Female redditor calls another user an "incel", recoils in shock as said user is "cruel" and insults her back, explodes and melts down after being unfairly exposed as a LITERAL incel in her very own post history

814  2019-03-10 by DachauOvenRepair


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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This boy is too powerful

It's too late. The boys have the high ground now.

Launch all the nukes and end it.

Glass my ass daddy Iran


Slap me deaf daddy

Practice adultry and i'll stone u ded

Ah yes a great role from my favourite nigerian actor.

Wow snappy

Honestly her whole post history should be archived. It's fucking hilarious.

/u/matues49 💜 https://i.imgur.com/qSBGPTH.gifv 💜 for giving us this snally quote lol

Haha this is pretty good. The guy responded with her own post and she melted down.

How dare you bring up my past, you sick son of a bitch. I had $80k in savings with my boyfriend, and he gambled it all away. Then when he quit gambling, he found a new addiction: prostitutes. He also has abused me and left bruises on me countless times. You bringing that up to me is beyond sick, it’s beyond evil. I just barely had the strength to leave him this past month after four years together. It makes me sick that he couldn’t change and be the man he used to be. So thanks for bringing that up to me. You’re cruel as fuck. I would hope that you lose your job, I would hope your marriage crumbles, just so that you can feel even a quarter of the pain that I’m feeling right now, but I’m better than that so I won’t wish that upon you. But you’re cruel for bringing that up to me. All over a stupid Reddit comment. You’re petty as fuck, and cruel as fuck.

She didn't do anything wrong. At least 92% of redditors are male incels. All she did was make a blog post detailing her emotional problems in full for attention and support than rightly call some thirsty male virgin an incel for bringing up no one would give a shit if it was a dude.

Honestly what needs done is to have the guardian post an opinion blog about how harmful these reddit comments are and how women need to be treated more carefully.

The thirsty male virgin is married and winning the shouting duel.

I feel like you're assaulting my character.

only to distract from the assault on your boy hole

you got to pay the troll toll to get in

Did he bring receipts?

I would love to see the real demographics of reddit. Like % of incels, % of men who drink soylent, % of "trans female 'lesbians'". That kinda stuff

This is why we need omnicide.

Millenialcide would solve it in one step tbh.

reddit is white people wishing they were black and /pol/ is black people wishing they were white

That one cute girl in the bear jacket... 0.o wtf

That's Brittany Venti. Well-known trool.

Oh, she's retarded. No wonder.


My god.



Cute? I know AA doesn't work for everyone but Jesus man have some standards.

These pictures are always so interesting. Reddit meetups are always stereotypes to the extreme while pol meetups are like a van Gogh painting. I feel like I see something new every time I look at them.

Although the Velma porn above was hot.

Good god. What on earth.

How is pol better representative of more well-adjusted people than this site?

Next question:

What am I doing on this site? I should go hang out on pol...

The fucking milk in both those pictures is killing me.

wow that thread. I'd forgotten how bad reddit used to be!

Thelma disagrees

That's a MLP meetup, according to the comments.

% of "trans female 'lesbians'"

Just check the subscriber count at a gamer girls subreddit.

They can have my demographic information when they dig it out of my ass.

Post it then faggy

I hope this is sarcastic. We do not need to be treated more carefully.

he gambled it all away. Then when he quit gambling, he found a new addiction: prostitutes. He also has abused me and left bruises on me countless times.

So why did she stay with him? Because of his, ahem, P E R S O N A L I T Y ?

Her personality detector was broken.

it's all about the tingles.

I once dated a chick for longer than I should have because her dog was awesome.

how tight was it?

On par with your dead wife.


Everyone loves a bad boy until you're 80k in debt and been cheated on multiple times.

Tbf, he was taking a lot of showers.

I call bull shit on this. One does not save 80k and then not notice a trend going the other way. Unless this was like a month time frame.

I check most of my cards and investments at least weekly. I would sure as hell notice thousand dollar withdrawals.

