The assblast at Terry Crews continues even after his apology. Predictable.

406  2019-03-11 by POST_BUSSY



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Yours respectfully, a logical person.


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where she has also received a graduate certificate in Gender and Sexuality Studies


graduate certificate in Gender and Sexuality Studies

explains a lot

On the other hand, it's from the University of Chicago. You probably need to decry white privilege using nonlinear Taylor series expansions or something to get that degree.

Now I want to learn about quadratic privilege approximations

I wonder how she feels about cops considering U of C sits in the middle of the ghetto and needs its own police force just to keep the ghetto from spilling into the campus grounds.

U of C sits in the middle of one of the worst ghettos in the country

Eh, that might have been sort of true in the 1990s, but that part of town is significantly at least somewhat less murderous now.

Still a place you really don't want to spend any more time in than you absolutely have to, I hear the school really tries to drill that in during freshman orientation.

Not very woke of them.

She wants to abolish police and jails.

Finally, someone sensible.

Illustrate white privilege with economic data using any specification of a GARCH model. (50 marks)

Illustrate white privilege with economic data using any specification of a GARCH model. (50 marks)

UoC takes money in exchange for meaningless shit like gender studies certificates, same as every other school in the west in current year

t. professional turbo autist

Honestly thought people with gender studies degrees were just rightoid strawmen

Wow a certificate, lol... can’t even have an actual degree in a bogus major.

I call it him apologizing to queer people who he thinks were "hurt by his comments."

There are other folx who were harmed. There are long histories this dredges up that he has not acknowledged. And his co-star does not speak for nor represent these groups or histories.

She actually said 'folx' unironically. I thought that was only a meme.


Crabs in a bucket.

Have you not met folxposters before? It's a twee tumblrism that's wildly popular among the "EXCUSE ME ITS XYR. IT IS XYR." crowd.

Have you not met folxposters before?

Never tbh. I don't browse tumblr or read twitter.

but then how will you troll triggered morons on reddit dot com


dlurrrruumph drama is overplayed and retarded because nobody's trolling and everyone's seriousposting

I've gotten bored of politics lately and now i know why..

Alright then. There are only 2 genders, it's ok to b white, privilege doesn't exist hmmm

I don't read twitter

Nigga did you post this without even reading it? 🧐

That's about the level of quality control I'd expect from/r/drama tub.

Nigga did you post this without even reading it?

I remembered the whole Terry Crews drama while I was having coffee and decided to look up his twitter. Then I found this.

OK I'll let you off with a warning this time 👮‍♂️


Every fucking time. It's never a normal fucking person espousing this shit.



Just wait until "atypical" becomes offensive

Political science is horseshit and no-one should take it.

My senior year of college, the school made a non-engineer professor as the advisor of the campus Women's Engineering Society.

That was an amazing shit show to see in person.

Imagine living in a world where the nuclear family triggers so many people. At least I have that 1k a month to look forward to

They’re mad because their upbringing was terrible

Probably raised by single mothers tbh

And even though their childhood was a shitshow they've been taught to worship their brave powerful single mom, who did better than any father and mother combo ever.

Like 26/27 school shooters

Yang Crews 2020. Terry could just brutalize the competition and Yang can handle his twitter.

Is there any duo who can rival this debating power?

Just wait until I can live off my YangBucks

Its so strange that the concept of a single mother family would be worse than an involved two parent family is controversial.

Cancer is bad, I hope someday soon it can be cured.

You hate cancer patients? Disgusting.

This is the logic that the Single Motherhood Defense Force operates by.




Good a comment as any to break my zoz cherry on.

You're joking, but some associatons representing parents of people with Down Syndrome have said exactly that.

I believe it. I watched this documentary about parents of low-functioning autists, and I distinctly remember one of the moms saying that she would not want her kid cured of his condition even if it was possible because it "wouldn't be him". Hope she was just lying because it was a hypothetical, because the alternative sounds like some Munchausen by proxy shit.

They’ve been pushing that shit since Murphy Brown

I think they’re more concerned about the implication that lesbian couples can’t raise boys well without some sort of male assistance.

They can, just the boy wont get the positive male role model in his life like he should. Pretty much making him a shoe in to either wind up in jail or be a school shooter.

Suffice to say I don’t think the stats collected so far lend much credence to that theory.

seething lesbian

Shitty bait.

A proper butch lesbian out-masculines 99% of men.

It's not...the twitter outrage machine is in no way representative of what the majority thinks. You may as well be getting your understanding of mainstream thought from /pol/.

/r/YangGang is the future

Never should have apologized

no way dude i'm pretty sure if you try giving sharks a few drops of your blood they will totally just leave you alone

Sweaty your privileged thinking prevents you from engaging with sharks on an equal plane.

