It's truly over for ChapoChudHouse

10  2019-03-09 by BriefSquirt

Behold ye tankies upon my subreddit and weep!

Yes, is a thing and is as much a shitshow as you expect.


Ironically quite infested with tankies. Take the following post:


In this post, somebody criticises the chinese communist party. The response?

Says the “communist” who loves private property


Another post,


in which a commenter criticises AOC for being 'too liberal'.

AOC is doing more for the world then all the larping online tankies combined and you know it. So please go do something more with your life than just calling people libs on the internet.

New snappy quote?



Also anything from this post


The most controversial post is apparently

My favourite comment has to be

To aid mobile users, I'll link small subreddits not yet linked in the comments

/r/ChapoTrapHouse: Chapo Trap House is a podcast

By SmallSubBot.

Also a hot take:

Tankies are cops

It's a small subreddit but with big potential to be a tree-tap of the golden syrup we call drama. Inshallah.


An unforgivable crime.

Says the “communist” who loves private property

Papa Marx also owned private property and was part of the aristocracy by marriage

Dare I say communism aint real communism 🤔

AOC is doing more for the world then all the larping online tankies combined and you know it. So please go do something more with your life than just calling people libs on the internet.

Where's the lie?

And so the great division begins

It never began