Total shitshow as ISIS baby dies in /r/unitedkingdom.

202  2019-03-08 by jacc1337


A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


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Eat my fuck

Snappy is sentient

Smells like chapo in there.

no it's always like that

The UK is lost

That sub is mostly retards. Lily Allen is their Tay Tay


I remember drama about Lily Allen a while back. She pulled a George Takei.

Different label, same shit

  1. Join terrorist group who wants to destroy the country you came from

  2. Have baby

  3. Country you want to destroy doesn't want you

  4. Hold baby hostage

  5. Baby dies

I bet somehow /r/unitedkingdom will find any and every excuse to put the blame on

A. Government

B. Brexit/Brexiters in general

C. Trump somehow

Brexiters are the ones for Sharia law though , they voted the Germans and french out to be replaced with more non EU migrants

Right... how exactly do you imagine that might happen?

It's the great lie of brexit

UK is still reliant on immigration to run the country, Dave down the pub isn't gonna start picking fruit or training as a nurse shoving literal shit because EU workers got sent home.

Country is going to be opened to May's friends in Saudi Arabia

Poe or actual tard?

Legit smoothbrain.

Dave's a fucking legend who could pick fruit or comfort you as you died well easy.

Imagine unironically believing it’s easier to bring in some 3rd world pneumonia ridden welfare sheet than it is to import fucking fruit.

Does the UK even grow fruit?

Apples, but we mostly make cider with it.

Yeah, Dave down the pub isn't gonna start doing those jobs, so if there's not an unlimited source of cheap migrant labour, the fruit will either go unpicked or the wages in those jobs will be increased until Dave is happy to do it.

This argument literally contains within it an acceptance that migrants keep working class wages down, and I howl with laughter every time I see people use it as a pro-migration argument (I'm not accusing you of doing this, just in general)

I'm not a lefty I hate both poor people and poor quality foreigners

With this being /r/drama, I expected nothing less. Godspeed.

They tried this shit in Alabama to try giving Cletus a shot at crop picking... Wages went way the hell up, but still no one wanted to do the job so crops rotted. Turns out crop picking is an actual skill to get good enough to not suck.

Is this pasta or are you like legit, pants on head retarded

Dave down the pub isn't gonna start picking fruit

lol there are no fruits in the UK, just rain and fog.

nurse shoving literal shit

Raise their wages and any shortage in any low skill field will solve itself.

Btw: lower welfare payments also motivate people to get a job.

...britain has fruit?

It's already happening. The stats show after the Brexit vote the number of EU migrants has fallen and the non-EU migration is simultaneously increasing.

I can't believe these two faggot are having a completely serious discussion about politics on this sub. 😴😴😴 this sub 😴😴😴 is dead😴😴😴

It died with pinging.

Pinging made the populous weak and lazy

Wow that thread really is a shitshow. You were right tho, lots of really hot takes going on.

Why not all of them?

D. Call a Muslim an Islamaphobe unironically

Pretty sure that's already already done. They just call them an uncle tom or token Muslim. Weird shit.

uncle Tom

Uncle Ahmed

How did she hold the baby hostage? It was the Tories who held the baby hostage by not letting them return

They where going to let the baby return. They didn't want ISIS members to return.

Curious, wouldn't letting her return, arresting her and taking the baby away from here been better?

She is a terrorist and would've been a slam dunk case as well.

Take that common sense/level head and shove it up your ass. It's terrible for drama.

Because she the maximum term would be like 4 years and she would probably only serve 1 because have some compassion, her child is sick!

That sounds retarded but I wouldn't be surprised if that had happened.

Some motherfucker molested 50+ young men and only got about 18 months in prison. The UK is a joke.

Purple Aki

Mad lad

Who that?

Not to mention even if the bongs had the audacity to actually try and convict a teenage brown girl for treason/terrorism their local Muslim population would almost certainly riot.

They probably would also mourn her death after the unrepentant ISIS supporter they bring back dies in a suicide bombing in the middle of London.

Going by the interviews she's given she seems more in the "I'll just approve of the suicide bombers from the sidelines instead of doing it myself" type, which is almost more annoying.

the maximum term would be like 4 years and she would probably only serve 1

I had to stop reading scandinavian crime novels because they would always end with the cops saying something like, "We did good today. That sociopath will have three long years to think about whether he wants to rape and murder a dozen more children when he gets out."

idk what the legal situation in the UK is, but I know for american ISIS brides, there is uncertainty if they be charged with anything. The far easier solution is just closing the door and hoping they'll go away

I thought a very simple way to deal with her is let her back in, and give her no sentence and say shit like "we are happy with the cooperation, and have decided to let her live her life". The terrorists will assume she has given evidence and shit, and just kill her.

It would be a triple win. The UK looks like good guys AND they get rid of her AND they can use the terrorism to stuff some more shitty laws into effect.

Why would you invite terrorists into your country that openly admit they still support their terrorist organization and has no regret for what they did? If she gets back into the UK how do we know she wont try and radicalize those around her?

