever was up there, they have some balls pulling that shit on a movie that's blatantly saying American foreign policy is downright evil.

They know that more women are going to react to 'being empowered' than having the reality of American Imperialism slapped in their face like greasy wop dong.

Imagine berating other people's opinions and feelings because you think your superior. All because "I'm so cool I don't like superhero movies like everyone else". You are just as bad as them.

lol cope harder capeshit sucks gamers rise up!

Cope harder? I couldn't care less about capeshit, I just think you're a massive cunt for insulting other peoples interest for no reason other than you thinking it makes you special by not liking what the majority does. But by all means keep spouting stale gamer Memes to cope with the fact that you have literally zero personality.

post bussy

Brie Larson is literally everything and everyone clapped

There’s no way that’s a real person haha.

Im always super stoked when a man does something on TV. I call my son down and we share a moment, knowing that we can truly do anything!!!!

LOL wtf, I mean cmon, this movie is boring as fuck, Wonder Woman was soo much better of a superhero movie with a female lead.

i wanna suck wonder woman's kazhar milkers

Yeah, mud colored mommy is so much better than the old mayo from the cartoons too

She is such a badass and I will see anything she is in forever.

Oh my God, the retard doesn't even know it's a movie.

I guarantee that poster has a Harry Potter tattoo

like 6k comments or just shy of it shortly after the stickied discussion thread starts. Strap in boys and girls, it's gonna be a wild drama filled ride.

My prediction is the discussion thread hits 20k+ comments since this is TLJ 2.0 as far as these people are concerned. One side defending every bit of it to their dying breath and the other side ripping every bit of it to shreds as if their next breath of air depended on it.

glorious glorious shitshow.

NawTLJ hurt the fanboys cause it fucked with classic characters.Nobody is all that interested in a literally who new character to really care that much

unlike TLJ or BvS the critics aren't extremely positive or negative so the fan reaction will not be extreme either.

Plus, nobody will care once Endcape comes out in a month.

the reality is that this movie isn't that important. I agree with this sentiment. It's also true that people are taking it way way too seriously and are prepared to fight to the death over it in online comment sections. Hence my predictions.

The TLJ-style rage will happen if Endgame features here more-or-less swooping in out of nowhere and punching Thanos into the sun while having the remaining Avengers die in embarrassing ways.

When will capeshit finally die?

Can we stop them for good once they have dealt with the purple man?

hahaha get a load of this guy with his optimism hahaha

Kevin Feige announced in May 2014 that Marvel Studios had planned films for the next 14 years, up through 2028.

Man, that's like 25 movies minimum.Theyll be scraping the bottom of the barrel pretty soon once the classic guys are out of the picture.

The comics been at it for over 50 years, they've got decades of material.

They'll get revived or the universe will reset or some other stupid shit. And then they'll do it again in like 15 years lmao. The iron man tier characters can only be stopped by an irl global nuclear holocaust

I remember seeing that infographic with a timeline stretching to somewhere around 2025, with like 15 movies a few years ago. I thought it was a fucking joke.

Humanity truly is doomed.

This shit got old fast.

I saw this movie twice already, can't wait for the sequels. Might go a th😴😴😴😴

i just hope everyone had a good time makin it. that is what i alwys say. god bless everyone. please make sure to follow my reddit profile.

Based Pastor Randy!


Is making a leftist politically charged movie the best film-making choice ever? First, you get the soy community to buy tickets as a "political statement" (probably seeing it multiple times as well). Then, your numale fans shut down any criticism despite how bad the movie is. And all the seething and twitter campaigning forces your movie into the public eye.

Theres fuckall politics in there, leftist or otherwise. Hell, Mary Sure shills for the military-industrial complex.

Its a boring movie, thats bad enough. Dont bring you agenda shit with you.

Yeah the closest it gets to "political" is a retarded cockpit joke and No Doubt's "Just a Girl" blaring over one of the fight scenes.

Yeah but then people don't go watch the next movie because the last one was really bad and they don't care if bluechecks get angry at them.

I think one positive is that this is a feminist and diverse movie without forcing that narrative or bashing us over the head with it. I thought it was the right amount of subtlety for Jude Law's character trying to control a woman by gaslighting her and denying her emotions, while her character's transformation completes when she fully owns them.

I am choosing for my own mental health to believe this is one of you guys stirring up shit

The only capeshit movie ill make an exception for is into the spiderverse because its the least capeshit of them all

That's because it's actually creative

Multiple incarnations of a super hero across different universes teaming up to fight a bad guy is immensely capeshit, just 2D capeshit.

I just like how mad he actress makes all the nerd dudes.

I think this is the best possible outcome for /r/drama. Its a standard capeshit formulaic piece, so its getting okay not great or awful reviews, the rt audience score is going to be shit but its going to make a lot of money, so no ones going to wind up happy.

The amount of people in there shedding tears over Stan Lee's cameo is disturbing. Respect for the guy. He hustled for the better part of the 20th century and came up with a lot of crazy ideas. But he's not my grandfather.

r/moviescirclejerk is better than this sub when it comes to r/movies lol

Why is it that every right wing sub hates this movie and every left wing sub loves it?

How stupid are Americans that they can make a comic book movie into a partisan issue?

You're all morons.

The majority of the comments state the movie was average at best? I didn't see anything controversial, you're reaching hard champ

Automatic downvote for the "capeshit" term. It's not clever at all and the only people who use it are high on their own farts.

A downvote? How will I ever recover?

How you recover is none of my business.

You must be one of those 40 year old man babies who dresses up in cosplay to go see the latest man baby capeshit.

You are incorrect!

I have my doubts about this claim.

Too bad.

Wonder Woman was better, there I said it.

Nick Fury lost his eye to a fucking cat. Thats canon now.

The same insults they use when one does not fall into their dogmatic leftist politics niche, bitches be boring.

CGI Samuel Jackson was the realest thing in the movie.

Why is russian bot such a popular curse word here in Reddit?

Wow they really can't get over the feminist angle huh? It was annoying when it came up but it didn't ruin the movie by any means, and Brie Larson did fine to great especially when she was bro-ing it up with Sam Jackson.

The first part of the movie sucked tbh but once they get to Earth and we get the first few of the in your face 90's references out of the way (the subtler ones were nice though) it picked up and was actually a lot of fun.

Also the balls on the Air Force pouring dollars into this film, they're banking on the Marvel audience not being able to connect this film to American imperialism despite being a blatant metaphor for it, and they're probably right.

I don’t even know how to describe what I just experienced.

Whoever put Brie Larson and Sam Jackson together on screen must have really hated Brie Larson.

The awesomeness of the hero straight up refusing to do the one on one fight with the villain was cancelled out by Nick Fury having an eyepatch because a fucking cat scratched him. An alien cat, yes, but still.

Also: fucking hysterical that they have the avengers cast by the balls to the point where most of them had to show up for the post credits sequence.

That “prove to me you can”/“I don’t have to prove anything to you” scene was great.

Feel like I see that on Twitter constantly with people demanding women they disagree with debate them.


I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be.

Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch.

But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.

Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh.

Captain Marvel has a simple-looking origin story presented and executed in a terrific manner. The directors have done a great job with the characterization of Captain Marvel, and that is what makes everything in the film seem so good. The pace is brisk, gore is minimal to no, and there's nothing unsuitable for kids.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

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Until they break