I love when you can tell that someone is new to the internet because they expect the random anonymous people to treat them like people do IRL

Yeah if your head was on fire i would pee on it buddy.

Thx daddy

Yeah if your head was on fire i would pee on your legs.

These faggots are trying to push their irl morals here too. Widespread internet was a mistake. Actually scratch that, white people were a mistake.

She gave up on men. She's volcel.

By this metric incels don't really exist.

Most of them claim they don't want anything to do with the opposite gender while nagging incessantly about not having anything to do with the opposite gender.

> I would hope that you lose your job, I would hope your marriage crumbles, just so that you can feel even a quarter of the pain that I’m feeling right now, but I’m better than that so I won’t wish that upon you.

"Go die, but also I'm too good of a person to say that"

"None have suffered as much as I. Even though most Mel Gibson movies feature Mels character being tortured in some manner and this is linked to his fundamental Christian upbringing and his obsession with the suffering of Christ and desire to be like Christ in his suffering, I am somehow different in my suffering. FREEEEEEDOOOOOOOM, lol fucking jews"

So I'm taking this new nutrient I didn't have and am now feeling this tinges of this new emotion for me called empathy, so I kind of feel bad for her, but not enough to not post this here and bring the emotions back up for her.



Spergs out at the mention of a pussy pass, calls him an incel and mocks him for supposedly having trouble with relationships and having nobody that wants him

Is exposed for having trouble with relationships and having nobody that wants her, invokes pussy pass and demands sympathy and restraint after insulting a stranger with the very thing she was mocking him for


good, let the pain flow through you


Yikes, oof, lots to unpack here, who hurt you op?

Bringing up my personal life while I'm putting someone else's personal life on blast? This ain't it chief. Sips.

How dare you bring up his past, you sick son of a bitch.

How dare you bring up my past, you sick son of a bitch. I had $80k in savings with my boyfriend, and he gambled it all away. Then when he quit gambling, he found a new addiction: prostitutes. He also has abused me and left bruises on me countless times. You bringing that up to me is beyond sick, it’s beyond evil. I just barely had the strength to leave him this past month after four years together. It makes me sick that he couldn’t change and be the man he used to be. So thanks for bringing that up to me. You’re cruel as fuck. I would hope that you lose your job, I would hope your marriage crumbles, just so that you can feel even a quarter of the pain that I’m feeling right now, but I’m better than that so I won’t wish that upon you. But you’re cruel for bringing that up to me. All over a stupid Reddit comment. You’re petty as fuck, and cruel as fuck.


How presume you draw in up my gone, you feverish male offspring of a canid. I had $80alphabetic character in rescues with my swain, and he gambled it all distant. Then when he throw in the towel dissipated, he gain a newborn dependency: adult females. He besides has insulted me and turning traumas on me unnumbered meter readings. You delivery that up to me is on the far side unhinged, it’ on the far side evilness. I just scarce had the effectiveness to will him this agone period aft quadruplet yrs jointly. It charges me retch that he couldn’t natural event and be the valet he misused to be. So conveys for transportation that up to me. You’re brutal as sexual intercourse. I would soul that you miss your book, I would go for your married couple decays, vindicatory so that you can tone even up a time unit of the somatic sensation that I’m touch sensation mighty now, but I’m safe than that so I won’t want that upon you. But you’re inhumane for delivery that up to me. All finished a obtuse Reddit gloss. You’re niggling as screwing, and unkind as have sex.

This is a bot. I try my best, but my best is 80% mediocrity 20% hilarity. Created by OrionSuperman. Check out my best work at /r/ThesaurizeThis

All them words won't bring your pa back.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Nutrients cause emotions and emotions are for the weak bro. Best to die of scurvy

The Chad nutrient deficiency

Get ready to update again. She's actively browsing and posting in /r/feminism

Are you Spanish or something?

No he's having an orgasm in german


So much to unpack here. Way to not be a faggot OP.

