103  2019-03-09 by TreLoon


Y⭕️u're👊 n🅾w ⭕️ne☝️ 🅾f 3️⃣ 🖖🅿️e🅾🅿️le👨🏿👩🏻👦🏽 ℹ️'ve 🅱l⭕️cked😡❌🚷🚫‼️ 🅾n 🅱eddit👽. ℹ 💁d⭕️n't even Ⓜ️ℹ️nd💅 🅿️e🅾🅿️le 👦🏽👴👵🏼👮🏻 s🅿️er🅱ℹ️ng ⭕️ut😡😤😤 at Ⓜ️e😱, 🅱ut wh🅰t ✋☝️ℹ d🅾 Ⓜ️ℹ️nd👀😤 ℹ️s just the c⭕️Ⓜ️🅿️lete😣 l🅰ck 🅾f re🅰l™💯🕵 🅰r🅱uⓂ️ents.📚

Y⭕️u're 👊👐✋just 🅱🅾rℹ️ng🙄😣.


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Fuck me i had an anurism reading that. The fuck man, my dyselixia actually increased.

womp womp


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Dude I swear if they blow this and give us 4 more years of a low functioning snookie looking ass retard that makes us look bad in front of all the cool countries I'm gonna be pissed.

Come back when you gain a better appreciation for the golden age of Drama that daddy has brought about.

god i hate mayos. I mean, it's always them, no matter what. Look at his mayo) face

if you’re gonna seriouspost at least be funny about it

cool countries

name 2

Tajikistan and Narnia


orange man bad

Orange man entertaining and dramapilled, but orange man dumb af

makes us look bad in front of all the cool countries

I don't know about you, but I'm gonna feel real bad if people halfway around the world in countries the size of postage stamps with 8 million people don't like us anymore

Gibs me dat

ay you one racist cracka if you don’t gibs me dat

Even for the New York Times, that's a terrible fucking essay.

The author spends 5 paragraphs fellating Lincoln and projecting his ideas onto one sentence from random rhetoric Lincoln wrote as if it was some sort of absolute truth. It rivals what the conservatards do with the Bible.

Then he goes on to basically say that black people's oppression is the only thing that matters, and that America is divided because black people aren't getting free money.


There are a few thoughts packed into that sentence.

That's basically "Let's unpack this". You aren't fooling me.

Didn't Lincoln want to send all the newly freed slaves "back" to Africa? He ended slavery but the man wasn't infallible.

on boats "back" to Africa


🎵The house next door to me was sold...🎵

>He ended slavery but the man wasn't infallible by any stretch of the imagination.

Only because he never followed through with sending them back. smdh


Even for the New York Times, that's a terrible fucking essay.

Have you not read David Brooks before? His entire ouvre is based on being shockingly stupid. He's been at it for decades with the NYTs. Its one of the major reasons their opinion section has long been a dumpster fire.

entire ouvre is based on being shockingly stupid.

You leave the WSJ editorial board out of this!


literally way too easy

take it you fuckk

He's pretty much spamming at this point

But he ain't wrong kid

Literally anything with an American being retarded is why trump won


almost like americans are fucking retarded soulless fucks

LIBtarded maybe?

What about Daddy being retarded? Identifying with the voter base?

For the people by the people

It's okay you have a pretty sweet name yourself!

Take what

My bussy


what the fuck you dont just give people random bussy, it has to be yours

no u

may as well be a keyword bot at this rate

I like the idea of giving every one of our Nubian brothers and sisters like $50-100, just so they can never bitch about reparations again.


That guy's policies make Hillary president of the century

    AA A
    N NN

Imagine rejecting free money.

Imagine not reading economics 101


A carton of Newports and a Groupon for Chuck E. Cheese.

Groupon for Chuck E. Cheese

A gun would cause less violence.

They're demanding $8 trillion, though.

that's hilarious

Imagine thinking they wouldn't want more after getting a sweet taste of that reparation money.

When a white man is mugged by a black man, thats reparations.

Whoa edgy

Baby's hurt feelings.

Projecting, little snowflake mayo?

Touch your toes, sweetheart.

You conservatard boomers are all the same. Go back to Facebook already.

Cant handle life

Life is easy for NPC's like you, I bet.

I swear I've seen you both somewhere..