See when you're used to privilege, equality feels like discrimination, hon.

Red and blackpilled

At this point anyone who apologizes to the blue ticks should be sterilized. Because they ain't using them gonads anyway, and I dont want them to accidentally reproduce and create more boot licking faggots.

Sterilize everyone with a Twitter account now!

This but without a single note of irony.

This, moments after purchasing a majority stake in The Merriam-Webster Company and erasing the word 'Irony' from the dictionary.

An angel should just swoop down and burn the whole thing to the ground, it's our best hope

This but after traveling back in time to Ancient Greece and interfering with the development of the Greek language so that the word eirōneia is never coined.

The blue ticks are literally ticks.

Hey, ticks don't pretend to be cats. Ticks suck your blood and aren't hiding behind high-brow terms.

Seriously, never apologize to this people. They feed on having the moral ground ALWAYS, even after you have accepted you were wrong, they still must find a way to keep you down.

Back when Christians were the ones spreading moral panic at least we could repent to Jesus. But these guys want you crucified.

If you're male (or worse, a white male) I guess you can "shut up and take a step back". But then they might accuse you of "perpetuating the patriarchal status quo by not speaking up."

I guess the easiest route if you want to be a "wokebae" is to just post safe platitudes like "feminism is just about equality" while not commenting on anything potentially controversial. In that case however, it would be best to search for romantic relationships far outside of your Twitter following.

Nah, you need to apologize, but then exaggerate their claims. Like: "I'm sorry for saying that fathers are needed in a child's life. I should have been aware of women and how mentally weak they are compared to men. I must be mindful of what statements I put out there as they can offend weak minded people. I will from now on try to only offend men who can laugh it off."

I am seriously turning fash-lite because of how intensely I hate these asswipes. Can Arabs join? My family is the Christian kind. We're not Lebanese, but we're still very based.


Nothing that sexy.

Based Copt

Can Arabs join?

No wonder I found you inherently strange and offputting

You just haven't spent New Year's Eve with me.


Forreal, sometimes I read shit like this and have a very brief flash where I'm unironically glad donald trump is president.

It’s a shame Hitler ruined authoritarian social conservatism for the rest of us. What a fucking asshole.

Authoritarian centrism is superior anyways.

How dare you neglect the shining example of Starship Troopers.

Not to mention Warhammer 40K

Fuck that nerd shit, how about Rwanda? Talk about turning shit into shoeshine.

I’m sure that’s lovely too.

This but unironically

Worse his retarded followers, give the rest of us (Hitler hating) folks a bad name.

I mean it when I say Bomber Harris was too soft.

The only problem with the Nuremberg Trials was that not enough people were hanged.

A man after my own heart.

The radical centrist way is to schedule an appointment with both, same place same time.

This is a beautiful idea.

Churchill actually did that with Michael Collins (Irish Republican) and the Ulster Unionist Leader.

Tricked them both into meeting him and made them talk to each other.

Ehhh... you probably haven't met any real fascists. The good humored people who get called as such today are just edgy contrarians, they would have been called communists in McCarthy's era. Actual fascist white supremacists aren't very pleasant to be around

Yeah, I mean my own whiteness is debatable, and my favorite presidential candidates are the Asian guy and the Jew. But being all over the political map is what this sub is all about, right?

Tru. I'm thinking more edgy contrarian who copypastes FBI crime stats than an actually true blue aryan brotherhood type.

Two sides od the same coin. If common discpurse was dominated by the right they wouldn't be the counter culture anymore and they would be the same insufferable, lame busybodies.

See: post-9/11 USA

Right is counter culture? Lol being conservative is the new punk rock you guys! All cops are neat guys!!

That username is, ummm... yikes.

Like your post history :o

I really want masstagger back just so people can wag their fingers at me for my history

wait what happened to masstagger

Did you go to Thailand for the underaged girls or just the ladyboys?

The lady boys. I stayed for the right wing punk rock

Punk rock was commodified before you were born.

Hate to break it to you but one group is causing moral panoc and rhe other group is do8ng the panicking. And I don't see the center-right shitposters having a shit fit over Pepe the frog and Youtubers saying the N word.

Ohhhh so you're pretending the entire left is like 100 tumblr feminists. Got it

Uh that shit isn't 100 tumblr feminists. It's like the entire mainstream "left.'

Funny enough twitter is the proof of this with their own blue tick system.

If common discourse was dominated by the right they wouldn't be the counter culture anymore and they would be the same insufferable, lame busybodies

OP said fash-lite not conservative.