First and foremost, we all have drama, but why do basketballs have to make their bullshit everyone else's problem? Lower your fucking voice and have some dignity in public. Also, based on the way the kid has zero reaction when the mother whips her around, gonna guess that kid's got shaken baby syndrome like a mothafucka.

In regards to the lady incel with the sob story about her ex-husband: BITCH, YOU PICKED HIM.

Hi, bussysmalls!

I am dropping by to offer you a robot hug and wish you a wonderful day!


Suck my dick

is that an insult or a challenge?

Challenge would imply deep throating.

Don't think there's enough to deepthroat muchless shallow throat.

The challenge is to find it in the folds


lmao based negress bitches at her into submission

That response to her post is pretty peak intersectionality.

No one is saying white women have a perfect, blessed existence. Only that they enjoy more privilege than women of color do and that white women's failure to acknowledge this is a hard pill to swallow and has threatened to divide women's movements from the beginning.

"Uhm sweaty I'm really sorry your life is shit, but you're still a mayo and it's your duty to acknowledge that you're privileged. If you fail to do so, you threaten to divide our movement :)"

But hey at the very least she's polite about it.

It's like they're creating the next evolution of "can I speak to your manager" white women

Why am I not surprised that the OP of the post that your link went to is the serial TrollX poster?

This encapsulates the majority of Reddit interactions. The gratuitous provocation, the scintillating retaliation and the subsequent undignified histrionics. Marinate with hypocrisy and self-righteous indignation before heating to elicit sympathy. Sprinkle some vindictive cruelty for a truly pungent taste.


This condenses the relative quantity of Reddit physical phenomena betwixt sick people who domiciliate thought grinders. The unneededs incitement, the bubbling revenge and the subsequent inelegant melodramatics. Marinade with insincerity and pietisticals outrage earlier calefactive to deduce kinship. Discharge some malicious mercilessness for a genuinely spicy know.

Count on to water-cooled in front intake. A moment's put over from the inducement of depressive disorder as you elastic vicariously through with the socially incompetent.

This is a bot. I try my best, but my best is 80% mediocrity 20% hilarity. Created by OrionSuperman. Check out my best work at /r/ThesaurizeThis

<3 That was beautiful. You've surpassed me in coherency and rendered me redundant. Although it is inevitable that bots and machines excel in salads too, I shall mourn my mediocrity.


<3 That was splendiferous. You've surpassed me in cohesion and rendered me supererogatory. Though it is fatal that larvas and individuals surpass in dishes also, I shall sorrow my averageness.

This is a bot. I try my best, but my best is 80% mediocrity 20% hilarity. Created by OrionSuperman. Check out my best work at /r/ThesaurizeThis

You’re practically sentient! Wait, are you my Tulpa? Have you finally attained autonomy!?!


You’re much sensate! Interruption, are you my Tulpa? Have you in the end earned self-direction!?!

This is a bot. I try my best, but my best is 80% mediocrity 20% hilarity. Created by OrionSuperman. Check out my best work at /r/ThesaurizeThis

reaction subs

thought grinders

based and thesaurus pilled

thought gringers....hmmm

my neurons are firing so hard right now

I've got such a raging clue


Fuckin nerd.

This is why you don't mix metaphors

If you don't like the mixed-metaphor train, jump ship.

Driving me to the airport

Be my lobster daddy <3

Clean your room then we can contemplate pegging.

New snappy quote.

I like to call it a retard souffle, except the goal is for the souffle to explode in a squall of gore and hilarity.

Isn’t this a reaction sub?

Imgr is pretty much wall to wall "I am so depressed, notice my suffering please!". I am old and way out of touch so it seems very odd to me when I see all that. I think the modern youth just needs to go outside more, drink booze and finger each other. You know, like normal people did.

It took me 3 weeks to finish reading that.


Foid even has lies in her username.


25 and undercels are finished.

You’re a waste of my time. Bye idiot.

