417  2019-03-08 by Prysorra2



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ERROR! Brothers of Islam are irreplaceable I could never delete you Brother!

Send this to ten other Mujahideen who would give their lives for ﷲAllahﷲ Or never get called Brother again

If you get

0 Back: Juhanam for you

3 back: you're off the martyr list

5 back: you have pleased Allah greatly

10+ back: JANAHﷲ!ﷲ


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oh wow this tbh

نحن نحبك يا سنابي!!


Haram af

اَللّٰهُ أَكْبَر

Hello, Ed 🤩🤩🤩

Back off, guy. 😤😤😤

Dont touch it that's a street shitter

/r/Drama is one of the most reactionary and transphobic subreddits on this website. Their moderators consistently promote this behaviour, and their userbase has been known to harass leftists and brigade their posts.

I created this subreddit as a response to that. All hatred and shenanigans at /r/drama can be catalogued and made fun of accordingly.

There are only two rules: no bigotry and no /r/drama users.


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Goal set: who's gonna break 16 felonies in one night?

I'm pretty sure there's gonna be another Mueller victim before it ends. Probably that guy. For the love of god let it be Alex Jones.

Alex Jones is a goddamn national treasure, you leave him out of this. Let it be NANCY PELOSI FOUND DEEP UNDERCOVER

If it's that type of target, I'd rather it be specifically Ilan Omar.

IIan "16 Jews, 16 bullets" Omar

Ilhan "Kosher Kebab-er" Omar

Ilan "Stinky Jews, Stinky shoes" Omar

Heh, do you actually think it's "iian", not "iLan"? How do you pronounce that?

Plus the letter from the week before.

The only thing it's missing is macaroni stuck to it with non toxic glue

Dude, don’t mess with the post office. They are basically the fbi-level cops.

Someone in Florida?

jury just lynched jussie then did the dougie

this dudes gonna get more time than Manafort if he’s not lucky lol

Brace for the /r/politics copeposting when he gets 6-10

I just dont understand why we dont all do tax evasion now. Its really not that big of a deal apparently.

You can do fucking anything if you just buy yourself a judge.

He's gonna get no time for these.

He might pick up prison time for the federal charges though.

Probation for this, but yeah Feds do not like powder sent in the mail. I still can't fucking believe that part, that is some next-level bad risk to reward judgment.

"Yes, this powder through the mail will surely make it impossible for anyone to question the authenticity. This is definitely worth turning a local hate crime hoax into something where federal and anti-terrorism resources can be brought in."




I love this bot

Bussy got zozzled for sure.

It's more retarded than that. He did the fake hate mail thing first, then when nobody cared (or thought it was ridiculous), he doubled down with the "guys I totally got beaten up" thing.


Yup. Dude thinks he lives in an episode of Law and Order

Top mathematicians can't even estimate how many dimensions of chess this is.

What a drama queen.

Experts believe it is likely he will strike a plea deal and potentially not spend time in prison.

Zero years, zero months, zero hours.

16? Goddamn dude

Sounds like this doesn't include charges from mailing himself fake anthrax either.

Dude why the fuck would he do that? Couldn't he just say "some guys beat me up while calling me a fucking n****r"? Why did he have to make up all this complex shit about maga country and kids drawings and anthrax?

... Because, and hear me out here, he's a tard


Go on.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real thing. I encourage people to reply to celebrities in Trump-style tweets to show their derangement. Just look at Ron Perlman's twitter account. The guy's batshit crazy after the election.




interesting theory, tell me more

Because the guy knows his drama. Honestly I would want to see him write his own TV show at this point.

It would be completely retarded and unbelievable except by terminal TDS sufferers.

OK, I'd watch it ironically and laugh my bussy off.

Z list actor made up a Z list drama. Funny under influence, terrible any other way.

He thought he would soon be starring as himself his own Oscar bait movie about his brave struggle against the KKK

Or a guy who earns his living by being a professional victim via scams. All his friends hate him, but every time he meets a new person that person is convinced our anti-hero is a good guy for a while and helps him out and loans him money until they discover some new scam the anti-hero is running. He will be abusing any amount of trust given to him right away.

I think he did the letter thing first and no one cared because it was obviously bullshit so he doubled down with the “attack” which IMO looked even more bullshit from the beginning but it got picked up by the media.

Yeah, that's a federal crime and will be a whole separate investigation/trial.

This is institutional racism. The police don't arrest white people for faking hate crimes.

I guess when the police chief said an apology from Smollett would suffice, he really meant a sobbing apology from Jussie as he's lead to his cell.

didnt jussie double down after he was indicted the first time?

A charge of felony disorderly conduct for filing a false police report carries a possible sentence of probation to three years.


Experts believe it is likely he will strike a plea deal and potentially not spend time in prison.


