Im drunk ama

0  2019-03-10 by BriefSquirt

Yes u dramacels who don't understand geography ask

I can prove I'm drunk ill send a pic on my phone of alcohol


Fuck of

I have to walk home like 9 km drunk fuuuck

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck are kilometers Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Change the setting on your maps app Like Nigga get imperial Haha

fuck ur right

i think we should make an /intoxicated/ weekly thread here, because you'd think drunkposting on this sub would be really fun but it isnt.


Reports: 1: imagine LARPing as a drunk degenerate to seem KEWL on this shithole sub. fucking pathetic

Dude imagine thinking we aren't substance abusing losers lol

What's up homo?

Reality is a Jewish construct

Breakdance on camera, pls