Oh come on. You stayed with that 1 dude through 5 different rounds of cheating on prostitutes(and God only knows what else). Surely you can stand be a bit longer.

oh that comment chain was delightful

where do people find girls like this?

I would love to spend someone's $80K on hookers and blow.

Girl if you are out there and feel alone ... hit me up.

At Lane Bryant

hmm .... how plus-sized are we talking about here for $80K?

She exceeds the load capacity of most cars and will cost you 20 to 30 thou of that 80 in car repairs.


nah, you seem to be understanding the "arrangement" here - I get to spend 80K on hookers and blow - and she gets to say to friends and family that she is in relationship with alive human being.

alive, kind of decent looking (from outside) human being.

On r/drama? Press X to doubt

its all relative - since I am not plus sized I already look like a model if I am standing next to any fem-whale.

for 80k I wouldn't even question it, If I get to fix my back tax issues pay off debt to start fixing my credit score and have enough money for blow and hookers I'm in there like size 58 swimwear


There's your problem. That's a bit hard. As long as you're still in your 20s and not super fat it's probably not that hard to find a sugar daddy.

Worked with a girl once who asked me what someone would need 800 dollars for at a strip club, her boyfriend had told her he spent it all on liquor.

girl .... you would not believe the prices in those places ... I am never going back, never.

Liquor balls maybe ayyyyy

where do people find girls like this?

Just find some bipolar or borderline women. They never admit that they are also diagnosed as narcissistic or histrionic but it's basically the same thing anyways. Her kind of behavior is very standard from them.

I had to think about why this bothered me. Part of it is that I've dumped countless hours into the games and the books and I have a strong image of the characters. That isn't all of it, though.

The Witcher is not an American story. It's an eastern european story, with an eastern european sensibility. It borrows heavily from Polish memories of their poor treatment. It has heavy themes of identity and violence towards people of different races. Wars and pogroms are a constant. Abuse by authority figures is everywhere. The American sensibility of the moment is to be inclusive of minorities by making places for them in art and culture, and then filling those places with individuals of those minorities. That comes from an admirable place, but if it's not handled carefully it is shallow. Race-swapping characters ignores their origins and their struggles in favor of appearances.

I would rather have a slavic Ciri, and then show the brutality of a police state treating an elven/dwarven ethnicity horribly. I would rather see the real ugliness of the way people treat one another and hear their story. Maybe we'll get that? I hope so. But this decision gives me the feeling that decisions are going to be made based on appearances instead of substances.

If you want to talk about appearances, though, other people in this thread are making the comparison of turning Black Panther white. That deals with stealing something from another race that they feel connected to. I think a better comparison would be something like a historical drama having race swapped characters. Ragnar Lothbrook played by Idris Elba. It just doesn't feel right. You've changed the feel of the setting, taken us out of the place and time, and for no reason.

I can't imagine what it's like to be Lauren dealing with all this crap, listening to people theorize that don't know anything about what's going on behind closed doors. I want my witcher world with good stories. But I really don't want something that's entirely unrecognizable, since I got into the witcher for that dark, evil, eastern european mythical world. I like strigas and baba yagas and doomed princesses. The more I hear "It's based upon the books!" the more I feel like that may be an explanation for taking it in some random, unrelated direction. If showrunners read this I hope they don't take this as an attack. I don't want to sound like a hostile fan.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

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Yeah, you can borrow it.

Thank you Watermark08, very cool!

I hope someone archives this


On one hand, people would avoid so much heartache if they were better about concealing their power level. On the other hand, there wouldn't be any good content here.

