Arbys unveils a new waifu to their Fellow Kids, lolicon debate ensues.

105  2019-03-08 by SMASH_N_SNIFF


Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


  1. This Post -,,

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Can't wait to see the rule 34 of her and Horsey Sauce...

They don't call it horsey sauce because it comes from horse radish.

Needs to be drawn with roast beef tbh

If you like it, fap to it.

If you don’t like it, fap to it until you like it.

That's how they got me with bussy.

You would think by now corporates would learn that Twitter can only harm your business qns set up huge PR failures.

Forget that. It actually says waifu. 😨

"ACKSHUALLY, she's a 54 yr old restaurant chain."

We have the meat 🤤

in all the replies there's exactly one creepy picture

and probably the artist only created that one because of all the woke hyperventilating histrionics that a cute cartoon Arby's sauce = literally rape.

I use Arby's sauce as lube


Lmao how did the thought of roasties not occur to me when were thinkin arbys

This post changed my mind on the whole thing, this is hilarious

corporation using the word "waifu" in their marketing

Literally fucking nuke us, please. It's over.

I'm just waiting for Shadman to enter the contest

It'd be hilarious if he makes it super subtle like just a bulge, and then Arby's ends up sharing it. That'd make my month.

Corporations have been "accidentally" endorsing weirdos since their inception. Shadman is hardly on the top 100 of oopsies.

That didnt take long

That's...significantly less depraved than I thought it was going to be. Shadman is the McDonalds of porn. He's terrible and probably omniseuxal in the worst way, but he's made something you've masturbated to.

Even Shadmab is afraid!

This can't get any better.

This deserves its own post.

Wow....just wow

I wonder how a kink (if you can even call it that anymore, sounds more like a deranged obsession) can even develop like that. I have a feeling this guy has worked in grocery food chains for most of his life and his dad is in the lumber business.

Motherfucker, you know their customer base isn't soccer moms suckin' down Big Beef & Cheddars.

Pretty sure your mom is sucking down lots of big beef.

Hey man, that talk isn't healthy. Keep yourself very, very safe. We're all worried about you.

President Xi I'm ready

You didn't see the Conoco Manga?

now this is late stage capitalism


if that picture makes you think "child porn" and makes you want to masturbate perhaps you are the one with the problem

while I agree the pic itself is innocent, click the profile of the artist who made it.

It's all explicit furry porn.

It's not a huge leap to be .... concerned, let's say... when furry porn artists start drawing shit for you, no matter how innocent it seems.

It's like Shadman randomly showing up and making some nice wholesome artwork for your OC. Technically that's fine, but it's still a rather worrying forecast for the things to come.

yikes, y'all, this is gross and problematic

you could've saved time by just saying that

This but unironically

that's the spirit


"Yikes" ain't no country I ever heard of

furries are gross tho

Yeah I saw a statue once by a guy who was classically trained.

Was basically the same as attending a satanic orgy, but in the 80s or 90s when that was still actually edgy.

drawing porn is one of (probably few) ways an artist can reliably make money, furry porn especially since those depraved fucks pay top dollar to see their OC get spitroasted by other anthropomorphic abominations.

i wouldn't be quick to judge an artist for delving into pornography if it's how they can get people to support their craft, and it doesn't mean that they necessarily LIKE drawing porn all the time either.

draw porn for degenerate furries

Donate a portion of each sale to a Super PAC that supports candidates in favor of gassing the furries

It's a self-solving solution

Maybe if the only commissions you can get are for furry porn then art isn't the career for you

The same poster was classifying arby's past endorsement of Dragon Maid as pedo bait, just gonna say that it's likely a baitposter

Literally the entire point of this is to bait r34 because wendys did it before

Nigga the character is a preteen girl who is "your waifu". 2/3rds of the replies are people @ing Shadbase.

The only way they could get more obviously "pedobait" is if they posted links to Voat.

This isn't our first day on the internet sweaty. When you draw a kid in in anime style it's always jailbait.

ok i'll play

99% of this controversy is people hand-wringing over cartoons, quit being such a whiny little bitch

Why do all the furries with the pronouns in their twitter bio think they have any sort of moral high ground?

Arby’s is 54. She’s 54 and chibi (small & cute). Carry on.

oh no

LMAO. The official twitter said this. I thought it was just some random.

A lolibaba!

i would love to be a fly on the wall during the meeting where the intern who runs the twitter account has to explain all this shit to upper execs

Their slowly dawning expressions of horror...

Oh. My. God.

jesus christ, there's a child porky piggin' it in the replies

This is going to be fun.

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How do you make it work so well on even mobile?

is Darqwolff running this account?

oh no shadman replied

Everyone evacuate your positions!

Code black I repeat CODE BLACK

Do people hate pedophilia so much that they can't have a reasonable debate on it? Like soon as pictures of a loli come up, PEDOPHILIA and can't even open up their minds

Even if you think that lolis are even children what the fuck does that has to do with Arby's and their drawing? It's not even porn for fuck sake. Just a simple fictionalized drawing of a personified Arby's. Literally.

How the fuck does that garner massive outrage?

Hey newfriend you seem lost. Maybe you should go nack to your non-pedo brethren at /r/kotakuinaction to further discuss the ethics of lolis

I mean this not even up for discussion. Regardless of what you think of pedos and want to ban lolis, nothing in that post or twitter feed suggest pedophilia, like it's not even porn or sexual even.

based and Darqwolff pilled



















Why are artists such bootlickers and eager to give corporations free PR? 🤔

The fact that weebshit is becoming more socially accepted disturbs me.

I paint her in the back of my toilet seat every time I eat Arby's.

It's very abstract

Arby's is so fucking based for this. The world could use more waifus.

It's over, the weebs have won.