But I agree with you - when conservatism was the cultural norm, political correctness was very similar to today's. Just different topics - e.g. criminalising blasphemy against Christianity rather than Islam.

To disabuse myself of this notion, I sometimes read Youtube comments on right-leaning videos, or if I can stomach it, Voat. A very similar kind of "virtue" signalling (vice signalling?) and mobbing goes on there, the only difference being that the language used is just aggressive instead of passive aggressive.

for example, someone says something slightly critical about Brexit = "THE REMOANER FASCISTS ARE OUT IN FULL FORCE"

Or someone is slightly critical of Tommy Robinson = "TOMMY ROBINSON AIN'T A ROIGHT WINGA, U MUSLEM ROIPE APOLOGIST"

welcome, we have memes

Are they any good?

eh some of them

We’re all brothers in the progress for mayocide

can arabs join


This is not about race, this is about rooting out degeneracy in the human race.

Also Arabs are based and considered white so you are always accepted in Europe bb 🤗

Mayocide forever. Day of the Sandwich soon.


Wait were white?

Depends from what region you are.

Just convert and join the worldwide caliphate brother, إن شاء الله‎

Can Arabs join?

Yeah we know how it always ends up with you lot, no you can't.

You're from a religious family bro. You were already fash lite

Fair enough, there were Christians in the Ba’ath.

If memory serves, the founder of Ba'athism was a Christian.

Very based, but this is why I stipulated that I’m not Lebanese.

It's ok, you can join anyway


I am seriously turning fash-lite because of how intensely I hate these asswipes. Can Arabs join?

You know, I bet the best cure for alt-lite sympathies would be five minutes spent around the people who hold them more strongly.

As long as the muslims can join too, they dont have this issue

Lol, who are you talking about? That convert in Florida who iced two of his Nazi buddies for mocking his deen?

Im talking about the problem of western degeneracy

Christian Arabs are based. The Fourth Reich will grant you control of the Holy Land.

Right? I was super gung-ho about his refusal to back down and now he's just another limp-wristed faggot bowing down to bullies and acting surprised when they're still kicking him in the face.

If you apologise once you do it again and again, and it's like taking bricks from the wall of your house

Nothing wrong with saying that a child needs maternal and paternal figures in their lives

"i had a father... Ya wanna know how I got these scars? My father; was a drinker; and a fiend. And one night, he goes off craazier than usual. Mommy grabs the kitchen knife to defend herself. He doesn't like that. Not. One. Bit. So, me watching, he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it. He turns to me and say, "Why so Serious?". He comes at me with the knife. "Why so serious?". Sticks the blade in my mouth. "Let's put a smile on that face!". Aaaaaand. (Turns to hostage behind victim) "Why so serious?" (cuts victim's mouth)"

These assholes are missing the point. In order to heal from that, that person will need to experience healthy relationships with males. I had a shit father, too. If I didn't lose it as often as I could, it was because of the paternal figures in my life, and the positive male role models.

i was quoting joker from the batman dark knight film.

Pfft, I knew that.

I didn't know you were a gamer.

Serious posters out

At this point they should just say all masculinity is toxic masculinity if thinking being a positive male role model is "toxic"

I do have a hard time thinking of any times these blue checkmarks presented non-toxic parts of masculinity.

Those would be attributes of a Feminist man, you misogynist.

So the most feminist thing is to be a rapist?

No that's just toxic masculinity running deep in Feminist allies, the most masculine of all men.

When you use your manly muscles to lift up your wife's lower body so she has a better chance to get pregnant from her bull

It's their myth and it's their cult. Refute their prepositions and enjoy good riddance to that preposterous narrative!

No joke, I typed "examples of non toxic masculinity reddit" in google and thiswas the first result.

Bahahahaha the first top comment. Golden.

Since when is fucking Teen Vogue the arbiter of our culture?

It's a magazine best known for encouraging its tween readers to experiment with anal sex. The crazier thing would be if it started publishing actual sense.

I vaguely remember teen vogue catching heat not long ago on some story about an American muslim girl who barely escaped getting sold into an arranged marriage back in whatever shit country her parents were from

I wish I could remember it enough to effectively google it but it was actually a really good article

It’s like how Palin warned us about what gay marriage would lead to and now 10 years later we have furries all over the place.

I am unironically mad that woke lefties are doing their damnedest to make sure that Rush Limbaugh's slippery slope arguments on gay rights in the 90's will be vindicated by history.

My favorite Teen Vogue schtick is when they write all these articles against le evil capitalism

This is real. Some of the best radleft rhetoric on the net

Why anarchism is empowering fat black retards like you! Part 17

its current year + 4 and people are still baited by these do nothing sjw retards lmao

Isn't current year 2016?

