Zoomers discuss yang

28  2019-03-09 by triptodisneyland2017


The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


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This is a failed attempt at memeing a candidate.

Second time I've seen his name and I already dislike it.

Yeah but you get a thousand bucks a month nigga

a thousand bucks a month

Zoomers must be the only ones that think this sounds like a lot of money.

It's not a lot of money but it would be a big help to a lot of people.

Found the zoomer

I'm the OP of the linked post bruv I am a zoomer

Don't mansplain my jokes to me ever again

Ok daddy

Its definitely an improvement over the clusterfuck of income transfer programs we have now.

The best part is that because it's given to everyone, there's no incentive to just stay worthless. You improve yourself, move up, get a real, and you keep getting the buxs.

Go sell your NEETbux voodoo economics somewhere else, nerd.

I'm the opposite of a neet lol.

I can smell the fentanyl & poverty from here 😷

I live off 8-10k a year because of a severely Jewish attitude on spending money. Sorry about using that word, but if the glove fits...

Of course it's a small sum compared to the $10,000 goyimbucks Israeli Jews receive each month.


Sorry but I’m from the generation where it was okay to have Asian stereotypes in comedies. My xenophobia is too ingrained to vote for a guy named Yang.

not to mention the yellow collor of states he wins


Double Y I K E S !!

All these proposals and no one knows if it will economically work. That's why I'm only voting for people with PhDs in Econ from MIT.