Sometimes i just ho to look at the great oak.

what the fuck are you doing here if you take everything seriously and sperg our

you take everything seriously


food stamps is reparations

lol David Brooks used to pretend to be a conservative and made bank feeding boomers what they wanted to hear. But then we elected Bad Orange Man, and he was like “fuck it” and took off his mask.

Two years later he’s shilling for slave reparations in the New York Times.


Serious-cope inbound: I thought Daddy attacking journalism was bad. In debate events back in high school I used the phrase “fourth estate” more than once. I don’t know if it’s DDS or what, but I legitimately can’t stand journalism now. Everything about it is just so gross to me; pushing narratives, the fucking interminable buzzfeed woke lingo in titles that has leaked to what should be more professional institutions, and getting shit wrong they should have been careful about too many times.

Just cope I guess. Orange man said “journalism bad” and now just a few years later here I am saying “he do got a point there tho”. Did I just get more retarded or did they use to be better than this?

They’ve always been Basic Mayo Libs pushing the party line for their Democrat crushes (except for the eeeeeeeevil Faux News). People have just started to wake up to the fact over the last 30 years or so.

Pay attention to the next news cycle. You’ll hear journalists and politicians from one party all using the same phrases.

You right you right. It’s just so tiring to listen to.

Journalism didn't change, you just got less retarded

/r/wholesomedrama :=) :-) :-)

You were in high school when Trump was elected? My God

Nooo, I’m not a Zoomer. It was a less politically charged topic back then but was starting to become so with WikiLeaks stuff.

I think it’s internet shit for sure.

an elderly black woman in South Carolina shaking in rage because the kids in her neighborhood face greater challenges than she did growing up in 1953

The timeline with regards to reparations seems off here...🤔

Imagine unironically believing that

Brooks was born in Toronto, Ontario, where his father was working on a PhD, and spent his early years in the middle-income Stuyvesant Town housing development in Lower Manhattan. His father taught English literature at New York University, while his mother studied nineteenth-century British history at Columbia University. Brooks is Jewish but rarely attends synagogue.


brooks huh? wouldnt have guessed.

never forget the classic name game

Why are Canadians and secular Jews just the worst human beings?

Both are white.

And Westernized. Do we need another dark ages or just mass migration?

*Both aren't white.

Reparations are just a trick to get the black population of america to accept that they will always be a permanent underclass.

"Here's a check, now shut up and stop making me feel guilty" - some liberal, somewhere.

Any serious attempt to lift the black population above this standard begins and ends with black nationalism. Malcom X, not Dr. Martin Luther King.

Multiculturalism is just a tool used by neo liberals to pacify minorities so they do not rebel against the system. It is the equivalent of a prostitute giving you a handjob so that you won't fuck her in the ass - either way, she gets her money.


Liberals: "ok uhh why dont we implement policies to give African Americans wealth directly then as to mitigate racism"


two retards yelling in the daycare puzzle room

It wouldn't accomplish shit.

Giving people wealth as a handout literally never works out. We already have the lottery and just about everybody that wins ends up as bad or worse off than before.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FRZN7IzvCVs 🎥 Chappelle's Show - Reparations 2003 Follow-Up - YouTube

Never gets old when this argument comes up.

So what you're saying is that both black and white ethno-nationalists will rise up together to smash neo-liberalism and usher in a new society (bottom text)?

The only way to solve racism is to pull a José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia and force race mixing.

This but unironically

Article Written by (((David Brooks))).

Every fucking time....

I support reparations but only one payment per family and only to actual descendants of the 290k slaves that came to the US. One time payment to finally destroy the black victimhood narrative? Worth it, should've done it a long time ago.

there is a natural moral order to the universe. There is a way things are supposed to be

Prove it.

Lmao david brooks

/r/politics thread is pretty funny:

I’m African American. I’m in favor of reparations. This is not the right election for this conversation. Who the fuck brought this up? Can we table this til the next election? I’d love to have the conversation. This is not the time.


Our party's terrible ideas are a Republican false-flag operation!!

Imagine the drama if the government gives every black person a cool grand and then declares racism to be solved forever.

I only support reparations if it strips blacks of citizenship and sends them to Liberia

it's the only way to make sure that it's a one time payment.

Not without a bag of crack, I won't.

Give blacks reparations

They spend if all

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