The absolute state of Gen Z.

54  2019-03-08 by Ghdust2


The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


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I feel that society teaches women

Will any of the girls around here speak on this idea that society teaches you stuff?

I was an eyes-down, in my own mind youngin and I feel like societies affect wasn't very pronounced.

i have seen multiple losers like this take a hard right turn and become winners

Need examples

examples of ehat

Examples of male feminists turning to winners

don't worry buddy there's hope for you yet

Do they win on their first rape or on consecutive ones?

Most rapes don't end in conviction so statistically speaking the overwhelming majority of male feminists are winners.

captain america

Only with God's grace, Pastor Randy!

"I worry that society is teaching women that treating men like shit is ok."

"Yes that's true, but did you know that men are shit?"

"Wow I didnt think of that I feel so much better now."

  • r/menslib

Menslib is rapidly becoming my favorite sub.

"I don't want to end up an incel" If you're posting on MensLib it's a little too late for that

"I cant believe those loser incels how i pity them. Sure im single and kissless but at least im not a misogynist. Now excuse me while i go to defend twitch cam girls on /r/gaming from my fellow misogynist pigs"

we have a refugee.

Border Control, clear the sector, thank you.

gen z teenagers have more self awareness and intrapersonal intelligence than 30 year old millennials

I can proudly say I was born in the right generation

It’s a lot of fun to laugh at retarded people, even if I’m one of them