Gamers Rise Up against one of their own on for disrespecting women. Cool desk though.

53  2019-03-09 by Aspretto


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. This Post -,,,

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everyone that posts on battlestations is an already an honorary migtow

or braincels, but they might also be menslibbers, inceltearsers or circlebrokers.

I would assume anyone who spends that long building a "battlestation" has at least 1 child rape dungeon, maybe 2 if the basement is big enough

>post is literally just a desk

>yall i went and checked ops post history and he cant behave. YIKES

i fucking hate reddit

if you check someone's post history you're automatically a faggot

>active in /r/Teenagers



if you get mad when someone sees the stupid shit you said in your post history you're even more of a faggot


Posted 34 minutes ago:

Pitbulls are the black people of dogs

Based and dogpilled

Im not even going to check your post history but based on this comment alone you probably frequent r/The_Donald and r/frenworld and roleplay as someone who isn’t pathetic.

what the fuck is frenworld and why do I feel the need to report it to the authorities

the Finns lost their game once people figured out they were aliens

looks at your post history

Oh my we have a 12 year old faggot here

They're acting like he raped her by asking her to leave.

"Hey guys look at my cool pc setup"

"Says here you posted to t_d once sorry sweaty.yall that's gonna be a yikes me from me folks"

This site is a beautiful trainwreck

Incels/ nice guys who feel like they've been burned by women because they're super insecure and think women owe them something.

OP is literally the opposite of an incel? The clue is in the name. CELIBATE.

No you dont get it sweaty.

Incel is the new basement virgin neckbeard loser insult

expecting words to mean anything is a far right dogwhistle.

The story that makes everyone upset goes into detail how he is both not an incel, and not a nice guy.

OP is literally the opposite of an incel?

Imagine believing OP's fanfic.

Op why are you such a faggot and lurk battlestations?

Guys don't fall for this. I checked this guy's post history to see if I was being opressed by a white male or criticized by a lesbian POC, and he's a total piece of shit. Fucking incels.

Man who knew that women changing their moral values would lead to people rethinking their own values

“Rate my setup”

“I checked OP’s history and, despite its irrelevance, I am going to sperg out about it”

imagine unironically calling your desk a "battlestation"

that is a cool desk.

lol what a loser with that tiny-ass $200 monitor

”Women overstay their welcome? Last night I had a pump and dump over. Put a movie on when she got to my house. Beat her cheeks and then was like I'm gonna goto bed soon so you need to get ready. She must've thought I was a simp and climbed back in my bed and got herself comfortable. I said, I just let you know to get ready. She says, you don't want me to spend the night? said no, that's whyI told you to get dressed and prepare to leave my home. So she gets dressed and says I need to let my car warm up. It was 20some degrees last night so I said okay She starts her car and comes back in Decided to sit on my sofa and proceed to read a circular ad and try to start a conversation. I didn't respond and she just left out.” Lmao what a chad

[X] Doubt

How can the op be an incel if the yikespost is literally about having sex