Rainbowcels angered by the cishet menace

28  2019-03-09 by Tzar-Romulus


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


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Yep, it’s absolutely a team thing. You fuckers will never understand that we have to fight for basic human rights. Who’s been preventing LGBTQ people from having rights? Sure as shit isn’t LGBTQ people.

This “unpopular opinion” isn’t about “fetishization of sexuality” because that isn’t a thing. It does not occur in the real world. It’s a right wing strawman constantly brought up to delegitimize the community and its struggle for acceptance.

Fuck out of our spaces.

Literally braver than the troops

Fucking hero.

All of the successful and happy lgbt people I know don't anchor their identity in their sexual preference or gender

Well adjusted people have personalities.


Traitors are traitors.

To the court martial with them all!

aren't gulags cheaper and better?

Even pretend trials need a court room, tovarich.

Because being straight means you never had to think about your sexuality - the implications - impact on your life.

Maybe if you could shut the fuck up about your sexuality and try not to attract attention to it, it wouldn't have such a big impact on your life? If all I did all day is blurt out shit about who I want to stick my dick in and wore shirts that said "YO I FUCK CHICKS I'M BRAVE" then I'd probably be alienating people, too.

Most people after high school stop acting like that. I used to be a “I’m GAY! I like dick!” Kinda guys but now I’m more confident and have more important things to worry about.

And what does making it your personality do anyway? An anti-gay person isn’t going to be ok with you’re sexuality just because you’re open about it. If anything, if they get to know your first, they might rethink their opinions.