The Comment Moderator Is The Most Important Job In The World Right Now

174  2019-03-10 by 4mags1




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You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


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is this peak undeserved self-importance or peak coastal city dwelling millenial myopia?

The former is caused by the latter

- विश्वस्मादिन्द्र उत्तरः

now THIS

THIS is a good use of your account

Read the article. Was definitely 100x times more reasonable than it deserves to be.

Also holy FUCK I was there for that 4chan janitor AMA. Jesus christ where did the time go?

Read the article. Was definitely 100x times more reasonable than it deserves to be.

The fact that it wasn't quite as stupid as its clickbait headline doesn't mean you're not a fucking idiot.

Well, I am on /r/Drama :(

You've been having one of the easiest weeks ever, haven't ya.

The hardest days, though, were when we’d get attacked by another online community. The tactic is called “astroturfing,” and usually a community like Reddit or 4chan, or the neo-Nazi message board Stormfront, would flood our comment sections with gore, pornography, and hate speech

Mods are retarded

the funniest part here is how they still believe in the stormfront boogeyman like it's 2013.

The funniest part is Facebook paying Indians to mod it

I mean, who else would be better for a job where shit is constantly flung at you.

Yes, I actually checked it out once to see what all the fuss was about and not only does it look like it's from the mid 90s, they say right there on their homepage the average around 30,000 hits a month.

Who would win? The largest forum in the world or a few hundred Boomers on dial up?

They mean well... the ones I know, anyway.

It's like "trolling", every negative word with a narrow definition just ends up meaning "people doing something I dislike"

Like blumpie?

Da fuck's a blumpie?

I'm pretty lazy so thanks for googling that for me.

Says the incel.

Why do they talk like online arguments are basically irl battles?

This moron can't Google the word astroturf to find out what it actually means? How the fuck did he even find that word when the much more obvious "raid" is actually correct? How fucking stupid do you have to be to get hired by buzzfeed?

How fucking stupid do you have to be to get hired by buzzfeed?

He propably does it for free too.

If I ever get like this, I'll need a lift to the glue factory.

wtf are jews horses or something?

No I just wanna go huff glue right from the source


Jews and not paying retail, name a more iconic duo.

Goyim and being suckers?

No, they're vampires and horses have a lot of blood.

Just dont ever turn into lawlz or trappy

Mhm, feminine jewcock. Stickied feminine jewcock.

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  • Someone Drew Bowser From "Mario" As A Sexy Girl And Now Everyone's Horny For Bowser

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I know it's horribly illegal and immoral, but Daddy should send the National Guard into every major news agency in America and declare a national emergency

This "journalist" is apparently still employed by buzzfeed, which means the Future Coders of America were even less qualified

Look, I'm fucking done with the demonizing of Reddit moderators. It's not funny, it's not clever: it's sick.

These people work day in, day out--and for what? You think it's easy being a moderator? Dealing with the riffraff's shit every hour of every day? You think that's fun? You think that's something just anyone can do?

And it never ends. You people just can't behave! These people don't take vacation; they don't get recognition, honors, or awards; they don't get a mere thank you; is this the kind of person who deserves disparagement, ridicule, and even targeted bullying???

One day--just one day--in which Redditors can stop acting like incels and try putting into the world a nonpositive amount of misogyny, racism, transphobia, ableism, heightism, specisism, lookism, or otherkinism would just be _fan_fuckingtastic--but I know it's never gonna happen!

And why? Because y'all can't behave.

So next time you think about calling someone sweaty, or unemployed, or even (and especially!) unloved, I want you to take a look at yourself, you fucking Redditor, cos you wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for a moderator. And you know what? You think the government's keeping these people healthy and fed? Nope! And no matter what, they do their job.

And they do it for free.

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

This but oppositely.

Cums in Gallowboob

You should see a doctor for that.

tl;dr: People that sell their children on the internet are now tasked with the apparently immense burden of "moderating" the comment sections of their own social media platform.

Only a whiny do-nothing piece of shit "journalist" millennial asshole would think this is "news" and not something a responsible adult should have done in the first place.

I feel dumber for having read this.

I thought moms were the most important job in the world.

They're internet moms making y'all behave.

Thread locked, y'all. SMH my head.

please consider this the next time you type "he does it for free"


he’s a mod

on the internet

on a subreddit for taytay's dick pics

he does it for free

he takes his “job” very seriously

he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life

he trolls images he doesn’t like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack

he will never have a real job

he will never move out of his parent’s house

he will never be at a healthy weight

he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket

he will never have a girlfriend

he will never have any friends

Is this you hinting for a raise?

occupation sans remuneration

This is like talking about getting a prostate fingering: People understand it, don't necessarily disagree with it, but you sound retarded talking about it in public.

This is the kind of shit your dumb ass writes when you have gone your entire worthless fucking life without missing a meal or having the power go out for more than an hour.

Ok, that's it. Personal attacks are NOT OK. I'm locking this thread now because Y'ALL CAN'T BEHAVE.

As mod of /r/familyman, I agree

Moderators deleting comments is bad for drama. Getting rid of comments is bad for drama. I hate this.

Comments being deleted leads to ungodly whining and spergouts, which is exactly what dramacoin really needs

i KNEW it