Y'ALL CAN'T BEHAVE: /r/cscareerquestions edition

89  2019-03-08 by Based_Gob


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Five or six years ago the STEMweenies were shilling working in tech because da es jay doubleyous mainly stuck to humanities. Now you have the normal STEMweenies along with the types of dudes who worry about microaggressions.

Imagine working in tech 🤢🤮

LOL eventually you red pilled types are going to be left with nothing but jackhammering random shit for no reason wearing a hard hat

😪🎣 you can do better than that

At least the handjobs they give will be godly after all that jackhammering.

Yeah it's pretty terrible. I spend half the day on reddit and still make more money than the vast majority of non-STEMlords. 😭😭😭

Someone gilded a “Y’all can’t behave” that had multiple edits. It’s time to burn down Reddit. 🤠🔥🔥

based and blackpilled

This thread is being locked - it's a dumpster fire of misogyny and sexism, and it's why as a mod I'm always against allowing shit like this because we apparently lack the maturity to have these kinds of discussions. It's locked. Take your garbage elsewhere. Happy International Women's Day. EDIT - For everyone saying "Yes, that's why", we don't have a clue what OP's credentials are beyond "one semester of CS" (could have been a math/stats major with skills the bank thought were useful) - not nearly enough detail to say definitively anything about why this person was selected for interview. EDIT2 - For those of you that feel the need to report my comment and say "this is not misogyny", I'm referring to the comments that have already been deleted and not the post itself. Posts like this invite misogynistic comments, which is why some of the mods try to remove them early - especially when they aren't actually interesting (like the post here). Mistaken identity isn't a CS Career Question.

Everyday I pray more and more for modicide. What a queer.

That was cringey as hell. It has gold too, why are mods on all these subs such giant losers?

Think about that question for another second and methinks you’ll have your answer.

Are you asking why someone who willingly, day in and day out, spends their free time cleaning up spam and deleting comments online for no pay is a loser? Isn't it obvious?

and who is such a looser that they see this shit and say, "let me give it gold"

wow look how BRAVE and STRONG this mod is for standing up to these MISOGYNISTIC bullies! I better throw some real life money at this big corporation to let him know how much I appreciate his janitorial efforts!

Them probably

The kind of faglord that unironically cares about International Women's Day.

Don't worry, I sent that mod a very wholesome 🤗🤗☺🤗 message through a report.

That could be summed up as such


Imagine getting this ass blasted about less than 8 comments. What a weiner.

Mods have the homosexuality

Must explain why /u/MasterLawlz always has such a gaping bussy 😎😎😎

We had our own y'all can't behave moment in my local subreddit today when a mod froze a thread before going to bed because they expected it would attract problematic commentary. Gave a non-apology apology when called out.

ITT: People who think men are hired solely based on merit.

Imagine thinking a tech guy is hired for any other reason.

I mean it's been evidenced that people aren't hitting woman anymore because they don't want to get metoo'd.

Foids will just never be happy until they completely ruin everything

Plus, I've always liked working with exclusively male workspaces more than ones with females just because males are able to stay away from drama. Every woman I've worked with just brings drama into the workplace that isn't necessary.

My girlfriend works with all females and nothing gets done because they spend 90% of the time bitching at each other.

LOL not my experience at all. My female coworker was very easy to work with. My male coworker had a huge giant ego and would confront me every few weeks with some paranoid shit where he imagined I was disrespecting him.

He'd do shit like: I go to him asking if a certain idea is a good idea -> he says yeah that's ok, or more often, no don't do that that's idiotic -> I ignore implement it anyway -> it's an awesome success -> I talk about it with the boss in some kind of email -> boss compliments me on my work -> male coworker later confronts me and claims that he came up with the entire idea himself -> is mad at me for "stealing 'his' idea" that he had dismissed and tried to torpedo in the first place. I eventually stopped asking him for advice on *anything* and just started going to the boss directly for approval after he did this several times in a row, claiming to have come up with an idea that was actually mine and I had merely come to him for advice on. I wonder how confused he was that these ideas kept happening without his involvement.

Fuck men and their goddamn ego. Always capable of inventing a thousand imagined slights against them.

Your Pulitzer's in the mail.

And dildo via Amazon Prime.

To each their own I suppose.

Was one of your ideas to use those stupid arrows "- >" instead of punctuation or paragraph spacing?

IKR! I actually prefer hanging out with women, my best two frieds are feeeeeeemales and what the hell, I may just be a proto-doormat / emotional cuck , but when it comes to work, women are the fucking worst.

If tech had only women in it there would be nothing getting done in tech. Foids are lazy as fuck.

And they have to be carried through everything so companies can hold then up as evidence of their commitment to diversity.

I mean it's been evidenced that people aren't hiring women anymore because they don't want to get metoo'd.

That's incredibly hillarious if it's true, do you have the source?

Most tech people talk a ton of shit about common interviewing practices in the industry.

The tasks/questions used sure try to objectively measure something, but whether that thing in any way translates to day-to-day job performance is a question that not even the interviewers themselves can answer.

The process can also be gamed by grinding a lot of material specifically geared towards interviews (as opposed to real world use).

That's mostly big corporations though, a lot of smaller companies you can just talk to someone and make a good impression. Which may very well be just as accurate at selecting good candidates.

Common knowledge in the industry.

My point was, I never heard of anyone hiring an IT dude for his sense of humor (typically, non-existent), the way he is dressed or the looks or just the fact that he's a dude.

For women tho...

The people who make the decision may not even know why they hired someone. They may have a "good feeling about this candidate", based on whatever subconscious factors. Same goes for the opposite bad feeling. Even if they know, it's not like they're always going to tell you (maybe months/years later over a beer).

You've never heard of anyone self-consciously hiring for those reasons, yes.

I've usually found applying to large corporations with dumb interview questions as a screening method to be entirely pointless. Just let me fucking talk to a developer for half an hour. Christ.

he isn't hiring the guy who sends him the best dick pic

what a faggot



People are hired mostly from "networking". I.e. scratching your cronies back. Since white dudes are mostly friends with white dudes, this is mostly white dudes.


Like how fucking naive can you be.

I was mostly hired because my boss talked to me and decided that I probably wasn't an autist tard like all the other people he talked to and wouldn't do something retarded in front of the owners of the contract. Boy was he in for a surprise.

Pretty neet take

You clearly don't work in tech. It's like half Indians and Chinese people.

I'm pretty sure tech people are hired for their good looks and charm.

Probably their charisma

Did I get a response because they thought I was a girl?

The answer is yes in almost any case

100 bucks says none of the male feminists there actually work in IT beyond T1 help desk roles.

All I gotta say is yikes, thank god the mode removed and locked the post or my International Women's day would have been ruined.

The software company I work for is about 50% women...and everyone there is a massive shitlord, it's glorious.

Some of the shit they come out with is hysterical. Imagine a big black woman bursting into the room and announcing "Time for reparations crackers" when collecting money for my coworker's birthday gift.

thats only funny if she is really fat also

ahem...locked AND removed cuz y'all can't behave


"Positive discrimination"

And people wonder why people say feminism is a female supremacist movement. What a fucking dumbfuck.

Anyone have removed post?

I hope to one day live near a dumpster fire of misogyny and feel safe in it's warmth and light

What is the sub supposed to be about? What does cs stand for?

Counter Strike

Cuck Society

Computer science