Ben “Wehrmacht bitches at” Garrison gives praise to the Sun Daddy 🙏🏾 🌞 😇

270  2019-03-09 by Ghdust2


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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Why is magnus daddy slowly killing a random drifter along logo man and suit man?

You’re trying to apply logic to a Garrison comic

Because Benny started watching Jojo last week

The sun is owning soyboy soyfarmers for their phytoestrogen sins.

Why is the skull laughing?

Because it's funny dumbass

Daddy is a confirmed sun god.

How can you even tell the sun is Daddy?

How can you even tell the sun is Daddy?

For thousands of years now ...

Sun is Father,

Moon is Mother.

I watched Daddy fuck mommy for a few minutes couple years ago in Oregon. It was awesome.

I like when Mommy is on top.

If only Hillary could be so grossly incandescent

Daddy's roots extend here, into a luminous, impossible space. You breath gold. You think light.

Daddy's Fingers

MAGA-fates crawl on your skin. Daddy is sick. His hatred threads you veins. Mueller will die. The investigation will end.

Bask in his orange munificence

When he stares directly at it, he's just gaining power.

No wonder he believes that every being is born with a finite amount of energy and that when it runs out you die

A literal star

Imagine still supporting the Orange man

Imagine still using 'Orange man bad' memes

its DDF's only real response to any criticism or bad news other than bringing up Hillary, you cant take it away.


thats part of the orange mad bad meme so it doesnt count.

He IS orange tho, stop being racist towards the tan clan.

Yikes, racist cartoon. Daddy's face is reminiscent of those old Jim Crow era cartoons.

'MAGA' written in a cactus.

What did he mean by this? 🤔

well cacti have water in them so maybe hes trying to say the libturds need to suck daddys micro peen

This but unironically

Thank you, I am glad you consider it intersting, but rest assured, it's not original at all. It's something anyone who has studied psychology, sociology, or simply spends enough time analysing huamns can easily realize: discrimination and hate is most commonly fueled out of an individual lack of self-steem, and an inferiority complex. Some, when found in a situation of inferiority, will fight tooth and nail to improve their situation: "They are above me, so I will climb to their level". Others, decide to take everyone down with them "They are above me, so I will bring them down, so I no longer feel inferior". The problem is, when someone suffers from the most extreme forms of inferiority, then this will never been enough: He will humilliate, denigrate, and torture, and never feel he has lowered others to his level. he won't stop untill he has exterminated anything that makes him feel inferior. But his inferiority is something that comes from within him, so it will never stop: he will keep killing, slaughtering, untill there are no humans left. From the catholic church, to Nazism. From European Imperialism to the modern Republican Party, this is a pattern that repeats itself endlessly.

Have you owned the libs yet?

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This is bullshit - you're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of no longer adding anything useful to the discussion.

But have you?

That it's an ideology that doesn't require much sustenance (i.e thought) to flourish.

Cactus ---> Mexico

Cactuses make america great again ---> mexicans make america great again ---> zyklon ben is pro-immigration

Cactus is prickly

MAGA is pricks

To fully embrace MAGA ideology is to mindlessly hurt oneself?

I feel like there should be a wall somewhere in this border picture.

It's over for impeachmentcels

After the reelection, the impeachmentcels will scream again.

Imagine thinking daddy is gonna be re-elected 😂😂

I am less and less "thinking" this. I can "think" of three possible scenarios where Daddy loses.

But enlighten me, who will win? You seem to think more correctly than I?


Jeb?! Of course, ... someone from an Establishment American Dynasty completely slipped my mind and is not in my "three" mentioned above.


Speaking of American Dynasties, I really want Ivanka and her beautiful daughter to form the Matriarchy Lineage the Liberals so desire! For as long as I can afford HD TV, I want a pretty Matriarch to dominate me.

Jeb?! Of course, ... someone from an Establishment American Dynasty completely slipped my mind and is not in my "three" mentioned above.

Speaking of American Dynasties, I really want Ivanka and her beautiful daughter to form the Matriarchy Lineage the Liberals so desire! For as long as I can still afford HD TV, I want a pretty Matriarch to dominate me.

Why do magatards talk like this

We love beautiful women and hat fuglies.



Out! Out! Out!

The Moon God

Plz clap

I am less and less "thinking" this. I can "think" of three possible scenarios where Daddy loses.

But enlighten me, who will win? You seem to "think" more correctly than I?

Holy shit i’ve found an unironic Ben Garrison fan in the wild 😂😂

Change my Mind:

Who will win?