Nope 2015, it began with Trudeau going “c’mon guys it’s 2015” when he made the cabinet equally men and women instead of being a good PM and assigning the best people

when he made the cabinet equally men and women

I bet none of them were even trans, what a backwards era 2015 was.

what a backwards era 2015 was.

Those who grew up and came of age then must be understood as persons of their time.

Their comments may seem bigoted to us now, but that was just the world functioned then.

Powerful post. I feel so blessed that we have folx who are willing to enact the emotional labour of educating us.

We have to stay strong sister. These are the worst of times.

The cis male prowls in anticipation of us but together we WILL survive and thrive.

When the cabinet member kills themself, do you replace them with another trans?

The replacement should score at least one point higher on the intersectional scale than the predecessor. For example, a trans midget would be an acceptable replacement for a trans cabinet member that joined the 40%.

A trans midget

Do you mean a drugged up dwarf with a mutilated penis or a manlet who identifies as a six footer human being worthy of basic respect?


A manlet who gave up trying to achieve masculinity, accepted his fate and just became a cute girl

Someone smarter than me could do some math here and figure out how soon how many members of parliament would rate how high on the intersectional scale.

Isn't he in the midst of a scandal ? I believe he told the attorney general not to investigate some firm.

Yeah he tried to pressure the AG into not prosecuting a huge corruption charge because he thought it would hurt his electoral chances

She resigned right ?

What I don't know is, (I haven't looked into this deeply) why ? What was his connection to that engineering (I think) firm ?

Yeah I think she resigned and basically fingered everyone in the scandal. And I'm not too sure I think the issue at stake is that the company is a big "jobs creator" in Quebec so the fear of letting them get shuttered or whatever and losing 8k+ jobs would lead to them getting slammed in the upcoming election because conservatives here always run on a "more jobs" platform

she resigned and basically fingered everyone i

Make her a mod.

Thanks for this. I hadn't the whole picture and atleast now I know.

He was the most famous person to say it but current year was already a meme. Trudeau was called the "President from Tumblr" for a reason.

instead of being a good PM and assigning the best people

It's politics, the best people are virtually never assigned. The people assigned are almost always just the people who've done the most political favours for the PM before they get elected/run for election.

It's annoying, I agree, but choosing candidates in order to achieve gender equality actually gives a prime minister a much bigger pool of talent to choose from than the way candidates are usually chosen, which might be why almost every one of Trudeau's ministers were very well qualified.

His answer was retarded though and reeked of bullshit idpol. He could have just said because democracy works best when it's representative of the people.

Yeah the people who complained about the cabinet just ousted themselves as dumb American posters, every Canadian knows this country has always been corrupt as shit, covered up with the flimsiest bullshit explanations

It's definitely not 2015, newfriend.

instead of being a good PM and assigning the best people

Implying they would assign the best people either way. C'mon dude, it's the goverment, the choices are some old white dude with Alzheimer's or some old white woman with Alzheimer's

Terry’s first mistake was listening to some shit heard who writes for teen vogue.

Terry Crews is the personification of Israel. He makes everyone absolutely assblasted just by existing.


Israel actually stands up for itself though.

terry BTFO

How will crewslets EVER recover?

If by standing up for yourself you mean the United States supporting it with gorillions of dollars then yeah

Isn't the fact that Israel is more than wealthy enough to finance its own defense one of the reasons the continued US aid is controversial?

Idk goy doesnt that seem to make sense to you?

They fought a few wars against all their neighbors before all that aid started pouring in

Camp David Accords. The US also throws the same amount to Egypt/Jordan. It's a bribe to keep the Suez Canal open without the expense of a Carrier Group.

The Gulf War would like a word...

teen vogue shouldnt be allowed here

It's not enough to bend the knee. You must kiss the front hole as well.

WARNING: Unironic use of "folx"


Ah yes, the tautologarchy, a system in which powerful people hold power.

Tear down the archarchy!

Folx is like a reverse intelligence test.

Folks is already gender neutral you fucking idiots.

She didn't actually spell in folx in her post, she spelled it folks.

I feel like I'm about to be wooshed but she actually spelled it folx.

My bad, was looking at a different tweet. Looks like she literally spelled it "folx".

She definitely had a reply somewhere where she said, "folx."


letting Teen Vogue push you around

What a bitch, lmao.

FOR BLACK MEN: Is there a forum anywhere in the world where we could discuss the issues and solutions of OUR community WITHOUT outside interference? Should I create one?


HOLY SHIT THE ABSOLUTE FUCKING MADMAN!!! This may actually be the first time I can remember seeing a black celebrity wanting to talk about issues in the black community that isn't about white people being racist.


