I apologize in advance

80  2019-03-09 by faggot_seriousposter

I found this community a year or so ago. I still don't really understand it, but, recently, it's almost the only subreddit I read.

Radical Centrism is something I've identified with for years, but I had no idea there was anyone else.

Thanks for the laughs and the unique view into how everybody fucking sucks.


Well your username is honest at least.


lol fuck off


God bless you but also please leave

Is this a suicide note? 🤔

We can only hope

Be nice.

If this is how we're going to treat our fellow fags then this is not the community I once believed in.

believing in r/Drama

Might as well start drafting your note too.

Mines saved and set to auto-send each morning unless I cancel it

I'm not ashamed to say that /r/drama is a bastion of civility and kindness.

How about you stop being a coward and accept truth as well?

Must be nice, having hope n all


This is the saddest blowjob I’ve ever been offered

everybody fucking sucks

Everybody includes you buttbrains

ok and

Based AND redpilled

Purple pilled

Post bussy

There's no such thing as centrism. That's part of the joke.

imagine unironically thanking degenerates for being degenerate

"Radical centrism" has got to be the most snowflakey cry baby faggot ass idea ever contrived. Faggot.

Serious posters OUT OUT OUT!


literally capeshit off yourself nigger

Keep yourself safe

Radical dipshit.

why post this?