Imagine whiffing basic English syntax Crowder could handle

Also this guy definitely knows who will win the election btw

Also this guy definitely knows who will win the election btw

btw, I am not convinced.

Fick off, this is drama not the Donald.

Libs and reps can’t help but spurg out w/ there political bs.

This is a place for radical centrism mong not to shill for 1 candidate or another.

Oh?! So a sub for a bunch of Losers?!

If you have no candidate, then you automatically lose, amirite?

Our candidate is stupidity, and they always win.

They are even getting "better" and "better".

Oh yes. Left or right, it matters not, the foolish will sperg out and we will avoid the crushing loneliness of addiction by mocking them.

I like this attitude.

probably whoever wins the primary

Posts like this one bring back memories of 2016.

Anyone can beat the Trump

yeah, literally anybody except Hillary. that’s what we’ve been saying since 2015

You might be proven right. But I will be devastated should Orange Man lose. He has been such a reliable source of entertainment for me.

I wouldn’t be too worried, it’s not like losing will make him go away. It’ll just make him angrier

The governor of Colorado honestly, he’s so boring you can’t attack him

he’s so boring you can’t attack him

Challenge accepted.

So boring, ... he changed his name to try to hide is oh-so-boring past.

The Sadiq Khan balloon.

In International Affairs,

most any Uncle Sam can win.

Three? I guess it's not outside the realms of possibility. Here's what I'd pick from most to least likely: Alien invasion, successful deep state coup or Kanye West makes a wildly succesful third party called the Blaxitycraticans.

Alien invasion,

It wonT be no invasion as many will cheer their arrival.

Change this one to magnetic-pole flip with alien saviours and we can agree.

successful deep state coup

And for me to think all this time that the deep-state coups were already successful, but you are wiser than I.

Kanye West

Now you have a candidate! One of my three was Michelle stepping in to save the Dems. Any Dem "Saviour" can beat the Trump.

Steve Bannon with the surprise Dem ticket for the ultimate rematch.

I will win. When I become president, I will make capeshit illegal.

Why wait? How about you, Soma Cruz, claim their souls now?

I like how one of them is saying "water" as if Ben's readers woudn't know what the Mueller and media are doing

Let's be real, his unironic fans are dumb as fuck. Even with the water guy, I'm willing to bet there's a decent percentage of them who still wouldn't get it. They share it on FB, forward it by email (or whatever boomers are using nowadays), just because they see some buzzwords and want to be in on the joke.

/< killing an innocent man

Literally the only good prt about this.

Mayocide when?

Isn't the implication that daddy is killing an innocent man? 😲





The sun can’t help but shine

Wehrmacht niggas be like


Grun ist unser fallschirm

Out of all the German songs actually used in WWII they use a Bundeswher song.

good song though

Lmao, that skull said "ha ha".

I dont get it

Ha ha

Bold comic to publish days after someone was sentenced to 4 years in prison.

4 years in prison.

Out in 2 for good behaviour.

Also, most likely camp fed.

For a piece of shit beaurocrat, it's basically worse than shawshank

I wish but I don't think so.

I recently learned that the area im originally from used to worship a sun god, so i can relate with ben on this one.

Praise Zun

That's literally everywhere on Earth at one point. Or you mean your town had a 1970s cult?

Yea sun gods were quite popular but this one was more of a cult. The city derived its name from the deity too.

Was this deity Taylor Swift?

He said sun god not snake god

That's hot

Are you a P*rsian?

Ewwwwwww no


Nope. But the sun god thing was popular like everywhere so I'm sure they worshipped one too

Just name the place already, lol. We know you don't live there.

I won't say UwU

Paki confirmed!

He's Syrian

Why is this stickied. I come here to get away from the normie shit.

R drama is the new normie


/u/Ghdust2 just admit you are actually Ben Garrison

🍑👌 🍑👌 🍑👌



I love how mueller is attacked for simply doing his job. Regardless of your opinions on the Russia thing the United States having the ability to investigate it's politicians is pretty important



Even if its a which hunt, we can.all agree that the hunting witches is an important national duty.

I mean more in the sense that if someone in his position is tasked with investigating something it's their job and duty to do so.

Bens drawings remind me if my fever dreams I had when I got really sick a few years ago

This cartoon is supposed to be pro-Trump?

He looks evil as fuck.


Why the fuck is this dude posted here daily?

Ah yes Trump turning the world into an arid uninhabitable wasteland.