Weeaboo suggests other weeaboos are racist for using the term 'waifu', forgets Japanese is a language.

189  2019-03-09 by Mellonote


Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


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There are 2500 people talking about that. 2500 people who need to be put on a list immediately.

2500 people who need to be put on a list immediately.

25002500 for a safe measure.

Purge the known universe of sapient life.

All life, sapience could reemeege

It's because some people are itching so much to be politically correct. They immediately assume that everyone else is as super sensitive as they are.

I'm surprised that person found it, considering there is over 215k tweets to sort through. Honestly anyone on twitter that has over 100k tweets should automatically be deleted.

Deleted from IRL

Literally projection. Shitting on people who say waifu because he feels guilty about using the term himself, and thinks everyone must have that negative reaction to it.

S'like the 20th time I've seen someone say I'm "claiming waifu is a slur" bruh I'm claiming it makes you look like a weirdo for using it how do you reach

Being a goddamn weeb makes you a weirdo saying some dumb word is the least of your problems. That spreg out was so pointless japan doesnt give a shit why do you

Also still can't convince me that y'all don't just use it because it's a word that's been ~Japanesified~ and y'all aren't just weird orientalists (that is to say, stop being fucking weebs)

when are we going to address the folksy "ya'll" shit the internet is obsessed with?


Also still can't convince me that you people don't just use it because it's a word that's been ~Texified~ and you people aren't just weird southernists (that is to say, stop being fucking cowboys)

It's not a southern thing (at least now how it's used on the internet). It's a black thing. OP's a white dude trying to act black criticizing other white dude for acting Japanese.

It's not a southern thing. It's a black thing

you're contradicting yourself

Y'allposters have been ridiculed on here for months.

and will continue to be

It’s a Canadian too, no excuses for y’allposting

How does one go on a tantrum over a fucking word? Fucking weebs

Because the average person has little knowledge of the outside world, and automatically assumes everything about it that they don't like is racist. I studied Korean full time in the US military 7+ hours a day, numerous times when you didn't remember a word you'd say the english words, and often those words were already in the korean language, just pronounced like a a korean stereotype. Arbeit =arubeituh mcdonalds=makudonaldu chocolate = chocoratu pocket=pohket etc and so on. Same people that accuse you of racist stereotypes when you mention the open defecation problem in India, as if there's not a "sacred river" where people literally shit in.

It's not even a Korean stereotype. It's literally just how it's pronounced in Korean. That's how language works...

Pretty sure I don't need you to explain that to me bud

I hope a group of Kpop twinks shoot you right in the bussy

Glad you agree.

top edit kek


Ameritards are a scourge upon this earth


Imagine virtue signaling this hard just on the hopes the vaguely asian cosplayer who followed you back might see it and give you a like.

i always thought praxis was retards who played too much nu deus ex

Their Twitter bio does a great job of explaining everything.


led me to this hot mess. glorious.

It's an endless rabbithole of untreated mental issues

How is it, that you can basically paint a 100% accurate picture of these people from looking at the twitter bio?

Trans? Shocking!

250k fucking tweets. That's pathetic. Even if their account was 13 years old, that's 53 tweets a fucking day.

Profile says they joined in Nov 2012, so about 100 tweets p/day. That's genuinely hard for me to comprehend.

The internet was a mistake. Gives social outcasts too much confidence

"They" will get it under control "soon".

We social outcasts will be forced back onto Fidonet.

Internet was a great place before the social media nation attacked

Korra was shit and I'm stilll mad

If I wanted to hear what ugly dorks with poor social skills had to say, I would've invited them to high school parties. I didn't then and I still don't now.

[18+] I'm Kiri. Extremely broken trans enby girl.

Imagine my shock.

trans nonbinary
excuse me?

ugly weeb who wants to be kawaii and special but doesn't actually want to try


[18+] I'm Kiri. Extremely broken trans enby girl. Friendly, but socially awkward.

Autistic newfags saying stupid shit on twitter isn't really drama is it? At the very least it's a very low hanging fruit.

How do you find these people OP?

Call it a hunch, but I think it's simply called "using Twitter"

The Japanese people literally took thousands of English words and "Japanesified" them, are they racist too? Retarded weebs

The Japanese people literally took thousands of English words and "Japanesified" them, are they racist too?

No, just incredibly retarded. Nips pronouncing English shit sounds just plain stupid, make your own words like you used to you faggots.

"...this was beginning of great and glorious war between some refugee dumbass and incredibly common anglicisms."

refugee dumbass


everyone I don't agree with must be from MDE / CA / CTH / SRD / CB2 / GG / KIA

Guess further...

An english speaker telling another language to get its own words how ironic.

English is even more fucked, they steal words from other languages but don't adapt them to their rules. At least Japanese consistently rape the loanwords so they fit the way they speak and write.

“The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don’t just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.”

• James Nicoll

japanese person here...slow your roll with the insults

おっす。 It's okay, I'm not prejudiced against Japanese people, I hate everyone equally.

I'm not prejudiced against Japanese people

lmao why not??

I don't hate them for being Japanese or Asian, I hate them for being.

I mean yeah but not for that reason. asians all hate other kinds of asians especially the Japanese who are isolated on an island

Not saying this person isn't an idiot, but the use of "waifu" in English is objectively stupid for two reasons:

  1. It was apparently popularized by an episode of Azumanga Daiou in which the creepy teacher Kimura refers to a picture of a pretty woman as "mai waifu." In the show, though, she actually is his wife, and Kimura has a habit of randomly saying things in English for no reason. So nothing in that scene justifies the English slang meaning in any way.

  2. The usual Japanese slang word for "girl you fantasize about marrying but never actually will" is yome (a native Japanese word that literally means "bride"), not the English loanword waifu.

You mean waifu are actual people? I thought they were just imaginary friends or like Digimon.

I left the definition open because I think celebrities who exist but will never know that you exist count as waifus and yomes. I may be wrong.

I think the fact that it's objectively stupid makes it a pretty good term. If you ever want to seriously chat about your waifu, the stupidness of the word forces one to have a little bit of self-awareness to how dumb the idea of falling in love with a cartoon character is. And if it doesn't do that, it will let other people know to stay away from you. Unlike the Japanese term, you can't trick anyone into thinking your a normal married guy if you talk about your waifu.

I don't know what's worse, calling the term waifu problematic or defending it 🤔

Well if you go on a 10+ tweet spree based on bitching about a weeb meme, id say youre much worse. Especially since someone who is actually Japanese is saying xe is wrong.

This is what centrism feels like

The term 'waifu' is actually gairaigo (外来語) or a loan word. You hear it used mostly in Okinawa, but if you were to say to someone something like, 私のワイフ (my wife...) somewhere outside of Okinawa they'd probably know exactly what you meant.

So... this is just a typical instance of a burgerfat sperging out on behalf of another culture without knowing anything about it, or another day ending in 'y'.

this is one of the dumbest retard rants i've ever read

Y'all poster




It's the quadfecta of retards

how you gonna have a whole ass twitter meltdown over the word waifu lmao

Twitter truly is the worst form of communication

They can take my lifeu but not my waifu. 🔫


. I would have become one of them if I hadn't realized I'm trans and I kinda am like an enlightened, non-chud incel. I have absolutely no self esteem and no luck romantically. I am emotionally broken and have a lot of shitty angry thoughts about myself and other people. I feel like things are so much easier for everyone else, not just romantically, but just in terms of making friends.

literally worse than an incel

All dramatards must have a waifu. You don't need to be a weeb to have a waifu, it just shows you have taste for the superior women: 2D.