I apologize in advance
80 2019-03-09 by faggot_seriousposter
I found this community a year or so ago. I still don't really understand it, but, recently, it's almost the only subreddit I read.
Radical Centrism is something I've identified with for years, but I had no idea there was anyone else.
Thanks for the laughs and the unique view into how everybody fucking sucks.
1 BIknkbtKitNwniS 2019-03-09
Well your username is honest at least.
1 HardIsLife 2019-03-09
1 peekvid 2019-03-09
lol fuck off
1 jaredschaffer27 2019-03-09
1 AugustinesBitchBoy 2019-03-09
God bless you but also please leave
1 CordialCalamity 2019-03-09
Is this a suicide note? 🤔
1 MikeHuntIsAnAsshole 2019-03-09
We can only hope
1 YEET_ON_THEM_LIBS 2019-03-09
Be nice.
If this is how we're going to treat our fellow fags then this is not the community I once believed in.
1 _Suprememe_ 2019-03-09
Might as well start drafting your note too.
1 MikeHuntIsAnAsshole 2019-03-09
Mines saved and set to auto-send each morning unless I cancel it
1 YEET_ON_THEM_LIBS 2019-03-09
I'm not ashamed to say that /r/drama is a bastion of civility and kindness.
How about you stop being a coward and accept truth as well?
1 QuantumPhoss 2019-03-09
Must be nice, having hope n all
1 elksandturkeys 2019-03-09
1 redmugofcoffee 2019-03-09
This is the saddest blowjob I’ve ever been offered
1 shaneoffline 2019-03-09
Everybody includes you buttbrains
1 Naruto_X_Sasuke 2019-03-09
ok and
1 AlecOzzyHillPitas 2019-03-09
Based AND redpilled
1 elksandturkeys 2019-03-09
Purple pilled
1 Gugulen1 2019-03-09
Post bussy
1 away100 2019-03-09
There's no such thing as centrism. That's part of the joke.
1 chestertons 2019-03-09
imagine unironically thanking degenerates for being degenerate
1 __KOBAKOBAKOBA__ 2019-03-09
"Radical centrism" has got to be the most snowflakey cry baby faggot ass idea ever contrived. Faggot.
1 check_fugazi_bro 2019-03-09
Serious posters OUT OUT OUT!
1 Kellere31 2019-03-09
1 vtesterlwg 2019-03-09
literally capeshit off yourself nigger
1 Mnomeri 2019-03-09
Keep yourself safe
1 RollBread 2019-03-09
Radical dipshit.
1 stereomono1 2019-03-09
why post this?