Not sure if you can count this since he does blame the mayos here as well but Ice Cube sort of did this back in early 90's and I'm sure others have too.

The Don Mega is based af

Bill Cosby did.

They took the 'coz out for it. Just a few mislabeled ludens and he was toast...

Bill By?

Billy Beer.

I see

Greatest beer ever made.

Yeah, cause they went back to his hotel room and took anti-histamines to relax....

Dude! Like right?

Coz is still the GOAT.

"Eat the puddin and get the put in"-bill

He apologized?

How can somebody so jacked be such a fucking pussy?

Because he doesnt want to get shot

Twitter fingers turn to trigger fingers?

I'd shoot him 😍🍆💦💦

Unless all blacks in USA accept Islam there is no growing.The values passed onto them by the slavemasters still have root in their brain, they need to break out and find peace and prosperity under god.

ecks dee

Ok Elijah Muhammed

Why does Twitter give such a loud voic to irrelevant idiots?


  1. The posts are (mostly) chronological, so you can be the first reply and it seems important.
  2. This encourages people to be online all day looking for stuff to reply to.
  3. It encourages attaching a real identity and using it to promote yourself as a brand.

Everyone on Twitter (particularly using their real name) is just doing what Donald Trump has always done. It's about putting on an act to show the world "the real you", but it's all a sham designed to signal whatever characteristics you want people to think you have. There's a reason he loves it so much.

Yep. We could be in multiple wars, endless debt, the lowest labor force participation rate in decades, but people will focus on some morons getting assblasted because a guy suggets male role models are okay.

Its sad how leftoids have massive institutional power in the media and abuse that power every single day to make people more miserable.

Why does having a blue checkmark turn someone into an arrogant, condescending, vomit inducing cunt? Please when will Twitter start fizzling out?

Blue checkmarks are handy for identifying people with opinions that can be automatically discarded regardless of topic. I wish they were issued Nazi-esque armbands so I could identify them from a distance in public, too.

Checkmark concentration camps

NOW 🤤🤤

For checkmarks or run by them?


Beautiful blue stars to wear on their chests

pls turn into male candace owens now thatd be funny

what did he expect? just saying, it is what i saw coming!

never apologize 2019

Ah, classic Teen Vogue, truly the most trusted and reliable news source for folx of every background. Imagine thinking Teen Vogue ever got something wrong smh

Ok this is epic

This whole thing is like when you've already explained yourself, apologized, and left the room but she keeps yelling.

More proof that blue checkmarks need to be exterminated.

Day of the Bird when?

Shit like this is proof that mass shootings are all false flags. If people were really just organically waking up and going on rampages there’s no reason they wouldn’t have targeted teen vogue by now.

Entertainers and athletes such as Colin Kaepernick, Serena Williams, and Matt McGorry are just some of the prominent figures who have used their platforms to express concerns about racism, police brutality, and sexual violence in the United States.

When you're groping so hard for good examples that you resort to a tantrum-wielding brat like Serena who thinks that she lost a competition due to racism in favour of a Japanese-Haitian girl. Shook.

This truly is the stupid timeline

Men make better women than actual women. And are also better dads than woman.

Debate me

People and their stupid opinions on breeding

Apologizing is basically saying "please come tell me how offend you are"

Why are they after Terry Crews? He's like the nicest motherfucker on the planet.

Speak On It is a Teen Vogue column by Jenn M. Jackson, whose queer Black feminist perspective explores how today’s social and political life is influenced by generations of racial and gender (dis)order. In this piece, she explains how actor Terry Crews’s toxic comments about fatherhood make the case for better citizenship and political education for all


I do not have a dog in this fight. But it's wild that yall think you are different than the sjw's.

Sjw's get pissed about dumb shit people say and do. Then yall get pissed off at the shit sjw's say and do. You both screenshot each other's shit and complain about it. When ultimately none of it is useful to anyone.

You both think you have good reason. You both think you are in the right. You are both equally annoying. And neither of you seem to understand that.


You both think you have good reason.

No one here thinks we have a good reason, you fucking potato. That's the difference between us and them. We're not serious. Except you. Because you're a piece of shit seriousposter.

Nah dude. Making a joke is not the same thing as not caring. Sjw's are bitching because he upset them. You guys are bitching because people are upset at him. It all looks the same from the outside. 🤷‍♂️

Speaking of the outside, that's where you should go. Out OUT OUT

Ok! I'll go back to judging quietly from the periphery.


I want two lesbian moms who will drive me off a cliff 😅

Apologising to the permanently offended only encourages them, who'd have known 🤔🤔🤔