It's less the UK inviting terrorists into the country and more Syria saying "fuck you for shipping terrorists over here, we got enough of a local supply, she's your problem now", to which the UK found a technicality letting them point to Bangladesh, say "look over there!" and run away while Syria's back was turned.

Typical Bongistan, always taking the easy way out.

Why doesn't Assad just rape her to death. Is he now impotent in his old age?

Slam dunk conviction sentenced to 6 months of therapy and community service

This entire thing would’ve been better for everyone involved if they had let her back in just to arrest her. Then they could’ve saw to the babies needs as well as let some nice Buddhist or Christian family adopt it as an extra slap in the face to the isistard.

They wanted the baby to come to Britain, she rejected it. She held it hostage.

That’s even worse. What a fucking bitch

Also she wouldn't have spent that much time in jail.

Thot Status: Patrolled

Also, don't forget that she wouldn't allow her kid to go home without her. They offered to let the kid in IIRC, but she was too selfish to let him go without her

Yeah man if anyone sees her “refusal to let the baby travel without its mother” as a loving motherly gesture, and not just a bargaining tool to get back in the UK to blow up Big Ben, is a complete dumbass. This is the third baby sacrificed to allah. There’ll be a fourth.

sooo...good? how is this a shitshow? sounds like a good outcome to me.

The shitshow is all the galaxy brained bongs fighting in the comments

Right? It's like they think that baby had a chance, which it didnt the second it was born to shitty parents who condone mass murder.

Only chance it had was its mom sending it to get treated in the UK, and them just not sending it back.

Then again it would be raised in the UK so it's lose/lose for that baby no matter what

That is true, it is a shithole country.

Group of countries yeah. The scots and Irish are fine, it's really just the English I want fucking gone

The United Kingdoms of Great Britain is the country. So England is a kingdom of gobshites. Scotland is an amazing nation of wonderful retards like myself. Wales is pointless.

What about the tip of Ireland?

As far as effective governance goes, I've gotta say that the Islamic State's infant mortality rate is awfully high, but I appreciate their laid back attitude towards BASE jumping.

I absolutely fucking love how the UK is to blame for both not helping the child but also blamed for her not handing the child over.

It's this insane round of mental gymnastics that I can't quite wrap my head around.

True centrists.

Baby P was the landmark case. For years child services were held as child snatchers and only took happy children from good homes. So they had their power reduced. Then they were blamed for not doing anything to stop the kid being killed, when it was the shitty restrictions the masses wanted put in.

The whole "Charlies army" shit was another landmark in this nations utter fucking stupidity. "let him go for a cure" whilst the poor buggers brain had turned to liquid, and he was basically just a human body with no brain. But the fucking retards decided he could be cured in Italy and smacked a few nurses and doctors. The yanks took the chance at portraying the NHS as a death panel, when they just didnt think it was in the childs interest to suffer more as it was moved all over the world on the darkest press tour we have seen in years.

The daily mail reading cunts really do drag the side down, the guardians pussy pant faggots can at least be ignored because they are too weak to push anything.

The NHS legitimately is shit, however. American healthcare is as good as you can afford.

lmao who fucking cares should have been droned months ago

fucking english people "oh please destroy my country ive been so bad"

Br*tbongs deserve her.

I love how depressed people get over this one baby dying when there’s tons of other children being killed, mutilated, sold into slavery, dying from disease probably just next door to this ISIS cow.

It never ceases to amaze me how absolutely retarded the English are

The eternal Anglo



The syrian civil war has been unironically great for dramacoin and also as a flytrap for 1000s of the worst people in europe and the ME. Can we repeat this once every decade or so, please?

There's less self-hating bong cucks in that thread than I thought there would be. I have a slight hope for GB.

They offered to take in the kid and provide medical care: she refused this. This woman has been playing stupid games for years and this is no different: she just won another major stupid prize.

Her KD ratio is pretty good.

That’s binary thinking, look at the holocaust for a macro example of the brainwashing of normal people. When you consider that, the idea of a 15 year old being brainwashed by a child predator isn’t so far fetched.

When you go so far left to defend the muzzies that you plead compassion for those poor misunderstood SS exterminators.

Please, Notch's drama alt: buy Reddit and bring back the ping!

The Nazi's were the true victims all along

Woman who claims not being phased seeing infidel heads in bin requests more mercy from infidels.

Well, that now solves one problem for the UK, what to do with this lump of shit’s spawn.

Where is the crab rave meme when you need it? Smh

You have depression, which is why you post on reddit literally all day instead of doing something

Lmao wow I got a stalker that I triggered in an r/all post? I deserve a user flair here now.

A fucker on that thread attempted a lame gotcha by asking if Mayos should be stripped of their citizenship. Thankfully another replied and said yes and he'd do the same for IRA too.

Fuck yeah, Jihadi Jack is next.

The bruits are trying to destroy their own country, and letting theses sand niggers in is just one bit of it.

The baby is probably better off that way.

He's in heaven, and, even if he's not, he's at least away from that crazy bitch.