I mean, there is also a potential federal charge with the letter thing.

how come i don't see...oh

Because hes a cuck.

You can't see his replies because you need to donate to this subreddit and then send a message to the mods. They will let you see his comments.

I always love seeing your words of wisdom.

Sometimes the best thing said is nothing at all

Biggest idiot of 2019 easily, and the year has barely started.

We're just getting started.

Just getting tarded in hah.

Experts believe it is likely he will strike a plea deal and potentially not spend time in prison.

So it's actually another non-story that we just care about because it's great drama. In reality it's hardly breaking the law. You may as well smoke a joint on the street and then smash a car window and that would be just as illegal.

I am counting the days until I see a Manafort thread that sayss

Jussie got [X] years, and all he did was fake a little hate crime!

welll...One thing I can say is I never heard of this dude before this happened. So I guess mission accomplished?

The is the best nonpolitical drama of the year so far

this drama is so basically political i don't understand your comment. the dude maga country shit combined with kamala harris' anti lynching bill and the media blowback onto trump supporters makes it pretty political.

lol how are fake hate crimes where the goal is to put the blame on the sitting President in lieu of the nonexistent attackers nonpolitical?

More than Manafort /s

We don't use the autism tag here.



What exactly does this mean? Does an indictment mean he will definitely be prosecuted? Is it the same as being charged?

A judge still gets to decide if there's enough evidence to proceed iirc

You will learn that in your next grade at school.

No I won't, because I'm not an americlap so our justice system makes actual sense.

Do you have a different dictionary and meaning of the word "indictment" in your shithole country?

indict verb in·​dict | \ in-ˈdīt \ indicted; indicting; indicts Definition of indict transitive verb 1 : to charge with a fault or offense : CRITICIZE, ACCUSE 2 : to charge with a crime by the finding or presentment of a jury (such as a grand jury) in due form of law

Does it mean something like "time to gather snails for harvest" in your country?

Literally only America uses the term indictment you fat mouthbreathing retard, everywhere else uses the term "charge" (which you may notice is used in both definitions because it's effectively the same thing)

Buy a dictionary sometime sweety.

Hint: Dictionaries made outside of America don't generally include retarded Americlap-exclusive definitions of words

If you don't like Americlap then don't hang out in American websites.

But how else am I meant to find out the nutritional information for a Big Mac?

Good answer. France only has "Le Big Mac".

I'm afraid that's slightly outdated

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An indictment means he was charged. Jussies lawyers are trying to negotiate a plea deal. If that falls through then there will be a trial.

16 counts of “felony disorderly conduct”? wtf is that lol

can’t any of those counts just be called “fraud”?

Ikr. I'm assuming because he reported the crime to 16 different officers so it's 16 separate counts of the same offense. Seems like cheating tbh.

It feels like if I had said it was a Muslim or a Mexican or someone black, I feel like the doubters would have supported me a lot much more, and that says a lot about the place we are in our country right now

It really does, Jussie.

This shit I made up in my head really tells us a lot about society

Mainly that we live in one.

I didn't want to believe this but when I saw the threat letter.... yeah. Nobody could do that without living in a society.

...But isn't he black?

Fake your racist assault to get legitimacy as a black faggot = 10 years in Jail. MANAFORT = a few months in jail for 20+ million of tax fraud.



we are not oppressing gay ass negros, amiright?

Poor oppressed gay ass negro. :(

Dumb ass why would rich niggas get more time

because it was a lesser crime you cunt

imagine thinking that matters lmao

Experts believe it is likely he will strike a plea deal and potentially not spend time in prison.

 Smollett paid two brothers $3,500 via personal check

How stupid do you have to be, that's the perfect paper trail.

Dude Jussie lmao

Jussy Bussy comin to Cook County

Dude "Hate Crime" Lmao

This is MAGA Country!

His punishment should be actually getting beaten and then having to snort a mystery white powder from an envelope.

Dont threaten me with a good time

I mean he's still going to be better off now than he was before. Now he's not a total nobody, and someone is going to pay him money because of the name recognition. He just considers the $100,000 he spent on bail, and whatever settlement he reaches, as part of his marketing budget. Oh well, hope I'm wrong and this does actually hurt him long-term.

he already got shitcanned from the tv show he was angling to get a pay raise on, soo yeah.

Lol he's completely fucked and made a lot of people look stupid. He's a liability only fit for The Surreal Life in a few years when he's out of prison.

In a few years a whole bunch of people who don't know this story are still gonna know his name. He'll be able to say he was a dumb kid and he's changed now. People who hear about it after the fact aren't gonna have all the details. He didn't rape or murder anyone, he just did a little prank for some sympathy.

He's pushing 40 lol I don't think he's gonna be able to claim to be a dumb kid

I didn't realize he was that old, hope you're right

Yeah he looks great tbh