Wow, insulting me. Real nice. Do you really think that I would stay with someone who cheated on me??? I found out just barely a month ago that all of this happened. Why would I stay with someone and let them cheat on me??? You insulting me is cruel as fuck. I would make fun of your small dick, or speculate on if you’re bald or fat or what not, but I’m not mean like you so I’m not going to insult you. Just know that you’re a piece of trash for what you said to me. I hope your wife sucks off some new guy tonight and leaves you broken hearted

I loved the “I could bring up your small dick and being bald but I’m not like you”

She does it like 3 times back to back in different comments too lmao

Wow, insulting me. Real nice. Do you really think that I would stay with someone who cheated on me??? I found out just barely a month ago that all of this happened. Why would I stay with someone and let them cheat on me??? You insulting me is cruel as fuck. I would make fun of your small dick, or speculate on if you’re bald or fat or what not, but I’m not mean like you so I’m not going to insult you. Just know that you’re a piece of trash for what you said to me. I hope your wife sucks off some new guy tonight and leaves you broken hearted

Wow, insulting me. Real nice. Do you really think that I would stay with someone who cheated on me??? I found out just barely a month ago that all of this happened. Why would I stay with someone and let them cheat on me??? You insulting me is cruel as fuck. I would make fun of your small dick, or speculate on if you’re bald or fat or what not, but I’m not mean like you so I’m not going to insult you. Just know that you’re a piece of trash for what you said to me. I hope your wife sucks off some new guy tonight and leaves you broken hearted

Simmer until tender and serve with a puttanesca sauce.

Do you really think that I would stay with someone who cheated on me???

That's what you did though, cuckquean.


Damn, she removed the small dick and bald/fat part right out.

It never even began for femcels

Imagine playing on god mode and still managing to lose

Yim yum deez tendies is good

Women are weird.

The Femcel is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But call her a Femcel and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

you turned a retarded pasta into based pasta. my hero <3

it was always a top notch pasta

i mean from an ironic point of view yes, but it was never good

being ironic

sincerely look into your personal safety please

no u

based and italianpilled

The femcel is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a landwhale, legbeard, cat lady, feminazi, it all runs off her like water off a raincoar. But call her a femcel and you will be astonished ar how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenlt shrinks back: "I've been found out."

Maybe I'm just soft today but I kinda feel bad for her

yeah me too, it seems she's been through a rough patch, not the smartest thing to share on reddit

I think you're just a regular person. Not to mention all the dudes responding to her are obnoxious, emotionally retarded, and probably ooze so much hatred for everything around then that people can't stand them

lmao, we don't coddle lolcows here. Go to SRD, that seems more your type, bitch.

I've probably been here longer than u lmao keep being an unfunny virgin. this sub is trash now you guys are losers

ive been posting here since five guys and this is literally the first time ive seen your name

I post infrequently bc you guys are retards

Imagine being this person^

oof yikes who hurt us?



How dare you bring up my past, you sick son of a bitch. I had $80k in savings with my boyfriend, and he gambled it all away. Then when he quit gambling, he found a new addiction: prostitutes. He also has abused me and left bruises on me countless times. You bringing that up to me is beyond sick, it’s beyond evil. I just barely had the strength to leave him this past month after four years together. It makes me sick that he couldn’t change and be the man he used to be. So thanks for bringing that up to me. You’re cruel as fuck. I would hope that you lose your job, I would hope your marriage crumbles, just so that you can feel even a quarter of the pain that I’m feeling right now, but I’m better than that so I won’t wish that upon you. But you’re cruel for bringing that up to me. All over a stupid Reddit comment. You’re petty as fuck, and cruel as fuck.

hilarious m8 u put the thing 🤣

You forced my hand 😭

lmao i actually don't care ab that as much it's kinda funny

this sub is just turning into incel haven and it's less entertaining :(

( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)




It can be profoundly sad and also quality drama at the same time

I was thinking what a spergout that was by her but then was like, this actually sounds pretty bad and I feel a bit sorry for her. So I guess you're right.

Or maybe I'm really just in a weird mood today ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'll get you hard bby

Aww, that's nice. Feel free to send toes 😍


Yea u soft

Did she think this website is Facebook?

Femcel OWNED

Oh man all those comments coming in the last two hours once it was linked here... I for one look forward to the eventual quarantining. Might keep the normies out

Drama will never die

Don't worry mods are lefties we will be just fine

This is the exact type of person we should be able to ping over here.


