Genocide never just happens

44  2019-03-10 by AgentPao


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Leave it to the judens to way over think the holocaust.

Funny how in hundreds of thousands of years of human history "genocide" only happened to one race.

According to the movies, history books, politicians and media anyway.

yeah man there's never been any coverage of what happened to the first nations people or Armenians or Bosnians nobody calls that a genocide it's only ever been Jews you're so very right and very smart and very cool

I imagine though that if circumstances had aligned in a way that Armenians dominated the Americans' media and cinema that we'd probably hear about those events far more often because the Armenians' genocide is just as big in their cultural narrative as the Holocaust is for Jews

'Circumstances aligned'= in group preference?

Or 2% of the US population just happen to dominate academia, media, politics and law because they have a "115 IQ".. Despite Israel's IQ being 96. Anyone saying otherwise is 'jealous' right.

That's why they got kicked from at least 109 countries. Cos humans are just prone "jealous". No other reason.

People only object to Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen, Bret Ratner, Matt Lauer, Roman Polanski, Louis CK because they're 'jealous".

Christians have been persecuted when minorities in Muslim countries, Muslims have been persecuted when minorities in Christian countries, people are shitty to religious minorities.

Jews have been kicked out of so many countries because they had a wide global diaspora and have largely lived only in Islamic and Christian nations, who aren't too kind to religious minorities. Jews are just the ones who've survived and adapted while many other sects and minorities in the Islamic world and Christendom have been annihilated/nearly annihilated (Cathars, Manicheans, middle eastern Buddhists, Templars, Arians, Samaritans, it goes on).

Fun fact, many things considered to be Jewish stereotypes can also be found among other religious minorities (Mandaeans are stereotyped as goldsmiths, Shia Afghans tend to be more in academia, Indian Zoroastrians tend to have extreme in group preference and are disproportionately wealthy, etc)

And re the pedophile/sex abuse thing, that just goes hand in hand when you get that combination of insular culture and wealth/power. I mean look at the Catholic Church, or the British elite, lots diddlers and rapists among them without a semitic background.

The example that I like to use is that there was a period when the people in every country in Europe believed in witches, and, in fact, many of them had laws against witchcraft. I doubt that any of these antisemites would argue that witchcraft is real too.

There's a big difference between sexual depravity of j ews in Hollywood and the Catholic Church. The latters is splashed all over the news and even a perennial topic and punchline for mainstream comedians and social commentators. Discussing the former never fails to elicit cries of "nazi" "anti-semite" etc.

As demonstrated in this thread.

Damn I guess then society is ruled over by black Americans and white leftist women. Also the French dude never said that quote but that hasn't stopped neo-fash fags like you from waving it round.

And there's been plenty a discussion about the depravities of those rich fucks in Hollywood. Far more than there has been on the rampant buggery in British boarding schools I might add. The real secret to British power: all the rich boys were sodomized and filled with impotent rage.

Anyways. It's how you discuss it. Framing it as a fundamentally Jewish thing is why people are calling you out. I don't think depravity is anymore inherent to the Jews than it is to the Brits. It's inherent to being rich and mayo.

But finally, I looked at your post history. My what a tasty treat. An anglicized Viet Hapa twitching with an inferiority complex and lashing out at the Jew and the Mayo? Why tf aren't you a mod here yet? Also have you considered transitioning? Hapas make v cute traps.

Hapa? Hmm, what makes you say that. My ancestors were all Viet. And I don't hate whitey at all. I'm pro-white homelands. I guess I get lumped them primarily because I'm asian which is understandable since most are politically naive.

Yes the discussions about Heimiewood have existed but from a narrative of it being disconnected individuals. No one has made the connection in msm that it could have a connection with race-even when at first glance j ews seem wildly overrepresented among the perpetrators.

I think it's semantics to argue about the origin of the frog phrase. The point it is making is that the ones you are censured to speak about are often those in charge of your lives. Within modern western society we are free to bash on just about every race and ethnicity without people really batting an eyelid (unless they are white sjws out to win points with pretend outrage). (As you demonstrated bashing on me cos you thought I was a hapa (and inherently more adept at being feminine).

Read any commentary on social media and you'll come across terms like nigg3r or g00k soon enough. Racial epithets about j ews are almost non existent. They even have their own special phrase for people who object to them (anti semite). Where is the term for people who are against asians. Or hispanics. Or blacks. Or eskimos.

It's strange the one caste who seems to need the most special protection is also the one group overrepresented in all the powerful places in society (although like I said it's probably coincidence).

Black americans and white leftist women don't "rule" society. They are not 40% of America's billionaires, married into the elite political circles, responsible for US foreign policy, 28% of the Supreme Court judges, a majority of the Fed reserve chairs, directors and producers in Hollywood and academics. Nor are they propagandised as intellectual heros (Einstein, Freud, etc). They are visible now at the top of certain pyramids because they are being used as tools to topple and destabilise white society. Lefty women and blacks are promoted by Zionists as a method of fracturing the hold of white men on US society which breaks the society's foundations (contrary to propaganda about the melting pot America became rich and prosperous on the backs of traditional values instituted by white racially pure heterosexual men and the values they imposed on society). Those values are being attacked indirectly by promoting deviant lifestyles and promotion of intellectually less capable races. Notice how the only parties capable of defending against Zionist world domination (white men and to a lesser extent asian men) are seldom shown in a good light in pop culture since it is largely controlled by the j ews.

It's almost impossible for a mind that matured in the west to entertain these questions without self censoring though. When you have been raised in a miasma where even uttering the world "j ew" is equivalent to Neo-nazism then it's hard to see things objectively. The narrative about the persecuted j ew is so prevalent I doubt there's one form of popular entertainment that doesn't at least have a passing nod to the hollowcost. Even Bryan Singer's (j ew) X-Men had to sandwich in a Magneto as hollowcost survivor trope.

You've been indoctrinated as everyone else that auto downvoted me.

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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unironic nazis are dumb

Was wondering how soon it'd be before some libtard would try to sink a thread by screaming 'nazi'. You didn't disappoint!

Yea... it was totally him who was sinking the thread.


Despite Israel's IQ being 96.

Actually, it’s impressive that it’s that high considering all the ultra-Orthodox, Sephardim, and Arabs.

Lol leave it to the nazi to start randomly throwing around IQ numbers like those mean anything

It's like a girl who says all her exes are crazy.

We are doing "based on xyz" in sources now?

Tell that to the Veneti.

Yeah, you gotta work for it

That seems like a lot of work. How are lazy people of color going to pull off the mayocide when they will give up after step 4.

Where are the mayos on this timeline?

Barely into stage 2. Long way to go.

mfw you accidentally obliterate a whole race by shitposting on the internet 🤷‍♂️

watch out guys we're at stage 0.5, any moment now