I think this might be the single best meltdown I've ever seen on reddit.

When pinging was a thing we'd have been all over this

Holy fucking shit what a goldmine


Underated comment

Sorry, was that English?

Oh, to dream of pinging once again

I don’t need love to feel complete


Doesn't suck dick

gets cheated on with hookers

Do you have a btc address? Reddit gold isnt enough for this post.

are you serious lol

They already banned me once from this sub for allegedly serious comment. I had to say 12 "communisms will win" and 25 "hail marxs". I've learned my lesson.

Send me some

Incel means involuntary celibate. If she deliberately chose celibacy after a four year relationship then I don’t think that makes you an incel

r/drama has a lot of projecting incels.

Come 👏 on 👏 and 👏 fight 👏 me 👏 you 👏 little 👏 midget 👏 You 👏 fuckin 👏 little 👏 ass 👏 kid 👏 Ill 👏 have 👏 you 👏 know 👏 I 👏 know 👏 700 👏 forms 👏 of 👏 fighting 👏 and 👏 one 👏 of 👏 them 👏 is 👏 midget 👏 stomping 👏 DONT 👏 FUCK 👏 WITH 👏 ME 👏 YOU 👏 LITTLE 👏 CUNT 👏

Incel means the exact same thing as cuck, person with bad opinions

No, incel used to be a lot more specific of an insult.

It's kind of lost it's meaning because most new dramatards weren't around for r/incels.

So did cuck, now it doesn't

I originally typed up an argument but it's pointless, because if OP was just trying to say she has "bad opinions" then he wouldn't specifically call her a "literal incel." Or type this up.

Based and lingustic-pilled

Who the fuck cares? It triggered her so we got a juicy spergout.

No, incel used to be a lot more specific of an insult

No it really never fucking did

Lmao, literal former r/incels poster shows up in this discussion for some cope 😂👌

I have never posted in /r/incels but feel free to prove it

Can't see your post history in a deleted sub, but you're a KiA pedo. The venn diagram between KIAtards and r/incels users is a circle.

Go ahead and use snoop or redetective, my account is ancient compared to your alt acct you sniveling chapo commie fuckwit -- who the hell are you trying to fool? Get out, go back to SRD and dilate yourself

Lmao, the incelfugee cope. Try to avoid raping children this week. 😂😂😂

Why did you even bring up child fucking in the first place, you fucking faggot? Could you project any harder?

KiAcel is pretending he isn't a pedo now 😂😂😂

yeah i really dont understand how she is an incel if it is voluntary. shes a /r/volcel

Foids BTFO

How will they ever recover?

What's an incel? Sorry, new redditor here

Incels are people that are involuntarily celibate, hate women, and can't get dates or laid, or some of them hate them because they've been cheated on and fucked over by them. In theory anyways, now it's become a synonym for anyone that criticizes a woman as well, like in this case. This is why the female here is an incel herself which is upsetting to her to have it pointed out, but in her own words it's just a harmless joke for her to call other people incels.

Oh I see! Thank you so much!

the femcel community is honestly the single most depressing place on reddit tbh

If you can still say you want gussy after this then I know you are just role playing like r/politics user. They say don’t stick your bepis in crazy, I say don’t stick it in gussy. Go for the bussy my friends.

 _____      __      _     ____    _____   _____      
(_   _)    /  \    / )   / ___)  / ___/  (_   _)     
  | |     / /\ \  / /   / /     ( (__      | |       
  | |     ) ) ) ) ) )  ( (       ) __)     | |       
  | |    ( ( ( ( ( (   ( (      ( (        | |   __  
 _| |__  / /  \ \/ /    \ \___   \ \___  __| |___) ) 
/_____( (_/    \__/      \____)   \____\ \________/  

Typical r/inceltears user unmasked

I hope someone archives the whole thread

we have robots for this now

You mean a femcel

( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉)

meh pussy pass is an incel thing tho

This is a real gem. Easy to see through, but ever so delightful.